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What are your thoughts on this new power system ? It's insanely broken imo but that only means old gen characters like Naruto and sasuke will get shinjutsu. Naruto for example might officially become a host for the 10 tails or maybe even something greater than allows to control all the tailed beasts. Brayon mode was fosho a tease . I refuse to believe Naruto in his early 30s has peaked and will no longer be allowed to progress in power .
If minato had used sage mode against obito would the ending have been different?
i’m rewatching naruto right now and i’m at the part where kaguya splits them up and…I might just be an idiot or missing something but why wasn’t sasuke able to just teleport back using his rinnegan
Hi. It’s my first time watching Naruto and I’m right where sasuke leaves the village, however, I’m just learning that fans didn’t like that decision that much to the point where many dislike Sasuke as a character. I’m really loving the character tho, so I’m curious- do fans generally dislike Sasuke throughout Naruto, or is that just a misconception I have right now?
Is it normal that I like the character? Lol
Naruto didn't get the until the Second to Last arc in Part 1. For as much as he used it, it's funny that he went over 170 Chapters before getting the Rasengan and actually an "Attacking Jutsu" or his own. Just a Random Thought I had.
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP8LkeREx/ higher quality + audio cause i had to make this a gif
I didn't include Kabuto because his power scaling is ridiculous and unclear at times because he was stayed to be on par with Kakashi yet lost to Naruto.
the story uses nature to symbolize + connect with ideas. it is 1 thing I like about it
“purpose. you might discover something of value in it. like how you found that flower 🌻. like how I found you”
people are connected by energy (chakra) ↔️ connected by emotion
sensory abilities ↔️ the chance to understand others
sharingan copying + adaptation to the environment or a battle ↔️ learning from others, adjusting
There’s a few, but the home runner (so far) is Orochimaru. Easily top 10 favorite characters.
Why do people believe that sasuke awakened the rinnegan through hashirama cells when its clearly the sage who amped his eye socket into the upgraded version?
As we all know Rock Lee cannot perform ninjutsu or genjutsu, but this was always weird to me since as far as we know he does not have any sort of disease or disability that makes him biologically impossible to do so, so it just seems out of character for someone like him, known for his perseverance, to completely give up on learning ninjutsu simply because he had no talent for it.
With this being said, this is how i think they could have successfully taught Rock Lee genjutsu:
To start, i think they should have requested a member of the hyuga clan to analyse his flow of chakra as he is trying to perform ninjutsu, like the regular clone jutsu that is required to pass the academy exams, so that they can see what the problem is, and then i think it would be an interesting idea if then the hyuga member would block specific chakra points in Rock Lee's body in a way that would direct his chakra flow the right way to perform the jutsu he is trying to perform.
This is how i think they could have gone about it, but honestly i think that Kishimoto should have just given Rock Lee some sort of disease or disability that makes it impossible for Rock Lee to perform jutsu, this way it would avoid having Rock Lee acting so antithetical to his believes and give up on it.
These are my ideas and suggestions for the time being, but you can add your own as well!
I am rewatching naruto with a friend for the 2nd time, both times skipping filler. I am wondering what filler arcs are worth checking out, and maybe the movies too?
I realized all girls in the Village want Sasuke but the only girl with X-Ray vision wanted Naruto...
is there any (preferably small) naruto discord servers i could join? i’ve been look but nothing really that isn’t RP or large servers
I never really got it, I mean, it's implied that the Rasengan in more powerful and doesn't suffer the drawback of tunnel vision. Thus being more versatile. So I never understood why Kakashi kept using the chidori when he is capable of easily using the rasengan.
I always wondered why on some sites, etc. They write that Mizuki sensei, the last name "Touji". Are there people who know why they give him such a last name? Personally, I have not seen his last name mentioned in the manga or anime. Not in the first episode, not in the fillers.
I made Naruto! I only saw the first two seasons, but his design is really fun!