Only the coolest battlestations for the coolest people
Dust off that ancient Dell & CRT combo (or not, dust is fine) and snap some pics.
Submission Rules
0) Posts should generally feature Desktops and Laptops. If you have an exceptionally bad console setup, it may be allowed at the discretion of the moderation team.
1) All posts must display some form of computing-centric work space which was not expressly created to showcase on this subreddit.
2) Do not post pictures of incomplete but otherwise decent setups (e.g. waiting for your second monitor or case to show up).
3) Pictures of otherwise average or better battlestations with old computers should be posted to /r/retrobattlestations.
4) Any otherwise pleasant work area with some quantity of trash does not qualify as shitty.
5) Don't be a jerk.
6) Moderators reserve the right to remove content or restrict users' posting privileges as necessary if it is deemed detrimental to the subreddit or to the experience of others.
Do not post items on the Do-Not-Post List
Use some common sense in your post. These posts are intended to be satirical. That means something a bit over the top or ridiculous that would constitute the antithesis of what someone would consider cool at /r/battlestations. Don't post your above average station here that someone from /r/battlestations told you wasn't good enough just because it doesn't glow like a Honda from Fast and the Furious. /r/battlestations rejects a lot of people for the smallest of things.