Food Porn, but Shitty.
This is the place for all your pics of shitty food. Food that looks shitty, tastes shitty, or both.
Okay so he says that my taste buds are ‘weird’, and he would rather die than eat what I eat, then engulfs this monstrosity…..
It tasted much better than it looked 🦩
It’s Christmas of 2019 and my partner and I are keeled over laughing on the kitchen floor at what have been affectionately referred to as “cum cookies” ever since.
I added some powdered sugar to the mixture and all was well. But damn.
Work ran late and I have to be up in less than 8 hours. Haven’t had a chance to eat yet today and so this is what I’m able to scrape together before I crash for the evening.
I tried to make the bananas look nice because what’s underneath looks pretty vile
looks awful but is fantastic
pomegranate, onion, pickle , jalapenos and a few tomatoes. doesn't look appetizing but it's actually good. sweet and spicy