r/ShittyProgramming is participating in the Reddit blackout begging June 12th to protest the planned API changes that will kill third party apps.
More here: https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/10/23756476/ & https://archive.is/RtZdp.
For general news and info on the situation: r/Save3rdPartyApps and r/ModCoord.
Join the r/ShittyProgramming Discord server to discuss whatever: https://discord.gg/shittyprogramming
We will not be adding approved users to the subreddit during the blackout.
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For all the beginners, this is how you commit to git:
git -c color.status=always -c user.name="$(git config user.name)" -c user.email="$(git config user.email)" -c commit.gpgsign=false add --verbose . && git reset && git add -A && git -c core.autocrlf=input -c core.safecrlf=warn commit --gpg-sign --no-verify --allow-empty --cleanup=whitespace --verbose --date="$(date -u +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ)" --author="$(git config user.name) <$(git config user.email)>" -m "$(echo "feat: changes made at $(date)" | base64 | rev | base64 | tr 'A-Za-z' 'N-ZA-Mn-za-m')" && git push origin "$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD):$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" --force-with-lease --recurse-submodules=check --progress 2>&1 | tee >(cat >&2)
I think I have commitment issues...
= session.user.firstName as string as string;
So I'm reviewing a repo for work, written by an external contractor a long time ago trying to make sense of everything. Despite the horrible lack of documentation/ comments, there are so many overly complicated pieces of code for no apparent reason. This one made me laugh a bit though and thought it worth sharing:
public decimal CalculateEffectiveBalanceWithPrecisions(decimal balanceEffectiveEras, BigInteger balanceTotalBalance,
int decimalPlaces = 2)
const long baseFactorDecimalPlaces = 10;
var baseFactorWithDecimalPlaces = (long)Math.Pow(10, baseFactorDecimalPlaces);
var denominator = (long)Math.Pow(10, baseFactorDecimalPlaces);
var effectiveEraPortionInCycleInMillion =
new BigInteger(balanceEffectiveEras / ErasInCycle * baseFactorWithDecimalPlaces);
var effectiveBalanceInMillion = balanceTotalBalance * effectiveEraPortionInCycleInMillion;
var effectiveBalance = decimal.Parse((effectiveBalanceInMillion / denominator).ToString());
return effectiveBalance;
Simplified without the unnecessary padding it looks like:
public decimal CalculateEffectiveBalance(decimal balanceEffectiveEras, BigInteger totalBalance)
return (decimal) totalBalance * balanceEffectiveEras / ErasInCycle;
The company I work for asked me to add a column to the database with a formatted numeric value, WTF
Apply this intl rule as in the example in the link only on the preview screen and in the app
Handle it in the backend by adding a new column
Add a new column in the backend with the formatted value
Display the formatted value on the screen
for example:
one column for the PRICE: 12000000
and other column for the PRICE_FORMATED: 12億円
why they dont just put it in frontend ?....
𓀥=lambda*𓁆𓀕:"".join(str(𓁆𓀕[0])[𓀥]for 𓀥 in 𓁆𓀕[1:]);𓀣𓁀,𓁆𓀟,𓁆𓀕,𓀥=chr(63),𓀥(type(0.),2,10,4,5),𓀥(type("",(),dict(𓀥=lambda:𓀥))().𓀥,9,10),𓀥(type(0),8,5);𓁆𓀕+=𓀥
𓀥 , 𓁆𓀕,
𓁆𓀟, 𓀣𓁀,
We're proud to announce D##, an evolutionary jump over all known program languages.
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