A place for found and created shitty photoshops
This is a place for shitty photoshop. Whether you found it or made it it's welcome here. We can't all be masters of digital alteration so come join us here with your beginners or half assed attempts at photoshop.
Please link images directly - please submit a direct link to an image, not a link to a page that contains a shitty photoshop. if it is hosted on a site that does not allow direct linking then please consider re-hosting it on an image sharing site such as Imgur.
No Facebook links - Facebook links suck and are easily abused so [please don't use them. Re-host images somewhere better than facebook (Imgur or Reddit are nice)
Photo Editing Software:
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If you can't find your submission please send me a message and I'll check the modqueue. It's usually empty so I only check every couple of days and sometimes miss things. Sorry to those of you who missed out on karma because of this: I'm trying to check more regularly.
did it myself.
I apologize for the low quality, was unable to screenshot
Horrendous use of PS used here for a poster of a new show airing tonight on Amazon. The more you look at it the worse it gets!
I think I did a good job and equally making him laugh and embarrass him.
You're the Uruk-Hai carrying the torch at Helms Deep.
We have this pic and wanted to edit the bottle out and be more in the center of the trail, but it isn’t worth the work.
Then thought occurred: “ya know, someone would probably take that request and monkey paw it into something glorious!”
Any ideas here? Or alternatively is there a better sub for this kind of request?