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Spoiler Tag [This is another spoiler]*(#spoiler)
These are the cutest!!…but $80 for crocs sheesh! Anyway, I had fun looking at the new holiday merch
Where Halloween meets Christmas magic ✨🎃🎄 The Haunted Mansion Holiday is in full swing—who else loves this seasonal mashup as much as Jack Skellington? This makes a great Lock Screen btw!
If Disney brought Paint the Night back for Disneyland 70th Anniversary, what floats and music should you add?
Does anyone know a recipe or copycat of the Spicy Blush pasta at alien pizza planet? Had it there on a trip and want to make it at home.
Hi! This might be a strange question but where could I find a Disney friend group that is cool and chill that is inclusive and enjoys going to the parks? I just got my inspire key pass after not having a pass for a year but I used to go alone because my friends could not afford to go to the parks. I like going solo but I’m also interested i. meeting up with other Disneyland goers and solo riders. Also, I’d just like a group of people to hang with that will be kind and welcoming to a little weirdo like me. Any suggestions? Thanks! 😊 ✨
Sorry if this is the wrong sub I’m looking to replace this baby groot toy because he is now missing his arm. . He is about 8 inches tall. I cannot find this exact one anywhere online. He was bought in August in the gift shop right outside the GOTG ride. Thanks for any help you guys can provide.
I went to Disneyland October of 2021 and in California Adventures near the Avengers Campus (iirc) there was a food cart that sold Peanut butter whiskey mixed with some sort of jelly beer. Does anyone know about this and which ingredients they used?
I was just strolling past the Hyperion Theater and found them shooting the promo for Ducks Day!
Is anyone able to tell me the recipe for the Midway Martini with measurements? My friend loves and I would love to have the instruction on how to make at home.
If you worked at Cove Bar/Lamplight Lounge that would be awesome!
I thought all of them would be gone yesterday but surprisingly they are still available. Maybe it’s because of new prices that make people hesitate?
I remember the sun coming up and seeing sleeping bodies everywhere. One kid was laying on Main Street and used the curb as a "pillow".
Was standing in the line for avengers in a fairly big crowd and for some reason it was relatively quiet inside for how many people there were and this woman said something about her nerves and the guy she was with says “Ya I should’ve just gone to work” and the entire room started laughing lol it was so funny. I think we were all nervous and needed a good laugh. 😂
Also just seeing kids interact with each other is always fun. All the parents “we’ve been there” looks when there’s that one kid screaming in the line lol
Having a conversation with my partner tonight as we are watching a Vlog and listening to that whistle sound! Why is it every 3 seconds? I wish they would change it to like every 3ish minutes.
Are there any other sounds (intentional or atmospheric) that you think break the magic for you?
📸: by me