A magical subred for gifs from Disney of all kinds: shows and films (animated and live action), Pixar, the theme parks, video games
Welcome to DisneyGifs!
This sub is for all Disney (live-action and animated) and Pixar gifs.
There are many out there and even more that are waiting to be made.
Think you might want to make a gif yourself and don't know how? This Giffing 101 is a good point to start.
This is still a small sub, so don't expect tons of upvotes. Our main goal is to share and enjoy Disney gifs.
- Be civil.
- Posts must be Disney (live-action and animated) or Pixar related. No franchises like Star Wars or Marvel. The posting guidelines.
- Gifs only please (Sound is allowed).
- Direct Links Only, Imgur albums with multiple gifs are fine. (What is a direct link?)
- To prevent spamming, three posts in 24 hours per user are the limit.
- Cross posts are encouraged (unless you aren't the one that originally made the gif). Made one for another gif sub that also fits in here, or posted one years ago? Post away!
- If you made a gif that relates to another sub, event or anything else (meta), feel free to give some context in the comments.
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