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Gemini, [Cedar Point] at sunset

1 Comment
23:23 UTC


[Superman, The Ride] [Six Flags New England] Red train is finally running!

Park finally got the red train running on Superman this weekend. Took them a while, and apparently they rushed it to get it running this weekend. Honestly disappointed in park management dragging their feet to get the parks started attraction running at full capacity.

Woes aside, manged nearly a dozen rides on Superman today, even amid multiple breakdowns. The park was at least able to get the ride up and running within 30 minutes or so after each breakdown. Ride crews at both Superman, and Wicked, as well as Thunderbolt were absolutely killing it, sending trains like it was nobody’s business. So kudos to them!

21:23 UTC


Inverted airtime through the world’s fastest inversion—[Maxx Force] on a foggy Sunday

Down to one train ops again though, womp womp

16:49 UTC


[Voltron] Re-launch from block brakes

16:23 UTC


[Wildcat] @ [Lake Compounce] is running much better but the ending is still brutal 🤕

16:07 UTC


[Georgia Surfer] at [SFOG] construction update 4/27/24

Footers have been installed. A lot has been done ever since my last visit to the park in December

12:33 UTC


[Voltron at Europapark] is my new favorite Rollercoaster

It took 8 rides to confirm this decision but this ride proved it with a front row night ride.

11:06 UTC


Celebrating the beast in all its glory, as it reopened today [Demon, CGA]

04:17 UTC


What is your comfort coaster? [Other, question]

Comfort food is a food that might not be your favorite food or something you eat all the time, but it is nevertheless a food that is accessible to you that always makes you happy when you eat it.

In the same vein, a comfort coaster is a coaster that isn’t your favorite, and it isn’t a coaster you’d ride at every available opportunity, but it is a coaster that usually has a short line, and a coaster that you always enjoy riding.

For example, Corkscrew at Cedar Point is my comfort coaster. I’ll always ride it on my way from Gatekeeper to Magnum. It’s much smoother than people make it out to be, it has a very strong drop, a crazy ejector airtime hill that rivals magnum’s triangle hills, a grey out inducing loop, and two corkscrews with very solid laterals and hangtime. It’s objectively one of the weaker coasters at the park, but a ride I very much enjoy, and a coaster that is always worth a ride because it rarely has a line.

03:55 UTC


Anyone like hills? [Diamondback, Kings Island]

01:12 UTC


[other] What is your best & worst coaster from the UK?

23:02 UTC


[Six Flags New England] Trip Report: I BLACKED OUT ON WICKED CYCLONE (4/27/24)

So we went to Six Flags New England today. We left for the park at 8:30 AM. I had on my Superman shirt, Superman cape, DC pants, and Porky socks (along with a Daffy Duck hat, but I ended up not wearing it.) I also took my Michigan J Frog stuffy, but he ended up staying in the bag we took. I watched two Superman TAS episodes on the ride there (I'm almost at the end of the series.) We got there at 10:50 AM and took the tram to the entrance.

As we went in, we met Daffy and Sylvester. Daffy liked my mom's shirt, because it had him on it! (I told her to wear that shirt.) I asked Sylvester if he caught Tweety, yet, and he shrugged.

Superman was testing, and Cyborg Hyper Drive was too. So I rode...

Gotham City Gauntlet: Escape from Arkham Asylum (1x) - I rode in the Harley train. On the turns, I was like, "AQUAMAN, SAVE ME!!" (I saw the Superman TAS Aquaman episode, and he's hot...) On the drops, I did the Billy Corgan "WEEEEE." I know I wasn't going to fly out, but STILL.

Cyborg Hyper Drive (2x) - It opened. I tried to tell the op I liked Grid, but he didn't really care. On the first ride, I did Messages from the Stars and when Grid was purged, I said, "RIP." The second ride, it had a long wait, but I powered thru by talking to people about DC. Sat with a girl named Myada, and we made friends. This ride, I did "(Come On Baby) Give Me Life" and Messages from the Stars. When Grid was purged, I said, "He went the way of Miguel Ferrer." (Miguel Ferrer voiced Aquaman in Superman TAS and died in 2017.) Both rides ended with me wanting Grid to win.

Superman: The Ride (2x) - It opened after that, and I went on. The first ride, I was near the front. I said, "Look, up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! IT'S SUPERMAN!!" at the top/on the drop. I did the Superman TAS theme after that. The second ride was at the end of the day, and I sat near the back. I did the same thing on the lift/drop, but I was screaming "OH MY GOD!!" and putting my hands up. It's awesome.

Supergirl Sky Flyer (1x) - This ride made me a bit nauseated. They were playing the Love Theme from Superman: The Movie, and I told the op that theme always makes me bawl like a baby.

Catwoman's Whip (1x) - Laterals. 'Nuff said.

Batman: The Dark Knight (1x) - Sat in row 3, yet still got headbanging. Why is this B&M rough?? I get Green Lantern is, but a FLOORLESS COASTER?? Whatever. Sang Seal's Kiss from a Rose.

The Riddler Revenge (1x) - Did the Latin chanting up the lift, then at the top/drop, "Who is Batman? I'M BATMAN!!") Then I just did Devil Wears Prada the rest of the ride. Surprisingly smooth (that's an overstatement.) Whatever.

Gotham City Crime Wave (1x) - Asked the op to help me find a Two-Face seat. (HARVEY) Paralleling Yuuki's first trip to SFNE, I sang OutKast's Hey Ya! the entire time.

We had lunch after that. Rockville Drive-In. Tried a bacon cheeseburger. It tastes fake. Then I ditched mom to ride...

Tea Cups (1x) - Sat in the blue cup. I giggled and screamed with laughter. Some guy in the black car was able to get it spinning superfast. I fucking died.

We headed to CrackAxle Canyon, where I rode...

Tomahawk (1x) - Since I'm too scared to ride Harley Quinn Spinsanity, I did this instead. Sat with a guy. The restraints weren't pushed down all the way; so we were teased (as the guy next to me put it.) But everything went well! Sang the Superman TAS theme and the SGC2C Birdman theme. I think it gave me a headache...

Houdini: The Great Escape (1x) - Since I did the SFGAdv version, I wanted to do this one. I was referencing Courage the Cowardly Dog in the preshow room and dancing to the ragtime music in the movie. (One of the people in it looks like Dr Steve Brule, LMAO.) Told the op on the way to the main room that Houdini actually didn't believe in mediums. On the actual ride, I was going "WHOOOOAAAA" and stuff. My mom said she would've gotten sick, even if we didn't actually go upside-down.

Flashback and Pandemonium had long lines.

Wicked Cyclone (1x) - Sat in the back this time with an Ukranian who didn't know much English. On the drop, I screamed, "THIS IS NOTHING LIKE CONKO'S PARTY PIER!!" I ACTUALLY BLACKED OUT. It was awesome. I was screaming the entire time. Better than Superman in the back row, actually.

Blizzard River (1x) - Sat with a family. Got soaked. The water was cold. Screamed about Aquaman the entire time. I pretended to sneeze and cough when the ride was over to show how cold I was.

We went to Looney Tunes Movie Town, where I rode...

The Great Chase (1x) - They were playing Looney Tunes covers of The Beatles again. The ride was okay, but I banged my knees on it.

We went to see the Looney Tunes Block Party after that. Daffy and Sylvester did the Cha Cha Slide, Cupid Shuffle, Limbo Dance, and Land of 1,000 Dances. I tried teaching Daffy the "Six Flags, Come and Play" dance, but he did not get it. We also played charades. Sylvester impersonated Catwoman and Wonder Woman. LMAO.

Dino Off-Road Adventure (1x) - We saw this earlier in the day, but it broke down. So we went back to it and rode. A bit of a long wait. We were making Flintstones and Land of the Lost jokes.

Then I got the Superman and Cyborg Hyper Drive re-rides. After that, we were leaving, when we saw Tweety, Coyote, Bugs, AND SPEEDY. WB still thinks Speedy is offensive; so this was RARE. I asked Coyote if he'd caught Road Runner, yet, and he stomped his foot. I also asked Speedy what he'd been up to (he ran in place) and if he knew Sonic (he nodded.) We got our pictures with them, then we left.

I'm at Quiznos now. Keep the next chapter going!

22:38 UTC


To be fair, anyone who rides this coaster isba dummy. In this case, it's a lot more literal [Pegasus, MtO]

21:31 UTC


Longest moment of airtime? [Top Thrill 2, Cedar Point]

With Top Thrill 2 recently opening for media day, more and more videos are coming out about people talking about the ride experience. Many are saying the same thing, "It feels like you are on that spike forever." Which made me think. Is this spike the single longest moment of airtime on any roller coaster? Clocking in an average of over SIX FULL SECONDS of Zero-G in the back row on the spike. Is there any roller coaster that has ever had that length of sustained airtime in history?

20:23 UTC


[Iron Menace] at [Dorney Park].

A fun ride with great theming. An overcast drizzle day here, but a good day for a new coaster.

18:26 UTC


[Other] [Question] Kiss, Marry, Kill Coaster edition One Ride, Re-Ride, Scrap.

Pretty straight forward, you can only ride one of the coasters once, Re-Ride one and have to scrap one. Mine is gonna be my top 3 at Cedar Point (Steel Vengeance, Maverick and Millennium Force).

I would take my one ride on SteVe, Re-Ride Maverick and scrap Millie.

Post yours in the comments!

17:53 UTC


Is [Joker] at [SFDK] really the worst RMC created so far? If so, why?

17:38 UTC


[Voltron at Europapark] has many great photo points

17:24 UTC

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