The place to discuss all things Numerology - in both the Scientific & Mystical influential senses.
Numbers & Numerical patterns have always held significance to humanity; Ancient Cultures and their teachers found connections between Mathematics, the physical/material worlds, and the Spiritual worlds.
In the 6th century BC, Pythagoras ('Father of Western Numerology') believed there to exist a significant and intense esoteric relationship between numbers and the natural world.
" ...are the highest degree of knowledge. It is knowledge itself. "
~ Plato
"...Rule the Universe. They have a way of taking a man by the hand and leading him down the Path of reason. "
~ Pythagoras
"...are the Universal language offered by the deity to humans as confirmation of the Truth. "
~ St. Augustine of Hippo
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I’ve been seeing 27 all over the place, it is also my birthday
I keep seeing the number 777 throughout my life I was born on the seventh in the seventh month and in hospital room seven could anyone please tell me about this since I’m not very educated on numerology thanks
I've seen lots of discussions about 5s or 8s but I've never heard anything about 9s. What about their sex life/romantic relationship style?
I've been seeing 222 quite a bit lately. 4 times today already. What is the meaning of 222?
Hey guys thanks for reading this post. Hope you guys are doing good. Before l've gone through so much rough phase of my life which affects me mentally than ever before like I literally don't know what I'm doing. It's been happening since August 2024. Lost love, money, self control and peace. Those months feels like living total negative part which totally changed my perspective of life. Since December I'm in a phase of realization where I realize all my mistakes of what I've done before. Some of my friends living my same past life. But this time I'm seeing from my girl's perspective. Cuz... that's what I prayed for. I prayed for her comeback in my life. And from that moment I'm seeing all my mistakes realizing and crying with guilt and regret of what l've done. From October l've started seeing some angel numbers and it became little more intense on November. Then some good things happened in my career. Then I stopped seeing those numbers. But still I can't forget her. And her thoughts conqure my mind in every aspect. But feeling good now of her thoughts and memories. Then I gone to church and prayed for her. Then from that point when I came out of church l've started seeing the numbers 444 4444 and 222 literally every where 1'm going. In mobile, bill board, number plates. Still I don't find any meaning of this. I can say that it's not coincidence cuz my head automatically turn and eyes focusing on that particular numbers without even knowing it's there. Thanks for your time reading this guys. Hope you all a very great and happy day
I feel like I’m getting more aware of what’s going on being the scenes in our world and I feel like my son will do great things in his lifetime
So I’ve always just disregarded this but for most of my conscious life I’ve been seeing the number 9:11 on the clock many times a choose to check the time or open my phone. I’m not really a believer of anything except Catholicism but want to see if this means anything. I’ve been seeing this number atleast 1 or 2 times a day.
DOB 26/11/2001 - Snake LP 22/4 Destiny 8 Heart 33/6 Personality 11/2
My chart is a bit messed up so lately I’ve been doing the numbers (birthday and LP) for everyone around me and all new people I met, as well as looking into their Chinese sign
I use a lot of different ways to find out people’s birthdays, and for friends and family I always remembered at the top of my head even before knowing numerology
around 10 closest colleagues at work around 20 other people from the office around 20 people from other areas of the company my 5 closest friends and their parents as well 20 more friends/colleagues that I’ve met in a few different periods of life the 10 closest people from my family the last ~10 girls whom I talked to in this last three months
There’s a few patterns that I would like to share, not in any logical sequence, feel free to comment
1- People with “symmetrical” LP and Birthdate are much more well resolved and overall lucky in the area of the number (ex. born on the 24th and 24/6 LP)
2- People with conflicting numbers in their chart really do have messed up lives
3- People born the 19th have a clear tendency of developing illness early on in life (first 20 years)
4- People born on the 11th and 29th or also November are more athletic and taller
5- 5 is really the number of looks, people born on the 5th 14th 23th tend to be more good looking, and 5 LPs tend to care more about how they look and put more effort. Also they feel this urge to travel it’s crazy. My two best friends almost brothers are 5 LPs.
6- People from 9LP and born in the 9th usually go through crazy situations early in life, in their enemy year
7- Snakes do not do well eating pork
8- Top tier positions in the company are often occupied by 8s 18s 28s or 38s whereas these lower positions are occupied by 4s that work multiple years at the same place and don’t mind much about ascending
9- 9 is probably the most difficult number to read, 9s are so good in most stuff, I have trouble reading them but also I have a thing for 9s. Current girl I am talking to is born 18th and 18/9 LP. My two exes that I still have much admiration and respect were both born on the 18th and my best mate is also born on the 18th.
10- 11 universal days are emotional as F*. Planes are crashing on 11 days. Keep an eye open. 11 people are more emotional as well.
11 - 12 and 21 seems to lead to conflicts between male and female energy
12- people born on the 28 seems to attract money. 28/1 LP as well
13- People born on 6th days or 6 LP have a clear tendency of participating in long term relationships
14- Most manly people I know are born on 1st days and most feminine people are from 2nd days
15- The last one is also true if you are born in any day that starts with 1 or 2 (ex. 10 11 12, 21 22 23)
Is there anything on the list that you can observe around you? Or maybe you can share what you don’t thinks make sense.. Feel free ❤️
Does anyone know what’s the significance if you have the same bhagyank & mulank ? Also my birth time also adds to the same number as well as my full name. Does it mean anything if all four have the same number ?
Can anyone help me understand the meaning behind my turning 30 on 03/25/2025? It seems like a lot of repeating numbers and it feels so meaningful to me beyond it being a collective milestone.
I know this is going to sound weird but things have went kind of downhill for me since I changed my last name after being married. It feels like my luck is different and my finances. I literally had a panic attack on our Honeymoon, got sick and missed work and the day I went back someone fell on my leg and broke it and now I'm out of a job completely. When I did my analysis before I had a few 8's in my thing but getting married took them all. Could that be what happened? I don't know much about numerology. Can anyone help?
Born on the 8th, life path number is 8 and a goat. Any advice or knowledge out there for. Triple 8.
Grand RAsing family ✳️💚
I have a question, if numbers beyond 9 don’t exist and combination numbers like 25 have a value of their combined numbers does that mean numbers like 13 and 31 have the same energy?
When I look at lifepaths I look at the whole number before reducing. Example I am a 35/8 I see the 3 as a strength and the 5 as a challenge. Would you use this in same way of thinking when looking at calendar dates?
I came up with this while looking at the date and realized it was Friday the 31st lol and was thinking wow if you flipped the numbers it would be Friday the 13th
DOB 26/11/2001 - Snake LP 22/4 Destiny 8 Heart 33/6 Personality 11/2
My chart is a bit messed up so lately I’ve been doing the numbers (birthday and LP) for everyone around me and all new people I met, as well as looking into their Chinese sign
I use a lot of different ways to find out people’s birthdays, and for friends and family I always remembered at the top of my head even before knowing numerology
around 10 closest colleagues at work around 20 other people from the office around 20 people from other areas of the company my 5 closest friends and their parents as well 20 more friends/colleagues that I’ve met in a few different periods of life the 10 closest people from my family the last ~10 girls whom I talked to in this last three months
There’s a few patterns that I would like to share, not in any logical sequence, feel free to comment
1- People with “symmetrical” LP and Birthdate are much more well resolved and overall lucky in the area of the number (ex. born on the 24th and 24/6 LP)
2- People with conflicting numbers in their chart really do have messed up lives
3- People born the 19th have a clear tendency of developing illness early on in life (first 20 years)
4- People born on the 11th and 29th or also November are more athletic and taller
5- 5 is really the number of looks, people born on the 5th 14th 23th tend to be more good looking, and 5 LPs tend to care more about how they look and put more effort. Also they feel this urge to travel it’s crazy. My two best friends almost brothers are 5 LPs.
6- People from 9LP and born in the 9th usually go through crazy situations early in life, in their enemy year
7- Snakes do not do well eating pork
8- Top tier positions in the company are often occupied by 8s 18s 28s or 38s whereas these lower positions are occupied by 4s that work multiple years at the same place and don’t mind much about ascending
9- 9 is probably the most difficult number to read, 9s are so good in most stuff, I have trouble reading them but also I have a thing for 9s. Current girl I am talking to is born 18th and 18/9 LP. My two exes that I still have much admiration and respect were both born on the 18th and my best mate is also born on the 18th.
10- 11 universal days are emotional as F*. Planes are crashing on 11 days. Keep an eye open. 11 people are more emotional as well.
11 - 12 and 21 seems to lead to conflicts between male and female energy
12- people born on the 28 seems to attract money. 28/1 LP as well
13- People born on 6th days or 6 LP have a clear tendency of participating in long term relationships
14- Most manly people I know are born on 1st days and most feminine woman are from 2nd days
15- The last one is also true if you are born in any day that starts with 1 or 2
16- I couldn’t find any pattern connected to homosexuality
More experienced Numerologists feel free to “correct” me Less experienced ones feel free to make questions
Please if you do numbers for people around you share your knowledge
Inspired by Divine Guidance you want to be Charitable today, loving the other like you love yourself and let that feeling expand into adventure and freedom.
31–1-2025 14/5 Charity/ Expansion, Fullness, Order, Inner Motivation, Adventure, Freedom
Spirit: 31 Divine Guidance; Fulfilling Power of God
Soul: 1 First Emanation of Spirit; God’s number; Inspiration, Ability to lead
Body: 25 Inner Happiness
The sum total of today is 14: Charity. You want to live charity through the Divine Guidance of your spirit, the Inspiration of your soul and through your physical awareness of Inner Happiness.
Day of the Prophet - Preacher Archetype Pentagram
Two major themes underline your quest for charity and expansion: ‘Expansion of Self-Awareness’ and ‘Relationships’.
Blue 2- Red 11: Axis of Expansion of Self-Awareness: 2(6)-(7)11
The axis of inner awakening and leadership drives the axis of the expansion of self-awareness. The challenge is to answer the quintessential question: “WHO AM I?’ As It is the second dominant axis in the Pentagram after the central axis, it is imperative in the 15 Pentagram that you work on the expansion of your self-awareness. The two opposing principles are the ‘Healing and Salvation number’ coming from the spiritual level to join with the ‘Visionary’ coming from the physical level. So working on the expansion of your self-awareness brings healing and salvation on the spiritual level which could translate into visionary powers on the physical level. Remember that the 2-7 axis is also called the psycho-somatic axis. If you fail or refuse to work on your self-awareness, it will have its effects on the physical body. Either making you feel depressed, without energy or even allow illnesses to grow.
26: Healing and Salvation number.
Positively your Power -Force drives your Intuition and creates healing and salvation. Negatively it may shatter your intuition completely. The earthly-physical power may at times not accord at all with intuition on the spiritual level. It is a difficult number to live. The solution lies in its sum: When you use the feminine receptive side of you, you may be able to bring those two principles together.
71: Visionary
‘Visionary’ is the higher dimension of ‘Insight, the Inner Rising Sun, the new dawn of awareness. Being the visionary, you start to understand -on a physical level here- the spiritual relationships and their origins.
The balance of these two principles lies in their sum: ‘Factor of Justice; Master’. It is the turnaround of the Ruler/Judge energy and it demands that Self-Awareness guides the Mind. Being a “Master” means having the awareness of being the Co-Creator of one’s own life. It has at its core the healing and salvation part of this axis.
Remember that there is no scientific all-encompassing answer as to Who or What or Why you are. In itself it is a Zen Koan and only you know if you have found the right answer. You do when you the answer resonates with your deep inner feeling of Justice and Mastery.
Blue 3- Red 2 Axis of relationships: 3(7)-(8)2
The expansion of self-awareness drives the way you relate to others and how you define your relationships. The better you know Who you are the deeper and more rewarding your relationships will be. The two opposing principles are “Expansion” coming from the mental level to join with “Detachment, Redemption” coming from the emotional level. Mentally you have the desire to expand your Will in your relationships, whereas emotionally you seek the opposite: detachment and redemption.
37: Expansion
Self-awareness drives and aims for change and decisiveness in the sense of expanding. “Expansion” is also the 4^(th) dimension of manifestation. The sum of expansion and its underlying rank prime numbers is: Physical Power and Sexuality. This means that Expansion is influenced on a very deep level by physical power of which sexuality is the biggest. Expansion will use physical power and sexuality to create expansion.
82: Detachment, Redemption
“Detachment, Redemption” is the process of detaching yourself slowly from the physical world and its attachments. Redemption happens when you place more value in the spiritual world than in the material world.
The balance of the two principles lies in showing Self-aware Goodness, Humility and Beauty in your relationships, rooted in the pure Feminine (being receptive and open)
Levels of awareness
Your mental and physical awareness is high today.
Your mental awareness is obtained through “Expansion” and “Spirit of Time; Reformer”
Your physical awareness is obtained through the ‘Ascending Prophet” and the “Visionary”
The goal is to bring out the intuitive divine sexuality (if you don’t you will start doubting your ‘aliveness’); to let your healing and salvation powers expand and to bring transformative renewal and rebirth to the world.
Your mental and physical awareness is further enhanced today by the connection to the 1st principle. It wants you to expand your serving, healing and aiding of others and yourself, with mastery and power at its core.
Tricolon : Intermediary
The tricolon of the intermediary is activated today.
The intermediary enhances our capacity to bring people together, to keep projects going, to be the “oil in the machine”. Today it comes with the energy of the ‘Keeper of the Threshold’. It gives you the ability to manifest anything in life as long as you are willing and prepared to stay committed to the bitter end.
Note: If your birthday is today, the topics described above are your topics for 2025. Should a baby be born on this day, then today’s themes are the baby’s life-themes.
See you (virtually) :
(D) Arbeitskreis: 31. Januar über Zoom. Thema: Die “2000” Kinder
(NL) Pentalogie werkgroep: 3 Februari via Zoom
For a full explanation of the numbers and how to read the Pentagram have a look at my website: www.pentalogie.com
Thanks in advance
This was what the screen read when I fueled my car this morning. I didn't stop it on this, in fact I hit the trigger so it would just fuel until the tank was full. I was cleaning my windshield at the time and when I stopped to take the nozzle out I saw this on this screen.
I don't know. I just feel like it means something. And I'm sorry if this is not even the right sub for this so please let me know if it's not.
In my life right now I'm currently grieving a pet loss and next month I have an interview for a job that would be a big life change so I'm also kind of just looking for signs right now. If this doesn't mean anything that's okay but I figured I'd ask. Thank you for reading. 🤍
I've studied Numerology for over 2 years.
(Analyzed 600+ birth charts and helped countless individuals)
In short, here's everything you need to know about Numerology:
Bonus: There is no such thing as a "bad" number—each brings unique lessons and opportunities.
Please feel free to share. ♻️ But my ask is:
I'd like you to please use this knowledge responsibly. Numbers guide us, but you create your destiny.
P.S. Which number principle surprised you (1-20)? Have you calculated your Life Path Number?
I’ve had the number 911 follow me for years, like over a decade at this point. Please can anyone provide me some insight into what this means and how I should receive it! Thank you 💛
Is it hard to be in a relationship or find a better half for life path 9?
Inspired by Creative will and Revolution, you want to Renew and Re-birth yourself today and physically manifest the Change and the Renewal.
30-1–2025 13/4 Renewal; Construction; Re-Birth/ Physical Realization, Daily practice
Spirit: 30 Creative Will, Revolution
Soul: 1 First Emanation of Spirit; God’s number; Inspiration, Ability to lead
Body: 25 Inner Happiness
The sum total of today is 13: Renewal leading to Physical Realization. You want to experience your renewal through your spirit’s Revolution, your soul’s will Inspiration and your physical awareness of Inner Happiness.
Day of the 'Scholar-Sage' Archetype Pentagram
Three major themes drive your quest for renewal today: ‘ Relationships’ and ‘Change-Transformation’
Blue/Red 25- Red 0: the Axis of Expansion of Self-Awareness: 25-(7)0
Change and Transformation drive your expansion of Self-Awareness. Change -the only constant in the Universe - forces you to go deeper and further in your process of finding out who you are, why you are and what you are.The two driving forces are Inner Happiness coming from the spiritual level to join with Exile, Loneliness coming from the physical level.
25:“Inner Happiness” is this wonderful state of being where you are fully at peace with yourself. Nothing external affects you anymore. You are your own source of Happiness. Your Inner Happiness will radiate and attract lucky circumstances.
70: “Exile or Loneliness” may happen when you enter the realm of “Transformative Self-Awareness” which can be so overwhelming that you go into exile. This may literally mean living in a monastery or in a prison (!) or by retreating on an elitist basis. It takes you so far from others, that you become lonely because you are no longer being understood or being heard.
The balance of these two principles lies in their sum: the “Descending Prophet”. When you fully integrate this axis into your life, you will be the person who is capable of fully integrating the spiritual Inner Happiness and the physical Transformative Self-Awareness and who is capable of transmitting that to others in a language that everyone understands.
Blue 3- Red 1: Axis of relationships: 3(6)-(8)1
The axis of awakening and leadership drives your relationships. This is all about “who is the boss” in my relationships. Are you capable of using that challenge to come to an inner awakening? The two driving principles are the ‘Sphinx’ or the ‘Human Animal” coming from the mental level to join with 81 ‘Salvation’ coming from the emotional level.
36: Sphinx, “Human Animal”
The Sphinx represents the person who is able to enjoy life with all his senses. The ultimate marriage between your animalistic instincts and behavior with your human self-consciousness. The Sphinx has a very strong masculine drive, wanting to force his opinion (mental level) on the relationship.
81: Salvation
Salvation is the conquering or the overcoming of the polarities by bringing opposites together again, especially in relationships. It is the receptive and healing capacity of the feminine (emotion).
The balance of the two principles lies in their sum. On one side lies the challenge to integrate the animal-aspect and the human-aspect in us whilst on the other side you want to overcome the apparent polarities in our relationships. The solution is to take the conscious decision to be totally awake in the here and to re-birth, renew, reconstruct your relationship wisely.
Blue 5- Blue/Red 03: Axis of Change and Transformation: 5(8)-103
The relationships drive your change and your transformation. The way you relate to others and the way others relate to you, especially in your intimate relationships, directs or creates change and transformation in your life. The two driving principles are the “Seeker” in you and “Dissolution and Renewal”. The seeker on the physical level comes to join with the awareness of dissolution and renewal on the spiritual level. This brings about a deep process of change.
58: The Seeker is searching for spiritual knowledge. He wants to know what life is all about. Hence also his pioneering, balancing and cross-fertilizing capabilities.
103: Dissolution and renewal is an extremely restless energy – constantly deciding on new transformations. It takes the deep feminine energy to be able to re-build and being reborn again and again.
The balance of the two principles lies in their sum the “Chymic” Wedding or Endless Love. This is the alchemistic process of Transformation through the conjuncture of the masculine and the feminine. (NB: this axis of change is driven by the axis of relationships)
Levels of awareness
Spiritual, mental and physical awareness are very high today.
On the spiritual level you do that through the awareness of Inner Happiness and of your Dissolution and Renewal. On the mental level you do this through the Sphinx and Unpredictable Intelligence. On the physical level you do this through the Seeker and Exile.
The goal of all levels of awareness is that you intuit your potential of the high priestess of Eros, that you physically manifest the divine connection and that you show feminine perseverance and feminine awakening.
Your spiritual, mental and physical awareness is further enhanced but the connection to the 1st principle. It strengthens the Intuitive Visionary in you.
The spiritual-physical quadrant, connecting the spiritual level to the physical level gives you a very strong perseverance in what you do, a very feminine connection to the Divine and access to the Human Basic-Vibration tone.
All the external points of the Pentagram carry numbers. This means that the masculine Pentagon is active today, enhancing your masculine capabilities. It comes with the energy of a transformative expansion of self-awareness, expansive reformation, wise revolution and balanced temptation.
Tricolon: Intermediary
The tricolon of the intermediary is also active today. The intermediary energy emphasizes your ability to be the ‘go-between’, the mediator between parties, the oil in the engine. It enables the communication and the exchange.
Today it has the quality of intuitive detachment and manifesting the spiritual mountaineer (setting yourself very high goals).
Note: If your birthday is today, the topics described above are your topics for 2025. Should a baby be born on this day, then today’s themes are the baby’s life-themes.
See you (virtually) :
(D) Arbeitskreis: 31. Januar über Zoom. Thema: Die “2000” Kinder
(NL) Pentalogie werkgroep: 3 Februari via Zoom
For a full explanation of the numbers and how to read the Pentagram have a look at my website: www.pentalogie.com
I've read in the discussion about 8th number means success, wealth and karma. My DOB is 9/26/86 if I am not mistaken my lifepath is 5 ang the date I was born is equals to 8 and if you add the month and date I was born is equivalent to 8. Can someone explain my numerology? Thank you in advance. I am learning many things from this group.
Is it a good thing ?
can anyone tell me about 39? it’s always been important to me and i have no idea why.
Back in September, I started noticing a strange pattern of the number 11 appearing in important moments, mostly thanks to my mom pointing it out.
For context, my dad was diagnosed with ALS two years ago.
In September 2024, my mom had a visa appointment on September 11th, in a location with 11 in the postcode. The hotel we stayed at was room 11, which shocked me since we didn’t know until we got our key card. Even more unsettling, it was a disabled room—something that felt eerily symbolic.
What makes this even stranger is that my dad’s name is John, and I recently realized that in the Bible, John 11 talks about Lazarus, a man who was sick and later resurrected.
To make things even eerier, my dad once told me that before I was born, he heard a voice telling him he should have a child.
My birthday is also in November (month 11), which just adds to the pattern.
Could this be a sign from God, or is it all just an unsettling coincidence? Has anyone else experienced something like this?
ever since I was a kid i’ve always felt connected to the number 29 wether a person I liked was born on the 29th or died on the 29th and its specifically the people I feel spiritually connected to. I even was interested in 1929 for some reason. What could this mean? (my life path number is 3)
Hi, I'm new to all this.(F, 55) I have been thinking about this subject lately and stumbled across a karmic debt calculator (see image). This is so spot on it's unsettling, but even more so is that I could have been the same shitty person with the same shitty characteristics for several lifetimes, and if I am this bad in this life, I must have been a demon in a past life. Does anyone know how to find a karmic payment schedule? I saw one example somewhere but I am not sure how to figure it out for myself. Any input is welcome. 🙏
Hey guys,
I’m currently in my 7 PY born on 25th and a pig so it is my enemy year too
Any advice on this?
Im a 14/5 and my bro is a 50/5 and we are ENTIRELY different people. I am actually very committal in relationships and I am a homebody. He is opposite. Yet we are both 5s?
Also I was married to a 13/4 for 10 years and it was a great relationship. We were supposed to be very incompatible because she’s a 4? But I feel more like a 4?