
Photograph via snooOG

This is the reddit community dedicated to the life and teachings of Ram Dass (Richard Alpert)

Ram Dass (born Richard Alpert on April 6, 1931) was an American contemporary spiritual teacher and the author of the seminal 1971 book Be Here Now. He is known for his personal and professional associations with Timothy Leary at Harvard University in the early 1960s, for his travels to India and his relationship with the Hindu guru Neem Karoli Baba, and for founding the charitable organizations Seva Foundation and Hanuman Foundation. His teachings live on via his website, podcast and retreats.



Here and Now Podcast





Be Here Now Network

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15,477 Subscribers


Pentacostal Churches

Can I trust a Pentacostal/Evangelical Church

Why/Why not?

Does anyone have any experiences with them positive or negative

what should I look out for?

12:04 UTC


"Rising... Falling..." leading to some fantastic meditation experiences

If you're on this sub, youve probably heard Ram Dass speak about the whole "imagine your only job is to monitor your breath" thing.

So what I've done, is I've grabbed a 108 bead mala, and on each inhale I'll go to the next breath.

Thoughts? Emotions? Cool, sure, back to the breath now.

Its really interesting to watch the ebb and flow of thought... some thoughts very seductive and drawing me away... some barely half-formed making me think I'm entering into a dreamlike state.

Tonight, I finished my 108 breaths, and I was in such a good freeze-response state (my body felt like a thin egg shell, and any movement would crack it), that I just sat with it.

I then remembered that rising through the crown is not something to force, but rather something to "let go" into.

So... I let go. I felt energy building up in my head and neck, and I felt them stretch out like a balloon blowing up and expanding... super trippy.

I couldn't go further this time, but I'm happy with this experience nonetheless.

07:14 UTC


False Idols

What do you think about the third commandment

  1. Thou shall not worship false idols

In relation to Ram Dass and the mix of Eastern/Hindu beliefs

05:00 UTC


where do i go?

this title is kind of a joke lol, but also somewhat a serious question.

i spent about 4.5-5 years of my life very involved with psychedelics and other substances i should not have been doing. during that time i discovered ram dass and the path of just being here and now. the only issue is, now that i havent been taking psychedelics every week, i simply just do not feel everything is this vast spiritual reality that we are meant to realize anymore. and that kills me. i miss having this vast space to wake up to and exist in every day, it felt so free and like there was always something i was doing (even if i always did realize there is nothing to do and no where to go). for the past 2ish years i have heavily cut back on my psychedelic and drug use (aside from pot which is still a daily lol), and since then my belief in that reality i used to live is has dwindled. it feels like when i was constantly attached to LSD and those experiences i would always get more, each more mind blowing and oneness feeling than the last, but now looking back, that just feels like chasing a chemical high not anything spiritual lmfao.

i would ideally like to go back to the way things were (feeling wise, not drug use wise) but it just doesnt feel right investing myself in something i cant demonstrate to be true. i dont know how to sit with my newfound value of truth over comfort. sitting with measurable and demonstrable reality is amazing in terms of watching everything unfold, but in terms of the actual living experience it sucks for me and is so much more bleak in comparison to when i thought we were all reflections of each other. so i guess my question for you all is, where do i go? what do i do? lol, thanks for anyone who read all this i appreciate ur time and energy very very much <3

03:32 UTC


Scepticism help!

Hi! Just wanted to prod some brains about a problem i keep find myself having regarding scepticism over my senses/the external world. I’ve convinced myself that all spiritual teaching is sort of blocked by this external world scepticism?? As in i can accept all negative emotion and note them as lacking any reality outside of the ego; but the fear of the external reality not being real (think a simulation) is not something i can over-come, even accepting it doesn’t get rid of it. It seems like the fear can’t go away - and it in turn subdues my sense experience and gives off an effect like de-realisation (foggy perceptions/feeling disconnected). Any spiritual approaches to overcoming this and trusting the external world to exist ?? Might sound insane but I would appreciate any advice. Thanks all who took the time to read this.

00:33 UTC


Having trouble articulating my beliefs about the universe and existence.

Recently I’ve been having trouble articulating my beliefs and philosophies surrounding life and the universe, which I have received first through psychedelics and then eastern philosophy and mostly Ram Dass. It used to not bother me as they were my beliefs and I did not need any one to understand what I did in my heart. Lately it’s been a struggle because I just feel that inherent human drive to be understood and it’s hard to when you can’t exactly articulate in the best way. I just want to know what Ram Dass would say to do in a situation like this?

16:33 UTC


I was wrong: Ram Dass is a great scholar, teacher, and inspiration

Previously, I made some naive and ignorant comments about Ram Dass here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ramdass/comments/1bg1o7z/listened_to_first_ram_dass_talk/

I am very regretful for what I said. I am sorry. I was jealous of his followers and felt inferior, and was just acting out.

I hope the whole world gets to know the profound wisdom of Ram Dass, particularly on this special day.

07:16 UTC


Amidst a severe anxious episode, Ram Dass came to me and told me to take a walk with him.

It wasn't a grand mystical vision, but by god I broke into tears immediately.

I'd just come out of a meditation, which had resulted in the exact OPPOSITE emotional state that I desired.

I came out of my meditation feeling depressed, unworthy, and uncondident.

Fears upon fears upon fears were going back and forth in my head.

"Wow... great yogi I must be... this is what my mediations look like now?"

For background reference, I struggle hard with codependency. If my romantic partner is anything but happy towards me, I immediately go into overdrive with overthinking and emotions.

I've been deep in an anxious codependent episode for the past couple of days, and let me tell you, its extremely difficult to function or feel joy amidst that ish.

So there I am. Hating myself. Cementing into my brain that I'm not worthy of love...

And a real gentle tickle of a thought: Ram Dass near my doorway "come and walk with me in the sun".

Tears. Immediately.

While we're walking, he jokingly prods at me "yeah, you really messed that meditation up. Probably shouldn't meditate ever again." (Clearly making light of the situation).

Not much is exchanged... but there was definitely an energetic shift that went on, and at the end I had a moment of clarity, revisiting an old goal of mine:

I want my own emotions, independent of my partner. I want to feel a sense of my own life, independent from my partner. And when my partner is struggling, I want to meet them with compassion, rather than irrational and reactive fear.

Ram Ram, fam. Thanks for reading.

21:04 UTC


Be Honest and Love Everybody

Not a day has gone by that I did not think about how it could have happened that a large amount of money was stolen from me by a maintenance man. it happened 6 months ago.

After having dealt with several traumatic events not due to fault of our own I had to move away from my country. I arrived in new territory with my young child, in a small 19y old car, filled with everything we own. Due to immense luck (and 3 weeks of no-sleep and non-stop searching) I found an apartment for us that I can afford.

When we moved in there was a maintenance man still finishing renovations. A very kind, calm figure, the landlord assured me he was very trustworthy. He has seen that we slept on the floor those first nights, laying on blankets from the car that I spread out. He saw I had nothing. Nothing. 4 bags of clothing, a few books, stuffed animals. But I did have some cash left. To buy beds, curtains, a used kitchen that I picked up piece by piece.

I arrived in a new land. The language, the manners, all was new. I had to make sure we could stay, register ourselves and my car, get insurance, electricity and heating, find a doctor, a dentist, a phone and internet connection, so much more, every little step.

At some point I needed to respond ASAP to authorities and since I had no internet yet, I had to go to a wifi-hotspot. The maintenance man was left alone in the house. I locked the door to the room with valuable belongings. In the half hour I was gone, he had been in the room and stole money. When I found out it was gone I couldn't believe it. I turned the room upside down but didn't find it.

Having no proof, not knowing my surroundings, not knowing anybody here, not knowing if local maintenance is buddy-buddy with local police, just being completely alone and not in a position to lose our house again, with a billion priorities to take care of, I decided to let it go. Not knowing whose word he'll believe, unsure of how it would go down, I also did not tell the landlord. I would inform them when I have secured another place to stay and leave this place, but for now will not be risking my safe space over this. It has been a huge set back.

In a dream I saw Baba gesturing me to let it go, forget about it, and I still am behind that decision. I wouldn't have gotten it back anyway. I chose the safety of my child and me. I bought new door locks but since this happened, not even finishing some of his work, the maintenance man has stayed away.

This letting go has been an ordeal. I think about it every day at least once. I tossed it and turned it. I understood the lesson. I understood the deeper layers of running into my own demons of childhood traumas in which no man is ever to be trusted. The layers underneath that, not feeling deserving of true help, having resources, being alone in the world, feeling not worthy of goodness, and underneath that, finally: fear.

I let go and let go and let go. Consoling, supporting, taking care of things, being grateful and appreciative of all I manage to do, each day a small step forward. Too many things to write down that are going well, those I acknowledge and thank every day.

Today I arrived at the insight that to do such a thing, to watch a mother and child arrive with absolutely nothing, and see that as an opportunity to steal their last reserve, to do that, your whole existence must be a well of pain. The hurt so deep that the darkness is completely blinding.

And I felt compassion. Because no matter how bad it got, I can still account for each and every action I took, inside myself, up to highest echelon of Source itself. I don’t know if this is what Baba wanted me to arrive at. I don’t know how long it'll take before this mango boon comes to pass, and when all shadows surrounding it have decided they are ready to step into the light. I don’t know where I am on this path, and what conclusions I ultimately will arrive at, because I am not there yet:

Be honest and love everybody.

18:18 UTC



08:22 UTC


Ram Dass' approach to accusations of betrayal?

I notice an intense wave of uncomfortable emotions arising within me due to an accusation of betrayal. An old people pleasing pattern of mine is being triggered. There was no betrayal and no bad intentions from my side, yet this accusation somehow hits home. I'd love to hear what Ram Dass' approach to this would be. I guess self forgiveness?

Thanks so much everyone ✨✨

22:37 UTC


Letting go of anger

I'm in a strange work situation, where i've met the part that's angry a couple of times until now. I work at a orphanage & my mind got some problems with our management & they way she handle things, cause i feel like i'm right.

Ram dass always said to let go of anger. Being right is not worth the suffering. Now how can i let go of the anger? Everything see her i'm aware that there's that part that does despise her way of handling things.

Thank you❤️

Edit: i thank everyone of you for your answers, already made the room feel wider.😊

22:31 UTC


Can you hear this one?

I have faced racism, harrassment, gaslighting

At work, at school

The difficult thing for others to digest? My body: is young, my skin is white, I have a penis

It seems that those that have these characteristics are all Dracoy Malfoy, regardless of our hearts, intentions or social upbringing.




11:24 UTC


Please Help ❤️🙇‍♂️🙏

Hi Friends,

I had a difficult time over COVID.

I've had family members tell me, "you need help".

Sometimes it feels very judgemental and I don't know what help they mean I need... Sometimes it felt like it was said as a way for them (my Mum) to avoid responsibility for her side of our disputes..by leveraging/stimatising mental health. Which is hurtful.

I feel a little hesitant about therapy. I've had a lot of people try to control or influence me, from school, to parents trying to push me down education/career paths, to media sources and teachers we are all exposed to

I feel that I would be open to treatment But I feel apprehensive about letting another adult in who might try to change me an influence me

Before you say it "Therapists are impartial". No they are not. Not in truth, not in the real World. Therapists are all Human Beings and come with their own baggage, political, etc. I've had people use their superior knowledge to manipulate and hurt me in the past

And I feel apprehensive about trusting someone in that way, even if they have good intentions.


  1. What are you thoughts?
  2. How could I educate myself on the mind/psychology?
  3. How could I go about finding a therapist for me?
  4. How do I even know what help I need..if I any? I feel like I've just been told I need help but idk if that's true
  5. What does therapy mean to you? and what is it for?

Thank you and Namaskaram 🙏✨🙇‍♂️❤️

10:58 UTC


What do you do when something happens that takes you out of consciousness?

Ram Dass: “Every time something grabs in me, I feel the heaviness start, and the minute the heaviness starts, that heaviness becomes the stimulus that awakens me.

The way it works for me is a lot like Judo; when I'm around people that are playful and light and spiritual and all, it's wonderful, I'm flowing. But the minute I'm around people who aren't, who are tight and hung up and it is all real and solid, and they forgot the folly of it.

And they say something solid to me. And sometimes I buy it. I react. I re-act. And I get caught in the reaction and a heaviness creeps into me. The minute I feel that heaviness, it's just like I dove from air into water. I just went from one medium into another, a thicker and heavier one. At that moment I lost it, I know I lost it.

I may not even know how I lost it. Someone may walk down the street, and I look at them and there may be a look in them, for example, I see them suffering, terribly, and I get caught in pity. And I lose it, into pity. Or I get caught in lust, and lose it into lust. Or I get caught in anger, and lose it into anger.

I may get caught into spiritual greed, and I lose it into spiritual greed, like when someone comes along and says: "you know there's a teacher and when you go there and there you will get a secret initiation..", and your little heart goes 'trrrrrrrr trrrrrrr', and it's got you: you want something, you lost faith a little bit. It's a flickery desire, there it is: GRAB.

Every time something grabs in me, I feel the heaviness start, and the minute the heaviness starts, that heaviness becomes the stimulus that awakens me.

I don't even know what I am heavy about some of the time, I dont even care, I don't have to go into the content of it, I just feel the heaviness, and I immediately go into whatever my technique is; breathing, mantra.

It doesn't mean I stop the anger, or stop the lust, it goes on, but I am bringing myself in the consciousness right in the middle of it.

Because the thing itself awakened me. In Judo the punch of someone else becomes the energy you work with to defeat them. You work with the energy that comes at you. By moving with it, rather than going against it.

And the minute something happens that takes me out of consciousness, that is the vehicle that reminds me to awaken.”

Ram Dass - Living life with a spiritual open heart

07:28 UTC


Where can I watch the documentary ?

It’s unavailable on prime and YouTube in my country.

02:13 UTC


As a self-professed HindJew like Ram Dass was, I was delighted to find this story in a book on meditation.

00:24 UTC


Issues with deaths of friendships. Has anyone else experienced this?

Hey family
I am desperate for some guidance.
I seem to be facing the same pitfall in most of my friendships. Over the last year I've come to realise that I don't feel safe in a lot of these friendships and consequently a lot of them have ended. I am struggling to figure out if the lack of safety is due to old childhood wounds or if I am finally learning to listen to my gut feelings and have realised that these friendships weren't healthy.
How does one know? If I am the common denominator wouldn't that mean that the issue lies within me? I have been seeing a therapist for a few years now but I would like some insight from a spiritual p.o.v. I just want to be alone these days, I feel safe in my own company. I dont enjoy socialising and small talk is almost painful. Has anyone gone through this? What is the message I am supposed to be learning?
Thank you & Much love 📷

10:32 UTC


[Poem] - On Meditating, Sort Of - Mary Oliver

1 Comment
15:56 UTC


I’m so thankful to know what we know.

Good day to you audience.

To know what we know is true wisdom.

To know what we know, comes with others seeing insanity at times.

To know what we know comes with responsibility for ourselves to always work on ourselves.

Many quotes Ram Dass gave us are very powerful for one’s journey. “see all as god in drag” “god is your only friend” “see others as trees, watch how they grow” “Love everyone and mean it” and many more. The power this wisdom holds on one’s spiritual journey is so impactful beyond comprehension. If token to heart you’ll see how quickly you’ll grow.

To know what we know, comes great responsibility to even others around us. Let the sleeping birds sleep. Ram Dass quotes “I can do nothing for you but work on myself you can do nothing for me but work on yourself”. No one is going to liberate someone else, it’s completely up to the individual to awaken on their own. All of us are capable of it. some will learn faster than others. This is why many Zen Masters will tell you there is nothing for me to teach you and nothing for you to learn. We can show by example. So make sure to unconditionally love and be as present as one can to another you.

And lastly my fellow audience. To know what we know is a curse. There is a saying, be careful with unearned wisdom. It’s very easy to learn What Ram Dass calls “The golden chain” (the desire of enlightenment) the golden chain is around our neck constantly craving The knowledge of enlightenment, but we’ll never fully have it if we don’t do the work. Meaning we can’t just know all this and expect to be enlightened. We must still put in the work.

Thank you for listening my dear audience of me. It’s been me a pleasure!

20:45 UTC


the process of awakening.


18:05 UTC


Abusive sister

Hi Everyone, I have something I need help with sorting through. I am seeing a therapist about this tomorrow.

I have a sister who I've always been quite close growing up with. As she's got older she has struggled with alcohol and phenibut addictions , has had multiple DUI and been to the hospital multiple times for phenibut overdoses.

It has always made me super sad seeing her suffering so much, and trying to help and support but only so much I can do.

Fast forward to today - have been with my first official girlfriend for 2 years now , who I warned about my sister. My GF has been nice to her but now wants nothing to do with her. My sister has been very jealous. I have tried to be there for both of them.

The other night I went over to my dad's with gf, dad and brother to go to a family friends. Saw my sister and said hi, things are not great but it seemed fine. When I got back to my dad's to drive off (few hours later) it turns out my sister had set up nails in my van wheels. So i has punctures in my two wheels. Instantly thought it was her and this was later confirmed.

I decided not to contact her until I thought of the best way to confront it. So the next day I get home from work and someone has left a 1 star review for my business (self employed). I knew it was her, which was confirmed.

Has a family meeting that night and more went down, won't go into details but she threw a pot at myum and tried to pull my brother's hair out (as he was recording on his phone)

I think I have attachment issues with her and part of me still feels sorry for her and wants to reach out. But for my family and my GF sanity I think it's best to cut her off for now. She must have undiagnosed mental disorders.

It really cuts me to make this decision, and really don't know how I can be happy with this, even though it is logical.

Guess I'm just asking for support if anyone has advice or has gone though a similar situation.

It's all easy to feel like I am on my way to liberation but this really puts me in my place and makes me feel I can't just be easy going all the time, I have to be strong and set boundaries and face conflict.

11:18 UTC


thoughts about the video and the discussions it sprouted?

08:14 UTC


Funny bumper sticker I saw today.

02:05 UTC


What is this chair called

What do I search to find this exact chair?

21:06 UTC


you aren’t who you think you are.

20:28 UTC


Found this in the memorial garden at Sarah P. Duke Gardens yesterday

1 Comment
19:29 UTC


Reimagined: The Life and Teachings of Ram Dass

A four-week course that traces Ram Dass’s journey of transformation throughout four life stages. Offering all-new content from our archives and a fresh context for how to apply his wisdom to our own lives, we will open up to the possibility of taking off our masks and reconnecting to our loving, compassionate hearts. ➡️ https://www.ramdass.org/reimagined/?mc_cid=61dd79316a&mc_eid=49cfc64d61

1 Comment
19:12 UTC

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