
Photograph via snooOG

A look at the various amazing coincidences - known as synchronicities - in the world around us.

A collection of synchronicity, meaningful coincidence, and the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon.

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let it be

I went on a trip myself to Costa Rica right after a break up to try and feel better. I was in a really bad way. I got a taxi from the airport the night I arrived, the radio was playing in the car and one song stuck out to me, one of the few english songs, 'Let it be' by the Beatles. The next day I went into a church, feeling pretty despairing, I prayed to god for . . . .something? anything, some comfort, a sign, some direction. Just as I walked out of the church onto a very busy street, and as though it was playing from a car speeding by I heard 'let it be'.

1 Comment
21:59 UTC


Is someone from beyond or some kind of entity trying to tell me I should go to hell instead of Heaven?

Ive never been a religious person. I dont really believe in the bible's version of heaven and hell. Never really even believed in both concepts. But I always believed in some kind of god type entity and an after life. For years nowbive had synchronicities. Often warning me of stuff like my cat chewing electric cables and stupid stuff like that. Ive always rationalized those extreme coincidences bh thinking my late grand father was looking over me and comunicating with me through media. It always happen if im listening to a podcast while playing a video game, the podcast always mentions something very specific about what im playing and even doing in that moment.

Anyway all that to say:

Yesterday I had the creepiest symchronicty ever.

I wasnt playing a game this time. I was tired and was tryjng to find something to do. I had a podcast on and they were talking about heaven and hell. It was a weird conversation and I couldnt find anything to do so I decided to pay more attention. This podcast never talks about religion or spirituality. But for some odd reason they are explaining both hell and heaven in ways ive never heard anyone talk about. Saying that heaven was a trap. That people who stayed there constantly had to fill papers to stay subscribed to heaven and every day were reminded of how lucky they were to be there because some people were stuck in hell. And then someone mentioned that Hell was probably not as bad because there was always the prospect of trying to espace which was entertaining to them. I thought it was weird as fuck but like I did not care since they are comedians and probably juzt trying to be funny. I stop the podcast because I think the conversation gets boring. And I lose interest. I open another completely unrelated comedy pdocast, not even in the same language as the last one (from french to english podcast). And the first sentence that podcast starts with is straight up "go to hell. Do everything you can to go to hell." And then the other guy on the podcast tries to interrupt and the first guy immediately goes again "no. Im not gonna expend on this. Just try to go to hell please" and then they switch up to a completely unrelated subject and never mention it again.

So like both of these were comedy podcast and the last one is not at all out of characters for them to make this "joke". But what were the chances of me watching these two back to back. I can't chase away the thiught that some entity is trying to make me choose the "bad path" and want me to go to hell.

Is my grand father trying to send me a message that I am needed in hell for him to escape? Is some kind of entity hacking our way of communication and trying to pass as my grand father to trick me into going to hell? Am I simply going absolutely crazy and am in psychosis right now?

I don't know what to make of this experience and it low key scares me. I cant see to accept that it could simply be a weird coincidence with no meaning...

16:10 UTC


Went painting and out of 25-30 isles I randomly sat this one. Dylan is my online friend/crush who I am going to meet in person this month.

Another coincide is the sweatshirt, he calls me “puppy” 🤣😆 btw I went here twice last year, never saw this isle, no other isle had words or names on them lol

1 Comment
04:03 UTC


An odd sync while grocery shopping

So a friend gave me her debit card to pick up a few things for a bbq, and texted the pin since she has an old card without the chip. Grab the items and proceed to the register, didnt notice anything until the cashier added the 10 cent fee for a plastic bag to hold the items I just purchased. The total was exactly the same as her pin.

1 Comment
20:41 UTC


I keep experiencing terrifying synchronicities and it makes me feel like something is wrong.

The first time something like this happened to me was back in March 2020. My dad had given me a book that he read called Super Brain by Deepak Chopra and Rudolph E. Tanzi. There is a section in the book that I got to one night where they mention the word "credo" several times and I had no idea what that word meant. I looked up the word and found the definition: "a statement of the beliefs or aims which guide someone's actions."

The very next morning, while I was in the kitchen, my dad walked in and asked "Hey, did you hear Credo Mutwa has passed on?" I had no clue that was, or why my dad would have thought I knew who that was. When I looked him up, I found out he is an African spiritualist/healer.

I know that sounds like a silly coincidence, but it gets way weirder after that.

A very short while later, it was 8 days to be exact, I randomly remembered an old television presenter from the 90s/early 2000s. I was very young when she was on TV, and I was wondering, at the back of my mind, what had ever happened to her. A day later there were suddenly news headlines reporting her mysterious passing on 03 April 2020. The family never revealed the cause.

I was creeped out, but I tried to dismiss it as another weird coincidence.

There have been about three other instances like this since then, but I experienced another just a few days ago, which is why I am now writing this post.

For the last year or so, I would always randomly come across the word "Pandey" on different internet platforms like Quora. I didn't know what it meant, but upon looking it up, it turns out is a surname of Sanskrit origin. It didn't mean anything in particular to me, so I don't know why the surname kept popping up. Then something really strange happened.

So I really love this book series by an author called Michelle Hodkin, the Mara Dyer trilogy. It is revealed in the story that the main character, who is of half-Indian ancestry, has the middle name Amrita. I Googled the name just to know its meaning. It means "immortality".

Yesterday, the day after I looked up the meaning of the name Amrita, I'm saw headlines about a Bollywood actress called Amrita Pandey. She has ended her life under seemingly suspicious circumstances. The headline came to me in my Google News notifications.

I experience a variety of synchronicities, but I have no idea what to make of this type. It is so dark and frightening. It makes me feel like something is incredibly wrong.

Why would this be happening?

1 Comment
16:37 UTC


Need Help Interpreting My Synchronicities

So I'll keep it vague and say there was a specific manifestation I was after for a while for which I was receiving synchronistic confirmations. However there was also a skeptic inside me and a part of me was always thinking "what if this is all bs, the atheists are right, and I am just being a delusional clown".

Long story short after a few months of trying to manifest my desire and receiving some synchronistic confirmation, I didn't get what I want and the lack of it was making me frustrated so I gave up the whole thing and being at peace with letting it go...

Only for less then a week after deciding to let it go, I started receiving CRAZY synchronicities (signs and specific synchronicities that I had associated with positive confirmation for the manifestation). It was getting to the point of being really pretty crazy - far beyond the possibility of coincidence (the outer signals/signs also corresponding to my thoughts in perfect timing) over and over and over for the last weeks.

So I am just wondering - whats going on here? Why was I getting even more synchronicities after I gave up? Does the overwhelming synchronicity mean it will manifest? Do I have to go back and try to keep manifesting it, or should I just keep letting it go?

I would appreciate thoughts

00:24 UTC


Predicting Synchronicities: Anyone Else Experienced This?

Do any of you ever experience inexplicable synchronicities that leave you questioning what's really happening? It's like predicting events that unfold. For instance, I was at the park with my little brother, and he accidentally touched some bird droppings. In a random thought, I told myself that if a bird crashes into my car or something similar happens, it would be a bad omen and somehow related. The next day, I discovered a dead bird on my patio, and it completely freaked me out. I've been unable to shake off the coincidence. Even though my roommate mentioned seeing the bird there for days and brushed it off, the timing seemed too uncanny. Has anyone else had similar experiences?

20:22 UTC


Lots of 2’s 2-day this 2’s-day

06:28 UTC


Sort of comical synchronicity just happened.

Sadly couldn’t take a picture in time, but as I was passenger driving past KFC a car number plate reads ‘KFC’ just as going past it at the very exact second.

What do you guys make of this? Apart from the universe is telling me to get some chicken 🐓 😂

18:59 UTC


My personal experience

I have a very cool story on a synchronicity that happened in my life. A couple of months back, I said to myself that I wanted to manifest 20/20 vision. I'm myopic and I knew that there were methods to helping my eyesight, but I didn't really know where to start. Well, I go to visit my mother and she notices that I'm not wearing glasses. I say to her "yeah I'm trying to improve my vision naturally, and a good place to start is to wear your glasses less". she says "i have a book on eyesight improvement". It was a book by Dr Bates. Who was the leading author and researcher on natural eyesight improvement.. cool enough right? Well I start going through the book, and it was brought at a local town at a place called the Arcturus Clinic. Which I found very strange, because just a couple weeks before this interaction I was drawn to that location by meeting a friend of a friend who suggested I come there for a discussion with a group of people.. anyway. I found that quite freaky. So I look up the Arcturus Clinic on Google maps. And it has the same address as the house I had recently moved into!! Same street name and number.. obviously not the same town. But coincidence?? I think not.

05:56 UTC


Crush and ex uncannily similar

This is more like an update to my first post in another sub. My ex and my current crush are uncannily similar. The more I got to know this girl, the more I found out that she had basically the same interests as my ex, apart from speaking the same languages and almost being born on the same day. I know this may be some kind of confirmation bias on my part because I could still be subconsciously looking for my ex in her, but even if I wasn't, their similarities are still uncanny. Is this some sort of lesson from the universe or higher beings or something? I tried to pursue her, but she doesn't seem interested so I'm letting her go. At the same time, my ex tried to reconnect with me just as she was starting to get distant.

I'm sure they're not the same person, I've confirmed that, so it feels even worse. Idk what to call this, so I'm posting it here to get these thoughts out that's been bugging me for months.

14:12 UTC


Problems with angel numbers

I dont think its really a synchronicity or angels give you signs Maybe seeing 11:11 countless of times maybe there is a meaning But seeing 444 22 11 777 dont think have any meaning And your minds go into the attention zone And whenever it sees any triple number think goddamn its a sign No cause your attention is in there and your mind picks everynumber and organized it like child playing with logos Dont go into these things If there is a meaningful sign you will get it without numbers

17:14 UTC


Synchronicity is everywhere

23:49 UTC


Symbiosis in Synchronicity

Existence takes on many different forms, numbers and words can exist, a house can exist, a person can exist, consciousness can exist, the universe can exist, and God may even exist.

Synchronicity is also a form of existence, the way the elements come together, they form a type of symbiosis with each other, each one feeding on the other, dignifying the other’s existence.

How curious symbiosis means living together, or existing together, because that is the form of existence that allows for a particular type of existence with synchronicity.

When all the pieces come together, that is when it can exist.

Only when the coinciding elements are recognized in the observer, that is when synchronicity comes to life, and the way they exist is that we recognize them, affirming at the very same time, our very own existence.

At its core, synchronicity is inevitable causality, and what we feel towards them is neurochemical, nothing more.

Meaning that the feeling we have towards synchronicity was preprogrammed. Because our brain has to be capable of employing the neurological and psychological neurochemical profile that allows us to have those thoughts.

And they are thoughts about existence.

Johns Hopkins Press calls this emergence of the psyche, it is when the person is coming to terms with the reality of their own psyche, they seek order and logic, and invariably, they find it, and when they do, they can grow as a human being through learning.

The reality of a person who experiences synchronicity is almost always challenged by questions about his or her very own existence.

Who am I? Am I special?

To bare witness to ethereal connections, to experience a sliver of the supernatural.

It is a force.

It is a force much like gravity, but instead of working on everything equally, synchronicity works on some things more be it form, shape, or essence.

To bare witness to synchronicities is to exist at the apex of their existence, why they came together is not as important as how at most times, it is only because of the observer’s consciousness, that the coincidence can become a synchronicity.

It is having a special relationship with the universe, like a symbiosis, they exist through our consciousness when we recognize them, and we get our own affirmations and wonders out of them.

1 Comment
04:56 UTC


Hi guys, can you help me solve this "puzzle" Im scared.

So Im 21 M (not using drugs/alcohol...) started to seeing numbers/synchronities 6 years ago... 111,222,333,555,1111 except numbers 777 and 7777 Im seeing them for 1 year now but I notice something REALLY REALLY weird. Everytime when I start seeing 111,777,7777 I got bad news about that someone from my village has passed away...even in my street! Also one song follows me all the time when I see that number and that song is "Edward Sharpe & Magnetic Zeros- Home' That song has always associated me with my "home"that is, in the literal sense, "home" means to feel good and "in the moment"..."feeling good" I have depression and anxiety for 6 years now and that song"carried" me for all this years, but as I said for 1 year now:

  1. Im starting to see 777,777,111
  2. Somebody in my village/street dies
  3. Is the song "Home"
  4. My health get worse (but Im still not sure for that)

And yes this things happened to me a few times now for 1 year now...Im just scared and I dont know what to do, If anyone can help me? Please.

00:42 UTC


Seriality - the different faces of synchronicity

Seriality is a concept brought forth by Paul Kammerer, an Austrian biologist. It predates Carl Jung’s synchronicity by about 10-20 years.

It states that numbers, words, symbols, and events tend to repeat themselves over the course of time, underscoring the cyclical nature of all causality and events in time.

For example, in The Holy Bible, the earlier authors noted this seriality especially with the number 3 and number 12 (12 tribes of Israel, 12 apostles, the girl who was bleeding for 12 years, etc).

The Bible is essentially a recording of events that carry a high frequency of occurrence as a function of their significance. Such as David vs. Goliath symbolizes winning of the underdog, which is a favoured event by its independent observers.

As it turns out, some particular numbers and events are repeated more frequently than others. For example, “noticing 11:11” is an event that happens more frequently than others.

Seriality describes seeing the numbers perfectly, as many do not consider seeing them to be synchronicity by Carl Jung’s definition, but that is because Jung tried to stay away from the core concepts within seriality when he came up with his own concept of synchronicity, despite using Kammerer’s definition for a large chunk of the definition of synchronicity in his book, Jung left out the serendipitous repetition of numbers and words and events as to remain original.

So strictly speaking, seeing repeated numbers is not synchronicity per se, but it is seriality, the concept Jung based his synchronicity upon.

20:55 UTC


I put some selenite and rose quartz next to my pillow and had a super vivid dream about a man and his dog named Saturn

I put some a selenite crystal on the pillow next to me and I’ve been having some really cool dreams!

but this is one of them:

for background, I have reoccurring dreamscapes that sometimes have minor changes or new additions. I normally go through these areas as I’m dreaming.

Last night, I had a dream in one of my normal but slightly different worlds, and there was this young guy and his dog, super peaceful, good energy from him, and it felt like there was chemistry between us in the dream. I’m basically asexual in real life, it takes a lot for me to feel random connections so this was notable.

and then, as I went through my various dream spots and normal type dreams, him and his dog were everywhere that I went, always in passing.

but right before I woke up, I was walking up stairs that came out of one of those outside cellar steps doors…(which is weird on its own bc I’ve heard stairs can indicate going through dimensions or coming back to the waking state.)

At the top was his dog tied to the side waiting for him, and as I’m stepping out i hear him yell “Hey saturn, I’m almost back!” or something..but the dogs name was saturn..I just think that’s SO adorable lol.

He grabs his dog and meets up with his friend but we see each other again and im like “are you following me?!” in a total joking sort of way. he responded basically in the same friendly tone, saying he was thinking the same thing about me. and then came over and a bunch of people were around us with his dog.

then I woke up. typing this out now almost creeps me out that maybe someone was infiltrating my astral world but at the same time it felt very safe and I wasnt at all freaked out. I found myself being happy when I saw his dog and heard his voice

When awake, I saw and remembered that I had added rose quartz to my pillow the night before.. And before sleep, I thought about how it would be cool to dream about a future partner (I’ve heard you can do that) but also was nonchalant about it because I’ve tried it before and felt like it didn’t really work. But I’ve literally had thoughts about how I wouldn’t mind if they visited me in the astral world and that it would be cool

Some background that makes this all more synchronistic: I only had the rose quartz out because the night prior, I had a dream where I was wearing a rose quartz pendant and it really stuck out to me.

I barely own any rose quartz, But the dream was so strong that I wanted to get a piece because of it. Later, as I’m in my car, I found a chunk of it while removing items from a console that I haven’t cleaned out in probably over a year. I took that piece, cleansed it with the selenite, and then put it by my pillow next to it. It’s almost like the selenite (which I’ve been doing A LOT of cleansing with,) was telling me to get the rose quartz so the rose quartz could assist in my dream? I may be going crazy tbh.

Later, completely irrelevantly I was making a video about this crystal tarot deck my mom gave me, and the second card that came out was selenite! I wasn’t even thinking about any of this until I saw that card. It said the name is derived from selene, which means moon, and it was a full moon the same night of my dream!

I realize how ridiculous this could all sound, yet it’s so cool and I figure if anyone will understand it is people who populate these groups. Any insights, feedback, or similar experiences I would LOVE to hear! It’s easy for me to write it off as imaginary and just my mind, but it felt so real, and with all the coincidences, I’m wondering if anyone has ever had any similar experiences and what came of it

00:10 UTC


I thought “check the time for synchronicity”, am I tripping or is this the most crazy time/date formation

19:46 UTC


Towards a Science of Synchronicities

I have been investigating the perplexities of meaningful coincidences (synchronicities)for fifty five years. My conclusion is that most synchronicities are neither random events nor are they personal messages from some transcendent realm of absolute meaning such as “the universe.” Instead they are solutions to human problems initially experienced as unsolvable.

The findings of my research are recorded in a book titled: Demystifying Meaningful Coincidences (Synchronicities)): The Evolving Self, The Personal Unconscious, and The Creative Process.

For those interested in an alternative theory to the dominating mystical/ magical synchronicity theory of Jung and his followers respond to the following free offer.

Send me a request for a free PDF of my book with your email address.

My email address is gwilliamsny11@aol.com.

16:10 UTC


Seeing 777 again and again for a year now! This freaks me out tottaly...idk what to do

I have feeling like 777 is unlucky but maybe Im wrong, when I search on google its non stop same result...complete bullshits.

01:39 UTC


Road kept having a that made me slow down.

So I was delivering a package down this road and it just kept getting weird. It was a long hallow. First off, there was a small tractor going kinda slow. After about a mile, he turned off. Then I was able to get moving again and as I came around a bend. There was just a guy in the road so I had to slow down again. He moved and I was able to get moving again. Then after about 50 feet or so, I was coming up a hill and then there is like a long piece of metal on the road? I had to stop and physically remove it because it was a large piece of metal across the whole road. Then I got back in my car, began to drive again and then turkeys were running across the road? Then as I went farther down an older man crossing the road?

Now it could have been the oddest just a bunch of crap happening at once. Idk, I remember reading one time that if you are going too fast and too suddenly then like the matrix didn’t expect it and will need to slow you down to render?

Idk, what do you think? I’m I just reaching. It was weird and felt off.

19:21 UTC


Joint synchronicities

Anybody else have a friend or family member that also experiences synces? I got a buddy that I hang out with every once in a while that we both discuss the potential of the simulation/synchronicities. He and I both have our own separate synces but we hung out yesterday and were bombarded with them. Started with Google maps continuing to tell me where to go while driving around a parking lot just until a spot opened up, that we've passed at least once,, then it says we've arrived. Then we're sitting there and noticed a guy wearing sunglasses on the back of his head, which seemed odd. Later on we noticed another guy also wearing his sunglasses on back of head. When suddenly the first guy was 2 chairs away, (he was originally sitting 20 feet away). Also, one was wearing a shirt with the word America on it, and the other had and American flag. Then later at dinner another family member and I ordered the exact same meal and dessert, out of 8 of us. And we were at cheesecake factory which has a massive menu. Weird day for sure.

1 Comment
16:25 UTC


How London Keeps Popping Up in My Life: Signaling Something with a Crush?

Been crushing on a coworker for about a year now, and I've got this gut feeling he's into me too. We've never confessed our feelings, and now I've moved to a different department. We still chat occasionally. Recently, he mentioned he was heading to London for a holiday. The weirdest thing happened: the day before his trip, I kept seeing London-related stuff everywhere. It's like the angels/spirits wants me to reach out to him. Even during his trip, London seems to be popping up everywhere I look. For example, I start a random series on Netflix and it is shot in London, I play a playlist on YouTube and the video is all about London.

Also, the way my feelings for this guy developed is strange. It all started with a dream. In one dream, we were already in a relationship, and in another, we were engaged in deep conversations. After that, real life seemed to mirror those dreams, with countless opportunities for us to talk for hours on end. Before these dreams, I never had any kind of feelings for this guy. Now, I'm having dreams where he's hugging me and holding my hand, as if they're guiding me towards the next stage of our relationship.

What’s going on?

1 Comment
08:57 UTC


First of all Im not searching for this number/s its just random I swear...1111 what should I do?

02:04 UTC


Double Rainbow Syncs

One day about a year ago, in the morning, I randomly stumbled upon a video called Yosemitebear Mountain Double Rainbow where a guy was absolutely mind-blown by a double rainbow he saw on a mountain hike. As he wondered what the rainbow meant, he ended up getting super emotional about it and even cried. I had actually seen this video many, many years before in some Ray William Johnson compilation, and I found it to be quite funny, but also very relatable in a weird way. 

Then in the same day's evening, me and my girlfriend went over to a friend's place to hang out. It was a rainy summer day. At some point there was a brief storm, and right after it... There it was, a freaking double rainbow. I had not seen a double rainbow in a super long time, (actually I'm not sure I had ever seen one in person before), and I had not seen that video in a very, very, very long time, and yet I ended up seeing the double rainbow video and an actual double rainbow in the same day.

About 1 year later, as I was thinking about my past synchronistic events, I thought about this experience and how amazing and unbelievable it was. Just one hour later, I was chilling and doing stuff on my phone. I played my YouTube Favorites playlist, which at this point has 4000 videos (because almost every song I ever liked has gone there). I hit the shuffle button, to mix the videos up and get random ones, and got this one, which is normally way, way, way back in the list: Double Rainbow Guy in Everyday Life

1 Comment
18:43 UTC


What do you know about synchronicities? Tell me in details

Just trying to understand what all of this is...

17:55 UTC


I saw a coyote for the first time tonight

I live in Texas and have heard them so it was bound to happen at some point, but kinda weird that it happened today specifically.

I'm taking a class on spatial distribution of species/ecosystems (biogeography) Part of this class has us doing a group project on spatial patterns of specific species in an urban context. Coyote was one of the species options we had and I immediately joined that group. My prof was out of town for a conference today so class was cancelled, but my group got together to work on our project. I specifically made maps showing locations of Coyote sightings and am working on an analysis of why they're spotted where they are, limitations of citizen science data, how many of the observations are of the animal vs tracks/scat, etc. nerdy shit like that.

I was on my way home from work and the thought of coyotes popped in my head. I don't really think about coyotes that much even with this project, but just a few seconds later I saw a shadowy dog-like figure on my street. I slowed down to see if it had tags so I could stop and had the thought "wouldn't it be funny if it was a coyote?" It ran in front of my car, I slammed on my brakes, it stopped for just a few seconds, looked at me, and ran off. I managed to snap a couple pics, but it just looks like a vaguely dog shaped blob. I'm actually planning on using the pic in my project to highlight the limitations of citizen science, especially for elusive/primarily nocturnal creatures lol

I dunno, just thought it was interesting. I'm not too big on spirituality and stuff, but I've been thinking about how the past few months have been pretty meh and what coyotes symbolize in Native American culture

05:34 UTC


Listen to them...

04:02 UTC


Statistical standard deviation synchronicity to the composition of the universe

1 standard deviation is 68%; Dark energy accounts for 68% of the universe

2 standard deviation is 95%; Dark energy + dark matter = 95.1% of the universe

3 standard deviation = 99.7%; Dark energy + dark matter + ordinary matter (all of us) = 99.8% of the universe

We are 3 SD away from the mean, that’s far from ordinary.

1 Comment
13:37 UTC

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