
Photograph via snooOG

A space to share and talk about theistic paganism.

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Welcome to /r/pagan, a subreddit for links, discussion, and fostering community (both online and in-person) in the broader umbrella of Contemporary Paganism.

Contemporary Paganism is a term denoting modern applications of Pagan religiosity and spirituality. These religious concepts are codified into a wide, disparate terminology encompassing many different philosophical and theological outlooks. It generally encompasses religious traditions focused on reviving or drawing inspiration from the pre-Christian traditions of Europe, North Africa, and West Asia; modern paganism does not include African, Native American, East Asian or other traditions who deliberately do not identify as pagan.

As this sub is geared towards theistic paganism, and we are trying to foster a safe community for theistic pagans, atheopaganism and similar posts will be removed for proseltization. The reason we question atheopaganism (different from nontheistic paganism) is that atheism and atheopaganism often and mainly includes the disbelief in spirits, gods, and higher powers which is antithetical to the central idea of paganism that nature is a higher power.

Regardless of outlook or tradition, however, all are welcome to join in discussion or debate. We strive not to create a singular religious identity but to be a location where members of these different religious communities can come to network, brainstorm, and get to know each other. This subreddit is an intrafaith and interfaith community, not a monolithic religious identity.

We encourage interesting links of topics and discussion, as well as fervent debate. We are also in the process of correlating a series of useful links to organizations, festivals, and other resources that are useful to our members.

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What do these runes/sigils mean?

I've seen symbols similar to these before, but idk what they're from from or what they mean.

06:34 UTC


I feel like I’m betraying my ancestors.

I’m a Mexican American just starting my journey in Paganism and I have felt connected to and want to work with Flora, the goddess of flowers and fertility of the Roman Pantheon. However, being Mexican American I grew being told that our culture and our ancestors are our identity and should be a big part of who become. I feel like I’m turning my back on them by working with Flora. Has anyone else felt this way or know how to navigate these feelings?

05:25 UTC


How Hinduism isn't a topic to share in this sub-reddit?

I recently shared a post on saraswati puja celebration.. And the mod of this committee literally said its off topic so we are removing your comments and posts? So Hinduism isn't a tipic of paganism? Like its the oldest still alive pagan religion in the world!

02:03 UTC


New tattoo

My daughter has been practicing tattoos on that fake skin stuff, she said she was ready to try on a person but everyone said no, so I told to give me one I think she did an incredible job for her first as she was nervous what do you think

01:45 UTC


Weird question... I hate asking this I promise

So with Trump being elected, how has everyone's feel of the energy shifted? Personally for me, it's shifted towards a upslope. With the past 20 years, it's felt like a horrible shit show and mad house from all parties. But for some reason I feel people are becoming less divided and almost like a catalyst of the collective has occurred? Like trust me, I don't like him either, but I almost feel more peaceful? Maybe finally people can ignore the political parties and we as the collective can come together, no matter what party, race, religion, etc., and realize that we're all human beings and that we are powerful as one and not divided.

01:21 UTC


figuring out deity stuff

If i am not sure which deity i want to work with, how could i figure out which pantheon/god[dess]/etc i want to work with? I have previously worshipped artemis and hecate, and i think i want to continue to, but i want to begin working with a celtic or germanic deity. i feel a bit drawn to odin, but i dont know how to figure out if he is a good god to work with [for myself]. I am also interested in hades, but i am also unsure if he is a good fit.

23:13 UTC


How to stop having romantic intrusive though about the gods

I don't want to have theses thoughts and I keep trying to stop them can anyone tell me how to stop them please don't ask any questions about it, I really want these thoughts to stop I hate them

23:10 UTC


Experience working with/worshipping Ares?

I’ve realized recently that I’m very drawn to Ares and his overall vibes, and I love learning about his mythology. I haven’t met someone who I know has worshipped or worked with him before, and I was wondering if anyone would be able to tell me their experiences? What’s he like? I want to engage with him more.

21:52 UTC


Lesser known deities that you love working with

What are some lesser-known duties that you work or worship? I worship and work with Lugh, Hestia, Hypnos, Maponus, Nuada, Brigantia, Prometheus and Brigit I would love to hear about your lesser-known deities!!!

21:36 UTC


Broom closet from children?

I know this is weird. My son(11) likes to talk a lot and I worry that he will tell my parents about me being pagan. I’m still in the broom closet from them. With that in mind, I slowly trickle things to him but I never outwardly say something is pagan or not. Like I told him the 1st was the halfway point between winter and spring so we clean to bring good luck in. Or we blow cinnamon into the house for good luck. Surface level stuff of simplicity.

Should I just go ahead and bite the bullet and explain he can’t tell my parents about it? Or just continue to do what I’m doing? It feels like lying and not giving him a chance to see what I believe. After he read Percy Jackson he liked to say he believed in Apollo and jokes about it when the sun is bright but also says he believes in the Christian god. Heck this boy wrote down all the Greek gods once to “pray” to them. My husband knows I’m pagan and asks me questions all the time. And lets me do my thing without issues.

Maybe he is ready?

19:07 UTC


Museums with Cernunnos in France

Hi, I've been searching for museums with Cernunnos depictions in France, as I'm staying here for 2 weeks. I'll visit the Pillar of the boatmen (Cluny museum) and the figurine (national archeological museum)

Have not found more museums with Cernunnos here in France.

Before Paris I'm staying a bit in vosges, I know some images and inscriptions where discovered near here, but no luck finding where Thanks

18:12 UTC


Will they be upset if I don't worship right? (Apollo)

Shits scary in the world right now and I'm needing guidance. I've always had a passing interest in paganism, but never committed to anything due to religious trauma. The most I've done up to this point is had my tarot read a couple times and tried to read it myself once recently.

I've taken an intrest in worshipping Apollo since I'm an artist and I've always been drawn to him in general, but tbh I get really overwhelmed by all of the information. I know theres a ton of helpful guides but its still so much information and a lot of it is complicated spiritual talk, so it gets a bit triggering. I also have memory/personality disorders that I won't get into, but my active worshipping could easily fall to the side for awhile because of it.

I worry about worshipping wrong or not being active enough and upsetting him. How do I tell if I'm doing ok? My current plan is just to make a small alter and place offerings, maybe dedicate some art and ask for guidance when I need it. Will that be enough?? How often do I need to make offerings?

(Also side note, if i offer food what do I do with it after?? It seems like it would be disrespectful to eat it or throw it away, but i don't wanna just leave it forever cause that's gross)

17:46 UTC


What’s a common pagan-related misconception you wish you could tell everyone?

Aside from the obvious one - we don’t worship the devil - what are some common pagan misconceptions you wish you could tell people?

To add to my first statement I know some people are Satanists but that’s still not worshipping the devil and I don’t think it’s a pagan religion.? It’s more of a doctrine anyways I think

17:02 UTC


Pagan Elopement

My partner and I have decided to Elope and I would like to get it done on February 12 as it is a full Leo moon which is very significant for us. I am trying to find someone in DC who can officiate the ceremony for us, I understand it’s short notice, but if there is any practicing pagans or witches that are certified to officiate please pass along the information! It would literally just be the two of us, somewhere around the DC or Arlington area. I hope this works

16:42 UTC


Witchcraft Myths

15:29 UTC


where to look into polish/slavic mythology

i've always found it interesting how i'm largely a hellenistic pagan when over 50% of my ancestry is from poland. i thought if i looked into the religion of my ancestors i may feel a connection stronger than my pull to hellenism.

but as i began my journey, ive learned that accurate mythos from this time is few and far between--even worse--myths were created whole cloth in the past few hundred years.

so here i am, asking yall. is there a theoi dot com for polish myths? any good creators? etc

thanks in advance

1 Comment
11:34 UTC


/r/Pagan Ask Us Anything and Newbie Thread February 03, 2025

Welcome to /r/Pagan's weekly Ask Us Anything thread!

The purpose of this thread is give posters the opportunity to ask the community questions that they may not wish to dedicate a full thread for. If you have any questions that you do not justify making a dedicated thread, please ask here! Although do not be afraid to start one of those, too.

If you feel like asking about stuff not directly related to Paganism, you can ask here, too!

New Readers and Newcomers to Paganism

Are you new or just getting started? Please read our sidebar to orient yourself to this community, our definition of Contemporary Paganism, and the expectations of this subreddit.

Do you still have questions?

Check our FAQ page first!

Join us on the Discord server

• Still have questions? Seeking: First Pagan Steps and Tools is a great tool for beginners and interested persons reading about Contemporary Paganism.

• Other questions? Ask below!

07:00 UTC


My new altar setup - what do you think?

I have candles and incense and a place for offerings below, but this is the main altar space for the gods, sìth, and the land/house spirits. My ancestors have their own altar in the kitchen.

06:50 UTC


Does anyone have experience “calling on” or honoring deities that you don’t work with long term?

I’ve always wondered if other people have called upon (ask advice, vent to, etc) deities that they do not work with daily or long term. Kind of like how Catholics will call on certain Saints (ex. St. Anthony for finding lost things). I’m really just asking for my own curiosity because it’s something I’ve always thought about !

05:55 UTC


How I saw the Pentacle during a meditation. I wasn't sure where to put this but I thought it was interesting.

05:15 UTC


Am I Overthinking This?

Context: So, I've always been more interested in Greek Mythology (Specifically Aphrodite and Apollo but I've read and own the National Geographic book since primary school) compared to any other religion I've been exposed to or looked into. I was born into a christian household but was allowed to explore my religious identity. Unfortunately, I never came to any connections to deitys but my connection to the rain and spirituality/animism grew over the years. Anyway, onto my main point; I indulge in poetry when expressing how I feel. Being chronically depressed, it was the safest and easiest way to escape. In some of these poems I reference my best friend and current friends with benefits to Hera and Apollo respectively. It never crossed my mind but now I'm starting to wonder if doing so was offensive or anything of the sort, or if it's even encouraged? My main worry is Apollo because of the reference, I feel like I've been getting signs that I've just tossed aside as typical instagram reels feed. I'm very new to this sort of thing, I genuinely don't know what to do or think lol or if this is even the right place to ask.

04:33 UTC


Imbolc Altar

I’m a bit late, but I felt like sharing my Imbolc setup. Hope everyone had a great day!

04:06 UTC


Anyone else have an unusually large altar or multiple altars? What are they? For what gods or other purpose?

I am privileged enough to live in a city in the US that has relatively low rent, and I live in a decently sized apartment alone. I have a relatively large altar to Inanna-Ishtar, and several other smaller altars for money working, an ancestor altar, a love altar, and I am also working on altars to other gods. I try to keep them and the rest of my apartment beautiful, because the gods are beautiful. To an outsider, it probably just looks like decorations, but for me they have a lot of meaning.

I think the point of worship or working with the gods, and the ways to please them, doesn’t necessarily start and stop at a beautiful or extravagant altar space. Ultimately, the gods work with and through us to bring beauty, order, and harmony into the world in different ways. An altar isn’t always necessary, and it can be hard for closeted pagans to have an altar. But having their symbols and representations helps me to feel connected in a way. It reminds me of the beauty they have channeled into the world, that they are the architects of our universe and invented the best of our earthly pleasures. I believe it may also be that gods and their energy more easily enter a space when they are properly represented in their altars. I also credit the gods for helping me get to the point that I am at, so like to pay proper respect to them.

Do any others on this app have several altars, or relatively large altars? What are they for, or to what gods or other beings? I often see alters to a singular purpose or god, but I’m curious what kind of combinations of spirits, people worship, or other things that they are into.

03:13 UTC


Happy imbolc! I accidentally set two oatmeal raisin cookies on my altar and. I suppose they're for Artemis and Loki now

01:40 UTC


I am happy to invite The God Priapos to my altar.

01:33 UTC


Druid chant cartoon for ya'll

23:36 UTC

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