This is a reading club focusing on psychonautic literature. We read books relevant to our interests by authors like Aldous Huxley, Robert Anton Wilson, and Terrence McKenna. This subreddit is a place for related planning and discussion.
We choose a monthly book, and post an official thread about it where everyone can discuss it.
The focus is on the monthly book, but anyone can post a thread about anything
Doors of Perception by A. Huxley
Prometheus Rising by R.A. Wilson
Island by A. Huxley
The Joyous Cosmology by A. Watts
The Book On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are by A. Watts
Darwin's Pharmacy: Sex, Plants, and the Evolution of the Noosphere by R.M. Doyle
Food of the Gods by T. McKenna
Later books will be voted on.
Figured you all might be interested in this conversation I had with Dr. Bill Richards, a clinical psychologist at Johns Hopkins and author of the book Sacred Knowledge. It was an amazing conversation if I say so myself :)
i've tried listening to some non distracting Nature Ambience while reading lately (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0MvXOKmo5I94EBekEu5X5Q?si=ef2f18f4738f4c85&nd=1&dlsi=e636181fbfcb4487) and I like it so far. Any similar experiences?
Idk what y’all think of self-promotion in this sub but I just self-published my first book, a memoir about my journey through psychedelics, selling acid for three years, and the music festival scene. I worked on this for five years, have a bachelors in Literature, and went to Grad school for Book Publishing. I had an editor, multiple beta readers and worked with a graphic designer to create the book cover.
I self-published not because of the lack of quality but because of the position traditional publishing industry is in right now and my desire to own all the rights and have creative control. I really do think self-publishing is going to be the future of publishing. The most difficult part is marketing and getting the word out and onto bookshelves. It would mean a lot if you could take the time and see if this is something you’d be interested in reading. Thanks in advance fellow psychonauts.
Title: Confusions and Confessions by an Oklahoma Psychonaut by ÆON
Link in the comments
Hey all. I’m not sure if one exists - but does anyone know of a book full of trip reports? I really enjoy hearing from a variety of people about their experiences, as opposed to a book written by someone who shares their own single perspective.
Like if I could create the perfect book, it would be called ‘Heroic Doses - Tales From the Other Side’ or something like that.
Hey id love to have some open discussion on spirituality and meaning of life if anyone is interested
I invite you to follow my posts in r/Psychonaut id like some of your input and k also see you are doing book discussions it’s be interesting for all of us to have a discussion.
So I would love to talk about what I have seen and done in my life. I had a full ride to college, 98 on the ASVAB, I am not easily tricked. However I have a very interesting theory on life that I believe only true Psychonauts can understand. So message me, I want a better future for my kids kid. Safe travels catch you on the spirit side.
The complete version of The Drug Users Bible has now been published: and this definitely is the final cut. I’m getting too old for the constant drug touring, and the ride cannot go on for ever.
For this edition I added an extra 25 psychoactives, bringing the total to 182. These were:
Some of these were definitely scraping the bottom of the barrel but I had to cover them for some sort of completeness (at least in terms of common perception).
Various sections were also substantially expanded, some new segments were added, and a significant number of previous reports were extended/improved or added to. The new page count is 636, making it literally a weighty tome.
More information is available on the book’s website or on Amazon.
Finally, my 12 year journey has ended, but it isn’t the end of the road. I will continue to ‘research’, to post on parts of social media, and attempt to disseminate harm reduction information wherever and whenever I can. You haven’t heard the last of me.
Regarding the book, I hope it continues to be a useful resource in preventing tragedy, both now and long after I have shuffled off this mortal coil.
Finally, please don’t hesitate to ask any questions or post comments, or most of all, if you ever need help and you think I can assist, drop me a private message. Stay safe.
Prolegomenon to undermining the foundations/fundamentals of science
The greatest scholar of our time Magister colin leslie dean
Magister colin leslie dean the only modern Renaissance man with 9 degrees including 4 masters: B,Sc, BA, B.Litt(Hons), MA, B.Litt(Hons), MA, MA (Psychoanalytic studies), Master of Psychoanalytic studies, Grad Cert (Literary studies)
"[Deans] philosophy is the sickest, most paralyzing and most destructive thing that has ever originated from the brain of man."
"[Dean] lay waste to everything in its path... [It is ] a systematic work of destruction and demoralization... In the end it became nothing but an act of sacrilege.
I’d like to start a list of fiction that relates to psychedelics (ex Jitterbug Perfume). It’s fun to have a psychedelic bent to my recreational reading but it’s hard to find novels like that.
Hiya everyone!
SO, as I mentioned in the title, we're looking for experienced writers to contribute regularly for our blog section on our website! :-) You will be paid for your writing - we currently have three tiers of pay per 1000 words depending on your level of experience and skill.
We're very open to any topics you might be interested in; we've had some very interesting people write for us in the past; from doctors and lawyers - to journalists and members of the religious community too!
Some of the topics we'd like to have covered include but aren't limited to:
You can write using a pseudonym if you like, or we can openly credit you and link to your website/socials, etc.
Your article will be sent out to our newsletter subscribers, and also shared to our Discord community (1000+ members). We have quite an active community and decent levels of engagement. Most of our articles get upwards of ten or so comments, and we're going to be making improvements to the website so we can get even more of a community discussion going on.
If you're interested, please check out this Google Doc outlining the article pitching process, rates of pay, and our standardized practices for formatting, etc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k2l1oLEujmSFB3sbY4yQM479F5V2OCiww5-Yeztrl4Y/edit?usp=sharing
Please let me know if you have any questions! :-D I'd be more than happy to help.
Jessica Xx
Hello fellow psychonauts! I wrote a short story as a fun side project about a couple of friends who trip together. All I'll say is that it involves a rock concert and a good ol' acid bonding experience where things don't go quite according to plan...
I would love to share my writing and solicit any feedback from the community. As an aspiring author, it's extremely valuable for me to get others' perspective on what I write, especially from a group that can probably relate to some of this story!
Please feel free to comment or DM me your thoughts, and of course, I hope you find some entertainment through this short-ish read:
As Big Pharma plans the introduction of Entheogens/Psychedelics to treat mental illness, the current research has matched the results from previous studies and besides the positive therapeutic uses, the implications of the phenomenon could revolutionize the way we understand existence itself.
Hello all. As stated in the title, we're looking for experienced writers to contribute regular content to our website. You will of course be paid - we currently have three tiers of pay per 1000 words depending on your level of experience and skill.
If you're interested, please check out this Google Doc outlining the article pitching process, rates of pay, and our standardized practices for formatting, etc.
Some of the topics we'd like to have covered include but aren't limited to:
We're very open to any topics you might be interested in as well.
You can write using a pseudonym if you like, or we can openly credit you and link to your website/socials, etc.
We have quite an active community and decent levels of engagement. Most of our articles get upwards of ten or so comments, and we're going to be making improvements to the website so we can get even more of a community discussion going on.
If you're interested please email me at the email provided in the above Google Doc.
After decades of suppression current research on Entheogens is underway due to it’s potential aid in mental illness. As some Universities and firms start their first official trials, this world of ‘Entheogen Mythology’ will start to be integrated to our rigorous ‘objective’ world.
On the verge of UFO disclosure questions about the nature of Non-Human Intelligences abound, the current literature on it often comes as fringe, strange and outright scary but as the research becomes more formal and includes themes of spiritual development, more positive conclusions can be gathered.
A Prolegomenon to a Grand Unified Theory
Magister colin leslie dean the only modern Renaissance man with 9 degrees including 4 masters: B,Sc, BA, B.Litt(Hons), MA, B.Litt(Hons), MA, MA (Psychoanalytic studies), Master of Psychoanalytic studies, Grad Cert (Literary studies)
He is Australia's leading erotic poet: poetry is for free in pdf
Some of these experiences can be as enlightening as the positive ones, and not trying to understand them can be counter-productive to the research, some experiencers react to them with dogma, some simply do not have an answer. It is possible that it could all fit the larger scheme, in a rational way.
Hey everyone, I don't think Leary and Wilson's work on the 8 Circuit model gets enough love. I created a talk on how it can be used as a form of yoga: 8 Circuit Yoga. You could call it a passion project. The talk makes mention of many of our favs Leary, Wilson, PKD, Watts, McKenna, Grof, and more. Perhaps someone here will find it interesting!
This is an intro-video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_HISbdzZ_U&list=PLffhizQfqcpQ6I3wR0FyTJfMf8yuYHI9M
Here's the full lecture playlist on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLffhizQfqcpTiy12gAxP0ewTpWwGV7Pc4
On the channel there are a lot of short clips on different subjects culled from the talk. There's a podcast version on several popular platforms too. Hope someone finds it interesting, and it was OK to post about it here. Wishing you all the best.
what a trip, Snapchat for psychedelic psych_trip2020, tripping on the god molecule is different from tripping on the spirit molecule. I recommend