
Photograph via snooOG

The subreddit for the Golden State of California -- for news and info on what's happening all across the state.

We have user flair

There is user flair for every county, most regions (e.g. Bay Area), and a few general flair (e.g. Tourist, Former Californian).

Welcome to r/California!

This subreddit is for news and information specifically about California of general interest to folks all across the state.

Covering all of California from Yreka to Chula Vista, from San Francisco to Lake Tahoe, from Death Valley to Mount Whitney.

Regional, and major city reddits:

Some other California Subreddits:

The answers to r/California's most asked questions:

Wiki pages and multireddits:

Wiki pages:

California multireddits:

California Politics:

Check out the other state reddits with the 50 state mult-link.

Please visit /r/California/new occasionally to help keep good links from being downvoted into oblivion, as well as watch for any posts that might break reddit's or this sub's posting rules. You can also check new /r/California comments.

Looking for a reddit for a California city, college, or sports team? Check the List of California reddits and another list with North American (including Californian) subs

Posting Rules

  • All posts must be a primarily about California.
  • Basic sub rule: Be civil.
  • Follow basic reddiquette and reddit site rules.
  • NO insults or incivility, trolling, bigotry, profanity or hate. Nothing that's rude, vulgar or offensive. Nothing gross or disgusting.
  • NO misinformation.
  • NO doxxing — this includes looking up a user's history and commenting about it.
  • No name-checking in comments: that is using a link to a user page eg u/username.
  • NO videos
  • NO editorialized titles
  • No memes or image macros.
  • No spam or reposts. .
  • Additional posts on the same topic without major new changes will be deleted.
  • Original sources only. No blogspam or rehosted/republished articles. That includes Yahoo, MSN, AOL, etc.
  • Use quality sources. Do not post from highly biased and/or unreliable websites.
  • Only or mostly posting one website or YouTube channel is considered self-promotion and is banned from this sub.
  • > No websites or articles with hard paywalls or that require registration or subscriptions, unless an archive link or https://12ft.io link is included as a comment.
  • You can add an article excerpt or an archive link as a comment, but DO NOT copy and paste the entire article or substantial parts of the article.
  • No streaming, podcasts, or animated GIFs.
  • Nothing NSFW/NSFL
  • No URL shorteners, archive links, bookmarking links, redirectors, link disguisers, news aggregators, or other websites that hides or changes the final destination URL or source of the original article.
  • No links that open another app or requires another app like Spotify or apple.news
  • Do not post links to articles or photos as a text post.
  • No Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, or other social media websites, and no personal blog posts.
  • No polls, surveys, petitions, fundraising, school projects, or advocacy posts.
  • No infographics
  • No /new queue flooding. No more than 1 post/½ hour and 8 posts/day
  • Do not add the website name to the title. If the website adds their name to the title, delete it before posting the article.
  • No satire or parody, nor AI-generated content.
  • All posts must be current California news and info, plus be of interest to folks from across the state. (Some California history is also cool.)
  • If a post is of only local interest, or the only connection is a person was born or lives in California or is a company that is based in California, or it's entertainment, celebrity, or sports news, it is not appropriate.
  • No local crime reports, local politics, local news articles, or local questions.
  • Try to post more detailed articles from local news sources instead of brief news wire articles from an out-of-state newspaper.
  • No news about Kamala Harris' nor Trump's presidential campaigns!
  • No political news unless it is specifically about California or is about California politicians as they relate to California.
  • No posts about proposed laws until they're ready for Newsom's desk nor failed laws.
  • California is HUGE. If your title doesn't include it, add the location in brackets like this [Santa Ana, CA]. If it is a small city or CDP, include the county or region, eg [Bell, Los Angeles County].
  • For local or regional questions, try /r/AskLosAngeles, /r/AskSF, or /r/AskSanDiego or other local subs instead.
  • For questions, please be as detailed and specific as possible to make it easier to answer your question.
  • Especially if you have a DMV, vacation, travel, working here, or moving here question, please search the sub's archives because it's likely your question has been answered multiple times in the past.
  • Please don't say Frisco, San Fran, The OC, Diego, or Cali. Most Californians don't use those nicknames.
  • All image posts must be by the original creator, have a link crediting the original creator, or have a link to the original source(s) of the image(s). All photos must be high quality images worth posting to one of the SFW Porn Network, such as /r/EarthPorn, and clearly identifiable as a California photo.
  • No breaking news photos of fires, accidents, ect. No potato-quality cellphone photos.
  • No ALL CAPS words or text, no bold text, and no #Headline text formatting! This is like SHOUTING and is considered rude. No emoji. 😟
  • No ALL CAPS TITLES or any ALL CAPS WORDS in titles, even if the original headline was in all capital letters.
  • No missing persons, lost pets, or stolen car posts. No pet adoption posts.
  • No crossposts from or links to other subs on reddit.
  • Do not put "x-post", "xpost", or "crosspost" in your title.
  • No posts using the redd.it shortlink and no links to other posts or threads on reddit.
  • No slideshows or multi-page articles.
  • No leading questions or loaded questions.
  • If you ask a question, you must reply to at least one comment within 24 hrs or your post will be deleted.
  • All posts must be in English.
  • Reddit is not Twitter or txt messaging. Complete sentences and proper spelling are expected. No #hashtags or @at-tags in titles or comments.
  • Op-Eds (opinion pieces and editorials) must be labeled [Op-Ed], [Editorial], or [Opinion]. Political columns should be labeled [Political Column].
  • Questions that can be easily answered from the Wikipedia or by a quick Google search will be deleted.
  • Please use descriptive titles. No vague, misleading, or click-bait titles.
  • Don't modify article titles except to add a location in brackets unless the title is excessively misleading, vague, or clickbait-ish.
  • Don't rely upon reddit's "use suggested title" feature.
  • Do include the article's subtitle, or a sentence from the article, if it makes things clearer.

The California flag photo in the sidebar was taken by Håkan Dahlström (CC by 2.0).


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