/r/MichiganPolitics is a subreddit devoted to all things political in Michigan. State governments don't get the same level of coverage as Washington, DC, but the effect that they have can often be much greater.
A politically-neutral place for news and discussion about politics in the Great Lake State, with more politics than /r/Michigan and more Michigan than /r/politics.
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Posts should be about city, county, or state politics in Michigan, or concern an elected official from Michigan.
Link titles should be the title of the article linked. Don't sensationalize the title.
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Avoid blogs, campaign materials, or overly partisan sources. Always try to find an article from a reputable and/or mainstream source. Candidate endorsements and direct campaigning are acceptable as long as they are marked with the correct flair.
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Civic Links
The Citizen's Guide to State Government, Published by the Michigan Legislature
Request an absentee ballot, verify your voter registration, or find your polling place
Local News Sources
National Media Coverage of Michigan
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Former Thumb-body, now Chicagoian of 10 years.
I'm at my wits end from receiving political texts because I have an 810 number and a Michigan voting history from 2008-2012. The texts from 2020 and 2022 were bad but I'm being flooded with texts. Marking spam, unsubscribe, "stop", or even telling I've already voted in IL as a registered IL voter doesn't seem to stop them. Any idea on how to get these to stop? They're all from different orgs which makes it even more difficult.
TL:DR: Nearly Half of CSG Members call for SHUT IT DOWN Pres/VP to resign, University investigation, criminal allegations and November Elections (20th-21st).
Brief recap of the already public discussion after 10/08 Student Government meeting:
I'm curious to know about how many yard signs you all have seen for both Kamala and Trump here in the state of MI?
Hello, I'm one of the people working to promote a Michigan-wide Democratic voter guide: mivoter.org .
This guide was built by volunteers with the Washtenaw County Democratic Party. We are trying to get the voter guide spread by word of mouth to anyone and everyone you know in Michigan!
MIvoter.org is a mobile-friendly website providing customized voting information to each user:
Voter guide coverage will vary based on your location. All people have access to Democratic endorsed candidates in state-wide races. If we have been in touch with your County Committee you should see a complete voter guide down to the local level!
Share it far and wide! Your friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, etc. Share it by email, social media (see below), in-person, however you can.
Follow Us, like and share our content!
I got my absentee ballot and was low key dreading having to look so many names up but this came in clutch today. They should do more mailers like this.