
Photograph via snooOG

For discussion of the management of unwanted or unusable materials

The Waste reddit

Waste - implies unwanted or unusable materials. The term is often subjective (because waste to one person is not necessarily waste to another) and sometimes objectively inaccurate (for example, to send scrap metals to a landfill is to inaccurately classify them as waste, because they are recyclable).

Examples include municipal solid waste (household trash/refuse), hazardous waste, wastewater (such as sewage, which contains bodily wastes, or surface runoff), radioactive waste, and others.

Wikipedia: Waste

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Does anybody know a better way I can do this that won't smell like ammonia

So, I I often hang out In the upstairs room of a garage. It doesn't have any kitchen or bath. But that's fine since I just go in to poo. But I am also often a bit lazy, and I pee a LOT. And don't wanna walk all the way in - through possible rain - so often. So, does anyone know of like a good smell proof vessel like a bucket, or I dunno like a compost toilet but i'll only be peeing in it. Basically the problem is the whole hallway smells strongly of pee, ammonia, the whole 9 yards (I've been peeing in that 5 gallon in the hallway but y'know no lid and smelly). I want to try to prevent it from staying like this but don't quite have a clue as to how right now. Anyone know with what vessel or how I could manage this (liquid) waste problem?

13:29 UTC


Dispose of old laundry cleaner

The previous owners left these jars of...idk what. I can't even read a label for info. I've left them for 3 years lol not knowing what to do with them.

I'm sure it's fabric softener or detergent of some kind. I don't want to pour it down the drain. I live in a small town and our landfill doesn't have a hazardous waste option. They said to bag it up and bring it and they will put it separately with stuff. Does that sound okay?

16:53 UTC


Looking for ways to reduce plastic waste

Recently my kid did a project on plastic pollution for his class project and I gotta say some of the statistics really got to me…I definitely won’t be buying plastic water bottles anymore but then I would also need to get a good water purifier or water filter. 

Has anyone tried the waterdrop x series? I keep seeing ads for it so was wondering if the reverse osmosis is worth the money. LMK

14:15 UTC


Where and when the reuse of material can happen when we are constructing a house in Australia?

06:50 UTC


opportunities for using second-hand building materials or reusing materials when building a house

00:15 UTC


opportunities for using second hand building materials or reuse material for building a house

How can material reuse occur during the construction of a house? What are the possibilities for using secondhand or reusing materials in the building construction process?

How material reuse and repurposing currently occur in the industry?

09:15 UTC


Volume builders

Can any body help me with the supply chain process of volume builders. What is the process from start to finishing houses bu volume builders?

I am currently researching the electronic procurement of volume builders and I cannot find their home building process or any thing about what procurement software or devices they use?

23:03 UTC


Hey everyone, I'm working on a little project on a Food waste management app. To make it useful, I need your insights! It's a super quick survey (like 2-3 minutes). Your answers will be a huge help in figuring out what features would be most useful and help us fight food waste together.

03:53 UTC


Salvaging Unwanted Items From Student Waste

01:43 UTC


I always knew 2 sticks were unnecissary

Factory defect one stick pop

00:42 UTC


The #UAEFoodBank, part of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum Global Initiatives, is a lifeline for those in need. In 2023, it positively impacted over 18.6 million lives worldwide, funded by 800 donors, diverting 6,000 tonnes of food from landfills.

11:16 UTC


Wasteful KLIM Warranty Process

Thank you for sending the picture of your Aggressor Cool -1.0 Short Sleeve 2X Camo (Non-Current) in for warranty. I want to inform you that your Aggressor Cool -1.0 Short Sleeve 2X Camo (Non-Current) for *************** will be replaced under warranty due to the  Logo Material Cracking. Before we can send you a replacement, we will need you to destroy your item and send us a picture. 

Your item is currently in stock, but inventory volume changes daily. Please visit www.klim.com to ensure availability prior to destroying your item.  

Please reply to this email with your destroyed pictures. Pictures attached to a separate email will delay your case.

Gloves: Cut all fingers off of both gloves-need to see all destroyed pieces
Boots: Cut the tongue out of both boots-need to see all destroyed pieces
Socks: Cut in half-need to see all destroyed pieces
Jackets/Parkas/Vests/Shirts: Cut in half up the back from bottom hem to top of collar-need to see all destroyed pieces
Pants/Bibs: Cut in half so there are two separate leg pieces-need to see all destroyed pieces
Paks/Bags: Slash in multiple area, has to be unusable-need to see all destroyed pieces
Cut all D3O pads in half
Goggle cut frame in half
Hats/Beanies/Balaclavas: Cut in half need to see all destroyed pieces
Suspenders: Cut in half need to see destroyed pieces
Helmet: Cut chin straps out
In & Motion Vest.  Remove In & Box Unit and air canister.  Cut up side of vest.  

Upon receiving the destroyed photo we will set up the order for your new item. The product you receive may be a redesigned version.

16:25 UTC


783 million people face chronic hunger. Yet the world wastes 19% of its food, UN says

00:59 UTC


Packaging concept eliminating waste

Hi all

I am currently working on a packaging concept to eliminate packaging waste in the industry. Due to upcoming regulations and sustainability challenges, packaging waste needs to be reduced. But what if we can use a packaging as another product?

Help me with your opinion on the new packaging concept! Packaging as a product. Takes 3 minutes.

Survey: https://forms.gle/K3ENyLV1ZUecqEex5


13:38 UTC


A novel way of raising awareness about fast fashion hyper-consumerism | The story connects two women at opposite ends of the globe, and it exposes the heartbreaking result of what may often begin with the best of intentions.

12:43 UTC


'Waste in fashion industry' survey

21:30 UTC


Tesco switches pocket tissue packaging to paper to cut plastic waste

Tesco is scrapping plastic packaging from its own-brand pocket tissues, in a move that the UK’s largest supermarket says will eliminate almost 35 tonnes of new soft plastic waste each year.

Read more: Tesco switches pocket tissue packaging to paper to cut plastic waste

06:49 UTC


Collaborative Consumption

Collaborative Consumption

Hello, I'm currently pursuing my Bachelor in Arts, where I’m majoring in Economics. For my final year thesis, I'm conducting a survey on Collaborative Consumption. Collaborative consumption means people share or exchange goods and services, rather than owning everything individually. Some examples could be companies like Uber or Ola- where people take rides in cars they do not own, or companies like Airbnb- where people stay in homes they do not own.

My research is to identify what actually MOTIVATES people to engage in this kind of consumption. Could it be your concern for the environment? Or could it be because it is relatively cost-effective? Or is it just because engaging in such an activity brings peace an joy to an individual? To find answers to these questions, I would require your help.

Hence, I would greatly appreciate if y'all would fill the form, it won't take more than 3 minutes. All responses will be kept anonymous and will be used purely for research purposes. Thank You!

Here is the link to the form: https://forms.gle/hAPfeCu5sZ5retaVA

16:47 UTC


Survey regarding Coffee and Sustainable practices+ a step further!

Hello- I am a system designer looking for insight into the link between coffee drinkers and potential interest in sustainable practices with their tools+waste. I have a vision of reusing spent coffee grounds to support local initiatives through renewable energy production. Would appreciate your help


20:41 UTC


6 interesting facts about Coffee as a biofuel

  1. High Energy Content: Coffee grounds contain a significant amount of oil, up to 20% by weight. This oil can be extracted and converted into biodiesel. The remaining material, after oil extraction, is still rich in cellulose, lignin, and other sugars, which can be further processed into bioethanol or biogas.
  2. Carbon Neutral: Using coffee grounds as biofuel is considered carbon neutral. The carbon dioxide released during the burning process is roughly equivalent to the amount absorbed by the coffee plants during their growth. This makes it a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels.
  3. Waste Reduction: Millions of tons of coffee grounds are produced globally every year, most of which end up in landfills. Utilizing them as biofuel not only provides an energy source but also significantly reduces waste and the associated environmental impact.
  4. Efficient Conversion Process: Recent advancements in technology have made the conversion of coffee grounds into biofuel more efficient. Processes like hydrothermal liquefaction can transform coffee grounds into bio-crude oil, which can then be refined like traditional crude oil.
  5. Local Energy Source: Coffee grounds as biofuel present an opportunity for local energy production. Coffee shops and factories produce a steady supply of spent grounds, which can be converted into energy used for heating, electricity, or powering vehicles, potentially reducing energy transportation costs.
  6. Air Quality Benefits: When compared to some fossil fuels, biofuels from coffee grounds can produce fewer pollutants such as sulfur oxides. This can contribute to improved air quality, especially in urban areas where coffee shops are abundant.
16:42 UTC


How much shall I charge for this waste removal job? GBP

4 fences And a table

12:44 UTC


The mixed blessing of responsibility relief: An application to household recycling and curbside waste collection

Research suggests that household members with a strong personal norm for recycling are more likely to favor responsibility relief policy, while those with strong warm glow motives are less likely to do the same.


Read the article

08:21 UTC


Biodegradable Product or Recycle Products. Which one is good?

Absolutely! When considering the choice between using biodegradable products and recycling items, it's crucial to weigh the environmental impacts of both approaches.

Biodegradable products are designed to break down naturally, reducing the burden on landfills and ecosystems. They're a promising solution for single-use items like bags and packaging, offering a way to minimize waste and pollution.

On the other hand, recycling plays a vital role in conserving resources by reusing materials like plastics, paper, and glass. It reduces the need for raw materials, conserving energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with production.

Both approaches have their merits. Biodegradable products reduce waste and pollution at the end of their lifecycle, while recycling helps conserve resources and energy. The choice often depends on the specific item, its environmental impact, and the infrastructure available for recycling or composting.

Ultimately, a combination of both practices – using biodegradable products when possible and recycling items whenever feasible – can significantly contribute to a more sustainable future. It's about making conscious choices that collectively reduce our ecological footprint and preserve the planet for generations to come. What do you think?

06:10 UTC


Study on advanced biorefinery feedstock from non-recyclable municipal solid waste by mechanical preprocessing

Researchers show that the variability of physical and chemical properties of non-recyclable municipal solid waste (nMSW) can be reduced by mechanical preprocessing.


Read the study

10:14 UTC


Hello! I just really felt as though this channel is not too well known for it's work, I mean, this is so wonderful! The channel is called SGX Zero Waste, go and have a look

23:02 UTC

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