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The Pyrolysis Reddit

Pyrolysis is a thermochemical decomposition of organic material at elevated temperatures in the absence of oxygen. It involves the simultaneous change of chemical composition and physical phase, and is irreversible. The word is coined from the Greek-derived elements pyro "fire" and lysis "separating".

Pyrolysis is a type of thermolysis, and is most commonly observed in organic materials exposed to high temperatures. It is one of the processes involved in charring wood, starting at 200–300 °C (390–570 °F). It also occurs in fires where solid fuels are burning or when vegetation comes into contact with lava in volcanic eruptions. In general, pyrolysis of organic substances produces gas and liquid products and leaves a solid residue richer in carbon content, char. Extreme pyrolysis, which leaves mostly carbon as the residue, is called carbonization.

The process is used heavily in the chemical industry, for example, to produce charcoal, activated carbon, methanol, and other chemicals from wood, to convert ethylene dichloride into vinyl chloride to make PVC, to produce coke from coal, to convert biomass into syngas and biochar, to turn waste into safely disposable substances, and for transforming medium-weight hydrocarbons from oil into lighter ones like gasoline. These specialized uses of pyrolysis may be called various names, such as dry distillation, destructive distillation, or cracking.

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High efficiency microwave pyrolysis using concentrated solar

By incorporated Fresnel magnifying lenses with solar tracking for 2 axis control and an adjustable aperture you could use the thermal solar energy provided by the sun to supply the majority of the thermal energy required to break down the plastics making this a highly efficient and scalable pyrolysis reactor. Using microwaves as a way to supplement fluctuations in the solar energy provided allows for easier thermal control. Imagine 95~99% of the thermal energy gets supplied using an array of overpowered magnifying lens with an adjustable aperture to reduce the solar energy allowing you to toggle your microwaves on and off to supply that extra 1-5% of the required ideal reaction temperature. This would not only reduce the power input required drastically but would also accelerate the rate of polymer conversion reducing the total energy added to the reaction while simultaneously reducing the total heat lost to the environment over time. With enough aperture control and insulation the right design it could easily be 100% solar powered. Since this could be scaled up arbitrarily you could easily process tons of plastic in short periods of time allowing for transient operation cycles.

09:56 UTC


Converting Plastic Waste into Oil: A Solution for Sustainable Waste Management

Plastic waste is a growing global crisis, with millions of tons of plastic ending up in landfills and oceans every year. This environmental challenge calls for innovative solutions that not only manage waste effectively but also contribute to energy security and economic growth. One promising approach is the conversion of plastic waste into oil through a process known as pyrolysis. This essay explores the benefits and challenges of this technology, proposes solutions to mitigate its drawbacks, and offers recommendations for legislative support to ensure its successful implementation.

**The Pyrolysis Process**

Pyrolysis is a process that involves heating plastic waste in the absence of oxygen, breaking it down into smaller hydrocarbon molecules that can be condensed into oil. The process begins with the collection and sorting of plastic waste, followed by shredding and cleaning to prepare the material for pyrolysis. The shredded plastic is then heated in a reactor at high temperatures, causing it to decompose into vapors. These vapors are condensed into liquid oil, while the remaining byproducts, such as char and gases, are either utilized or disposed of safely.

This process has gained attention for its ability to address several pressing environmental and economic issues. By converting plastic waste into oil, pyrolysis offers a way to reduce the amount of waste in landfills and oceans, recover valuable resources, and create a new source of energy. However, like any technology, pyrolysis comes with its own set of challenges that must be carefully managed.

**Benefits of Converting Plastic Waste into Oil**

One of the primary benefits of pyrolysis is its potential to significantly reduce plastic pollution. Plastic waste is a major environmental hazard, particularly in marine ecosystems, where it can cause long-term damage to wildlife and habitats. By turning plastic waste into oil, pyrolysis reduces the volume of waste that ends up in landfills and oceans, mitigating the environmental impact.

Economically, pyrolysis creates a new market for waste plastics, providing financial incentives for waste collection and processing. It also contributes to job creation in the recycling and energy sectors, fostering economic growth. Additionally, the oil produced through pyrolysis can be used as a fuel or as a raw material in various industrial processes, reducing dependence on traditional fossil fuels and enhancing energy security.

From a technological perspective, pyrolysis promotes innovation in waste management and energy production. The process is scalable and can be adapted to different contexts, making it a versatile solution for both developed and developing countries. As the technology matures, it has the potential to play a significant role in a circular economy, where materials are continuously reused and recycled rather than discarded.

**Challenges and Consequences**

Despite its advantages, pyrolysis presents several challenges that need to be addressed. One major concern is the emission of pollutants during the process. If not properly managed, pyrolysis can release harmful substances, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other toxic chemicals. Additionally, the process requires significant energy input, which could offset some of the environmental benefits if the energy comes from non-renewable sources.

Economically, the initial costs of setting up pyrolysis plants can be high, particularly for small-scale operations. Furthermore, the viability of the process depends on the fluctuating prices of oil and the availability of plastic waste, making it vulnerable to market volatility. The complexity of the process also requires skilled operators and regular maintenance, which can be a barrier to widespread adoption.

From a regulatory and social perspective, the implementation of pyrolysis technology requires careful planning and oversight. Stricter regulations may be needed to ensure environmental and safety standards are met, which could add to operational costs. Additionally, there may be public resistance to the establishment of pyrolysis plants due to concerns about emissions and potential health risks.

**Proposed Solutions**

To address these challenges, several solutions can be implemented. First, advanced emission control systems, such as catalytic converters and activated carbon filters, should be integrated into pyrolysis plants to capture and neutralize harmful emissions. The process can also be powered by renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind, to reduce its carbon footprint.

Economically, government subsidies and incentives can help offset the high initial costs of setting up pyrolysis plants. Public-private partnerships can also be encouraged to share the financial burden and foster innovation. To stabilize the market, long-term supply contracts with waste suppliers and buyers of the oil can be established, ensuring consistent demand and price stability.

Technologically, the complexity of the process can be addressed through automation and artificial intelligence, which can streamline operations and reduce the need for specialized labor. Research and development should focus on expanding the range of plastics that can be processed, as well as improving the efficiency and scalability of the technology.

Regulatory and social challenges can be mitigated through clear and consistent regulations that set standards for pyrolysis operations. Public education campaigns should be launched to inform the public about the benefits of pyrolysis and address any concerns about emissions and health risks. Engaging local communities in the planning and decision-making process for new pyrolysis plants can also help build trust and support for the technology.

**Legislative Recommendations**

To support the successful implementation of pyrolysis technology, legislative measures are needed. Increased funding for research and development in pyrolysis and related fields should be prioritized, along with the establishment of research grants and tax incentives for innovation in waste management. Clear regulatory frameworks should be developed to ensure environmental and safety compliance, and economic incentives should be provided to encourage industry participation.

International collaboration should also be promoted to share best practices and technologies, as well as to support global efforts to reduce plastic waste and promote sustainable waste management. By adopting these measures, Congress can play a crucial role in advancing pyrolysis technology as a viable solution to the plastic waste crisis.


The conversion of plastic waste into oil through pyrolysis offers a promising solution to the environmental and economic challenges posed by plastic waste. While the process has its drawbacks, these can be effectively managed through technological innovation, regulatory measures, and public engagement. By supporting the development and implementation of pyrolysis technology, Congress can help reduce plastic pollution, enhance energy security, and promote a circular economy that benefits both the environment and society.

1 Comment
21:10 UTC


Looking to build a microwave based pyrolysis reactor

Im a uni student and want to take on this project with some friends. I am struggling to find resources or information regarding this subject and am just looking for any kind of help. Thank you!

16:46 UTC


Exploring Pyrolysis Plants for Sale: A Comprehensive Analysis

In an era defined by environmental consciousness and resource scarcity, the emergence of pyrolysis plants for waste management has sparked interest and intrigue. In this article, we delve into the significance of these innovative machines, shedding light on the reasons behind investing in them. Moreover, we explore the transformative benefits of pyrolyzing tires and plastics, along with the intriguing economics of pyrolysis oil as a potential game-changer in the realm of renewable energy.

Why Invest in Pyrolysis Plants: The Rationale

Shifting towards Sustainable and Circular Economy Models: As the world grapples with mounting waste issues and the depletion of finite resources, pyrolysis plants offer a promising avenue for embracing circular economy principles. These machines transform waste materials into valuable resources, aligning with the shift towards sustainability and minimizing reliance on virgin materials.

Potential for Waste Reduction and Resource Recovery: The allure of the pyrolysis plant for sale lies in its ability to extract value from waste. By converting tires and plastics, notorious for their environmental impact, into usable products, these plants contribute to waste reduction while simultaneously recovering energy and materials.

Economic and Environmental Incentives: Beyond the ethical imperative, pyrolysis plants present compelling economic benefits. The potential for revenue generation through the sale of end-products, coupled with reduced waste management costs, positions these machines as strategic investments that align economic interests with environmental goals.


Benefits of Pyrolyzing Tires and Plastics: Transformative Possibilities

Tackling the Global Challenge of Tire and Plastic Waste: The exponential growth of tire and plastic waste presents a pressing global challenge. Pyrolysis plants offer a glimmer of hope by providing a sustainable solution that mitigates the adverse impact of these waste streams on the environment and public health.

Generation of Valuable End-Products: Oil, Gas, and Char: Pyrolyzing tires and plastics unlocks a treasure trove of valuable end-products. The process yields pyrolysis oil, a versatile fuel source; syngas, with potential energy applications; and char, a valuable carbon-rich material with various industrial uses.

Reducing Landfill Burden and Conserving Resources: The diversion of tires and plastics from landfills is a paramount goal in waste management. Pyrolysis plants contribute by diverting these materials from disposal sites and channeling them into productive pathways, thus extending the lifespan of landfills and conserving precious resources.

Economics of Pyrolysis Oil: A Paradigm Shift in Energy

Pyrolysis Oil as a Versatile Energy Source: Pyrolysis oil, a primary product of the pyrolysis process, emerges as a promising energy source. Its versatility extends to power generation, industrial processes, and even as a feedstock for biofuels, potentially reducing our reliance on traditional fossil fuels.

Assessing the Economic Viability of Pyrolysis Oil Production: The economic viability of pyrolysis oil hinges on a delicate balance between production costs, market demand, and end-product value. Thorough cost analysis and understanding market dynamics are critical to ensure sustainable returns on investment.

Navigating Market Demand and Pricing Dynamics: The market for pyrolysis oil is intricately linked to factors such as energy prices, environmental policies, and public perception. Navigating these dynamics requires a nuanced understanding of market trends and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

Environmental Implications and Sustainability: A Holistic View

Reducing Carbon Footprint through Waste-to-Energy Solutions: The conversion of waste materials into energy aligns with carbon reduction goals. Pyrolysis plants, by tapping into waste resources, contribute to lowering the carbon footprint associated with traditional energy sources.

Evaluating the Emissions Profile of Pyrolysis Processes: While pyrolysis offers substantial environmental benefits, it's essential to evaluate the emissions profile of the pyrolysis process. Ensuring efficient emissions control mechanisms are in place safeguards against the release of harmful substances into the environment.

Promoting Sustainable Practices in Waste Management: The adoption of pyrolysis plants promotes a paradigm shift in waste management. It encourages a transition from linear waste disposal models to circular systems, fostering resource recovery and minimizing environmental impact.

Conclusion: Embracing Pyrolysis Plants for a Greener Future

The landscape of waste management and energy production is undergoing a transformation fueled by innovation and sustainability. Pyrolysis plants stand as exemplars of this evolution, embodying the potential to address environmental challenges while yielding economic benefits. Understanding the rationale for investment, harnessing the benefits of pyrolysis tires and plastics, and navigating the economics of pyrolysis oil are critical steps in embracing this technology. As society marches towards a greener future, these plants emerge as formidable tools in shaping a world that embraces responsible resource utilization and environmental stewardship.

06:20 UTC


Innovative pyrolysis tech for plastic recycling! Exciting techno-economic analysis and LCA shows cost-competitive aromatic product ! #Plastic #Recycling #Pyrolysis #Analysis

01:58 UTC


Pyrolysis Recycling Plant On River?

So I recently heard about a Chemical Recycling Plant coming to my area in between a beautiful river and a set of old train tracks. Can anyone help me understand what I can expect from this plant. Will it smell? What is the process once the trash is at the plant?

I am taking a tour soon and would love help understanding the best questions to ask to understand the dangers - or lack of dangers.

What is the worst case scenerio?

Thank you for any information you can provide.


01:30 UTC


Pyrolysis in East Africa

Hey together. I'm just getting into the whole field and am wondering if you know of any R&D, production or similar projects regarding Pyrolysis (ovens) in East Africa / Tanzania Thanks

15:03 UTC


Calculation of Activation energy

Can anyone tell me how to calculate activation energy for different heating rates using Kissinger akahira equation in Excel.Like I can calculate for single heating rate but how to calculate for different heating rates.

04:56 UTC


Is the fuel as efficient as gasoline?

1 Comment
21:52 UTC


New to this topic

Is the fuel created from plastic as efficient as gasoline or diesel?

21:44 UTC


Does the fuel produced via this method require any additives or chemicals for use in engines. Asking in regards to gasoline and diesel.

15:24 UTC


Diy solar pyrolysis reactor: How much temperature do I need for do pyrolisis on weeds

In my garden I have too many weeds, therefore I thought to setup a test apparatus so I can make a proof-of-concept mini solar pyrolysis reactor.

I thought to buy this lens, and use a sealed iron pipe as reaction chamber.

Also, the reaction chamber will be placed longtitunally but because it is a pipe I am afraid that air will come inside the chamber. The initial idea is:


The idea is that I let the fresnel lenz to blast yje pipe with sun rays to sealed pipe and once gas is formed I'll open the sealing valve so the syngas to be released.

The questions are:

  1. What is the minimum temperature for the pyrolysis reaction to happen?
  2. Is there a better way to seal the pipe without using the tap? For pyrolysis to happen I need no oxygen in the pipe (that is my reaction chamber).
19:03 UTC


What type(s) of plastic(s) contain the most petrol?? some people say that PS (Polystyrene) is the only way to go when recycling plastic into oil. Others say that PET cannot be turned to petrol. Help? Also, can I just MIX different kinds of plastic and get the same results??

1 Comment
21:55 UTC


isn't there anyone analyze whether wine brewing machine using the pyrolysis machine ?help me to identify ,please?Can wine brewing machine using as a pyrolysis machine from plastic to oil ?

16:50 UTC


Pyrolysis lubricant?

Is it possible to create a lubricating oil from pyrolysis?

19:20 UTC


What yield should I expect from a home-made pyrolysis reactor?

Due to energy prices, I am in heavy thoughts of making my own pyrolysis reactor in order to satisfy my fuel needs.

I will keep is simple a chamber where I pump out the air, and I'll use plastic bottles and food-grade plastic waste (usually a typical household plastic).

How much liquid burnable fuel I can expect from reactors such as these ones:

What I use rthwe fuel is for cental heating into typical diesel central heating such as this one (image is used as a reference): https://www.thermopigi.gr/thumb/phpThumb.php?src=../images/products/1413967189_oooo.jpg&w=800&h=600&far=C&bg=ffffff

But can I pump with a simple filtraction the generated oils directly to these types of central heating blended with normal leftover diesel;

18:27 UTC


Over the year, I've been building a Microwave Pyrolysis Reactor - A device that turns plastic waste into fuel. Here's a video of it!

1 Comment
17:28 UTC


Batch waste tire to fuel oil pyrolysis plant running video

02:30 UTC


Live Stream Replay for Waste Tire Pyrolysis Plant in Doing Factory

07:02 UTC


Recycle Waste Plastic and Tire to Oil Pyrolysis Plant 3D Demo & Project ...

1 Comment
06:10 UTC


Georgia Waste Tire Pyrolysis Plant Project Running Well

08:09 UTC


Portable Pyrolysis Machines

Tire waste has become a huge problem today. The volume of vehicles is increasing in a rapid pace throughout the world. Old rubber tires are dumped in landfills causing damage to the surroundings in the process. Tire pyrolysis plants are getting to be popular because they convert waste rubber tires into usable materials for example oil fuel, steel wire, carbon black, along with other products. In fact, pyrolysis is the process of decomposing waste matter including old rubber tires at extremely high temperatures in the absence of oxygen. The method recycles old tires and gives economic and environmental good things about the person. That's why you need to buy a portable pyrolysis machine straight away. Here are some aspects to consider when investing in a portable pyrolysis plant on the market.

Skid Mounted Pyrolysis Machine

When you have a small number of waste tires to process, you ought to select a portable pyrolysis plant available for sale. It would satisfy your needs without wasting space and fuel at the same time. The portable plant works for batches of waste tires in comparison to the continuous pyrolysis plant that really works constantly. The portable machine needs less space to work and uses less fuel. The less energy consumption of the portable plant helps reduce costs in the long term. Here are the unique attributes of a transportable tire pyrolysis plant:

. Saves space and fuel expenses

. More practical and economical for small recycling businesses

. Very easy to install, transport, and maintain

. Small investment, fast return, and low maintenance

. Flexible configuration - The producer can customize the machine dependant upon your requirements

The portable pyrolysis plant is fantastic for those who have a tiny amount of waste to treat and also a limited budget. The waste tires ought to have a diameter of less than 1200 mm for the best results. Whether you employ a transportable tire pyrolysis plant for the continuous pyrolysis plant, the conclusion products are all alike. You will get high-return materials such as carbon black, tire oil, steel wire, and combustible gas. Each one of these items are very popular around the world. The truth is, you may expect 50% tire oil, 30% carbon black, 12% steel wire, and 8% waste gas by recycling old rubber tires in a portable tire pyrolysis plant. The conclusion merchandise is in high demand since they are used for:

. Pyrolysis oil - a fuel oil using a high market price

. Steel wire - can be used in steel-making factories to generate steel rods

. Carbon black - used to produce fortifiers, filler, and colorants inside the plastic and rubber industry

There are lots of points to consider when choosing a transportable tire pyrolysis plant. What is important is to find a reliable manufacturer or supplier of your product. You could find a number of manufacturers available. But all of them are not top-notch. You should do the homework properly before purchasing a high-quality tire pyrolysis plant at reasonable prices. The previously mentioned article provides information on some facts to consider when choosing a portable pyrolysis plant available on the market. More cost details: https://bestonasia.com/tire-pyrolysis-plant-cost/.

10:02 UTC


What is the cost of tyre pyrolysis plant?

There are many people pay attention to this problem. Today this article is mainly for everyone to solve the doubts of this problem.

The cost of tyre pyrolysis plant cannot be just from the price of tyre pyrolysis plant. It is composed of several parts: raw material cost, land cost, operating cost, equipment cost.

Cost of tyre pyrolysis plant

  1. Raw material cost

The cost of raw materials refers to the price of waste tyres. The price of waste tires in different regions is different, so before investing, it is recommended to check the price of waste tires on the local market.

  1. Land cost

When you want to invest in this equipment, you can choose to rent or buy land, you can build a complete workshop, or you can just build a simple steel structure roof, which is determined according to the your budget.

  1. Operating cost

One unit tyre pyrolysis plant needs 2-3 workers to operate, power consumption is 20 kw/h. In addition to the exhaust gas can be used to heat the machine which will save more than half of the fuel, but every day need an additional 500 kg of fuel oil as a fuel, generally customers use the produced tyre oil as fuel, don't have to go to the market to buy fuel, if the price of local natural gas or coal is cheaper than fuel oil, then you can also choose natural gas or coal as fuel. Tyre pyrolysis plant uses recycling water for cooling, so almost no consumption.

  1. Equipment cost

The equipment cost includes the price of basic configuration and optional configuration. A set of basic configuration of tyre pyrolysis plant is a production line for producing tire oil. However, in recent years, more and more countries have paid attention to environmental protection, so our company is constantly development design some optional environmental protection configurations, such as exhaust gas deodorization device, carbon black collection device, dust removal device, etc., as well as safety devices and automation devices, such as negative pressure system and automatic feeding machine, which can ensure the safety of equipment operation and save labor. Therefore, the basic configuration plus different optional configurations will have different prices. The higher the configuration, the higher the price, which is also determined according to the customer's budget. Some countries or regions where environmental protection is not strict and labor is cheap can choose low-configuration tyre pyrolysis plant. Some countries with high environmental protection and high labor cost are recommended to choose high-configuration tyre pyrolysis plant.

High-configuration parts of tyre pyrolysis plant

Through my introduction, I believe that you probably know how to calculate the cost of making tyre pyrolysis plant. From these several parts, some parts need to do the local market investigation, some parts need to consult tyre pyrolysis plant manufacturers to obtain a better suggestion. When investigating the market, you also need to investigate the market price and sales of by products, such as tire oil, carbon black and steel wire, so that you can calculate your own profit according to the cost of tyre pyrolysis machine and the sales price of the by product, then you will make a clear decision whether to make tyre pyrolysis plant.

I hope this article can help you who are confused about the cost of making tyre pyrolysis plant. If you want to know more, please contact us.

Whatsapp/Tel: +86 13526692320

Email: oilmachine@wastetireoil.com



05:08 UTC


Market price pyrolysis oil

Can anybody tell me the market price of pyrolysis oil from PE/PP plastic waste or a reliable source in the web?

1 Comment
17:40 UTC



Hello folks. Im new here cause I gotta make a research paper. I have a question... What is pyrolysis and who made the definition? Is melting plastic NOT to the degree of making oil but just melting to soften it like a bubblegum considered as pyrolysis? Pyrolysis just states that heating with no direct contact to fire. I'd like to get any idea. Sorry im new here and im just stupid.

04:13 UTC


Will it be more profitable to buy second hand waste tire pyrolysis plant?

Many business men will consider one question before starting their waste tire recycling business- to buy new waste tire pyrolysis plant or the second hand pyrolysis plant. After all, compared with the new pyrolysis plant, the second hand waste tire pyrolysis plant is much cheaper than the new one.

Second hand waste tire pyrolysis plant and the new pyrolysis plant

We Doing Group as an experienced manufacturer of waste tire pyrolysis plant would like to suggest you to buy the new waste tire pyrolysis plant because the second hand waste tire pyrolysis plant will not bring you more profits than the new. I’ll explain why in the following part.

  1. Quality problems and short service life

Generally, the waste tire pyrolysis plant will not be sold in a low price without any problems and its owner has a great possibility not tell you the problems in order to sell it smoothly. If you don’t know the waste tire pyrolysis plant well, you will not find its problems which may have some potential dangers. Besides, the second hand waste tire pyrolysis plant has a short service life compared with the new one which means you need to buy the waste tire pyrolysis plant again in a short term.

In addition, the oil yield rate of second hand waste tire pyrolysis plant is relatively low which means you need to buy more raw materials to the same amount of fuel oil. So buy the second hand waste tire pyrolysis plant, your subsequent investment will be greater .

  1. No after-sales service

The second hand waste tire pyrolysis plant is not usually purchased from the professional waste tire pyrolysis plant manufacturer, so there will be no engineers to help you install the pyrolysis plant and train the workers. You need to find professional engineers to do it alone which is a time-consuming and costly thing.

Beyond that, there is no technical support at all if you have any operation problems. Fixing the problems of second hand waste tire pyrolysis plant also needs a lot of money.

Therefore, we do suggest you to buy the new waste tire pyrolysis plant because the second one will not bring you more profits. If you want to do the waste tire recycling business, welcome to call us, our product manager can give you a lot of advice according their experience.

For more info:

Whatsapp/Tel: +86 13526692320

Email: oilmachine@wastetireoil.com


03:16 UTC

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