
Photograph via snooOG

Devoted to the science and politics of water: aquifers, dams, hydrology, boundary disputes, peak water, riparian rights, climate change, drought & flooding, stormwater, groundwater, fish kills, fossil water, and news by the acre-foot.

Welcome to Reddit Water, founded 2008

Water is the most precious resource on Earth. It will be the most contested resource of the 21st century.

Governments, corporations and citizens are now realizing the policy battles of today will have far reaching consequences for communities, nations, political stability, economic opportunities and profits.

Topics: access, agriculture, aquifers, aquatic farming, boundary disputes, bottled water, cleanups, conservation, contamination, dams and dam removal, desalinization, dredging, drought, economics, fish kills, floods, fracking, groundwater, hydrology, hydrogeology, hydropolitics, intrusion, invasive species, irrigation, overdrafts, peak water, policy, pollution, privatization, riparian rights, river compacts, runoff, sanitation, sewage, stormwater, waste, withdrawals

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"Whiskey is for drinking; water is for fighting over." --(falsely attributed to) Mark Twain

"Water runs uphill to money." -- the "Law of Los Angeles"

"When the well's dry, we know the worth of water." --Benjamin Franklin

"We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one." --Jacques Yves Cousteau


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How to install reverse osmosis filter with no outlet under the sink

Ok here’s the thing, I want to buy a water drop G3P800 filter but have no clue how it would be installed because there is no outlet under my sink. The garbage disposal just goes through the wall so there’s no way to plug it in. So either I have to hire someone to install it, or figure out how I could do it. So does anyone know who I would hire to do it for me? Or does anyone know what I should do to install it

21:16 UTC


Is Brita elite good?

Is Brita elite a good water filter

I am wanting to get a new filter pitcher after years of using of using Naples Naturals

I live in an area where we are not shown to have a lot of microplastics but still the brita elita is shown to filter those about 98%.

Are there other concerns I should have. Saw one post here that said brita was not filtering all of the lead out.

I have $30 off Amazon and it’s prime day so let me know what’s up

14:09 UTC


Red Tide Devastates Thousands Of Fish in Florida

08:39 UTC


Stunning and Magnificent Waterfall - Tew's Falls

1 Comment
05:28 UTC


Trouble with my RO sink and ice connection

We have a Hague Water Max. I can go into a long description but first... do RO sink systems that also are hooked up to the fridge to deliver RO ice, continue to stay on? Meaning my water drain ( the bad water?) is constantly running and it is costing us a fortune. The sevice guy has come out 3 times, changed all the filters and added a new thingie ( IDK) and it is still running. I am lost and confused. Any help is appreciated.

02:45 UTC


Cheaper water

So I have been paying for mountain valley spring water and it’s just too dang expensive. I love the water and I love how it is glass, is there any recommendations and alternatives that you know?

02:10 UTC


Tap water tested safe makes me instantly ill

Tap water is tested safe for all chemicals, metals, and contaminants. It took me 2 years of medical tests and elimination diets to finally realize it's my tap water. Within 6 hours of drinking water I have terrible abdominal pain and intense diarrhea. I've also had a stool sample test that was completely negative for bacteria and parasites. I use a zero water brand beverage dispenser to filter the water which helps slightly but not completely. I am diagnosed with POTS. Does anyone know what chemical or mineral is bothering me

02:05 UTC


How to add flavor to seltzer water?

Flavored seltzers aren’t flavorful enough and the drops don’t add enough flavor, help!

1 Comment
02:25 UTC


Whole house water filter?

Looking for a recommendation for a whole house water filter. Here are the water test results from the county... Water Report I have a reverse osmosis for drinking water. TIA

15:31 UTC


Why does every filtered water I try taste awful, like bathroom water.

My dad has encouraged me to get a water filter but I refuse to because everytime I drink water from filtered water, it taste nasty and it doesn’t hydrate me when I’m thirsty. I always get water at a water vending machine nearby a grocery store.

01:45 UTC


Water tastes like grass

Over the past three weeks, the water out of my kitchen faucet tastes like grass. I have a Brita water filter that I use for drinking water, and the water still tastes like grass. In the bathroom, the faucet water smells grassy and tastes like grass as well. Does anyone have experience with this issue? Do you know what it could be from? I will add that I live in a community where the property manager recently did work to fix our sprinkler system, but insists that this work would not be causing the grassy tasting water. any ideas?

22:20 UTC


What water test to order?

Hi there I just placed my first order with Mountain Valley Spring Water and I want to test it. I know there are countless things to test in water and several different options exist, but I wanted to ask if anyone here recommends a specific water test I can order?

17:24 UTC


If I'm getting the Aqua-Pure AP903, should I get a sediment prefilter for it?

I'm getting this whole house water filter for the house, and I've seen some folks say online I should get a sediment pre-filter so it doesn't get clogged. Anyone have an informed opinion on that? I do not.....

1 Comment
16:51 UTC


Riverwatch July 12, 2024

13:50 UTC


AquaTru Carafe w/ hard water

Hello, I live in an apartment with hard water. Using a "Safe Home" water testing kit, "total hardness" is 120ppm.

I've ordered an AquaTru Carafe (tabletop ro). In the website FAQ, it states that "AquaTru is intended for water with hardness below 10 gpg (grain per gallon)." I believe this equates to only 25ppm.

Quite a gap between 120 and 25ppm.

I need to soften the water coming from my kitchen faucet. I was hoping there was a faucet filter that would do it, but would that be enough? I'm skeptical.

Even though it's an apartment, something under the sink may be an option, though there's not a lot of room for anything large.

If a scew-on faucet filter wouldn't soften enough, I may just return the AquaTru and buy a gravity pitcher.

Have bought Crystal Geyser in gallon jugs for years and recently discovered it's not so goid. Any advice is appreciated.

04:11 UTC


Stunning and Magnificent Waterfall - Tew's Falls

1 Comment
03:47 UTC


If spring water comes from a spring, where does tap water come from?

15:21 UTC


Tankless Water Heater Solution ?

We are at an off the grid cottage, on an island in Northern Ontario… Our Bosch W125 tankless water heater has expired and needs replacing. The two huge benefits of our Bosch unit was that it did not require electricity to activate the burner (we are on a small-scale solar panel system), and the unit was capable of serving four separate fixtures (toilet, shower and two sinks). In replacing the unit, I can’t find any product that answers both of the above. Two questions please:

  1. Does anyone know of an electricity-less tankless that serves more than one fixture ?
  2. If we go for a heater which requires electricity to activate the burner, how much of a drain on a solar panel setup would this demand ?

I don’t have a handle on electric issues, but I can say that our solar panel system is fairly weak. (We only use this cottage in the summer months.) Any thoughts ? Thank you.

13:49 UTC


Tap water vs purified water

So I’ve been trying to drink more water because I need to and weight loss and have come to an odd conclusion. When drinking purified water from my fridge, it tastes like nothing and kinda dry, like after I drink it I feel like I gave to the water more than it gave to me. But with tap water, (north-eastern US) it feels soothing and with actual taste, be it not great, just water taste, but it doesn’t make me feel dry after drinking, any thoughts to why?

TL:DR. Purified water makes me feel dry after drinking, in contrast to tap water (north-eastern US) that actually feels refreshing

09:24 UTC


Water Hose Sensor

We have a tank that we store water in for our farm animals. We run a water hose from it to fill up different waters. My problem is, it keeps getting left on. Does anyone know of an attachment for the water hose that will remind you when it’s on? Maybe through a text or something.

00:07 UTC

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