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Agricultural science and practice

The Agriculture Reddit

Agriculture, also called farming or husbandry, is the cultivation of animals, plants, fungi, and other life forms for food, fiber, biofuel and other products used to sustain human life. Agriculture was the key development in the rise of sedentary human civilization, whereby farming of domesticated species created food surpluses that nurtured the development of civilization.

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Need advice

I started to like agriculture like a year and a half ago I have a garden not big but not small, the point is , I was trying to get to university to proceed my studies in that area , but my grades arent high enough. From a point of view of a person who already works in the industry, what difference does it make? Is it more reasonable if I wait another year and try to get accepted or just go to the marketplace and try to do it on my own , im 19 years now and dont really know anything about workplace or work ethics so im just really lost I dont even know if what im writting makes sense

21:01 UTC


What is profitable to grow?

Basically I have a land that I do not use.
It's on the side of a hill. In Balkans. 5800 squared feet.

Most people around here grow raspberries.
And make a relatively decent amount selling it to distributors, who usually own a cold storage. And then they resell it at a much higher price to foreigners.

Growing raspberries is extremely hard. One acquaintance I have manages to earn around 4-5k euros on a 3000 squared feet land. But the entire process is brutal. And generally doing what everyone else does makes no sense. Because too much choice lowers the price.

In theory since I have 2 times bigger land, I could double his earning doing the same thing. Naturally, if the conditions are at the very least on par with his.

So I'm thinking maybe I should plant something that its sought after, and can grow in these parts. I just don't know what that would be.
Walnuts are valuable for example. But it takes at least 10 years for the tree to grow. So it's on the long run type of investment. While raspberries for example offer fruit every year from the start basically.

So is there something unconventional that I could grow, that also has a decent value abroad. Without breaking your back to actually maintain it? I could do potatoes for example. And earn maybe 2k. But that just sounds uninspiring.
Also keep in mind if its a mass production, how to storage all that as well. So it doesn't spoil. If there's something that basically checks all the convenient boxes.


20:16 UTC


Got featured in a grower profile for Foodland Ontario at Sobeys and Im a little proud of it

09:59 UTC


Growing Beneficial Bacteria for Cereals & Millet Plants

17:52 UTC


qSTA2-2, a novel #QTL that contributes to #seed #starch synthesis in Zea mays L. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2023.05.004

07:34 UTC


Colorado (cows per acre)

I recently consulted with an expert in Colorado who stated that you need 20 acres per cow for grass-fed operations. Even if this is accurate for grass-fed cattle, isn’t it possible to feed them grain instead to reduce land requirements? What strategies would you recommend for smaller properties, such as 40-80 acres or even 120-160 acres? Does the approach differ based on the type of cattle operation?

For instance, if I run a dairy farm, can I rely solely on feed to meet their nutritional needs? Additionally, is it feasible to raise Angus or Highland cattle for meat on a smaller property without needing a vast 2000-acre ranch? What are the best practices and management techniques for efficiently raising cattle on limited acreage while maintaining their health and productivity?

23:20 UTC


Can anyone tell me what is being grown here or what this is? West Michigan

Was looking around on Google Maps around the house I grew up in and came across this weird looking clearing in the forest with a bunch of lined up plants. Also the fields above it with the swirly stuff—I am at a loss of what that is, too…

02:36 UTC


Hi, what are the best vegetables or fruits to sell to restaurants and small stores?

Does anyone sell produce to restaurants or supermarkets? What do you sell and how much approximately do you earn? I have a farmhouse with about 4 acres and a greenhouse already built. I just dont know what gives more revenue. If someone can shed some light ill appreciate it. Thanks in advance

23:08 UTC


Vital Farms: Ethical or Greenwashing?


I've been a big fan of Vital Farms' organic eggs and butter for a while. Recently, I came across some articles accusing big Ag companies of greenwashing, which got me worried. I want to support a company that's truly on the right side of animal welfare history. Vital Farms claims their hens are pasture-raised and treated humanely, but is it all deceptive advertising? Are they genuinely better than store-brand cage-free eggs or Costco’s bulk options? Would love to hear from real egg farmers and anyone with insider knowledge.

22:48 UTC


Organization similar to EIT Food?

I came across this organization in the EU.


Is there something similar in the US?

23:14 UTC


Is there anyone here that speaks Spanish too that can help me with agricultural terms?

The thing is, I kinda need help with the Spanish counterparts of some of the agricultural machines. I have it mostly figured out but I could really use some help regarding the subject or even if someone could tell me if my translations are correct or not. Appreciate it so much!!

06:49 UTC


Are GMO Bananas, export grade? New breeds to combat pandemic caused by Fusarium Wilt

Good day,

I would just like to ask if any countries other than Japan accepted the new Cavendish breed GCTCV 219 is sweeter than the normal Grand Naine and Williams breed but has lower yield and varying banana finger sizes.

The new breeds GCTCV 218 and 219 were created to fight the extinction of current bananas because of the pandemic caused by the fusarium wilt. They're from Taiwan. Compared to the normal Grand Naine and Williams, they're taller and more expensive for farmers as they require more care. They also have a longer harvest cycle time and shorter lifespan compared to GN and Williams. As far as I know Australia also has an experimental breed been approved this year for planting.

Does anyone know or has a link to any literature regarding specifications of Cavendish fruits for export grade to Japan, Korea, China and others?

I'm having trouble looking for specs and papers as most of the papers and I found were In Favor of these new varieties. Though not as replacements but for rehabilitation of plantations infected with the disease.

This is conflicting with the statements from actual farmers we interviewed who told us that these new variants are Not Export Grade. We've been looking for leads for the past two weeks 😭.

EU I think has a very strict ban on GMO's?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you 🥹

09:18 UTC


Rainwater storage aeration

Is it necessary to constantly aerate rainwater storage? I have 2 250000 gallon rainwater collection tanks on property that collect rainwater from the roofs of greenhouses. This is in central Florida, so water is pretty regularly added to the system. When I got here, there was a small aerator pump connected to both tanks that ran 24/7. After replacing this 3 times over the course of about 4 years, I decided to scale back how long the pump runs to about 16 hours a day. This water is only used for wetting evaporation cooling pads, so no plant or people come into contact with it. The tanks are gravity fed and the inlet is at the bottom of the tanks, so new water comes in the bottom, and old water spills out through a spillway at the top. Do I need to keep that pump running 24/7? Could I reduce the amount of time it runs even more?

18:44 UTC


Dairy Cow Farmers

Hello Friends,

If you are a dairy cow farmer or know anyone who is, please help us in disseminating this survey. 🐄 I am Celeen David, a researcher specialising in human-computer interaction, affiliated with the University of Trento and KU Leuven. My work focuses on designing and utilizing computing technologies, specifically the interfaces that facilitate human-computer interaction. I’m conducting a survey to explore the technologies and software currently used in precision livestock management. This study also aims to incorporate farmers' perspectives and involvement in designing future technologies that cater to your specific needs and preferences.Thank you in advance for participating in this survey. Your input is invaluable to our research. If you know any other dairy farmers who might be interested, please feel free to share this survey with them to help us gather a broader range of insights.

Here is the link for the survey:


15:14 UTC



In cerca di lavoro in una fattoria italiana Ciao a tutti, Mi chiamo oussama e sono alla ricerca di un'opportunità di lavoro in una fattoria in Italia. Ho una vasta esperienza nel settore agricolo e desidero mettere a frutto le mie competenze in un nuovo ambiente e conoscere una nuova cultura. Competenze ed esperienze: Esperienza agricola: Ho lavorato per diversi anni in diverse fattorie, dove mi sono occupato della coltivazione e cura di vari raccolti come frutta, verdura ed erbe aromatiche. Cura degli animali: Ho esperienza nella cura degli animali da fattoria come mucche, pecore e pollame, compresa l'alimentazione e la cura sanitaria. Adattabilità e flessibilità: Ho un'alta capacità di adattamento a diversi ambienti e di lavorare sotto diverse condizioni, sia da solo che in squadra. Lingua: Parlo bene l'inglese e attualmente sto imparando l'italiano per facilitare la comunicazione quotidiana e lavorare in modo più efficace. Cosa sto cercando:

Un'opportunità di lavoro a tempo pieno o part-time in una fattoria in Italia. Un ambiente di lavoro positivo che favorisca lo sviluppo professionale e personale.

Se avete bisogno di un lavoratore affidabile e diligente per la vostra fattoria, sarò felice di entrare in contatto con voi. Potete contattarmi qui o via email a (amaa68143@gmail.com) per ulteriori informazioni

23:17 UTC


Agriculture Supply Chain Management Research Paper - Survey

Hello, I'm a college student currently in my final year. I am conducting a research paper on the Supply Chain Management of Agriculture in India. I have curated a Google form to carry out a survey of Indian farmers for this topic. I do not have any direct contact with farmers to get their responses. Could you help me out in reaching them, and in getting responses for my survey?

The link to the Google form: https://forms.gle/wx35prBB3HqRF9f79


1 Comment
16:29 UTC


🍉🍄🍅🥬🥒🍎🌶 SugarCane Growing and Harvest Sugar Mill Processing Line Modern Machine Harvest

13:29 UTC


How is the overall sentiment regarding Agricultural Conservation Easements around Salton Sea? Are farm owners open to it or not so much?

1 Comment
21:58 UTC


Seeking Resources and Advice on Agriculture and Farming Using Robtos

Hi everyone,

I co-founded a robotics company focused on packaging consumer goods, but I recently left because I realized how much waste there is in food processing and packaging. I didn’t feel good about that, so now I’m thinking about ways to reduce processing and bring fresh food to people in urban areas.

I don’t have much experience in agriculture or farming and genuinely want to learn more about this field. I’m curious about farm-to-table practices and the potential of introducing robotics to improve efficiency.

What I’m Looking For:

1.	Resources to Learn About Agriculture and Farming: Books, online courses, articles, etc.
2.	Groups and Organizations: Communities or networks focused on sustainable agriculture and fresh food supply.

I’m open to conversations with anyone who has experience in agriculture, urban farming, or related fields. I’d love to hear your thoughts and learn from your experiences.


16:31 UTC


I'm have difficulties determining which type of soil is this ?

11:41 UTC


California Plant

On my way to la I came across a field on I-5 that had some short dark plants they looked blackish I was wondering if any could help identify them

20:05 UTC


A quoi sert se bouton les agri

Bonjour je cherche à savoir à quoi sert se bouton il est en dessous de la manivelle pour le chargeur de mon tracteur

1 Comment
16:21 UTC

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