
Photograph via snooOG

A home for the 'green' Redditor. Discuss tips on recycling common household materials, post interesting links.

Discuss tips on recycling common household materials and post interesting links.

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  2. Submissions and comments must be recycling focused.

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How to recycle sealed protein shakes?

Title says it, have unopened expired protein shakes that I wanna get rid of correctly.

15:25 UTC


Old knitting needles into jewelry

I turn old fiber tools into new things, like earrings!

1 Comment
12:39 UTC



1 Comment
22:21 UTC


Molded pulp packaging

Hello, I've heard that molded pulp packaging can be recycled with other paper or cardboard products as part of a closed loop system. However, I just watched a documentary where the people at a recycling center said that it can gunk up their machines so they pull it out or don't like it being recycled. Does anyone have any insight into this? Our local center doesn't put forth very clear information. When I called the local center I found out we can't even recycle tetra paks. We'd have to drive it to a place miles outside of town.

21:42 UTC


Old College Books

I have a bunch of old text books from college. They are from 2012-2017, so I doubt they would get re-used. What the best option for recycling them or selling them?

17:50 UTC


Fixed Bucket Single Shaft Shredder

Are you looking for a reliable and robust solution to manage and recycle manufacturing waste effectively? Look no further than the RTM-SD2360 Fixed Bucket Single Shaft Shredder, a game-changer in the realm of industrial waste management.
This powerful shredder effectively processes a wide range of manufacturing byproducts, including plastics, reducing their volume and increasing their density for easier handling, storage, and transportation.


07:58 UTC


Do these paper label stickers need to be removed before dropping off plastic bags at store bins?

22:19 UTC


Cleaning peanut butter jars, before tossing in the blue bin... eh?

Hello, I'm curious how clean glass, metal, and plastic food containers need to be, before tossing them in the blue bin. 

As an extreme example, let's talk about peanut butter jars... It would take an exorbitant amount of soap, water, time, and energy to clean a peanut butter jar out. What happens to the peanut butter jar when it gets to the recycling facility? Does it get broken down and washed anyway and would I be wasting my resources cleaning the jar before tossing in the blue bin?

On a practical level, I'm more concerned about empty cans of wet cat food because I go through several cans every day, and rinsing them out costs me a fair amount of water, time, and energy. Same goes for cans of human food, such as a can of Campbell's soup... Think, "thick and sticky" cream of chicken, not chicken broth.

Is it okay for me to toss the empty cans of food in the blue bin, with some reminiscence of food bits and juices?... How much food bits and / or juices are too much?

Any guidance would be appreciated. TIA!

16:54 UTC


No dumpster diving here

IOur county has “convenience sites” where everyone can bring their trash. I was told recently by one of the workers that I could be charged with a crime for taking stuff out of dumpsters. I guess they would rather bury stuff than let someone reuse it. I’m not talking about bags of trash, but the dumpsters for wood and metal. Think furniture, bikes, etc. I guess that I need to complain to the county council. There might also be some liability concerns, but we can certainly do better.

14:35 UTC


I work at a convenience store in a small mountain town. As of late last year I started encouraging customers to leave out their washer fluid bottles for recycling. It makes me so happy to see all the plastic that is now being recycled instead of thrown aw

04:48 UTC


Quick Recycling Survey

We’re working on a project about PVC (that’s Polyvinyl Chloride) and how people recycle it. We want to know what you think and what you know about PVC recycling and repurposing.

Can you spare a few minutes to fill out our survey? It’s a quick survey – just 5-10 minutes.


Thank you!

1 Comment
02:14 UTC


Can I recycle? ♻️

Hello all, I’m new to this group and recycling in general. I want to do it right and not cause damage.

Quick question, is this recyclable? It holds cookies and seems plastic. No label was on the box for whether I can recycle this.

00:00 UTC


Am I over recycling?

I toss the used ziplock/sandwich bags in the recycling bin along with the raw meat/chicken trays from the grocery stores (without the wrap and absorbing pads). Should I recycle the dipping sauce packets from the fast food joints like chick fila? Do they need to be rinsed? Is there a rule for recycling? Do we toss or recycle packing material? I’m just trying to do my part on recycling as much as possible.

02:29 UTC


Cat litter boxes

Trying to make sure I'm not wish-cycling.

How "clean" does cardboard need to be to get recycled? The cardboard boxes that cat litter comes in always have some residue and a few granules that are impossible to get out. Will the box be sent to landfill because of that?

Also they are sealed very well and can't be folded to flatten. I have to cut them apart which is tedious and time consuming. Can I put them in the bin without breaking them down?

14:22 UTC


What are the new McDonald's paper lids made of?

I noticed the new paper cups and lids look like thermoformed, Sunday cups and cold drinks lids, very smooth surface, and I wonder what kind of material is it? The official press release says it is made of paper fibers. Is it impregnated with something, like bio degradable plastics, or something like wax?

08:54 UTC


Introduction à l'extrudeuse de plastique industrielle - Tout ce que vous devez savoir

L’extrudeuse de plastique industrielle est l'équipement permettant de rebroyer ou de recycler les déchets plastiques vers la procédure de moulage par injection, de moulage par soufflage ou d'extrusion. Il est utilisé pour recycler des produits en plastique tels que le PP, le PE, le PVC, l'ABC ou les pipelines, les plaques et les matériaux d'emballage des produits. Il existe de nombreux modèles de l’extrudeuses de plastique industrielles pour la réduction de taille, la granulation, les machines de recyclage et les accessoires. Quelles que soient vos capacités, prenez 5 minutes pour lire ce blog et vous aurez une totale compréhension.


Qu'est-ce que l’extrudeuse de plastique industrielle ?

L’extrudeuse de plastique industrielle est une machine qui recycle le plastique. Il peut être utilisé pour une variété de matériaux en plastique et en caoutchouc tels que les profilés en plastique, les pipelines, les tiges, les films et les produits en plastique. L’extrudeuse de plastique industriel GREENMAX est une machine qui transforme les matières premières plastiques en granulés. Il est couramment utilisé dans les processus de recyclage et de réutilisation des plastiques, ainsi que dans la production de nouveaux produits en plastique, et peut aider à atteindre facilement les objectifs de recyclage et ESG !

Comment fonctionne l’extrudeuse de plastique ?

L’extrudeuse de plastique rigide est une sorte d’équipement permettant de transformer des matières premières en plastique rigide sous forme granulaire. Le principe de fonctionnement comprend généralement les étapes suivantes :


● Alimentation : Les déchets plastiques rigides ou les matières premières sont placés dans la trémie d'alimentation de l’extrudeuse.
● Chauffage et fusion : Grâce au dispositif de chauffage, le plastique est chauffé jusqu'à l'état fondu.
● Extrusion : Le plastique fondu est extrudé sous la poussée de la vis.
● Pelletisation : Le plastique extrudé est découpé en granulés à travers l’extrudeuse.
● Refroidissement : Les pellets passent dans un dispositif de refroidissement pour se solidifier et se mouler.
● Tamisage : Les pellets sont triés à travers un dispositif de tamisage pour éliminer les pellets non qualifiés.

Le principe exact de fonctionnement peut varier en fonction du type et de la conception de l’extrudeuse, mais l'idée générale est de transformer les plastiques rigides en granulés à travers les processus de fusion, d'extrusion, de granulation et de refroidissement. Ce principe de fonctionnement permet à l’extrudeuse en plastique rigide de traiter efficacement la matière première plastique et de produire un produit granulé qui répond aux exigences. La forme et la taille des pellets peuvent être ajustées selon les besoins. Les avantages de cet équipement incluent :

● Améliorer l'utilisation des matériaux : la transformation des déchets de plastique rigide en granulés réduit les déchets et améliore l'utilisation des ressources.
● Réduction des coûts de production : le recyclage et la réutilisation des granulés de plastique peuvent réduire les coûts des matières premières.
● Forte adaptabilité : il peut traiter de nombreux types différents de plastiques rigides, tels que le polyéthylène (PE), le polypropylène (PP), le polystyrène (PS), etc.
● Efficacité de production élevée : degré élevé d'automatisation, capable de produire rapidement de grandes quantités de granulés de plastique.

Lors du choix d'une extrudeuse de plastique industrielle, vous devez prendre en compte des facteurs tels que la capacité de l'équipement, la puissance, le type de plastique auquel il est adapté et la qualité des granulés. En outre, il convient également de prêter attention à la sécurité, à la fiabilité et à la facilité d'utilisation de l'équipement. Si vous avez besoin d'informations plus détaillées, vous pouvez consulter GREENMAX.

03:21 UTC


Target Recycling Bins

Recently I saw that my local Target had some recycling bins outside. Does someone know if it’s actually being recycled and not just tossed?

1 Comment
19:57 UTC


Environmental benefits of Waste to Energy

The RDF Industry Group have published a report entitled “The Role of Waste Derived Fuel in the EU’s Energy and Resources Transition” highlighting the environmental benefits of Waste to Energy (WtE) technologies and how, as Europe strives to meet its ambitious climate goals, the waste management sector is emerging as a crucial player.  The report proposes that by adopting smart, coordinated policies, we can maximise the benefits of these technologies while addressing our most pressing environmental challenges.

Summarised here:


M&K is the leading supplier of innovative staticmobile and modular waste recycling and material handling technology combining unparalleled technological manufacturing capabilities with decades of application expertise.  Established in 1977, M&K design, manufacture & support staticmobile and modular ShreddersTrommelsRecycling ScreensStar Screens, ConveyorsPicking CabinsAir Separators, Crushers & Washing Systems.

To learn more, click here, for a no obligation discovery call book a time here, or call/What’s App now on +447786561002.

11:41 UTC


Recycle law

The law of my state is changing and I'm told I cannot throw away my broken dustbuster. It must be recycled. This is good! I approve! So I can put it in my recycle bin and my local trash service will pick it up along with the rest recycles? No. I take it to one of the local recycling centers? No. I take it to a collection at a retail Center? No. Somebody will set up a collection day every few months like with refrigerators, microwaves and the like? No, no one is authorized to pick it up like those other appliances. I only have one option for it, I have to take it myself to a certified recycling center, no one else is certified to transport it on my behalf. Okay, where's the closest one? 287 miles away... I would not have a driver's license nor register my car, I'd drive anyway if my DMV was 287 miles away.

04:53 UTC


Cans to Crypto a recycling and investing adventure


i started this project about a month ago. i figured i could clean up my neghborhood and turn a nice profit if i invest it well. i hope you like it!

12:49 UTC


Any ideas to repurpose shredded paper other than throwing in garbage?

08:49 UTC


Koperdraad met blanke kern

Hoi Ik ben vaak wat apparatuur uit elkaar aan het halen voor de spaarpot van de kinderen. En dan scheid ik de metalen kunstof etc. Maar soms kom je koper met een blanke kern tegen. Wat is dat voor draad en waar moet dat bij? Daarnaast heb ik ook wel is aluminium met daarbinnen ijzer. Weet iemand of je dat ook in kan kan leveren? Dat is handmatig bijna niet uit elkaar te halen.

17:50 UTC


Cutting cardboard makes me shudder

Hi all! I'm not sure where to post this but figured I'd try here. I have lot of cardboard boxes to break down and bring down to the recycling dumpster at my apartment. I bought a utility knife to help with this purpose. However, I cannot cut the cardboard without violently shuddering and breaking out in full body goosebumps. Just thinking about making the next cut makes me clench my teeth to fight the uncomfortable tingling sensation rushing through me and causes the goosebumps to break out, even 20min later as I write this. I successfully made 3 cuts in one box and couldn't handle it anymore. A lot of them are large boxes and awkward to carry down from a 3rd floor walk up all the way to the back edge of the parking lot, even when flattened. So I wanted to cut them into smaller pieces and bring it all down in garbage bags. Using scissors or trying to rip the boxes hurts my hand so much. Any recommendations on how to break the cardboard down?

00:59 UTC


Establishing Recycling at Work

Looking for advice. I’m new to a job at a Casino and the amount of beer cans we throw away each day is insane. I want to atleast start recycling the tabs and donating them to the children’s hospital. Any advice on how to approach them with this idea without creating waves as a new employee? For what it’s worth they seem fairly open to ideas in general and I have a good relationship with my higher ups.

17:26 UTC

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