
Photograph via snooOG

A home for the 'green' Redditor. Discuss tips on recycling common household materials, post interesting links.

Discuss tips on recycling common household materials and post interesting links.

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Can you make money from recycling vapes

Just a thought and was wondering if anyone out here, recycles vapes and makes money of disposing of them?

10:31 UTC


Entire recycling dumpster contaminated- what do I do?

So I drove by a large recycling dumpster and it’s completely filled with bubble wrap at the bottom and two by fours and other chunks of wood with nails in them- it’s overflowing. The dumpsters next to it for normal trash are completely filled and even if they weren’t, I don’t think I could manage to climb in there and clear everything out. I’ve tried calling the local Township waste management number they are closed. I also tried just the company in general and it only puts me through a loop of questions asking me about my account and then hangs up. I’m gonna try the local number in the morning to see if they’ll pick up, but I don’t have high hopes :(

Tldr: an entire dumpster is filled with non-recyclable materials. How do I warn them so it doesn’t contaminate everything else they pick up?

22:36 UTC


My apartment doesn't seem to have recycling -- advice?

I live in Radnor township in PA, and my apartment complex has one large dumpster for each building, and a few normal large household trash cans with pieces of paper stuck to the top that say they're for recycling.

First of all, I'm pretty suspicious that they're even recycling what's in those bins at all. Only one company comes and picks up the trash (WM) and all bins are emptied into the same truck as far as I can tell. I can't tell if our township actually even requires them to offer recycling. If they actually are recycling these bins in theory, they're definitely not doing it in practice because I don't think anyone actually KNOWS those bins are for recycling, there's literally a piece of printer paper taped to the top of the bin indicating it. There would absolutely be enough space to put a recycling dumpster next to the regular dumpster. But I can't see them doing it voluntarily unless it's literally free.

I don't want to become the "difficult person" in my complex because we'd be honestly screwed if we couldn't renew our lease -- we probably couldn't afford anywhere else. So this mostly rules out talking to the apartment management themselves. Any other ideas? Has anyone been through this before?

1 Comment
15:36 UTC


Medical packaging-styrofoam and gel packs

I have a prescription med that comes to me once a month in a small styrofoam cooler packed in refrigerated gel packs. This makes me sick. I've given away some coolers to a friend, keep some in case or emergency. They might hold canned sodas.

I've tossed the gel packs in the trash.

I hate waste so much I have a large worm bin in my house because veg scraps were making me nuts.


14:47 UTC


Unlock the Secrets to Eco-Friendly Disposable Dinnerware with Our Comprehensive Guide! 🌿🍽️

Hey Reddit! Whether you’re hosting a party, planning a wedding, or running a café, choosing the right dinnerware is crucial not only for the vibe but also for the environment. We at Green Paper Products are thrilled to share our extensive guide on eco-friendly alternatives that don’t skimp on quality or aesthetics.

Why switch to eco-friendly? Traditional disposables like plastics and styrofoam are out; sustainable materials like RPET (Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate) are in. Why? Because they offer a fantastic way to reduce your environmental impact while still getting the functionality and style you need.

What we cover in our guide:

  • Understanding RPET: Discover how using RPET products, made from recycled PET plastics (think water bottles!), can drastically lower your carbon footprint.
  • Product Highlights: From clear RPET cups perfect for showcasing cold drinks, to sturdy cutlery and stylish takeout containers.
  • PLA Products: Learn about Polylactic Acid products, which are made from renewable resources like corn starch and are fully compostable.
  • Choosing Wisely: Tips on selecting the right products considering durability, aesthetics, cost, and environmental impact.
  • Disposal Tips: How to responsibly dispose of RPET products to ensure they are recycled correctly and don’t end up harming the planet.

Why this matters: Opting for recycled and compostable products like RPET and PLA can significantly reduce waste and pollution, helping us take a big step towards a sustainable future.

Curious to learn more and make a positive impact? Check out our full guide and transform the way you think about disposable dinnerware! ➡️ Read Our Guide Here!

Let’s make sustainability the norm. Upvote if you think more people should know about this, and share your thoughts or questions in the comments!


17:56 UTC


MMU Research Project

Hi there, I would appreciate it if you guys could answer a quick questionnaire for a project at MMU.

Thanks in advance.


15:26 UTC


What makes any particular box recyclable or not?

I see companies advertising how their cardboard boxes are recyclable, but aren't all like that in general?

00:51 UTC


Can OPP bags be recycled?

Hey there, I wondered if someone could tell me whether or not OPP bags can be recycled.
I assume they can't go into general recycling, but can they go to a store drop off for soft-plastic recycling at all, or just straight into a regular bin?

00:48 UTC


What happens when an apartment recycling dumpster has a lot of non-recyclable things in it?

My wife and I live in an apartment complex, and we try to be good about recycling what we can even though it's a hassle to drive it to the one recycling dumpster on the exact other side of the complex. But every time I drop anything off there, it's always full of obviously not recyclable stuff. Pizza boxes, bags of trash, chairs, mattresses, Styrofoam, you name it. As I understand it, this can often ruin whole batches of recycling and it will all just get send to a landfill. Is this correct, or will the trash be sorted out and the recyclables be properly recycled (I've heard this as well)? It's such a hassle to bring the recycling out since it's so far from our apartment (unlike the trash dumpster which is about a 100 foot walk) and I'm honestly wondering if we should even bother if it's all getting sent to a landfill anyway.

19:20 UTC


Can photographs be recycled?

19:41 UTC


Recycling shouldn't be this hard


This is crazy, I'm trying my best here. Most of these are toiletries from the past 2 years. We already buy no plastic wherever we can but it's not always financially possible. I reuse or repurpose whatever I can. We get bulk refill soap, shower gel, hand sanitizer and natural cleaning products (vinegar, baking soda, green bleach) I use shampoo bars, and zero waste deodorants. I've spent hours on this today to find out where every single item goes. And then most of it will still end up at landfill...

22:16 UTC


UK - Can I Recycle Plastic Coin Bags?

My workplace goes through so many of these, destined for the bin by default. Know they can be reused be no one wants to do so! Assuming these can’t accepted by recycling centres etc.? Any ideas what I could do with them? (short of getting the company to ban them!)

11:16 UTC


Vertical dewatering machine for plastic recycling plants #plasticproces...

07:03 UTC


Le broyeur de mousse personnalisé GREENMAX aide Tecsound à réaliser le recyclage et la réutilisation de PUR en France

Fondé en 1908 par Charles Geisen, SOPREMA est un groupe familial indépendant qui est un leader mondial dans la conception et la fabrication de solutions d'étanchéité ainsi que de matériaux de toiture, d'isolation acoustique et thermique. Aujourd'hui, SOPREMA compte 123 usines de fabrication et plus de 120 filiales à travers le monde. Filiale du Groupe SOPREMA, TECSOUND se consacre principalement à la production de matériaux pour panneaux acoustiques.L'entreprise est située dans le nord-est de la France.

Il existe de nombreux types de matériaux utilisés pour fabriquer des panneaux d'isolation acoustique, parmi lesquels la mousse PUR est un matériau important, de sorte qu'une grande quantité de déchets de mousse est générée pendant le processus de production et de découpe. Tout comme elle met constamment à jour ses produits, cette entreprise créative a voulu broyer ces déchets en petits morceaux et les réutiliser pour fabriquer des « boules silencieuses ». Ces boules de silencieux sont remplies de mousse écrasée, et la couleur et la taille de l'apparence peuvent être modifiées de manière flexible en fonction des besoins du client. De cette façon, ces boules silencieuses peuvent non seulement absorber le bruit, mais également obtenir l'effet de décoration et d'embellissement de l'environnement. Elles utilisent au mieux les matériaux et réalisent parfaitement la boucle fermée du recyclage de la mousse PUR.


Cependant, dans la pratique, le chef de projet M. Olivier a constaté qu'en raison de la grande taille de leurs déchets de mousse, la taille après broyage par un broyeur général n'est pas idéale. Lors du remplissage des billes du silencieux, un grand nombre d'espaces seront créés, et l'effet d'absorption du bruit sera considérablement réduit. C'est pourquoi M. Olivier a commencé à rechercher des équipements professionnels de concassage de mousse sur Internet. Lors de la recherche sur Google, il a été attiré par les solutions personnalisées de GREENMAX et a laissé un message sur le site Internet dans l'espoir que nous puissions lui fournir un broyeur de mousse répondant à ses exigences de taille.

Après avoir pris connaissance des besoins du client, le personnel commercial de GREENMAX a immédiatement contacté le chef de projet de Tecsound et a activement discuté de la conception du broyeur de mousse avec l'ingénieur en fonction des conditions matérielles du client. Une fois le plan initialement déterminé, il a été demandé au client d'envoyer des matériaux pour tests. Après plusieurs débogages et améliorations, les résultats des tests ont pu répondre aux exigences du client. En octobre de l'année dernière, l'équipe commerciale de GREENMAX s'est rendue en France pour rendre visite au client sur place et a travaillé avec Olivier et le chef du siège social pour finaliser les derniers détails du projet. Le client a passé une commande pour un broyeur de mousse personnalisé ce jour-là.


Avant l'expédition du broyeur de mousse, nous avons à nouveau utilisé les matériaux du client pour tester et envoyé la mousse broyée au client pour test. Le client a été très satisfait des résultats des tests et de notre service, et la machine devrait être expédiée dans une semaine.

GREENMAX n'est pas seulement un expert dans le recyclage des mousses telles que le PSE, le PEE et le PPE, mais se développe également de plus en plus en tant que fournisseur de solutions de recyclage personnalisées pour de nombreux types de mousses. Si vous êtes préoccupé par les déchets de mousse, veuillez nous contacter, nous vous aiderons de tout cœur à fournir des solutions de recyclage professionnelles !

02:06 UTC


How do you clean and prepare IBC totes for recycling?

I'd like to get some advice on the best ways to clean and prepare IBC totes for recycling. My company has a bunch of these totes that we need to get rid of, and we want to make sure they're properly cleaned and ready for recycling or repurposing.

We found a company in our area that can help with the recycling process (https://ibctoterecycling.com/), but we want to do the cleaning and preparing ourselves. As far as I'm concerned, it's important for US to make sure that the totes are safe and suitable for their next use, and we also want to save some money by handling the cleaning part on our own.

I'm sure many of you have experience with this, so I'd love to hear about your methods. Like, how do you clean your IBC totes? What tools or cleaning agents do you use? Are there any specific steps you follow to make sure they're ready for recycling?

Either way, I'm sure this should be relevant for anyone who uses IBC totes in their business or has to deal with their disposal, so I'm sure this post could be helpful for others, too. So, please share your tips and experiences, and thank you!

15:06 UTC


I have got 15+ old jeans, and I'm planning to recycle. What do you suggest?

I think its time to recycle my old jeans. It looks ok but out of trend, so I am planning to make a denim jacket from old jeans. What do you suggest -https://youtu.be/6Wi8_mkK3dI

I am planning to color it and do some embroidery also to give new look

10:02 UTC


Are recycles actually being recycled?

Hi Recycling sub,

The question is the title, are waste companies like EDCO and Waste Management actually recycling their collected recycles? I’ve heard stories about it being collected in same truck and most of them ending in landfill or incinerator. Would appreciate all opinions but super appreciate input from employees

04:42 UTC


Affordable plastic recycling machines for PE bottles #plasticrecycling

1 Comment
03:25 UTC


An idea I got

Do you guys find a good idea I took soda cans from countryside/the side of the road, melted them down into Ingots and sold them?

17:17 UTC


List of free take-back recycling programs in the US

I made this list. Feel free to use and share!


If you know of other resources I should include, let me know! I made this because I thought it would be helpful to people trying to live zero waste. So if you have thoughts on how it can be more helpful, tell me :)

19:35 UTC


Propane bottles

Where can I properly get rid of these things?

18:36 UTC


Is Domino's being irresponsible?

On my Domino's pizza box it says:

Recycle this box when you're finished.

Here's how:

  • Step one pick up box
  • Step two place in bin

That's it. You don't have to fold the box, or crush it. Or gut it. Or tear it. Or remove minor amounts of cheese and grease

First issue is that it is rare for the grease on the bottom to be "minor amounts". Second is my local municipality says what I have always heard regarding grease in paper: they don't want it.

Put boxes stained with grease or oil in the garbage. Recycle clean lids.

EDIT: Someone mentioned this company below who is apparently the the source of the claim Domino's is making:


21:39 UTC


GE Water Filter Recycling Program?

Just replaced this filter. I hear that GE has a recycling program for filters, but I can’t find any information about it. Can anyone help, or should I just throw it away?

1 Comment
16:17 UTC


Raisin containers - recyclable?

How2recycle.info says my O Organics (Safeway) raisin container is recyclable. In another post people said to disregard how2recycle.info and ask your local municipality. But like a surprisingly large amount of containers, including "raisin box", "raisin container" , "raisin ..... " is not on my local recycling website. And a similar Sun Maid raisin container has nothing about recycling.

Anyone heard of raisin containers (the ones with plastic lids) being recyclable?

12:38 UTC


How best to recycle shredded paper?

So I like to let my junk mail pile up for a bit for several reasons, the biggest being I can’t be bothered to shred 1 or 2 pieces of paper at a time (I am trying to work on this to keep a tidier home) but when my shredder is full, I don’t always have an empty box lying around to dump the shreds into. Is there anywhere I could buy paper bags that are larger than what grocery stores give out? I don’t want to dump my shreds into plastic bags since that defeats the purpose of recycling.

13:41 UTC

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