For cautious pregnant people on this great, perilous journey to parenthood.
This group is for cautious, newly pregnant women who are still in the "unsafe" first trimester, or women in later pregnancy who are looking for like-minded support. A place to discuss your anxieties and joys about early pregnancy and beyond.
I know there are many of us out there who have gone through trials to get pregnant, currently going through trials while pregnant, and women who have been through previous miscarriages, or babyloss. And we wanted to make a comfortable and supportive environment for this situation.
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Statistic Charts:
Daily Odds of Pregnancy Miscarriage
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Line or not? Unknown DPO help me work it out? (Pic is in lineporn group)
I am CD31.
CD13 I had ewcm - had sex. CD14, CD15 & CD16 I had random red spotting. No sex on those days. CD17 I had ewcm - had sex. CD18 I had ewcm - had sex. CD19 I had non-fertile creamy cm. No sex. CD22 - had sex. Didn’t notice any CM atall. CD23 - EWCM again! No sex. CD28 - lower back discomfort.
And now I am CD31 and have been taking a 10miu test every day for the last few days. All totally negative until today I think I see a really faint line??🫣 it was there right away.
Thoughts on my situation?!🫣 what DPO am I? And is this even a faint positive do you reckon?
This is the one cycle I ran out of OPKs!!
I'm currently 5w6d and I was admitted to the hospital yesterday for left side pain and a weird tingle on my shoulder, I was scared it was an ectopic. Had a scan done and while they can't certainly rule out ectopic, they MIGHT have seen a shadow in the uterus which gives me hope however my HCG levels taken yesterday(5w5d) were at 1781 which is definitely on the lower end. I know they should check if it's doubling every 48hrs and I will push for them to check my levels again however I'm still so worried about my HCG levels.
I haven't heard anything good about levels this low and I'm assuming they're rising pretty slowly(although I haven't had them tested previously). I guess I just need a bit of hope as well as a reality check, I need success stories as much as I need stories that haven't ended positively that are similar to mine.
I started to spot in the morning without any pain , I am 6 weeks 3 days today. I ended up going to the ER for my peace of mind. They did an ultrasound and couldn't find anything, not even a gestational sack. They basically said it's pregnancy of unknown location as they didn't see any mass in my tubes either. Dr. Told me to go back in 48 hrs to redo hcg to see if it's decreasing to confirm the miscarriage. If it continue to increase than ill have bigger problems to deal with. First hcg was 382 on Oct 29, then it was 755 on Oct 31 and on Nov 8 when they checked it was 5583.
So far im still just spotting, not enough blood to soak a pad and no clots. I have had mild cramps the entire day they were not inconsistent but there the whole day and I have this very uncomfortable feeling down there.
I was guarding my heart all these days but I feel so sad right now. Hoping for some miracle but also want to be realistic about the outcome of this. 😞
Hi everyone, i am currently around 5w1d pregnant. Very early, i know. I also have PCOS and was able to conceive both times on metformin.
I had a previous MMC in April at 11w2d after everything was perfectly fine. That time i had no symptoms at all, other than fatigue.
This time around i have sore boobs, some nausea and mild cramping. Which is since yesterday all gone. Just like that. Gone. I have read online that symptoms come and go, but i am freaking out that it is a miscarriage again. I am terrified.
First scan is in 2 weeks. I am a very rational person, but not when it comes to this pregnancy apparently.
I’m 7+6 pregnant today. I’ve been TTC for two years and a half, and IVF for one year. Two ER, 3 frozen 3-day embryos and 3 frozen 5-day embryos. I did a transfer in July but it sadly ended in a chemical. I did a second transfer on October 3rd and it stuck! 🥹 My betas were great, and we got to hear a strong heartbeat at 6+4.
My next ultrasound will be at 10w, but now I’m so scared. I’ve been feeling hungry, tired and sick with nausea the past weeks (well, very mild symptoms, I felt kind of normal), but the last three days I’ve been feeling totally normal. I’m taking progesterone so if it goes downhill I won’t bleed.
I know symptoms come and go, and I need to just wait and be patient and trust, but I’m anxious and scared. Sometimes I feel I’m not pregnant anymore because of how normal I feel. How can I wait and hope for the best? I’m trying…
I am 7 weeks 5 days pregnant. My first ultrasound is Monday… I’m almost there but I’m feeling so discouraged. I’ve had practically no symptoms other than sore boobs. They’ve been sore for about 2-3 weeks.
Two days ago I had clear and tan discharge in the morning (it only happened once). It wasn’t a ton. Then yesterday I had it again around the same time, maybe a little more. I called my Obgyn and they didn’t seem concerned. I had no cramping at all.
Well today my only symptom of sore boobs is just about gone.
Has anyone experienced this and been okay? This is my first pregnancy.
Hi! I’ve had 3 miscarriages. One rainbow baby. With my rainbow baby I had a 21 for the progesterone around 4 weeks and hCG was in the 1000s at that point. With my miscarriages my hCG never got that high but my progesterone was 22. Im considering supplementing next time we try but I don’t know? Does progesterone seem like my issue if my rainbow baby had less then the losses???
Has anyone ever miscarried hours after seeing a strong heart beat? Had been bleeding heavy off and on from Sunday-Wednesday. Wednesday saw a strong wiggly baby measuring 11w4d with hr of 177. Wednesday night went into full labor and had to get a blood transfusion and d&c. I’m just so confused what happened so fast and why I miscarried. No SCH was ever found on ultrasound
6+2 as per my last US (by my period id be 6+6) - as per my last post I have a known SCH and my progesterone had dropped on my bloodwork last week. My beta is 2709 - at what would have been DPO26 or 5+2. My OB told us ~40% chance this sticks around given the US being behind, the SCH and the bloodwork (dropping progesterone and low normal beta).
Today and yesterday noticed some light pink/brown spotting - nothing significant, just when I wipe first thing in the morning and a bit in my underwear. Nothing bright red.
My Google search tells me this is probably my known subchorionic hematoma shedding. I have a repeat US in 4 days.
Anyone else have anything similar with good success in terms of keeping the pregnancy? I’m quite nervous given my OB has felt there are some yellow flags in my last US.
I’ve had 2 chemicals back to back this fall and as a result am now getting hcg checks as soon as I am pregnant. I got my first hcg at 10dpo (30) and exactly 48 hours later did my second draw. Results came back at 179. I’m very anxious due to the two previous losses. Obviously it is beyond doubling - 6x higher actually - and a big part of me is elated, but I’m nervous this could indicate other potential issues. Based on an hcg doubling calculator this puts my doubling time at 18.5 hours, which is way faster than anything I am seeing online.
Obviously the answer is talk to my OBGYN and see what they say, but unfortunately results came back Friday night so I’ll need to wait until Monday.
If you had a similar hcg experience and it ended well, please share. Trying to reassure myself so I don’t spiral waiting for Monday AM.
Tuesday 12/13dpo i had a negative test. Wednesday which would’ve been 13/14dpo I got a very faint line on 5 different strip tests. Thursday I got a positive digital so I went to my doctor. I had bloodwork done and the doctor called this morning (Friday) and said the hcg level was only 8. I’m going back on Tuesday (Monday is a holiday here) to check the hcg levels again.
I’ve had lots of pregnancy symptoms sore boobs, nausea, headaches, tiredness but no cramping or bleeding. I had an ectopic in March that burst and resulted in losing my right tube. I’m so heartbroken right now just having to wait it out.
I was so panicked to have no symptoms at the start of 6 weeks that I got an early ultrasound at 6+3- baby was measuring appropriately and heart rate was 115. The next day I was so relieved to start getting some queasiness and fatigue but I woke up today (2 days later) with none. I’m terrified I’ve lost the baby. I had a MMC a few months ago. I can’t keep requesting scans without bleeding and I don’t know what to do. Anyone else have fluctuating symptoms at this point (7w tomorrow)?
TW: Mention of possible loss, beta numbers Hi everyone, I'm experiencing a very confusing situation and would really appreciate any insights or similar experiences. Timeline: • Ovulated Oct 12 • First positive HPT Oct 24 (12 DPO) • Slightly darker test Oct 25 (13 DPO) • Tests began lightening Oct 26-27 (14-15 DPO) • First beta Oct 28 (16 DPO): 15.9 • Second beta Oct 30 (18 DPO): 15.8 • Started bleeding Oct 30th • Bleeding continued through Nov 1st • Light spotting Nov 2nd • Bleeding stopped Nov 3rd (22 DPO) - took HPT which was darker than any previous test • Third beta Nov 4th (23 DPO): 48.7 • Fourth beta Nov 6th (25 DPO): 92.4 • Fifth beta Nov 8th (27 DPO): 160.6 The really confusing part is that I had what seemed like a chemical pregnancy - after the first two static betas (15.9 → 15.8), I started bleeding, which I felt like confirmed loss. But then after the bleeding stopped, I took a HPT to see if I was negative now, and that one was darker than any previous test. Since then, my betas have been rising and (almost) doubling every 48 hours. At this point, I am very confused and not sure if this is a viable pregnancy or if I should continue bracing for loss. While my numbers are rising appropriately now, they seem much lower than typical for 27 DPO? I originally thought this might be ectopic when the numbers started rising after bleeding, but the consistent doubling is throwing me off. Has anyone experienced anything similar - especially the bleeding followed by rising betas? Or does anyone have insight into what might be happening? I know none of us are doctors, but I'd really appreciate hearing any similar experiences while I wait for more answers from my healthcare team. Thank you all 💕
Hi all, I know there are many “is my HCG rising normally?” posts and I wish I could say that reading through all of them has answered my questions or quelled my anxiety but….
I have a history of miscarriage and ectopic treated with methotrexate. I recently got a positive HPT and have gone in for a series of betas. I may be a day or two off in my ovulation date but the numbers are:
14 DPO: 177 16 DPO: 438 18 DPO 820
My previous understanding was that pregnancies this early should really be doubling in 48 hours and my heart dropped when saw that my doubling time is closer to 53 hours. I’ve since read that 48-72 hours can be normal. I know it’s possible, but is it common to have a doubling time slower than 48 hours this early in a pregnancy?
It’s impossible not to spiral into worry about another ectopic or miscarriage. And of course the betas were released online after my clinic had closed for the weekend.
Thanks for being my sounding board. Just trying to brace myself.
Hi yall! Probably mostly in my head so just looking for some reassurance.
I’m 7 weeks and 2 days ago had my first ultrasound - it was ‘perfect’ by their markers, measuring only a day or two behind with a good heartbeat.
They saw 2 corpus luteums as well.
I’ve had some tummy upset (which I attributed to not being able to eat because of nausea) and then today some very light left shoulder soreness.
It got me in my head thinking, is it possible that I have another baby that’s ectopic as well as the one in utero? My HCG was doubling perfectly the first week but I don’t know.
Probably overthinking it because I’m so anxious about this pregnancy going well but had to ask.
I got a bfp this past Sunday at what was 11/12 dpo most likely and got a bfp of 24.
43 hours later it came back at 44 and 48 hours after that it came back at 100. I’m still very hesitant with it all, but my OB was happy with these numbers as was like “We’ll see you in 4 weeks for an ultrasound”.
I was really hoping they’d confirm at least intrauterine in two weeks.
I have two IVF babies so I’m very used to weekly scans in the beginning so this is new for me and is going to be soooo tough.
Hi everyone! Had a missed miscarriage and D&C at 8 weeks pregnant. How many months did you try for after your miscarriage until you got pregnant again?
Does this happen to anyone else? Usually about 24 hours after sex I have the smallest tinge of what looks like old blood in my cervical mucous. I’m 7 weeks 3 days currently. I didn’t have this with my first pregnancy. Sex isn’t painful for me either. Just wondering if it’s something to fuss about or if it’s fine 😭
I got betas done yesterday at 6 weeks 1 day and got the results today… 74,204. Seems really high as I’ve read online that normal range for 6 weeks is far less than that. Since high hcg can indicate possible chromosomal issues I am freaking out. Has anyone had high hcg with a healthy baby?
I had a mmc (first pregnancy), found out at 12 weeks that the baby hasn't developed after 10 weeks. I found out october 8th, had a d&c on october 16th where everthing went well, no complications. I beld for 12 days after that, with it getting lighter everyday. Since my cycles have been extremley regular (and I got pregnant the first try), I don't like not knowing where I am in my cycle, so I took an LH ovulation test 3 days ago, the line was strong but negative, and I took one now and it was even fainter which leads me to beleive I ovulated about 4 days ago. So I should be getting my period back in about a week and a half hopefully. I'm leaning toward trying that cycle if the bleeding is normal, but I'm also scared that it's too soon and I don't want to ever go through everything again. My doctors told me they recommend waiting 2 cycles (although mentioned to at least wait 1). I read so many success stories, but lots of women also wrote that they had another miscarriage when not waiting enough. I just don't know what to do...I really want to have my baby here with me as soon as possible💔 Does anyone have a similar story as me? If so, what are your experiences?
Please spam me with any success stories from IVF or natural pregnancies with a heart rate of 102/103 at 6 and 7 weeks.
I’ve had 3 early ultrasounds all are showing perfect growth however at 6+2 HR was 102 and today at 7+2 average is 103. Doctors are not showing any concern but of course I am googling and seeing higher numbers with other pregnancies. Any insight and positive stories to ease my mind would be greatly appreciated 💕🙏🏻
My betas are as below 14 dpo - 26, 16 dpo - 108, 18 dpo - 330
I have a previous history of ectopic pregnancy. And a missed miscarriage at 8 weeks. I am worried if this will end up in a miscarriage too since the hcg is lower than what I had for my previous pregnancies Are there any success stories with this hcg trend?
Im absolutely torn on what is happening right now...
I'm supposed to be 10 weeks pregnant but when I went in for my dating ultrasound I was measuring at 6+3. I thought that maybe I got the dates wrong, which could be because this is my second pregnancy. first was chemical, and this one seemingly has been going good up until now. I had my HCG taken the same day of my ultrasound on Monday and it was 20215. Okay- so I thought the dates must have been wrong. (they also said it would have been too early for a heart beat at that point)
Fast forward to Monday night I get some spotting and brownish bleeding (very light) Crap. I think im having a miscarriage. I go back for bloodwork on the Wednesday to compare Mondays results and it drops to 14699. Okay, im having a miscarriage right? Fast forward to FRIDAY, where I wake up and have pretty significant bleeding. My midwife tells me to go to ER, and prepares me that this is likely a miscarriage.
All they do at ER is take my blood and urine, and tell me my HCG is 15978. (at this point the results from Wednesday weren't in yet, so from the Mondays results, its still down, but compared to Wednesday they're up again.
They tell me im having a miscarriage, but I refuse to believe so based off my HCG rising again. I am trying to get my midwife to get me more blood work to help ease my mind until I go for the ultrasound next week but I am fully prepared to see a healthy baby in the ultrasound, and not get told "you've passed all the tissues"
Has this fluctuating HCG happened to anybody? I've read that It could be a few different things. its not Ectopic because ultrasound showed baby in my uterus, but im also seeing it could be Vanishing Twin? Truly have no idea if I can fully let myself grieve or hold on to hope that maybe there still is a baby in there.
Any insight:
Tested positive ~9dpo, went in for labs 2 days later, HCG was 17 on 10/21, 18 on 10/23; we assumed I was having a chemical. Went back in 1 week to make sure numbers were trending to 0, but then on 10/29 HCG was 282, 11/1 630 and 11/5 1124!
We were concerned about ectopic, despite no bleeding or pain. US yesterday showed a 2mm gestational sac, coordinating with my HCG and LMP/Ovulation date. No yolk sac or FHR detected, which also correlates with the dating. I have to go back in 2 weeks for another US to hopefully confirm viability.
Doctor thinks there was a lab error for the first 2 draws possibly. I had a MMC in July at 7w3d. I'm super anxious and trying to stay cautiously optimistic.
Hey all, on Monday I went in for an early ultrasound (5+6) due to spotting. The bleeding seems like it was due to two SCHs, but I’m a little concerned about the measurements they took, and wanted to ask this group for your thoughts.
They were able to see a gestational sac, yolk sac, fetal pole, and a heartbeat of 110. The US tech immediately said “that’s a little slow”, which made me nervous. It’s been five days since the scan, and I’m down this rabbit hole of measurements that’s been a bit hard to decipher.
The CRL is listed as 0.25 cm and the yolk sac is listed as 0.2 cm, which is concerning me because I don’t think it’s supposed to be that small. There is no measurement listed for the gestational sac, but it appears a lot larger than the fetal pole/yolk sac on the ultrasound photo.
At this stage, should I be guarding my heart? I’ve heard that early US measurements can be off, but that combined with the slow heartbeat comment makes me think I should be preparing for the worst.
Edit: They also found that I have a bicornuate uterus during the scan. The SCHs are 3.1 cm and 1.5 cm. I’m on pelvic rest until 12 weeks.
I see constant posts in here with people with perfectly fine hCG levels who have been mislead into thinking hCG doubles forever. Here is a chart to prove it to you. On the left assumes your first hcG is 25 at 10DPO and that you literally double perfectly every 48 hours. On the right is data pulled showing the "range" of hCG that they found per week.
Until the end of week 5, they match pretty well, which is consistent with data that shows that hCG tends to double every 2-3 days up through about 6,000 hcG.
But look at how crazy far ahead the forever doubling hcG goes in week 6 and onwards compared to actual real data. Based on this, you must assume that hCG rise slows down a lot past 6,000.
Also week 7 and 8 is not a typo -- they start to collapse that.
Week | Forever Doubling hCG | Actual Charts of Normal hcG Ranges |
3 | 25-50 | 5-50 |
4 | 100-800 | 5-426 |
5 | 1600-6400 | 18-7340 |
6 | 12,800-102,400 | 1,080-56,600 |
7 | 204,800-819,200 | 7,650-229,000 |
8 | 1,638,400-13,107,200 | 7,650-229,000 |
9 | 26,214,400-104,857,600 | 25,700-288,000 |
Hi all
Fertility clinic had me come in today for 8w and my beta was 110k.
Last week at 7k it was 76k.
Should i be worried it didn’t double?
I am 5 weeks and 2 days. This was a spontaneous pregnancy after a botched egg retrevial. They timed it wrong and my eggs were immature. We're MFI..low sperm count.
Last night when I wiped I had about a quarter size of red blood. Nothing since. No cramping. No pain. Nothing. I panicked because a year and a half ago my first pregnancy ended in a blighted ovum. I left a message at the clinic. No call back yet.
I had an US last week at 4 weeks and they confirmed the gestational sac. Day of US my HCG was 4569 and progesterone is 31.
My boyfriend thinks the spot of blood was from the progesterone suppositories. Can they cause that? I have such bad anxiety now 😔
Had Chinese food last night and afterwards had pretty bad cramping and (sorry tmi) but bad diarrhea. The both together really concerned me. Even though my rational self knows it’s likely related to the food, my worried self is saying it was food poisoning or I have some sort of bacteria or infection that can harm the baby. My discharge was also a little yellowy/mucusy but i have had that before so I think it’s normal?
I’m 10 weeks tomorrow and had a great ultrasound on Monday where we saw the heartbeat and baby moving. And I had no bleeding after the cramping and stomach issues.
Talk me off the ledge lol. Has this type of thing happened to anyone else and it was fine?
Any sort of cramping or issues down there makes me worried.
I went in for my first ultrasound on Wednesday. I was 7w+5 but the baby was measuring a few days behind. My doctor was not concerned about that but she ordered a second scan because the baby’s heart rate was 114 which she said was on the lower end of average. She’s also concerned because the yolk sac is measuring at 6.5mm. She said otherwise my baby looks perfectly healthy. I’m trying not to panic but I have a week before my next scan.