News, articles and discussions regarding British TV shows, film and stand-up.
News, articles and discussions regarding British TV shows, film and stand-up.
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It was on around 5 or 6pm... I thought on BBC2 but could be wrong there... Looked like it was set in medieval times or abroad somewhere with a kind of pirate/samurai vibe... But the main thing I remember is that the guy had is eyes branded with a hot iron and was blind for most of the series. He did get his sight back towards the end though. Any ideas? I've been searching the internet for this for years to no avail....
Watching episode 6 (Manitoulin Island to Québec City) and it became clear to me just how scripted the whole thing is. I grew up in Toronto / Greater Toronto Area and moved to Québec City 3 years ago
The biggest tell, the fact that Kevin & Claudia and Tricia & Cathie were forced to spend a second night in Montréal. I know a big theme of the show is "Europeans being shocked that North America has poor transport links" and yes this is a major problem, especially in Western Canada. But while the Québec City to Windsor Corridor (i.e. Southern Ontario & Southern Québec; i.e. where 50% of Canada lives) could do way better; there are more than sufficient and affordable transit links. It is super easy to travel between Montréal and Québec City. You can check for yourself here: https://www.rome2rio.com/map/Montreal/Quebec#trips
If you want to travel by Train, Via Rail has, on Saturdays, 5 trains from Montréal to Québec. In fact almost all of these trains originate in Ottawa; Zaineb and Mobeen took the last train out of Ottawa that day, which as of current schedules leaves Ottawa at 16:05, reaches Montréal at 18:04, leaves Montréal at 18:25 and arrives at Québec City at 21:48. There was absolutely no need for Kevin & Claudia and Tricia & Cathie to stay the whole night, the train was empty as we saw, they could have gotten tickets on that train.
Say they had to keep working past 18:00; well then they can take a bus. Orléans Express has busses departing at 19:00, 20:00 and even 22:00.
Also, Montréal to Québec you can Easily rideshare via Kangaride: https://www.kangaride.com/rideshares/montreal-to-quebec/qc. Most students / people on a tight budget I know going between the two cities use that.
So yeah, them all ending up on the same bus, just all killing a second day in Montréal; and Monique and Ladi spending a whole day there (cause they decided to just camp in Tobermory for some strange reason); made me realize how scripted the whole thing is. And how fake it is. Not much of a race if one time can travel through Montréal while the other two are forced to spend a night.
I watched the show cause I love the concept; as someone who loves ot read maps and take intercity trains and explore and all. But this is too fake to be enjoyable
Other thoughts:
I could go on. Guess in two sentence it would be : "Amazing concept; poor execution"
I've been watching The Sweeney, and I had a question I couldn't readily find an answer to online. I've noticed that Regan has a driver, but I haven't seen DIs in newer shows with drivers.
I guess what I'm looking for is a short history of drivers: when did they stop having drivers, why did they stop, when did they start (I could see why they would be necessary in the horse and carriage era), how long were there drivers, etc.
I noticed because they made a big deal about Regan's driver in episode 2 of series 1, where it seemed like a big deal for an up and coming officer, but he's anonymous in episode 3.
Enjoying the show, by the way. I'm at the beginning right now, still on the hour and a half long shows, and I'm surprised by how many plot threads they have going on at once.
I've seen this recommended so many times so thought I'd give it a go.
I realise I'm very much in the minority but every time I watch it I fall asleep. It's like visual tranquilliser.
It is beautifully shot but god it's boring. I usually love anything Mortimer has done so I'm disappointed in myself!
I really like landward, it's such a chilled out programme and a nice easy way to wake up. I also quite like Sunday brunch
Are there examples of anything before this?
I have Acorn and Britbox. Love Vera, chelsea detective, midsomer murders, miss fisher, brokenwood, shakespeare & hathaway. Mcdonalds and Dodds. Pie in the Sky. Morse and Lewis. All Christie.
Any suggestions on a mystery, solved by the end, dont know the killer until the end? Is there a new show I might enjoy with this criteria? TIA kind ppl.
So growing up the BBC always had the worst stuff on, Catherine Tate, Little Britain, Miranda & Michael McIntyre.
As a Scottish person I dunno if it's just us but do people actually find these people funny? The comedy style seems so outdated and just safe and boring. I honestly don't know a single person other than old people and church goers who watch people like Miranda and michael McIntyre.
I grew up on Eddie Murphy tapes from the 80s, def comedy and people like Dave Chappelle, Billy Connelly etc. then once the Internet came about I couldn't understand how people still kept watching the shit they put on BBC.
In Scotland we had rab c, chewing the fat, and the best uk comedy show ever, still game. Things like gimme gimme gimme were funny but the BBC kept pushing Catherine Tate, Lee Mack (who is actually funny) but his sitcom is awful same with Miranda she isn't funny in the slightest.
What happened to edgy uk comedy?
Any thoughts? Was it necessary? Was it any good? What are the kids like? And the hosts?
Have seen "11.22.63" and heard of "Life on Mars" but not seen it. Would like something with a character going back and forth between the present (or their present) and the past, with a thriller/mystery plot.
Recently got this on DVD and only have a handful of episodes left. Looking for something to fill the void. Anything similar?
Another classic sketch from Big Train
So I have this vague memory of a tv show we watched in first school in the 90s but cannot find it- watched this and Come Outside to give an idea of the era.
I don't remember much but in the intro I believe they went through they keyhole of a treasure chest style box and went to different eras. The one I remember is that it went to Rome and was educational e.g. exploring how Romans built roads.
Potentially a BBC show.
Nobody remembers it and it's driving me nuts. Please help!
Does anybody know the show where there was a man and a woman and each elisode they did different jobs? thats basically all i remember lol
It seemed to always be this stop and I really hated that bird, ruined my day having to watch that stupid bird
I'm American, but my dad was in the Army, and during the late '80s he was stationed in Berlin. While we were living there, we had a PAL-compatible television so we could watch shows from the British sector.
There's one I loved watching, but I don't remember the name of it, and I've never been able to find it with Google. It was a sort of Doctor Who for children. There was a magic clock that had the power to control all of time and space, but to keep it out of the hands of an evil queen, somebody had taken the numbers off the clock face and scattered them through history. There was a little girl who had to travel through time and retrieve the numbers before the evil queen could get ahold of them.
I do remember that it aired back-to-back with Pie in the Sky, but since it was on a station run by the British military, that may not be how it aired in Britain.
Watched the first of this two part series and I was seriously impressed. In a time when there is a lot of faux jeopardy, this expedition felt 'proper'. I worked in the Amazon on a reserve and this gives a good sense of the place.
I'm rewatching No Offence, and I came across some slang, in which someone says "He's hanging out with his frosties". So frosties must be mates, but I can't figure out how (I am expecting something like barney rubble -> trouble)