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Black Mirror on Netflix

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Black Mirror is an anthology series created by Charlie Brooker featuring speculative fiction with dark and sometimes satirical themes which examine modern society, particularly with regard to the unanticipated consequences of new technologies.

Links to discussion threads

S1-S3 Episode Discussions

S4 Rewatch General Discussion

S4 Original General Discussion

S4E1: USS Callister

S4E2: Arkangel

S4E3: Crocodile

S4E4: Hang the DJ

S4E5: Metalhead

S4E6: Black Museum

S5E00: Bandersnatch

S06E01 - Joan Is Awful Episode Discussion

S06E02 - Loch Henry Episode Discussion

S06E03 - Beyond the Sea Episode Discussion

S06E04 - Mazey Day Episode Discussion

S06E05 - Demon 79 Episode Discussion


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    407,108 Subscribers


    My tier list of all episodes

    I've seen a few other people do this and so decided to do my own as I definitely don't have the common opinion on some of these episodes (especially USS CALLISTER)

    14:45 UTC


    Are you ready for some very unusual positivity, about Black Mirror, from a Reddit user?

    I look at user rankings of episodes and, what’s very cool to me, is that they all vary greatly. You have people who love Joan is awful and think White Christmas is mid to bad. There is some consensus on the better episodes but, all in all, opinions are all over the map. Point is, it’s good to see the passion for the show! Keep supporting it, like what you like, all that matters is you keep watching. I’m not ready for this thing to be cancelled yet. Let’s get some more seasons out of it.

    14:21 UTC


    My tierlist (metalhead should be a row lower)

    11:03 UTC


    Every episode of black mirror, ranked best to worst

    Everyone tell me how wrong I am in the comments!!!

    06:16 UTC


    Beyond the Sea is really bad

    Murderous hippies who randomly and viciously kill a guy’s family because a dude being in a space station for six years having a robot counterpart to be with his family is “unnatural”?

    And then said guy turns around and murders another family just cause he’s mad the wife won’t cheat with him and he got called a couple of names?

    The black mirror I know is something closer to demon 79 where the situation is absolutely fucked and you are backed into a corner and you have to ask yourself “what would I do?”

    Maybe I’m just not the type that thinks it’s reasonable to go on a murderous rampage because someone calls you out for trying to cheat with his wife. It’s like a kid saying I dropped my cake and now nobody gets cake. Grief and anger are strong, double homicide though? YIKES

    03:33 UTC


    Maybe I'm thinking too hard about "Joan is Awful" [Spoiler]

    So there's a real Joan, there's a real Annie Murphy, we know that.

    And there's a virtual Joan, who looks like Annie Murphy, whose plan is to get a GGI Salma Hyek depicted shitting in a church, attempting to get in touch with the virtual Salma Hyek from her world.

    The catalyst of this is that virtual Salma Hyek is a devout Catholic, but is Annie Murphy? Meaning, would Annie Murphy having been depicted as shitting in a church be just as offensive for her as it was for Salma Hyek? And would real-world Annie Murphy seek out real-work Joan for the same reasons virtiual Salma Hyek sought out virtual Joan?

    Of course, as the program gets deeper and deeper into its virtual worlds, it can change these events. We saw virtual Salma Hyek take the shit in a church, but maybe real-world Joan did something different but just as offensive to real-world Annie Murphy, like shitting on a homeless youth. Virtual Salma Hyek's TV show counterpart, virtual virtual Cate Blanchett, maybe would have done something more offensive to the virtual actress playing her.

    But even if that's the case, the quantum computer making sure to re-create an event that would piss off the actress in whatever reality that sets off a chain of events that would destroy it. That seems like a fundamental flaw in the program, which would have made a good plot point had it been brought up.

    19:20 UTC


    Just watched my first episode

    Just watched my first episode of Black Mirror (S3 E3 “Shut up and Dance”) what episodes would you recommend I watch next?

    04:51 UTC



    I know Playtest is one of the more celebrated episodes in Black Mirror, maybe not S tier but almost everyone puts it in an A or B tier.

    I actively disliked this episode. I thought the main character was extremely corny and unlikeable in his performance. Despite this, he lands really what is an absolute dream one night stand, a successful attractive and empathetic women who is willing to help when he can’t get back home. It’s rather inexplicable and inconsequential though.

    It’s supposed to be a horror element but wasn’t scary at all because the main character didn’t really react to anything with fear, maybe initial Surprise but not fear.

    The point of the episode being .4seconds prior to his death is also inconsequential. There’s no tech warning other than “when someone performing a medical procedure on you gives you directions to turn your phone off, follow them”.

    His death was completely in vain. I thought Shotu or whoever his name was, was going to make some incredible discovery over the death that pushed the tech along, but all we got was “make a note”

    Sure the message is maybe “call your mom back” but idk. That’s more of a coincidence than an issue of ignoring his mom’s calls.

    Just curious to the fans of this episode, what was it that got you?

    17:59 UTC


    Got a side lesson from The Entire History Of You [S1E3]

    In the ending, after his wife and so-called child left, he was wandering around the house which used to be filled with light and happiness, and unstoppably pulling up memories of good memories with his loving wife. It hurt so bad because now he knew she was totally a cheater, but he also knew she did love him, so much. And seemed like those “scenes” haunted him every single time.

    It makes me think of IRL when we just experienced the end of a relationship, we can’t just move on immediately and will have plenty of time thinking about them and THE GOOD MEMORIES all over again. To the point, it takes forever to be able to move on.

    The last scene is when he finally decided to tear the technology out, because he couldn’t replay those scenes anymore. It feels like we must take action in order to move forward eventually.

    I got the lesson that you should just TRY to forget everything that isn’t here with you anymore. Yes, just keep the good memories as something positive to cherish, but don’t let them haunt you every time in a negative way. Sooner or later, who knows, you might have better things to come.

    16:15 UTC


    Just a theory and, mostly, an opinion.

    I'm wondering if the people/critics who didn't like Season 6 are stuck in nostalgia. We all want to feel the way we did for the first couple of seasons when the show was new and mind blowing. Nothing will ever make you feel that way again so, any new episode that comes out will always lack. I say this because, I see so many posts from people who think "Joan is Awful" and "Loch Henry" are mid to bad. I think they're fantastic and, if the show had started with those episodes, they'd be legendary in the minds of most.

    12:19 UTC


    You are how excited for Season 7?

    23:23 UTC


    Not quite Striking Vipers but very close lol

    18:43 UTC


    Beyond the sea

    Do you think that David was planning to kill Lana when he asked to go back there for an apology?

    10:58 UTC


    Striking vipers wardrobe

    I don’t think this is the right place to ask, but does anyone know the shirt that Danny wears in striking vipers? It’s sort of bowling style but only has a few buttons

    10:30 UTC


    Black Mirror Chat Group

    Shouldn't there be a Black Mirror chat group?

    10:22 UTC


    Black Mirror Loch Henry Happening with Baby Reindeer

    I think I've got this all wrong, but it just seems like Baby reindeer is a Loch Henry parody, up to the point where Richard Gadd who plays Baby reindeer main character is also who the trauma is based on. People are celebrating an exploitative behaviour that Richard Gadd has sold his trauma to Netflix and actively acts in it, recreating scenes of his trauma whilst also heightening the stakes in the name of media.

    It all felt a bit wrong watching baby reindeer and just reminded me of loch henry

    08:53 UTC


    If you know you know......

    13:12 UTC


    Series/movies recommendations?

    Well I would like to see some series/movies that made you feel like BM episode 1 National Anthem. That feel of this is fucked up but it’s not being gross for being gross. It is twisted to make a point.

    Another good example of what I’m looking for it’s the platform

    11:14 UTC


    What made you start watching Black Mirror?

    Personally me, I am a huge fan of anthologies and I knew a couple of actors I knew and liked were in some episodes so I just started from season/series 2. It’s been a week since I started binging and now I just finished Joan is Awful (Season6) this morning. I like the type of anthologies when it’s a different story every episode instead of every season.

    What about you?

    18:05 UTC


    An episode you would like a sequel to?/Season 5 vs Season 6?

    2 posts in 1 so I’m not spamming:

    Not necessarily a sequel, but like I would definitely watch Space Fleet if it was real, I know I can just watch Star Trek but Jesse Plemons and the Walton actor are just great! 😂

    I would like a continuation of Nosedive and see how Bryce Dallas lives her life now that she doesn’t care about the rating system and also a day in a life of Source Joan.

    Season 5 vs Season 6?

    This is such a really good show. Season 5 was pretty okay, my favorite episode was Rachel and Ashley Too. Smithereens was okay. I didn’t understand the ending of Striking Vipers seeing Anthony Mackie and Reboot Candyman together made up for that! They are really great actors!

    I’ve only seen Joan is Awful so far but I wanted to get your thoughts on which season do yall deem as “bad” or “worse”?

    14:28 UTC


    What exactly was illegal in Black Mirror White Christmas?

    I’ve watched this like a million billion times and I’m watching it now but I just can’t see what’s Actually ILLEGAL. Can you help me ?

    11:20 UTC


    I have some questions about San Junipero [S3E4]

    I got this episode as a lighter recommendation and just finished watching it! I still have a lot of confusion, but first, I gotta admire the beautiful scenery of San Junipero! No wonder why it’s so beautiful, since it’s not real…

    I adore the way they slowly opened up to each other and eventually had such a sweet connection. I like the way this episode changed the theme during each era. I’m amazed by the fact that is actually a virtual and eternal world, like, isn’t it a dream? At least for me, I do wish to live in that kind of world, I guess.

    But I have these things that I don’t get yet:

    1. Kelly’s husband chose to not pass over, so he will be dead forever, and his own existence is forever gone, like us irl by now? That there is nothing after death, or maybe reincarnation, who knows…
    2. Why did the time say “one week later” but it’s a whole new era every time…? And on the last one, Yorkie’s hair had grown totally much longer. Does that mean “one week” there is much longer than it actually is in reality?
    3. How did Kelly choose to pass over while she was still kinda healthy enough? I thought it had to be when they reached the end of their health. Could she choose when she would die, or did she wait till she reached that moment?
    4. What happened to the leads now that they had passed over? Are they gonna live in that virtual world forever, and never grow old?
    5. If someone chooses to pass over, would anyone in real life know they do that, and is there any chance for them to meet each other? (I wonder if Kelly’s daughter chose to pass over, but I see that Kelly didn’t know about it)

    Overall, San Junipero is a light episode, just got me some thoughts to figure some details out, and to think about the choice to live a beautiful life… Soooo last question, to ask for opinions:

    1. Is it really different between reality and virtual world in the episode (and in the future, maybe)?

    Because I think if we can live happily forever like that then virtual world would be the way to go right? We still live in there afterall.

    10:43 UTC


    What’s the name for being stuck forever somewhere?

    In some black mirror episodes we are shown someone being somewhere and conscious for years on end and not able to die. Like, USS Callister, or white Christmas where the assistant was stuck for 6 months in a span of 30 seconds real time. Also where the boyfriend had to stay 1000 years alone every minute in real time he was in the little “cookie” device. What’s that called when youre mind is stuck but you can’t leave or die? Black mirror tends to play with torture and time a lot.

    07:14 UTC


    Was Black Mirror Compromised?

    The sci-fi plots and universes of early Black Mirror episodes illustrate the often grim possibilities brought about by our own technology. They're scary and memorable because there's a genuine and clear line to follow from tech we're using now to the dramatic consequences we could grapple with as that tech advances. Social media as a control system, memory as externally accessible data, armed K9 robots, consciousness rebirthed through AI. These are all dramatic conclusions to cutting edge tech we're already using.

    I remember seeing a statement from the director(?) about how they didn't release a new season in 2020(?) because it was so close to real life, it would be too close to home. Season 6 comes out 4 years later and we've got a documentary, paparazzi, and a demon. The demon wasn't even something grounded in reality by some twist. The other two episodes were 'Black Mirror' as you'd expect it. Maybe they just wanted a new direction... but I can't help but to wonder if the show runners weren't allowed to / didn't want to release some episodes and had to redo them.

    05:59 UTC


    First time watcher…WHY IS THERE SO MUCH FUCKING!?

    I mean every single episode I’ve been watching they going at it again and again. Is it like that for the whole show? Was it meant for a different site until Big Netflix picked it up.

    23:26 UTC


    I got some thoughts and lessons after watching Nosedive [S3E1]!

    Glad I found a not-too-horrific episode but this episode put a lot of thoughts in my head, even got me a slight headache thinking about it. The fact that it’s too realistic that sometimes I can see myself IN there. Like, we all do have those moments when we try to post good things on social media to earn likes, comments, followers, even though it’s not that good in reality.

    Personally, although I do count my likes amount a lot of time and post quite a lot, I’m glad I don’t ever go that far. I always just want to post worth remembering memories and things I wanna share with the world. Whenever I hangout, or go anywhere, I only try to take pics that are most natural and realistic, so when I see them again on my social media, I can feel myself living in there, in that moment, and that’s it.

    I’m still who I am, living my own life, with people I care being around, doing things I love. So, I don’t need other people, who don’t affect my life, to judge me or rate me for whatever I do.

    I’m the one to rate myself only. And we all should be like that to ourselves, too!

    19:09 UTC


    I want to find episodes that aren’t too horrific, like Nosedive.

    Hi I’m new here, I just finished watching my first Black Mirror episode, which is Nosedive (S3E1). This episode puts a lot of thought in my head and it is terrifying in some way, but it has normal scenes, which don’t include blood, murder, jumpscared, or something like that…

    Can anyone help me to find other episodes like that so I can watch them by myself? (Those horror episodes I will need to find someone else to watch with lol) Thank you in advance!

    16:14 UTC


    White bear

    People were torturing someone for torturing another someone. Okay, she was a bad person but y'all can't be enjoying it. How does that make you any different!

    09:01 UTC


    New "Bodkin" shoe on Netflix

    Has anyone else seen the trailer for the new Netflix show "Bodkin" with Will Forte? I can't help but feel it's a rip off of Black Mirror ep Loch Henry. The similarities seem way too close but I could just be the trailer.

    05:40 UTC

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