Anything to do with British comedy duo David Mitchell and Robert Webb (including Peep Show and That Mitchell and Webb Look).
Anything to do with British comedy duo David Mitchell and Robert Webb (including Peep Show and That Mitchell and Webb Look).
Rule name | Description |
Submissions must be on topic. | All submissions must be related to the British comedy duo David Mitchell and Robert Webb. |
Please include the TV show name in the title. | This isn't so much a rule but it'd be helpful if you did. |
No Spam | Spam/self-promotion is not allowed. If more than 10% of your submissions are from the same domain, YouTube channel or similar you are a spammer and will be banned! |
Keep it civil! | Please keep all comments/posts civil. Breaking this rule may result in a ban. |
Spoiler Rules | No spoilers in the title! Submissions with spoilers in must be tagged. |
No recent reposts. | No reposts from the last month or commonly posted content. |
Frequent or extreme rule violations will result in a ban.
[Spoiler goes here](/spoiler)
Full episodes of Peep Show can be found on Hulu (US only).
Full series 2 of Upstart Crow on BBC iPlayer (UK only).
Series 1-9 of Peep Show are on Netflix and Channel 4 (UK only).
Series 1-4 of That Mitchell And Webb Look can be found on Netflix.
David Mitchell's Twitter account and Soapbox
Robert Webb's Twitter account
This subreddit is night mode compatible.
Or was it just some kind of softcore stock footage? The cover of of that video Mark was watching looked like it was created in Photoshop. Honest question, not a shitpost.
on about my million rewatch and i just cant place a weird fondness i have for series 8, everyone usually ranks this the worst series i used to not like it as much it too, but it has a strange charm, feels the most like real life imo out of all the series idk maybe its because the whole plot of the series goes no where that makes it that way. Also probably the height of marks and Hans friendship, one of my favourite dynamics in the show, which reminds me of some of my own. Mostly the Mark scenes however just feel like real life this might be a nonsensical post sry if thats the case had no one to talk to about this lmao all my friends dont watch this show.
The oil rig? The crack pipe?? The semi truck??? Discuss
(or however it's spelled) (spelt?)
Anyone else notice the suit Jeremy buys with Johnson’s credit card is the same suit he continues to wear throughout the entire series?
(Forgive me, Peter)
Do we ever know where the JLB office location actually is? Watched the episode recently where Mark hosts a party and mentions that Gerrard lives in Balham, Dobby in Catford and obviously Mark and Jeremy live in Croydon.
Unsure where would be commutable for all of them.
Only asking this because I'm bored I'm dangerously bored