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GNU/Linux is a collaborative effort between the GNU project, formed in 1983 to develop the GNU operating system and the development team of Linux, a kernel. Linux is also used without GNU in embedded systems, mobile phones, and more. These can include things like Android or ChromeOS. GNU itself is also used without Linux, some examples appear in projects like Debian/kFreebsd and Guix GNU/Hurd.

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    1,626,701 Subscribers


    LSN - Linux Social Network!

    I speek to the admins and users both of this SubReddit to check out https://www.linuxsocialnetwork.com. I have been working on this idea for a long time. I would like to see members here join over there as well. Main Stream SN's are good. But this one is built just for you!

    P.S. Admins, I am looking for Admin's for the site well if interested, lmk

    02:03 UTC


    JackOS - Jack of all trades operating system

    After leaving the alpha version rest months to test the upgrade system, JackOS will now to into the hands of the official beta tester.

    Distribution focus on universal design so it's thinked for disabilities and learning disorders firsts, yet it remain for everyone since theses users have relatives that may benefit to know to use the same system.

    Slowly I hope to grow a community around it to build clever features that could benefit to everyone that will be featured in the system before their official release, think like exclusives but a very short while, may even go as far as games if the community grow enough to achieve that.

    Will feature a rollback/versionning system to reduce risks of failures and so on ...


    21:50 UTC


    Display History of Remote Machine through SSH

    Wanted to share a gist I made for a relatively complicated problem of being able to correctly print a bash history file on a remote machine connected to via SSH (with the timestamps correctly interpreted and converted, etc...)

    It can appear quite trivial at first, but does bring some complications and pitfalls.

    In order to help me remember the process and also help others looking for this, I made a small gist to give the solution and explain the logic and pitfalls:


    Hope this helps someone.

    1 Comment
    04:01 UTC


    Flatpaks change how we distribute software in more ways than it seems

    I love flatpaks and what they enabled however I still have some subtle worries about them:

    • There is no longer a check between developer and users. This enables better bug reports and easier distribution however now a compromised developer is enough for hackers. Sandboxing protects from most kinds but still some kind of crypto scams can happen (Exodus Wallet - this is for snaps but unverified flatpaks is worse)
    • I dont know how flathub operates but still having only one central point of truth is problematic. If I understand correctly all of these software(and it grows) can be blocked with one DDOS(not necessarly DDOS but you get the idea). This point is also partially about fedora flatpaks, they are really a chore and I generally dont use them but having a alternative feels safer. Flathub people seem cool but if they had problems paying the bills or any kind of management issues, then one central place will hurt the ecosystem.
    • Unlike snaps, flatpak doesn't support cli tools and has quite bad cli interface. In all flatpak future, there is distro managed CLIs and developer managed GUIs. I dont know how I feel about this but it is a substancially different model.
    • Flatpak packaging is different from any distro packaging(they also differ in between) but if flatpaks are bad idea exit seems getting far away.

    This are some ideas I had for a while they are not mature and they can be based on false information but still wondering what do you think and please correct me if I'm wrong in any points.

    00:03 UTC


    Guide: Programming Volume Shortcuts in XFCE / Guía: Programación de atajos de volumen en XFCE

    Hi everyone, in this post I will provide a guide on how to program some shortcuts for the XFCE environment that increase, decrease, and mute the volume. (These shortcuts will show a notification when executed).

    Hola a todos, en este post escribiré una guía para programar unos atajos para el entorno XFCE que suben, bajan y mutean el volumen. (Los atajos mostrarán una notificación cuando se ejecuten).

    ⚠️❗⚠️❗⚠️❗⚠️❗⚠️❗⚠️❗⚠️❗⚠️❗⚠️❗⚠️❗⚠️❗⚠️❗⚠️❗⚠️❗⚠️❗⚠️❗⚠️ IMPORTANT: these shortcuts are designed to work with PipeWire; to make them work with PulseAudio, you need to change the wpctl command to pactl and install the respective packages.

    IMPORTANTE: estos atajos están diseñados para funcionar con PipeWire; para que funcionen con PulseAudio, deben cambiar el comando wpctl por pactl e instalar los paquetes respectivos.

    The first thing you need to do is install these three packages for everything to work correctly /// Lo primero que deben hacer es instalar estos tres paquetes para que todo funcione correctamente:

    sudo pacman -S wireplumber

    sudo pacman -S libcanberra

    sudo pacman -S libnotify

    Then, you need to create the following scripts in the terminal /// Luego, deben crear los siguientes scripts en la terminal:

    (for the mute switch /// para el interruptor de muteo)

    nano ~/switch-audio.sh

    (to increase the volume /// para aumentar el volumen)

    nano ~/increase-audio.sh

    (to decrease the volume /// para disminuir el volumen)

    nano ~/decrease-audio.sh

    When you create each script, paste its corresponding command /// Cuando creen cada script, deben pegar su correspondiente comando:

    This code in the mute switch script /// Este código en el script del interruptor de muteo:


    # Switch mute (Interruptor de muteo)

    wpctl set-mute \@DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK\@ toggle

    # Get the volume status (Obtener el estado del volumen)

    volume_info=$(wpctl get-volume \@DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK\@)
    volume=$(echo "$volume_info" | awk '{print $2 * 100}' | xargs printf "%.0f")
    muted=$(echo "$volume_info" | grep -o "\[MUTED\]")

    # Show notification with an icon from the system (Mostrar notificación con un icono del sistema)

    if [ "$muted" ]; then
    # Show notification muted (Mostrar notificación silenciada)
    notify-send -r 1701 -i "audio-volume-muted-symbolic" " "
    # Show notification unmuted (Mostrar notificación sin silenciar)
    notify-send -r 1701 -i "audio-volume-high-symbolic" "$volume%"

    This code in the volume increase script /// Este código en el script de incrementar volumen:


    # Volume increase (Incrementar volumen)

    wpctl set-volume \@DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK\@ 5%+

    # Get current volume (Obtener el volumen actual)

    volume_info=$(wpctl get-volume \@DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK\@)
    volume=$(echo "$volume_info" | awk '{print $2 * 100}' | xargs printf "%.0f")

    # Show notification with updated volume (Mostrar notificación con el volumen actualizado)

    notify-send -r 1701 -i "audio-volume-high-symbolic" "$volume%"

    This code in the volume down script /// Este código en el script de bajar volumen:


    # Volume decrease (Disminuir volumen)

    wpctl set-volume \@DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK\@ 5%-

    # Get the current volume (Obtener el volumen actual)

    volume_info=$(wpctl get-volume \@DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK\@)
    volume=$(echo "$volume_info" | awk '{print $2 * 100}' | xargs printf "%.0f")

    # Show notification with updated volume (Mostrar notificación con el volumen actualizado)

    notify-send -r 1701 -i "audio-volume-high-symbolic" "$volume%"

    Then you need to make the scripts executable /// Luego deben hacer que los scripts sean ejecutables:

    chmod +x ~/switch-audio.sh

    chmod +x ~/increase-audio.sh

    chmod +x ~/decrease-audio.sh

    At this point, if you run any of the three scripts from the terminal, you will see that they work, so the next step is to configure them to use a shortcut /// En este punto, si ejecutan cualquiera de los tres scripts desde la terminal, verán que funcionan, así que el siguiente paso es configurarlos para usarlos con un atajo:


    Find out the path of the scripts /// Averiguar la ruta de los scripts

    (run realpath file_name.sh in the terminal to know the exact path /// ejecuten realpath nombre_del_archivo.sh en la terminal para saber la ruta exacta)


    Once you have the path, copy it and go to /// Cuando tengan la ruta, cópienla y vayan a:

    Applications > Settings > Keyboard and Application Shortcuts /// Aplicaciones > Configuración > Teclado y Atajos de las Aplicaciones

    Press 'Add' and enter the path of the command you want, then select the key combination and click 'Accept' (repeat with all the commands) /// Presionen 'Añadir' y pongan la ruta del comando que quieran, luego seleccionen la combinación de teclas y hagan click en 'Aceptar' (repitan con todos los comandos).

    Done! The commands to raise, lower, and mute the volume of your system are now configured. I hope it works for you. See you soon.

    Listo! Ya están configurados los comandos para subir, bajar y mutear el volumen de tu sistema. Espero que les funcione. Hasta pronto.

    22:56 UTC


    Is Wayland Fixed On Nvidia?

    Last time I used Wayland with my RTX3060 on November 2024 and it was horrible that made me switch back to X11. Today I updated my kernel and nvidia drivers to 570 then I switched to Wayland session and I was shocked cause it works butterly smooth and better than X11! How is that possible?

    19:13 UTC


    LPIC 1 and other certifications. Recommended books and resources?

    I been diving more into Linux and have started going to the library to find some books on Linux, like Linux for Dummies 8 in 1 book. I looked into the Linux Prof Institute, the Linux foundation, Comptia Linux+, and Red Hat certifications as well as cyber security stuff, like Comptia Security+.

    It seems, to me at least, that LPIC certifications would be the way to go. There are levels and at the 3rd level, I can go the cyber security route. My library does not have many resources for Linux books so I need to go out and by them.

    Can someone recommend to me books that I should purchase that will help me get my LPIC certifications (and others)? It would be greatly appreciated.

    Also, are there any free classes or trainings that I can look into that will help me get prepare for the certification exams?

    18:17 UTC


    Remote NUMA Nodes and disaggregated infrastructure.

    I've had an idea for some time for a fully distributed OS across multiple hosts for virtualization.
    1.) I can script but I cant do any level of programming to the level of C that seems to be needed to accomplish this.
    2.) I am trying to gauge the realistic possibility of this so feel free to poke holes.
    3.) If I over simplified anything please fill in any gaps I may have missed. I want to understand the challenges as well.

    Lore: I work a lot with VMware at work and KVM at home. I have little experience with Hyper-V but the main take away I have found with most hypervisors is that VMs run on hosts and they can be moved between hosts If a host becomes overloaded then the VM has to be moved to another host to move that workload off the problematic host. In my experience in larger clusters there are often available CPU/GHZ that could be utilized for compute operations here and there.

    End Goal: I've been researching different technologies like Infiniband and PCI Fabrics. The thought of removing the idea of dedicated hosts and storage cropped up. In the end you extrapolate the CPU and RAM from each host to then be accessible as a pool of resources in a cluster. Allowing for processes to be ran across the cluster not tied down to a single host.

    My Research: My original thought was possibly getting involved with modifying the CPU scheduler but this is not remotely in the realm of an achievable idea after looking into it. I then realized that KVM and VMware allocate resource based off NUMA nodes. If there is a way to get a single host to detect the NUMA nodes of remote hosts then any sort of resource scheduling should be able to allocate CPU cycles across other hosts.

    A big concern is latency, From my understanding the L1 cache on processors can have a latency of 1-4µs. InfiniBand seems to manage that same level of latency however I do not know if its 1-4µs from Interface card to interface card using RDMA. RDMA though is remote memory access. No telling what added delay could occur if RDMA could interact directly with the remote processor and the path it may have to take and the added latency.

    Ive asked this same type of question on r/HPC about this and folks mention ScaleMP and Plan9 but I am not entirely sure if these accomplish what I thinking about. Not atleast from what I have read.

    If you read this far....Thanks!

    00:24 UTC


    I love Linux.

    I took the plunge, I distrohopped quite a bit, settled for now on Ubuntu (I know, very mild choice... It just works though, and im content with it. Probably will change in a while)

    Of course i dual boot between windows and ubuntu, but i spend most of my time in the later. In fact I havent booted up windows in a week which is surprising since i am always on my PC. I love how customizable it is, even ubuntu, i love the gnome shell with the blur my shell extension and the green wallpaper with the forest and the aurora. And what makes me even more happy is the fact that i spent some time editing bashrc and messing around with the terminal and i got it to give me a cow with a random fortune in random lolcat colors every time i open it. It makes me want to study computers more in depth and how they work.

    15:23 UTC


    Tiling Shell Brings Advanced Window Management to Linux

    Hey r/Linux I'm the developer of Tiling Shell, a GNOME extension for advanced window management. It's highly configurable and offers different ways of tiling and managing your windows. The focus is on delivering the best user experience, highest stability, and full customization. Give it a try! Link for download.


    It also works with multiple monitors (even if they use different scaling), comes with a number of tiling layouts built-in but there is a layout editor to allow you to create and save customs layouts.

    Tiling Shell also features the Snap Assistant, borrowed from Windows 11: just move a window to the top with your mouse and the Snap Assistant slides in and you can place the window where you want and how you want.

    • I've implemented automatic tiling as well
    • Fully customizable keyboard shortcuts to tile, move windows, change focus and more
    • You can also move the window to the edge of the screen to tile it
    • Right click on the window title to place the window where you want and how you want it
    • Coming soon this week, Windows Suggestions: after tiling a window you get suggestions for other windows to fill the remaining tiles

    There are other features but the list is too long for a short reddit post. Tiling Shell supports GNOME Shell 40 to 47 on X11 and Wayland. See you on https://github.com/domferr/tilingshell for documentation, demonstration videos, feature requests and bug fixes!

    14:04 UTC


    Linux succes story

    This might not be the regular post up here but hear me out: My wife received a drawing tablet as a gift 6 years ago. She decided to use it again on her new laptop. Pressure sensitivity would not work and I could not find any drivers for it anymore. I told her: wait, I'll try Linux. I booted a very popular beginner distro on her laptop. One calibration later, Gimp worked perfectly with it! Including pressure sensitivity and pen buttons. That is a big win!

    Morale of the story: If someone is on Windows or something else and stuck with old hardware that won't work with it anymore, Linux might just help them out!

    11:57 UTC

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