
Photograph via snooOG

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This subreddit is for any question pertaining to Linux from beginner to advanced. For general Linux news and info, see /r/linux.

Please try to only make helpful replies to questions. This is not the place for low effort joke answers.

If you find a solution to your problem by other means, please edit and add the steps you used to solve your problem to the bottom of the original post, and edit the flair on your post to [Resolved] (available in the drop-down list).


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Does flatpak print to stderr in case of failures?

I want to create an install alias which performs flatpak update and my distro update method (dnf upgrade).

I have the following alias:

flatpak update -y 1> /dev/null & sudo dnf upgrade

I dont want the outputs of the two updates to be mixed in general. Thats why I pipe all the normale output of the flatpak update command to /dev/null.

But in case anything goes wrong with the flatpak update command I still want to see it. I have never though encountered a flatpak error, and thus not know if it prints to stderr. Does flatpak print error messages correctly to stderr?

I know that in order to not mix up the messages I could also use the sequential && but that is way slower. This is not a compromise I am willing to take.

13:29 UTC


Firefox slowly stealing all my system resources

OS: arch RAM: 7.46 GB SWAP: 14.9 GB

My system gets slower if don't reboot after a few days. I think ive narrowed it down to youtube running on firefox. If I watch enough videos over time my swap file goes from 2gb to 6gb, and the number of processes goes from ~300 jobs at boot to ~800.

just restarting firefox helps a little bit but i have to do that often to maintain good performance. I also run the "minimize memory usage" feature in firefox and that doesnt help much either.

I've thought about (but havent gotten around to trying) something like firejail to run firefox in a container to keep resource usage isolated. i dont know if this is some kind of memory leak issue or just something that youtube does, or if its a firefox issue. i dont really want to have to put the browser in a container everytimes i want to watch some youtube videos.

does anyone else have this issue?

I thought about it being an issue with the way the system manages swapping. I've configured sysctl.conf to optimize swapping and paging which helps with the swapping but theres still the issue of resource creep.

i like maintaining mytime and i dont really like rebooting that often because i dont like to keep having to reopen all the windows on the different virtual desktops to maintain my prefered workflow.

13:26 UTC


Which is more beginner friendly: Zorin OS or Linux Mint?

So from what I understand Mint is kinda the archetype of the beginner linux distro, but Ive also heard Zorin is also beginner friendly. So is one more beginner friendly or are they both basically the same?

In short: does one "work better out of the box" than the other?

13:25 UTC


Pop os is not showing in boot menu

Hey guys. I am facing an issue with my linux. I have lenovo legion 15iah7h laptop and i am using dualboot- pop os woth windows 11. Recently i enabled the secure boot in my laptop and boot to windows. Then i disabled the secure boot and tried to boot into pop os. But somehow the pop os is not showing in boot menu. Can you tell me why? And how to fix that ?

13:20 UTC


I installed arch but I can't boot to my hard drive.

No matter how many times I retry and reinstall arch and grub, I still boot to the installation medium window after turning my PC on.what should I do?

12:58 UTC


Problems with PulseEffects


today I installed (with Software manager) PulseEffects (the one from Flathub), because the sound in my headphones wasn't the worst, but I am used to higher quality .

Everything was OK, installation was successful and I launched the program. I thought that there is no problem, but when I started to play with equalizer, it did not working. The sound was still same. I could change the frequencies to the highest or lowest level, the sound in my headphones was still the same. And also there wasn't any visualization of sound in PulseEffects, but it detected playing mp3 (Celluloid and Rhythmbox).

I thought that it could help if I install PulseAudio (again with Software manager, Flathub) and I read on some forum that install some plugins (with command

sudo apt install lsp-plugins

) could help. But it just installed the plugins and it is still doing nothing (and also I once launched one of those plugins and I was clicking at "X" button to close program but it doesn't want to close, I had to restart the computer) and now these plugins are only annoying me.

Please, can you tell me what should I do with PulseEffects to be functional?


My OS: Linux Mint 22, dual-boot Windows 11

I am using it only 2 days.


Sorry for my English, but it doesn't want to send me activation e-mail from CZ/SK Linux Mint forum so I cannot register there.

1 Comment
12:41 UTC


How to open URL with specific "Desktop Action" with xdg-open?

For example this a Desktop Action defined in /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop:

[Desktop Action new-window]
Name=Open a New Window
Name[ach]=Dirica manyen
Name[af]=Nuwe venster
Name[an]=Nueva finestra
Name[ar]=نافذة جديدة
Name[as]=নতুন উইন্ডো
Name[ast]=Ventana nueva
Name[az]=Yeni Pəncərə
Name[be]=Новае акно
Name[bg]=Нов прозорец
Name[bn_BD]=নতুন উইন্ডো (N)
Name[bn_IN]=নতুন উইন্ডো
Name[br]=Prenestr nevez
Name[brx]=गोदान उइन्ड'(N)
Name[bs]=Novi prozor
Name[ca]=Finestra nova
Name[cak]=K'ak'a' tzuwäch
Name[cs]=Nové okno
Name[cy]=Ffenestr Newydd
Name[da]=Nyt vindue
Name[de]=Neues Fenster
Name[dsb]=Nowe wokno
Name[el]=Νέο παράθυρο
Name[en_GB]=New Window
Name[en_US]=New Window
Name[en_ZA]=New Window
Name[eo]=Nova fenestro
Name[es_AR]=Nueva ventana
Name[es_CL]=Nueva ventana
Name[es_ES]=Nueva ventana
Name[es_MX]=Nueva ventana
Name[et]=Uus aken
Name[eu]=Leiho berria
Name[fa]=پنجره جدید‌
Name[ff]=Henorde Hesere
Name[fi]=Uusi ikkuna
Name[fr]=Nouvelle fenêtre
Name[fy_NL]=Nij finster
Name[ga_IE]=Fuinneog Nua
Name[gd]=Uinneag ùr
Name[gl]=Nova xanela
Name[gn]=Ovetã pyahu
Name[gu_IN]=નવી વિન્ડો
Name[he]=חלון חדש
Name[hi_IN]=नया विंडो
Name[hr]=Novi prozor
Name[hsb]=Nowe wokno
Name[hu]=Új ablak
Name[hy_AM]=Նոր Պատուհան
Name[id]=Jendela Baru
Name[is]=Nýr gluggi
Name[it]=Nuova finestra
Name[ka]=ახალი ფანჯარა
Name[kk]=Жаңа терезе
Name[kn]=ಹೊಸ ಕಿಟಕಿ
Name[ko]=새 창
Name[kok]=नवें जनेल
Name[ks]=نئئ وِنڈو
Name[lij]=Neuvo barcon
Name[lt]=Naujas langas
Name[ltg]=Jauns lūgs
Name[lv]=Jauns logs
Name[mai]=नव विंडो
Name[mk]=Нов прозорец
Name[ml]=പുതിയ ജാലകം
Name[mr]=नवीन पटल
Name[ms]=Tetingkap Baru
Name[nb_NO]=Nytt vindu
Name[ne_NP]=नयाँ सञ्झ्याल
Name[nl]=Nieuw venster
Name[nn_NO]=Nytt vindauge
Name[or]=ନୂତନ ୱିଣ୍ଡୋ
Name[pa_IN]=ਨਵੀਂ ਵਿੰਡੋ
Name[pl]=Nowe okno
Name[pt_BR]=Nova janela
Name[pt_PT]=Nova janela
Name[rm]=Nova fanestra
Name[ro]=Fereastră nouă
Name[ru]=Новое окно
Name[sat]=नावा विंडो (N)
Name[si]=නව කවුළුවක්
Name[sk]=Nové okno
Name[sl]=Novo okno
Name[son]=Zanfun taaga
Name[sq]=Dritare e Re
Name[sr]=Нови прозор
Name[sv_SE]=Nytt fönster
Name[ta]=புதிய சாளரம்
Name[te]=కొత్త విండో
Name[tr]=Yeni pencere
Name[tsz]=Eraatarakua jimpani
Name[uk]=Нове вікно
Name[ur]=نیا دریچہ
Name[uz]=Yangi oyna
Name[vi]=Cửa sổ mới
Name[wo]=Palanteer bu bees
Name[xh]=Ifestile entsha
Exec=/usr/lib/firefox/firefox --new-window %u

So basically, when I execute xdg-open https://reddit.com it launches reddit in an already existing firefox window, but I want it to launch a new window instead. Is there any way to specify an action when executing xdg-open?

12:39 UTC


Is it Safe to dual boot again?

You know after the recent Windows update that broke dual boot

Thinking about either installing Fedora or Nobara

on 2 separate drives of course

12:32 UTC


rsync on Synology

I have 2 Synology NAS and I want to back up the Media folder from one to the other using rsync. Although I have done this successfully before I have hit an unusual problem this time and I can't figure out what is going on.

I'm currently working with a made up sub-directory to try it out. My rsync command is

rsync -rv -e ssh /volume1/Secondary/Media/Media/Misc/TestDir/ admin@

If I Putty/SSH into the Source machine and run the command it works as I expect but if I run it as a user defined script via the Task Scheduler in Synology it creates a new folder which in File Station also has the name TestDir (2 folders in the same directory with the same name!) but in Putty I see it as 'TestDir'$'\r'

The Task Scheduler then subsequently uses that folder.

I did create my user defined script using a text editor on Windows but if I edit it using VI it looks OK to me.

11:21 UTC


USB-C and mounting external SSDs

Hello, I noticed an issue regarding mounting my 4TB external SSD. If i connect the SSD via USB-C to my computer, it is not recognized, but if I connect via USB-A, then it is recognized. Does anyone have any ideas?

This issue has appeared on Debian & Fedora, and GNOME & Xfce

10:52 UTC


Setting up ipvlan l3 on Fedora 40

Does anyone have a good walkthrough for setting these up? i'm having trouble finding good documentation to learn to do this. I just want my Containers to be accessible via ip address to devices on my lan.

Creating this static route just straight up doesn't make sense. I can't set the return path. I'm getting this error

[ardsagart@web03 ~]$ sudo ip route add dev dlan0

Error: Device for nexthop is not up.

Why would the physical NIC "not be" the gateway for the ipvlan???

10:12 UTC


Which distribution would you recommend?

Hello, I am thinking about to switch from Windows to Linux since my hardware is not 100% suitable for Windows 11and Windows 10 is only supported up to autumn 2025. Furthermore my laptop is 4 years old, so not that old enough to buy a new one. I am using my laptop mainly for my university stuff (chemistry). So lot's of data analysis, creating figures, writing and rarely using python. Probably the most beginner friendly Linux distribution would be Ubuntu and Mint, right? What are the key differences between them? Which one of these two would you recommend? Any online source recommendations to dive into the world of Linux?

09:38 UTC


compiling new drivers for DVB card causes other card to no longer function

Hi, I am someone out of my depth here.

I have a server with two TV cards. a PCie based DVB-S2 card from Digital Devices. A CineS2 V6. and a DVB-C USB based Terratec H7 for cable TV.

I am running Linux mint 21.3 with 5.15.0-119-generic.

I was having some issues with my DVB-S2 card and saw that the manufacturer had a FW and driver update script I could run.


After the FW update script didn't resolve my issue I run the driver update. Which also didn' help. However afterwards I noticed by DVB-C cable TV device was missing. But it was still shown in lsusb.

dmesg provided me with more information:

[  517.643334] usb 1-8: new high-speed USB device number 10 using xhci_hcd
[  518.048451] usb 1-8: New USB device found, idVendor=0ccd, idProduct=10a3, bcdDevice= 0.03
[  518.048463] usb 1-8: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
[  518.048470] usb 1-8: Product: TerraTec H7
[  518.048475] usb 1-8: Manufacturer: TerraTec Electronic GmbH
[  518.048484] usb 1-8: SerialNumber: 0008CAF614B4
[  518.101297] dvb_usb_v2: disagrees about version of symbol dvb_dmxdev_init
[  518.101302] dvb_usb_v2: Unknown symbol dvb_dmxdev_init (err -22)
[  518.101389] dvb_usb_v2: disagrees about version of symbol dvb_register_adapter
[  518.101391] dvb_usb_v2: Unknown symbol dvb_register_adapter (err -22)
[  518.101528] dvb_usb_v2: disagrees about version of symbol dvb_net_init
[  518.101530] dvb_usb_v2: Unknown symbol dvb_net_init (err -22)
[  518.101562] dvb_usb_v2: disagrees about version of symbol dvb_dmxdev_release
[  518.101564] dvb_usb_v2: Unknown symbol dvb_dmxdev_release (err -22)
[  518.101625] dvb_usb_v2: disagrees about version of symbol dvb_frontend_detach
[  518.101627] dvb_usb_v2: Unknown symbol dvb_frontend_detach (err -22)
[  518.101644] dvb_usb_v2: disagrees about version of symbol dvb_net_release
[  518.101646] dvb_usb_v2: Unknown symbol dvb_net_release (err -22)
[  518.101696] dvb_usb_v2: disagrees about version of symbol dvb_unregister_frontend
[  518.101697] dvb_usb_v2: Unknown symbol dvb_unregister_frontend (err -22)
[  518.101732] dvb_usb_v2: disagrees about version of symbol dvb_frontend_resume
[  518.101734] dvb_usb_v2: Unknown symbol dvb_frontend_resume (err -22)
[  518.101750] dvb_usb_v2: disagrees about version of symbol dvb_register_frontend
[  518.101752] dvb_usb_v2: Unknown symbol dvb_register_frontend (err -22)
[  518.101768] dvb_usb_v2: disagrees about version of symbol dvb_frontend_suspend
[  518.101769] dvb_usb_v2: Unknown symbol dvb_frontend_suspend (err -22)
[  518.101785] dvb_usb_v2: disagrees about version of symbol dvb_create_media_graph
[  518.101786] dvb_usb_v2: Unknown symbol dvb_create_media_graph (err -22)
[  518.101805] dvb_usb_v2: disagrees about version of symbol dvb_unregister_adapter
[  518.101806] dvb_usb_v2: Unknown symbol dvb_unregister_adapter (err -22)

I believe this means the that module doesn't work with the kernel or something. unfortunately I have no clue about linux modules and such so I am completely clueless about how to proceed.

I'd go as far as to just want to get rid of the newly compiled drivers for the other card again, but I am at a loss as to how to do it.

1 Comment
07:50 UTC


how would i go about making this script?

so i'm trying to make a script that will change a guid string within a file. so pretty much a little something along the lines of i need it to search within a file and within quotations and replace a guid from within those quotations

so far i got this

cat /home/admin/VMList/pc3.ID | grep -w MachineGuid >/tmp/old.ID
(that makes a file in tmp with  and contains example GUID "MachineGuid"="xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx") 
uuidgen >/tmp/new.ID
(this makes another file called  but it only contains xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx and is missing the "MachineGuid"=" part)old.IDnew.ID

i need to find a way to only replace the numbers within the machine guid with the new generated numbers stored in "pc3.ID"

in summary to look in "pc3.ID " file and find the MachineGuid"="xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"

and ONLY replace it x's with a new GUID that was generated from uuidgen that stored it in a file and make it MachineGuid"="yyyyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyyyyyy

or if there's an easier way let me know

im trying to learn sed but its a little rough

07:40 UTC


valid reasons for linux

I installed linux cinnamon yesterday on my laptop, but i havent told my dad about it. if he finds out i changed from windows i have a feeling he wont like it. could someone give me some valid reasons to tell him why i changed. im in year 9 btw.

07:39 UTC


Next distro after ubuntu?

Hi, Just updated to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and got shoved some more snap down my throat. I'm therefore now looking to switch. Any suggestions?

I want it to be easy to set up and start using. I also need battery life optimizations as my laptop is starting to get old.

I was thinking maybe Mint or LMDE. But maybe Mint is too close to ubuntu? Open to others as well!

07:27 UTC


Help in controlling fan

I installed linux (arch btw) yesterday and i want to control my fans. I tried lm-sensors and installed fan_control as my laptop wasn't listed in nbfc . It is a hp victus and the when i run sensors it show fan speed = 0 rpm

Adapter: ISA adapter
fan1:           0 RPM
fan2:           0 RPM

and using sensor detect it did generate a lm_sensors file in etc/conf.d

Generated by sensors-detect on Sun Sep  1 12:31:19 2024
This file is sourced by /etc/init.d/lm_sensors and defines the modules to
be loaded/unloaded.

The format of this file is a shell script that simply defines variables:
HWMON_MODULES for hardware monitoring driver modules, and optionally
BUS_MODULES for any required bus driver module (for example for I2C or SPI).

please help

07:20 UTC


Black screen while running ubuntu in vm with gpu

I don't have black screen inside the guest vm normally but as soon as I pass gpu to it I get black screen while starting the guest vm. Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

06:59 UTC


transmission-daemon permission error

I want to put files into user's directory, not to the default /var/lib/transmission. I've added a remote local directory /home/gleb/Downloads/_tranmission in Local Preferences though Transmission Remote. But I'm getting "Error: couldn't get '<file>': Permission denied (13)".

I've performed the following steps:

  • sudo useradd -a -G transmission $USER
  • sudo chmod 770 $HOME
  • sudo chmod 770 Downloads
  • sudo chmod 770 Downloads/_transmission
  • sudo nvim /var/lib/transmission/.config/transmission-daemon/settings.json
  • In settings.json: set "umask": "002"
  • Log out and log in
  • Restarted transmission-daemon: sudo systemctl reload transmission-daemon.service

My versions:

  • system: fedora 6.10.6-200.fc40.x86_64
  • transmission-daemon: transmission-daemon 4.0.6 (38c164933e)
05:54 UTC


AppArmor: How do I trigger an event? (Desktop Notifications)

Okay, so I got AppArmor, auditd, and AppArmor notify installed and working on Debian according to the Debian Wiki and the Arch Wiki (Arch seemed more current, I think). I created a desktop launcher as apparmor-notify.desktop per the Arch Wiki instructions. I have done everything I can think of to get desktop notifications working.

But how do I test these desktop notifications? What can I do to trigger an event that will poke AppArmor to give me a desktop notification?

I am using Debian 12 GNOME.

05:23 UTC


Darkman refuses to manual toggle

Hi, I am using darkman to manage dark and light themes. Sometimes it is night or day and I want the opposite theme, but it refuses to obey. I do change the theme, and it works for a time, then resets back to the time default. Idk why this happens as it used to work normally. Thank you.

03:37 UTC


Security: Advice for hardening a home desktop PC?

For context, I am using Debian 12 Bookworm on my desktop PC (nonfree software/firmware and Backports repos are enabled, if that's important.)

I am a novice diving into the world of security to harden my Debian installation. I am fascinated by the topic of security and wish to learn more. I am aware there might be "more secure" distros available, but I really like Debian and I'm willing to do the work for my Debian PC.

I'm currently learning about AppArmor + Firejail as an easy-to-learn/use combo, and the guides I have read about it seem really promising. I understand that SELinux + Bubblejail is much more powerful, but harder to use. So I think I will try stick with AppArmor + Firejail for now. I mostly use Flatpaks with Flatseal installed, but I want AA+FJ to cover the apps that aren't Flatpaks.

I'm learning pretty quickly how deep this rabbit hole goes and how necessary a "threat model" is to determine what's needed and what isn't, and I'm learning how to apply "least priviledge" to these apps. Probaly a good idea that my PDF reader can't access the Internet.

I'm trying to use the Arch Wiki, the offical AppArmor Wiki, the Firejail doumentation, and blogs like Privsec.dev as resources for this project.

Is there any additional reading or wisdom you'd recommend?

I'm just a regular dude on the Internet. All I do is browse the web, play games, and make videos from time to time. I don't have a job that requires keeping sensitive information confidential.

I'm trying not to be lazy with this post. Please let me know if you're dissatisfied.

03:03 UTC


Persistence live USB on linux

So I want to make a USB with multiple linux distros and WITH persistence, but I just can't get it to work. People tell me to use Ventoy to do so (as my primary OS is linux), but it doesn't work with persistence the moment i restart my pc, all the progress is gone.

I check what's weong and found out that persistence files are 'read only' for all users except my own, and i just can't change it even with chmod :/

Maybe a solution or another way to do this without ventoy?

If anyone can help, please do🙏

02:31 UTC


Change xfdesktop background to the next image on folder more often than once every second

So xfdesktop has an option where it changes the background image to the next one every second, or every minute etc, you can put a value there.

I want it to change more often than every second, but it is the lowest value the interface lets me choose, how do I change this from the terminal or whatever?

02:06 UTC


Intermittent Network Connectivity

networking - Intermittent network connectivity - Ask Ubuntu

I posted my question above.

I'm not sure what exactly is going on but as network engineer I'm pretty much at loss because if it was some sort of power saving, the ESXi should've been impacted too.

01:55 UTC


Help with linux!

I just downloaded mint cinnamon, but I have no clue how to use it. Every time I have to download something I have to search up what command to put on the bash shell in order to install it, but even then it gives me errors like “package does not have a candidate” or something. I was a former windows user so linux is very new to me and I really need help on how to use It. My friends are also telling me to switch to Ubuntu, but it says that Ubuntu is not a function or something when I try to flash it using balena. Any help with that would also be appreciated. My other friend told me to install kali linux but I’m skeptical because I’ve heard that it’s for hackers. I’m really clueless right now, so here’s the summary of what I need help with

  • bash commands and such, on how to download packages and applications
  • balena etcher says “ubuntu (0;0) is not a function”
  • should I switch to kali???
  • general information on becoming a Linux pro and how to use it
  • also what’s a kernel

thank you!!!!

00:58 UTC


Suggestions for portable relational database

I want to use a database to store personal data with a GUI similar to MS Access, FileMaker, etc. and it must be portable (access on any Linux desktop, or Android mobile device). Yes I can write SQL queries but a graphical form view is much easier.

Currently use Notion but it is web based, clunky, slow and poor offline capability. I want to move away from that to something more robust.

Glom is perfect but it is only available on desktop, doesn't seem like there's mobile tools - although maybe there's other options for interacting with the PostgreSQL db format it uses?

Thought about sqlite but not sure about GUI tools, also thought about my own MySQL db with a custom web UI.

Anyone got suggestions for a portable, self contained relational database setup??

00:32 UTC

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