
Photograph via snooOG

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    kernel compilation doubt

    My PC has a Celeron E1500 2.2GHz. when compiling the kernel there is the "processor family" item, which one should I select? also in make.conf under makeopts what should I put?

    17:07 UTC


    How to dual boot Gentoo and Nobara/Fedora?

    I have been using Nobara for the past couple of months now but I just find it not very fast and not customizable enough for me, I decided Gentoo was everything I needed that wasn't in Nobara, since I like nobara's gaming support I want to keep Nobara and dual boot it with Gentoo, but with all the Gentoo install tutorials I've seen, none of them said how to dual boot with Fedora/Nobara, what should I do?

    16:28 UTC


    Install Gentoo

    14:56 UTC


    What does this exactly mean?


    This dependency conflict shows up every time I want to emerge something, but I don't understand everything.

    Can someone explain me how Portage displays dependency conflicts?

    13:23 UTC


    Anyone got this cool Gentoo wallpaper on a higher resolution?

    Good evening to everyone.

    I was customizing my install and I wanted to use one of my favorite Gentoo themed wallpapers, "Abducted", as I find it minimalist and funny: https://www.gentoo.org/assets/img/wallpaper/abducted/gentoo-abducted-1680x1050.png

    Unfortunately, the highest resolution for it is 1680x1050, and I use a 2560x1440 monitor. Does anyone have the wallpaper on this res or in a higher one, like 4K?

    Thanks in advance.

    (I found this cool 3D rendered version of the original wallpaper, credits to @LittleAd1974: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F6vstdxm9mbfb1.png)

    23:04 UTC


    zram problem

    on my gentoo openrc 8gb ram, I installed zram Fa btrfs the configuration file is this:


    type0=/var/tmp/portage flag0=btrfs size0= 8192 mlim0= # no hard memory limit back0= # no backup device opts0="noatime,nosuid,nodev" # e.g. "relatime" or "strictatime" are also reasonable choices mode0=1777 owgr0= # No reason to change the default "root:root" notr0= # keep the default on linux-3.15 or newer maxs0=4 algo0=zstd labl0=portage_dir uuid0= args0=

    type1=/var/tmp/special flag1=btrfs size1= 8192 mlim1= # no hard memory limit back1= # no backup device opts1="noatime,nosuid,nodev" # e.g. "relatime" or "strictatime" are also reasonable choices mode1=1777 owgr1= # No reason to change the default "root:root" notr1= # keep the default on linux-3.15 or newer maxs1=4 algo1=zstd labl1=special_dir uuid1= args1=

    upon startup I get this message:

    Create Volatile Files and Directories ••• etc/init.d/../conf.d/zran-init: riga 5: 8192: comando non trovato 'etcinit.de./conf.d/zram-init: riga 20: 8192: comando non trovato INIT: Entering runlevel: 3

    Could you tell me how to solve it?

    21:47 UTC


    distorted X11 apps on Raspberry Pi5

    I installed gentoo on a raspberry pi 5 on a ssd, So far things work out ok. audio , 3d acceleration, plasma (kde 6) + wayland, wlan, bluetooth etc. I am using raspberry pi sources version 6.11.x (using precompiled 6.6 kernel gets the same result) glxinfo or glxgears show that direct rendering is active. resolution is 3840x2160@60hz

    One thing that I do not seem to get fixed or find a solution on the net is running x11 applications. On the screenshot you can see Gimp and eduke32. Every x11 application is just colored lines.

    Anyone seen this pattern before?

    20:20 UTC


    Is a musl llvm hardened selinux profile possible?

    Please forgive me if this is a stupid question I'm fairly new to working with gentoo, but is it possible to build a gentoo install with hardening and selinux that uses musl and llvm instead of gcc? After seeing this post on the gentoo forums, it seemed like something that should be possible, but they didn’t note any particular method beyond which stage3 to start with. I tried building a custom profile inheriting from musl/llvm and musl/hardened/selinux but I noticed that gcc still got built. Running equery depends gcc showed that app-crypt/libb2, app-portage/portage-utils,sys-devel/clang-common,sys-devel/gcc, and sys-libs/libcxx all depended on gcc. Is there some way to remove this dependency, or am I just stuck with having gcc on my system. Thanks!

    16:28 UTC


    Is there a way to list all masked packages upon which an ebuild depends?

    I periodically need to build Haskell-based packages. The default behavior of the emerge command is to stop whenever a masked package is encountered. This makes sense, but it has the effect of requiring me to unmask one package, attempt the install, unmask the next one it complains about, etc. in a loop until it works.

    Is there an easy way to get emerge to give me the full list of maksed packages for a given ebuild upfront so that I can handle them all in one go?

    14:23 UTC


    Can’t get Distcc to work.

    I've followed the steps on gentoo wiki (https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Distcc) for both host and client but its not distributing the work.

    Host is running on
    Client is running on
    Installed distcc on both.

    Host configuration:
    /etc/conf.d/distccd -> DISTCCD_OPTS="--allow"
    rc-update add distccd default
    rc-service distccd start
    /etc/portage/make.conf -> MAKEOPTS="-j12" FEATURES="parallel-fetch"

    Client configuration:
    /etc/distcc/hosts -> localhost
    /etc/portage/make.conf -> MAKEOPTS="-j29 -l2" FEATURES="parallel-fetch distcc"
    ~/.bashrc -> export PATH="/usr/lib/distcc/bin:${PATH}"

    Neither make nor portage on the client is distributing any work to the host.
    What am I missing here?

    12:00 UTC


    So, Mesa started compiling

    See you later, guys, (it's a 15watt CPU, so I am guessing it will take forever)

    05:01 UTC


    Some trivialities 😜

    23:25 UTC


    Hey Gentoo Reddit, watchu working on?

    Just got really curious as to what the Gentoo Community has been up to today/this week/month.

    What fun projects have your attention right now? And fun tech news you're keeping your eye on that excites you?

    17:48 UTC


    Issues running fish after login

    So, I set:

    [ -x /bin/fish ] && SHELL=/bin/fish exec fish[ -x /bin/fish ] && SHELL=/bin/fish exec fish

    in my .bashrc, but whenever I login to awesomewm or any other DE it just hangs with the cursor the only thing I can access.

    fish works fine if I use tty or if I login and then open a terminal then run the fish command, but whenever I try logging in with fish set to execute in my .bashrc there just seems to cause the DE to bork.

    Anyone know how I can fix this?

    02:42 UTC


    Issues with Wine, Winetricks, and Protontricks (newbie help)


    I am on gentoo now with steam up. I mod fallout new vegas, skyrim, and fallout 4 using mod organizer 2 for linux. It requires wine, winetricks, and protontricks.

    I can only use them all as flatpaks, or regular emerge packages. as they only all exist on emerge at the same time, I choose the repo. I have used chatgpt and asked it for help sometimes, and when installing wine, it said to go emerge app-emulation/wine.

    Except, when installing app-emulation/wine or the simular word, it says there is no ebuilds to satisfy it. any other way when using the gentoo manual wiki, it gives no useful way of installing wine and making sure it is downloaded. I am new to gentoo and find this very wierd. I know most things, how to resolve blocked packages, and masked ones too, but no ebuilds? I have no clue

    01:51 UTC


    Can't launch systemsettings when window decoration themed applied after upgrading to QT 6.7.3

    21:01 UTC


    I don't want to use online git repositories as source location for emacs

    I would like to host the sources from packages on my machine (maybe in a local git repository or maybe something that is not version controlled). and not from sites as github, gitlab, bitbucket. First, I don't trust companies such as microsoft nor condone them in any way and second, with bans going and blocking to urls happening at the will of sanctioners I don't want to rely on my packages pulling data automatically from a server whenever some non verified by me update happens.

    What I want to know is how I can do it so I download packages first time, then modify the ebuilds to just use cached sources and never ever again the ones downloaded from remote server

    17:32 UTC


    Mirroring portage git repo on a non-gentoo system

    Hello everybody,

    I have several gentoo machines, I have a binhost, and I want to mirror the ebuild repos on my home server, so that every machine, binhost and clients, are in sync and I don't use more bandwidth than needed. What I call my "home server" used to be an old raspberry running freebsd. I have a new server, running gentoo for now, but I want to go back to freebsd - for zfs, jails, stability, low maintenance...

    In my experience, when simply cloning the git repos on the pi, without any change on my side, portage on the clients would more often than not complain that signatures don't match. I had to disable the "verify signature" feature. I wonder if it was due to write errors on the poor old pi, though. I never had this issue when using portage directly to download and update the repos then distributing them via git-daemon.

    Would it be allright to mirror the repos via plain git - aka. clone then pull once a week - on freebsd? Will portage on the clients complain again? Can I verify the signature with a simple script, without using portage? Or should I set up a VM just to use "eselect repo" and "emaint sync -a" ?

    09:15 UTC


    Personal workflows

    Hello! I just want to ask about your personal workflows with gentoo. I personally like segregating my workflows, such as different Window managers, for different task i.e. Hyprland for everyday usage, Swayfx for development work. Another is using Neovim for programming, then Emacs for note taking.

    It's easier for me to be focused when my environment is something I associate with the task. How about you guys?

    07:03 UTC


    Portage git config

    Hey folks,

    while trying to write an ebuild for pwvucontrol, I ran into the same issue described in this forum post: https://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-1134891-start-0.html

    Linked in it was a github issue for rust itself that suggested that ~/.gitconfig may be responsible. And sure enough, after applying the suggested tweak I was able to get the ebuild to compile with the ebuild command.

    However, it still won't work when actually trying to merge the package, because portage builds the package using the portage user, which has no home folder or .gitconfig file.

    How can I configure portage's git to fix this without disabling userpriv or the network sandbox?


    02:30 UTC


    Enjoying Gentoo!

    19:02 UTC


    first time user wondering why the handbook is not consistent between /efi and /boot?

    I noticed this during my install. It would be nice if there were seperate wiki pages for the different boot types ngl, probaly a good reason why there isnt though. But has anyone else noticed this?

    18:43 UTC


    No tinygo compiler?

    Hello! I recently bought arduino Uno and decided to have fun with it, but not found tinygo compiler in official repos nor guru. Anybody have overlay with it? Or I should follow official build instruction? (This option kinda suck, because I'll should manage all dependencies myself). Have a nice day!

    16:46 UTC


    Question about installation

    Every once in a while i attempt installing Gentoo on my machine, always have failed. I plan to try it again tonight, again with binaries for the big packages (kernel, xorg, Xfce), again meticulously reading the damned handbook. God, the nightmares.

    My question is, what steps exactly are the necessary, non-optional ones? I want to first get a functioning, unpolished system and go slowly polishing and learning as i use it, so i first just want to do what's necessary and do everything that is optional post-install.

    13:20 UTC


    How do I emerge JDK 23?

    I need access to the Foreign Function and Memory API. It was stabalized in JDK 22.

    emerge tells me that dev-java/openjdk-bin-23.0.1_p11::gentoo (masked by: missing keyword). I checked the ebuild file and there wasn't any mention of a keyword.

    I tried adding the package under package.unmask. I also added openjdk-bin-23 ** to accept_keywords. But I think the issue is that the package doesn't have any keywords defined.


    10:45 UTC


    Can't launch Spectacle from a key shortcut (KDE Plasma 6)

    I switched from GNOME to KDE Plasma 6 after a few months hoping that some stuff would get fixed, well it seems that this very thing didn't.

    When trying to launch Spectacle by pressing the Print Screen key, I get the following:

    Launching Spectacle (Failed)
    No such method 'Activate' in interface 'org.freedesktop.Application' at object path '/org/kde/spectacle' (signature ")

    However, if I enter spectacle on the command line, it works just fine.

    All my packages are in ~amd64 by the way, and Plasma is running on X11.

    Searching for that exact error message didn't provide any results, maybe I'm missing a USE flag so it's only broken to me?

    EDIT: just discovered that I can't launch it even from the app menu. Clicking on it gives the exact same error message.

    09:57 UTC


    Installing Gentoo from scratch in a docker ?

    EDIT : my title should've rather been "Installing Gentoo from scratch in a container".. my bad!

    hello everyone :)

    i wanted to try gentoo out, and would like to install it from scratch to have the "full experience" and learn more about Linux in general, as well as have control over what i want on the system. doing a dualboot would be nice, but i admit i'm a bit apprehensive of it if anything would happen to break (if, for example, i were to screw up a step of the install). but then maybe my fear of that is unfounded...

    so i thought of virtual machines, but it would be hard to gauge the actual performance of Gentoo inside one, and i feel compile times would be absurdly high in a VM when that's one of the main things i'd like to try out.

    so i thought of trying out Docker/Distrobox, and perhaps building Gentoo from scratch there.

    is that possible? i saw some things related to Gentoo and Docker on some github pages (here's such an example), but as a complete outsider to Gentoo systems with surface level knowledge, i wanted to be sure of if it was possible to do the same kind of from-scratch install one would do on bare metal, but just in a containerized environment in order to be closer to actual hardware performance and still have an isolated environment if stuff goes wrong.

    that's all, cheers!

    06:12 UTC


    How to set a different font and keymap on installation media?

    I need to use cyrillic and spanish and as I have a Spanish keyboard I typically type loadkeys es however I also need some cyrilic font to read SSIDs and a keymap to type them when connecting via wpa_supplicant.

    On arch linux I'd typically edit /etc/vconsole.conf and set keymap=es,ru and font=latarcyrheb-sun16 then press AltGr_Lock to begin typing in cyrillic but that's used with systemd.

    18:40 UTC

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