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“You just want to be naked”

Or they say something like that “you’re convinced that being naked is freedom”. I sometimes wonder if people who utter these phrases have a misogynistic disgust towards women who dress differently form them (i.e. wearing a t shirt and jean without a hijab - somehow that means they are “naked”) or if it’s a form of jealousy towards women who have more choice in the matter. Even as a guy, when I see this phrase thrown at people critiquing Islam’s treatment of women who don’t veil, it always rubs me the wrong way. It’s almost like they have this visceral hatred towards nonhijabis.

00:01 UTC


hijabs are basically pointless

i just hate how muslim women have to cover up EVEN INFRONT OF THEIR FATHERS? i get its to be modest and avoid sexual looks but my gf who is ex muslim, her mom makes her cover up especially when the dads around? its just soo weird and gross that the mother thinks the dad will have some perverted thought of his OWN daughter. also not to mention muslim men are the problem. literally search up hijab and you’ll see many groups sexualizing hijabs. its so weird.. anyways sorry just felt the need to rant as i feel so grossed out by that.

23:30 UTC


Posted in support of Hamas/Al Qassam

22:11 UTC


16F, Help what do I do, I'm going to have a horrible future

Im 16f, a closeted exmuslim and bisexual. My parents are the strictest muslim parents there are- and whats worse is I cant debate anything because all their rules are literally from authentic sources. Theyre so backwards, thinking that women are stupid and inferior and even though they say they wont force me to marry a specific person, they will force me to get married at all eventually. Im terrified of that because theyll marry me to the kind of muslim guy who wont let me wear perfume, normal clothes, take off my hijab, etc. Theyll marry me to the most religious guy ever and Ill never have any freedom. Theyll let me study at uni but i cant stay in student accommodation, i have to stay at home, cant move out till im married. I cant move out cause i have no money, if i want to buy something i just ask my parents for it. How will i afford anything, they wont let me have a job. I cant move out, my only option is marrying some religious guy and not having a life. I want to live life freely, be with a girl, show my hair, have some fucking freedom. I know im only young but i really have got to figure out a way to have some freedom. I thought about secretly taking cash gradually but i dont have hiding spaces (other than my bra) because my mum constantly goes through my room. This is kind of a rant but if anyone has any ideas please help. A lot of people say do online things to get money, but i dont have access to my bank account. I have stay in my islamic girls school for sixth form too (which i hate) I was thinking about maybe if i have a free i could do a job and tell my mum i have a lesson? but i doubt itll work cause they send the timetable to ur parents on the first day, and ill prob be able to do less than an hour not even every day, who is even gonna hire me?

21:48 UTC


A good argument against Islam I haven't heard before: Aliens

Islamic theology teaches that the Quran is a message for all creation. But if aliens exist on other planets, how would they know about events on Earth, like the lives of the prophets or the Quran being revealed in Arabic? These events only happened here, and aliens would have no way of seeing or understanding them. If they never heard of the Quran or its stories, how could they follow its teachings? This makes it hard to see how the Quran could be a universal message for beings who weren’t part of Earth’s history.

Now that we know there's more than 1 planet out there (we haven't confirmed life outside of planet earth yet tho) this is a good debate topic.

21:25 UTC


A question from a muslim

I'm a muslim and i want to ask exmuslims.

Which religious scholars did u follow when you were a muslim, when u have a question or want to learn something about islam who is the people (old generation and new generation) that u listen to in social media or read their books ? And if u still learning about islam who u follow to get the information ( websites. Books. People. ...etc) ?

21:22 UTC


⭐️Grammatical errors in the Quran😱

⭐️Grammatical errors in the Quran

  1. Al-Baqarah, verse 196 ( Those are ten complete ), and the correct version is: Those are ten complete.   

  2. Al-A’raf , verse 160 ( Twelve tribes ). The correct form is: the masculine in the first and the singular in the second, meaning: twelve tribes.   

  3. An-Nisa, verse 162 ( And those who establish prayer and give zakat ), the correct version is: And those who establish prayer.   

  4.     Al-Ma’idah, verse 69 ( And the Sabians and the Christians ), the correct version is: And the Sabians.

  5. Al-Munafiqun, verse 10 ( And I will be among the righteous ), the correct form is: And I will be in the accusative case.   

  6. Al Imran, verse 59 ( Then He said to him , “Be ,” and he was ). The correct version is: “And it was.”   

  7. As-Saffat, verse 130 ( Peace be upon Elias ), the correct spelling is: Elias.   

  8. At-Tin, verse 2 ( and Mount Sinai ), the correct word is: Sinai.   

  9. Al-Hajj, verse 19 ( These two are opponents who disputed about their Lord ). The correct word is: They disputed about their Lord.   

  10. Al-Hujurat, verse 9 ( And if two parties among the believers should fight, then make peace between them ), the correct word is: fought or: between them.  

  11. Al-Anbiya, verse 3 ( And those who did wrong conferred secretly ), and the correct answer is: And conferred secretly.  😁👍

⭐️أخطاء لغوية في القرآن 1.   البقرة آية 196 (تلك عشرة كاملة)، والصواب: تلك عشرٌ كاملة . 2.   الأعراف آية 160 (اثنتي عشرة أسباطا)، والصواب: التذكير في الأول والإفراد في الثاني ، أي: اثني عشر سبطا.

3.    النساء آية 162 (والمقيمين الصلاة والمؤتون الزكاة)، والصواب: والمقيمون ا لصلاة.

4.    المائدة آية 69 (والصابئون والنصارى)،  والصواب: والصابئين.

5.  المنافقون آية 10 (وأكن من الصالحين)، والصواب: وأكون بالنصب.

6.   آل عمران آية 59 (ثم قال له كن فيكون)، والصواب: فكان.

7. الصافات آية 130  (سلام على إلياسين)، والصواب: إلياس.

8. التين آية 2  (وطور سينين)، والصواب: سيناء.

9.   الحج آية 19 (هذان خصمان اختصموا في ربهم)، والصواب: اختصما في ربهما.

10.  الحجرات آية 9 (وإن طائفتان من المؤمنين اقتتلوا فاصلحوا بينهما)، والصواب: اقتتلتا أو: بينهم.

11.  الأنبياء آية 3 (وأسروا النجوى الذين ظلموا)، وا لصواب: وأسر النجوى.😁👍

20:33 UTC


Does the Quran hint of pedophilia with young pearl boys of heaven?

Seriously, I find the description of beutiful pearl boys servants to be somewhat sexually charged

20:11 UTC


Who is the grandfather of the Lord of the Jinn in the Quran?😁

Who is the grandfather of the Lord of the Jinn in the Quran? The jinn spoke in Surat Al-JinnSay: It has been revealed to me that a group of jinn listened and said: “ Indeed, we have heard an amazing Qur’an. {1} It guides to the right path, so we have believed in it, and we will never associate with our Lord anyone. {2} And that He, the Most High, is the Lord of our Lord. He has not taken a wife or a son. {3}

The jinn said: We will not associate anyone with our Lord .

Then they said: He is the Almighty God.

And Muslim in his Sahih - Prayer (H - 918)

Omar bin Al-Khattab used to recite these words aloud, saying: Glory be to You, O God, and praise be to You, blessed be Your name and exalted be Your majesty , and there is no god but You. On the authority of Qatada, that he wrote to him informing him on the authority of Anas bin Malik that he told him, he said: I prayed behind the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and Abu Bakr, Umar, and Uthman, and they would begin with (Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds) and they would not mention In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful at the beginning of the recitation or at the end of it.

In the language : Grandfather : father’s father and mother’s father ; (He who boasts about his ancestors rents the glories of others) Grandmother, plural: grandfathers, grandfathers, grandmothers .

The grandfather is the father of the father and the mother’s father , the plural is grandfathers and grandfathers, and the grandmother is the mother of the mother and the father’s mother, the plural is grandmothers, and the grandfather, luck and fortune. The grandfather: luck and provision; it is said : So-and-so is grandfather in such-and-such, meaning he has luck.

And in the interpretations there are hints of a big problem.

Ibn Kathir in his interpretation:

He said: The grandfather is the father. If the jinn had known that there was a grandfather among mankind, they would not have said: Exalted is the grandfather of our Lord. This is a good chain of transmission, but I do not understand the meaning of these words. Perhaps something has been omitted, and God knows best.”

And Al-Qurtubi in his interpretation :

It was said: They meant by that the grandfather who is the father of the father , and this is from the words of the jinn. Muhammad bin Ali bin Al-Hussein and his son Jaafar Al-Sadiq and Al-Rabi’ said: Allah Almighty has no grandfather, and the jinn only said it out of ignorance, so they were not held accountable for it. Al-Qushayri said: It is permissible to use the word grandfather in reference to Allah Almighty; Because if it were not permissible, it would not have been mentioned in the Qur’an. However, it is an ambiguous word, so avoiding it is better .

The direct interpretation is that the Most Gracious, the Accepter of Repentance, the All-Hearing, or the Eternal is the grandfather of the Lord of the jinn.

Or is he the same Lord of the Jinn, the grandson of the unknown Quranic god?

But the Islamic half-truth interpretations had another opinion.

To escape the crisis, Ibn al-Jawzi explained it in “Zad al-Masir” (8/378) and said:

“The commentators have seven opinions on the meaning of: (Exalted is the Majesty of our Lord): The first: The power of our Lord, said by Ibn Abbas. The second: The wealth of our Lord, said by Al-Hasan. The third: The majesty of our Lord, said by Mujahid and Ikrimah. The fourth: The greatness of our Lord, said by Qatadah. The fifth: The command of our Lord, said by Al-Suddi. The sixth: The elevation of His mention and His greatness, said by Muqatil. The seventh: The kingdom of our Lord, His praise and His authority, said by Abu Ubaidah.” End quote.

And what is mentioned is the direct, explicit, and clear meaning.

But the Helfoutian interpretation has problems.

The Quranic text states : “And that He,the Most High … ” The “ha” refers to whom? Who is the One Who is Most High? The answer: The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, the Self-Sufficient, the Accepter of Repentance, the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing, or the Greatest of them, Allah. If we stick to “ the Most Gracious ” The news in its entirety is that : the grandfather of our Lord Meaning = that the Most Gracious , the Most High, is the grandfather of our Lord By compensating the interpretive meanings that the Most Gracious , the Most High, is the command of our Lord , that the All-Hearing , the Most High, is the power of our Lord , that the Forgiving , the Most High, is the greatness of our Lord , that the Most Merciful, the Most High, is the richness of our Lord , that God , the Most High, is the majesty of our Lord. The meaning remains a problem after that.

Do you think that the Most Gracious is the Majesty of the Lord of the Jinn?

Or the repentant is the greatness of the Lord of the jinn

The explanation is in the soda

The clear explanation was obscured. That the Lord of the jinn has a grandfather who is the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, the All-Hearing, the Self-Sufficient, or whose identity is unknown.

So the jinn disbelieved and associated partners with God in the Qur’an, and the All-Knowing did not know, so he agreed with their words.

And if the Most Gracious is the Lord of the jinn, then it is necessary that He has a son.

The son of the Most Gracious is required to be worshipped, O Mahshashir.

{ Say, “If the Most Gracious had a son, then I would be the first of his worshippers. ”} Az-Zukhruf 81 He left, he left, he took my hope and left.

Questions remain unanswered

Who is the grandfather?

Who is the boy?

Who is the grandson?🙃

1 Comment
19:45 UTC


Being a Girl is crime maybe ?

Found this randomly today & wanted to share this so called popular whatever......

19:40 UTC


Tawaf around Nasrallah in Houthis Yemen

19:36 UTC


Running away, but terrified they’ll find me

Im finally running away from my family in 1 week. I will live in an student accomadation. However my brother just came home and he will be staying for 2 week and it will be harder for me to run away. He told me today that he know people in the city where i’m studying( i take the train to go to another city). he stressed me up. I know they will search for me that’s why i planned on moving out right when i’m on holiday so that i have time to adjust and stay at home while they search for me. I’m scared at the idea that they would find me like i know they probably will but what will i do then ? even if i call the police ( if i have the strength to)they will not do anything. I hate the fact that i’m leaving just to hide again and not be free. I want to experience the world that they hided from me. I only moved out cause i though they would stop searching from me like they would be crazy to just search for me everyday but it’s a possibility. and i also thought i liked my degree but i’m realising more and more that i hate it.

But now it’s too late to back down cause i’m taking the keys of the room on monday and i already paid for everything.

I’m so jealous of people that don’t have to ask this type of advice to stranger just to feel less stressed at the idea of being beated or kidnapped by their family.

19:31 UTC


Distortion of the Qur’anic script:

Distortion of the Qur’anic script: Muslims’ correction of their God😱 In the Qur’an, Muhammad stumbled linguistically and dictated

{O you who have believed, let not a people ridicule [another] people; perhaps they may be better than them; nor let women ridicule [other] women; perhaps they may be better than them. And do not insult one another and do not call each other by [offensive] nicknames. Wretched is the name of disobedience after faith. And whoever does not repent - then it is those who are the wrongdoers.} Al-Hujurat 11

The text (What a bad name is wickedness) does not fit the meaning.

Most likely it is (What a bad sin is immorality)

Immorality after faith is a sin, not a name , and repentance is from the sin, not the name.

Because it is a blatant linguistic lapse, the people of Islamic interpretation and patchwork have circumvented it.

But this is outside the scope of our topic, as this lapse was corrected by the tongues and pens of the common Muslims to the more correct meaning (What a bad sin is immorality).

So that no one can claim that we are slandering Islam, let us see many Islamic websites that write according to the correct meaning, not the current Quranic text.

If you search on Google, you will find this surprise


An Islamic site groans from the shocking truth


تحريف الرسم القرآني : تصحيح المسلمين لإلههم😱 في القرآن ، تعثر محمد لغويا فأملى

{يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا يَسْخَرْ قَومٌ مِّن قَوْمٍ عَسَى أَن يَكُونُوا خَيْراً مِّنْهُمْ وَلَا نِسَاء مِّن نِّسَاء عَسَى أَن يَكُنَّ خَيْراً مِّنْهُنَّ وَلَا تَلْمِزُوا أَنفُسَكُمْ وَلَا تَنَابَزُوا بِالْأَلْقَابِ بِئْسَ الاِسْمُ الْفُسُوقُ بَعْدَ الْإِيمَانِ وَمَن لَّمْ يَتُبْ فَأُوْلَئِكَ هُمُ الظَّالِمُونَ }الحجرات11

النص (بِئْسَ الاِسْمُ الْفُسُوقُ) لا يستقيم والمعنى

فالأغلب أنها (بِئْسَ الاِثْمُ الْفُسُوقُ)

فالفسوق بعد الايمان اِثْمُ أي ذنب وليس إسم، والتوبة تكون من الإثم لا الإسم

ولأنها سقطة لغوية فاضحة فقد تحايل عليها أهل التفسير والترقيع الإسلامي

ولكن هذا خارج نطاق موضوعنا ، فهذه السقطة عدلتها ألسنة وأقلام عوام المسلمين إلى المعنى الأصوب (بِئْسَ الاِثْمُ الْفُسُوقُ)

وحتى لا يدعي أحد أننا نتجنى على الإسلام دعونا نرى مواقع اسلاميه كثيره تكتبها بحسب استقامة المعنى لا النص القرآني الحالي

لو بحثت في جوجل ستجد هذه المفاجأة


وموقع إسلامي يتأوه من الحقيقة المفجعة


1 Comment
19:27 UTC


should i escape

Ever since I was younger, I loved my dad. I would always hug him and play with him; keep in mind I was under 5. He would take me everywhere, and I really thought he was a good person. But as I grew older, things changed. He became very restrictive and somewhat abusive.

When I was 8 years old, I remember stopping at Starbucks with him. I asked if I could come inside with him, and he said, “No, Starbucks is for males only.” I replied, saying I saw women there, and he told me, “Those aren’t women; they’re gay women going to hell.” Another time, when I was around 9, he forced a bowl of hot beans onto my face because I wasn’t taking “bigger” bites.

I think this behavior started when I went to school at 5 or 6. I used to cry seeing my brother go to school because I wanted to go too. When my mom let me go, I could see how mad my dad was at her for allowing it.

Fast forward to later years; my mom supported me in finishing my education, but there were moments she didn’t stand up for me. I remember getting curtain bangs because I wanted to feel pretty. My dad grabbed scissors, held me, and cut off the front part of my bangs while my mom watched and didn’t do anything. Another time, when I was about 11 or 12, my younger brother had an accident in the bathroom. My dad demanded I clean it up, including cleaning him. When I refused and asked for help, he dumped trash all over me, including liquid food. I went crying to my mom, and she said, “You deserved it.” Looking back, I feel I could have helped clean some of it since my mom was busy cooking, but it shouldn’t have escalated like that.

What hurts the most is how my mom just sits and watches when my dad hits me. I felt so depressed and restricted; my only happy place was school. When I got to high school, I wore baggy jeans and a little makeup, like lip gloss. It wasn’t much, but it made me feel good to express myself and have chill moments.

I had a friend group and pictures of us on my phone. There were two guys in the group, and one day I fell really sick and forgot to delete those pictures. My dad barged into my room, took my phone, searched through it, and saw the pictures. Keep in mind my dad doesn’t even believe in women showing their faces. He hit me so hard that day that I had purple bruises on my arm. He also hit my brother, the one who would take me to school, blaming him for “not watching me.” I feel so sad because my brother put in the effort to help me go to school despite everything.

After that incident, I became extremely depressed and mentally unwell. I even considered killing myself. I stopped eating, lost so much weight (I was already skinny), and became so weak it felt like someone could easily break my arm. I graduated high school, but my dad isn’t allowing me to go to college (I’m secretly doing online classes).

I had saved $1,000 from working during high school. Instead of eating lunch on my break, I would work. My dad took that money as punishment for working without his consent. I don’t want to live here anymore. Now he’s talking about moving back to our home country, which I hated when I visited at 16. There was barely any food, no internet, and I sometimes got abused. I barely even saw sunlight there.

I mentioned to my mom and brother about moving out, and my mom burst into anger. She said if I ever ran away, they would disown me. She started crying, saying she fought with my dad to get me through high school, only for me to run away. She also warned me that if I left, there would be no financial support, and I could end up in dangerous situations. She said my dad would kill me if he found me.

I feel so scared; what if I get kidnapped or become homeless? That would stop me from going to school anyway, and this time I’d have no roof over my head. I don’t have any friends anymore since I cut ties with them during high school to focus on my education. I don’t have savings, and I don’t know how to drive. I feel completely stuck and don’t know what to do anymore.

18:55 UTC


How to be emotionally prepare to leave family

I'll be leaving home soon and I don't feel strong enough to bear calls from my dad, mom,sisters, threats, dealing with the family breakup. I know girls who have spent 4 years without talking to them, on depressant pills. What can be done in these cases so that it affects you as little as possible? The moment is comming and my body is shaking, I feel like throwing up I just want it to be as painless as possible, I'm tired of suffering, i just wanna be myself amd free. When i say this to muslims theh bring the religion always even thought im not religious this isnt about religion, its about going through trauma, abuse, not being loved un good way, that your parents don't give you emotional support, that they don't understand you,A LOT....

18:42 UTC


Makes me wonder how we ever believed this crap

18:38 UTC


Does being an ex-Muslim change your view about al-Assad

For me no...

Al-Assad is the worst Dictator the middle east ever saw and the worst perhaps since Hitler. His crimes and corruption is just unthinkable And he's only in power because of the Terrorists hezbollah and russia

The only good thing he did was fighting isis (who are not the rebels) and this is why the UN nerve tried him

I was very disappointed to see a lot of people still defend this monster

17:10 UTC


Im lost i dont know who i am

Im very lost, I have never been religious, when I was little and went to Medrassa, I didnt like it and I stopped going. Im not a practicing Muslim, I believe there is a God but I do not practice any religion. I dont eat pork, I dont drink, I eat halal food when possible and normal food outside, I want to get married, but I dont want a religious man but not a liberal either, I want a conservative one who doesnt do 50/50, is a provider and my mehr cause its a tradition and culture.

16:55 UTC


Classmates being transphobic

So, today i had an exam and when i was done. I went to get food in the café. I saw my classmates there and they asked me "Hey [name] you used to be Muslim right?" i was like yes and they were like "And you're trans so what's your deadname" it made me uncomfortable so i didn't reply. They started whispering literally sitting on my side about me. A : "You know that 'she' is trans and has a girlfriend" B : "Astaghfirullah if i was like this my parents would kick me out of the house and it would be worth it" C : "Maybe that's why Allah took the religion away from 'her'" B : "Bro, my parents would burn me and remind me that jahanum is worst than this burn"

And then i sat down with my food far away from them and they started talking to me normally and being like. Did your parents not beat you. And i said. Well my parents are educated and smart (even tho they're not. The only reason they can't is because we live in Europe)

16:18 UTC


Afghan Women Suspended from Midwife and Nurse Training

Afghan Women Suspended from Midwife and Nurse Training

• Women in Afghanistan pursuing training as midwives and nurses have been barred from attending classes, effectively halting their education and career prospects, according to reports from multiple Afghan institutions and affected women themselves.

• This action, confirmed by five separate educational institutions, aligns with the Taliban's broader restrictions on female education, which have prevented teenage girls from accessing secondary and higher education since August 2021, despite repeated promises of re-admission.

• Midwifery and nursing were among the few remaining career paths open to women under the Taliban's strict rules, a crucial aspect given the prohibition on male medics treating women without a male guardian present.

• The abrupt suspension has left an estimated 17,000 women enrolled in training programs uncertain about their future, with videos surfacing online showing students expressing distress and fear.

• This development exacerbates Afghanistan's already dire maternal mortality rate, one of the worst globally, as the country faces a significant shortage of midwives, estimated at 18,000 by the United Nations, further jeopardizing women's healthcare access.


15:59 UTC


I was watching a video about Islamism and this definition caught my eye.

15:24 UTC


a reminder that the claim that "women are heaven majority bcz each man will have two wives" is misleading cause these two wives are houris which is a different kind of women

15:24 UTC


Am im wrong? Halal food

I prefer to eat halal food cause the animal doesnt suffer and the meat is cleaner, and it seems more healthy.

14:39 UTC


Scholar of the Day: Hasan al-Basri (7th century)

14:08 UTC


Thoughts on this?

14:03 UTC


Which faith do muslims adopt after leaving islam like mostly

like i hear most accept atheism but some accept other religions and which ones are popular among ex muslims

13:30 UTC


Good News for ex muslims in 2024?

So , as 2024 I about to end in a month, I thought this is a right time for us to discuss about the progress we have made in 2024.

So what are the good things that happened according to you guys?

One thing that I can think of is the growth of this sub reddit. I guess we have grown more than 20k in this year. I have discovered this sun in May of this year (in my old account btw) , so i don't know the exact number.

Anyways , I wish that ex muslims increase with each year and one day we can live openly as ex-muslims and not fear for our lives.one day , we can criticize Islam without being called islamophobes. One day , when muslims realise that it is not fair to hate us for not believing in the religion.

Edit : fixed typo

12:43 UTC


Who s parents gave them trauma

My parents gave me so much trauma , i try my best to overcome the struggles of life. They try to have contact, now they act very kind. But i can t forget the past....

12:31 UTC

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