A sanctuary for Atheists in India.
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We aren't a subreddit to debate religion per se.
If you have a query, someone may humour you but don't expect others to have the inclination to debunk Whatsapp University level arguments. We already have to put up with those in real life.
If you really want to debate, do yourself and the rest of humanity a favour by taking the first step towards critical thinking. Go through these extensive lists of cognitive biases and fallacies:
Critical thinking is a skill and you will get better at it with practice.
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Constitution of India -check out Article 51A(h)!
Dhanak of Humanity: Non-profit organization/support group for interfaith and inter-caste couples
Watch Our Democracy in Action- LIVE!
Association for Democratic Reform
A man, aged thirty years, shall marry a maiden of twelve who pleases him, or a man of twenty-four a girl eight years of age; if (the performance of) his duties would (otherwise) be impeded, (he must marry) sooner.
How could people create such rules in the first place !!
So the thing is I scroll through hadiths sometimes in order to have debates with muslims who seem to dm me in discord, and I like to read more and more about this shitty religion to know more about it, but I think I have come to understand, why the islamists want to have control over india, and make everyone a muslim, atleast have said so, and I have found the reason as to why they do this...and have tried this and succeeded in Pakistan and bangladesh, so here's the gem I found while scrolling through the hadiths, have a read of this please.
The true reason why muslims want to have control over india (ik the verse is Hasan graded, but it's still accepted and promoted by the deobandi fikh, and the Indian salafis)
Just now I was forced to watch an ad on this. 😭 Can we report? Or stop future ad suggestions?
Just saw more games like this.
In order to tackle the challenges before us effectively, it is first of all important to have as clear an idea as possible of the nature of reality. In the present day, this mostly means having a correct understanding of the scientific account of nature.
This ought to be obvious. We function within nature and are bound by its laws. The challenges we face also have to be solved by manipulating nature as appropriate, which, in turn, requires a correct understanding of how nature works.
To take an example: performing a yaga to destroy one's enemies isn't going to be very helpful. But mass-producing automated drones or developing cyber-warfare technologies that can wreak havoc on the enemy will. Why? Because the "theory" that guides the performance of the yaga is merely superstitious nonsense. It may boost morale if people believe in its efficacy, but actual victory will come from being credibly strong rather than indulging in the delusion that we are strong. Think about how India was conquered by small groups of invading armies, and how we could have easily fought them off if only we had a more correct understanding of nature and had developed military technologies based on this understanding.
People in India often seem to follow religiously motivated practices for the psychological benefits they offer, such as increased confidence and resilience, but they ignore the actual work needed to solve the challenges we face. Take pollution, for example. Praying to Allah or Krishna may provide a sense of solace and hope as you struggle to breathe, but it will not fix the problem of pollution. For that, actual work needs to be done based on a scientific understanding of pollution.
Let us raise awareness of this simple fact: the benefits of religions are primarily psychological. Indulge in religious practices if they comfort you, but to actually solve the problems you face from nature, you need to take steps informed by science. The more out of touch our beliefs are with reality, the more we will be hindered in solving the challenges before us.
I know edit is kinda stinky
I have no idea what to believe in. Sometimes I think god exists and sometimes I don't. If I say anything that I feel is wrong about the concept of god I get so fking judged by my frnds and family that I just keep my mouth shut. These days I don't even believe in science. Like yes it is definitely helpful and all but it mostly only tells how and why things work the way they do. Science can't explain how things actually exist. Maybe I am just going through some kinda existential crisis?... I wouldn't consider myself an atheist. I mean there are only two possibilities. Either god does or doesn't exist. No one knows the origin of anything not even science.
Do you guys feel the same?
Hi all. Here with some genuine doubts!!
Is atheism against entity/concept of God or is even against theories like simulation theories?
If its against every such, wouldn't that lead the masses to a complete voidism or nothingness mindsets? If this take is pretty dystopian, is utopian dream educating the people right from childhood, improving their curiosity and scientific tempers? Even in this case, wouldn't somewhere in the journey humans get a thought and confuse about our entire existence which is filled with sufferings? To put it short, how does an ideal atheist world look?
How did y'all became atheists? Yeah we all are born atheists but I'm certainly sure most of our previous generation folks would be religious people. So what made you turn to atheism? Is it the mythical dramatic purity stories which seemed completely odd? Or the acts of religious fundamentalists? Or religion standing against science as a hindrance to development? Or people suffering even while all God exists? Or any other?
How do y'all cope that it's nothing after death?! Doesn't it give you some kind of existential dreads?
Pretty new here and haven't read a lot so also if possible do provide some reading materials. TIA.