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Jesus believed in karma. He knew how the world, the universal laws worked… the JW governing body doesn’t have a clue…
What’s going to happen now is karma. Because of all the judgement the Watchtower Corp has dished out over the years and it’s finally time for this to come back around.
Don’t be surprised how quickly this tower falls. The judgment they inflicted upon innocent people who just wanted to do good things for others and subsequently being lied to about how to be a good person is coming full circle!
Let’s see how this works!
Put it out there get this downfall moving at record rates!
Be kind to the community though. The leaders have another judgment.
Human beings are social creatures. We need community to give our lives meaning, connection, safety, support and comfort. This is why losing our entire community at once is one of the most painful aspects of leaving the JW org.
In today's episode we make space to honor the grief of this transition, and discuss how rewire our limiting core beliefs about social connection in service of rebuilding a nurturing, loving community from the ground up
About the podcast:
My name is Dr Ryan Lee. I am a former JW and a practicing therapist specializing in ex-JW support for the past 5 years.
This is a very personal podcast on the process of waking up, walking out, and moving on from life as a JW. Straight-to-the-point insights from someone who's been there, done that, and is now professionally helping others do the same.
Let me know what you think!
Available on all streaming platforms
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/28-rebuilding-your-community/id1753610926?i=1000679194649
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6xPzW9oZUivfwFuXmE5wSJ?si=2b661e0ff0c6493a
I always felt that the website will be the downfall of the organization. The Orginal GB couldn't resist the allure of fame and control it gave them. However, I feel like it will die with them.
A conversation I regularly heard among JW's is "Who's your fav GB member". I noticed that people choose a GB member based on his personality. Their dad was strict like Splain. Their uncle was goofy like Lett. Their neighbour reminded them of Jackson. Herd reminded them of their grandfather.
The OGB played well into their personalities. Lett is very well aware that he's being a clown. But he's also aware that it makes him endearing to JW's, i mean who doesn't like the comedy relief character?
But these new GB members have nothing. They are just plain, vanilla, water flavored men. The OGB members spent a lot of time talking about family and personal experiences, people melt when a man talks about his family. These new guys are just business.
This is the equivalent of a drug kingpin handing over his empire to his son, without teaching him how to be ruthless.
If so how did it affect you, did you confess and if you did what was the outcome?
*Hell on kids
If the midweek meeting started with "My book of Bible Stories", it would make much more sense as most children would still be awake and alert enough to take part.
But in all their wisdom, they have chosen to discuss it at the end, when most kids are irritable or have fallen asleep.
This may lead to parents to punishing their children to stay awake to give that comment they prepared, because they need to show to the entire congregation how spiritually mature their children are in the silent, competitive sport where JW parents mentally compete with other parents to prove to themselves that their kids are developing faster.
Either way, their grand plan to indoctrinate kids is gonna result in more angry children than ever hating the religion because it destroyed their childhood.
Or I could be wrong. Maybe they'll love being pinched to stay awake and they'll have fond memories of their parents angry whispering at them to comment on meeting nights
I’ve been pimo since I was 13 so doesn’t apply to me. But seriously do they just have a wet dream once in a blue moon and carry on? I can’t fathom it
Just curious how many stayed single for jj
Have any of you ever asked your JW family and friends, "What if you're wrong?"
Not in a debate, not in a i'm going to prove to you, but in a sincere "What if you're wrong?"
What if you're wrong and when you die, you don't wake up in a paradise?
What if you're wrong and you wake up and realized you let your child die for lack of a blood transfusion?
What if you're wrong and it was another religion that actually had the "truth"?
What if you're wrong? You can claim that you are right 100% of the time (I sure did when I was in), but what if.....
I kind of wish I never woke up. My situation won’t allow me to fully break away. I’m unfortunately an appointed brother with many responsibilities. I have parents (especially my dad) who is deeply blinded no matter what I bring to his attention.
Even though I’m an adult and can do whatever I want, my love for them has me in a chokehold. I’m so lost and angry, depressed, full of anxieties, my brain doesn’t rest… the list goes on. I’m tired of the majority of fake “friends” at the hall who truly couldn’t care less about me or my family; or anyone else for that matter. I’m also fake because I no longer want any part of this religion and I have to act like it’s my truth when it no longer is.
Life is heavy right now. I hope everyone else who is going through this is doing well otherwise. I know I’m not the only one with these insane emotions that have a way of taking a physical toll. You’re not alone and I know I’m not either.
I’ve been away from this sub for some months now. I deleted multiple posts and comments, but I always find my way back… And here I am again.
-Love ya’ guys, seriously. 🖤
If they don't they will soon! He will become their master lol
Anybody know if Simons site is still up and running? Can't find it searching JW.com
It's just an unnecessary term to separate us while making normal conversations feel uncomfortable. Since waking up I tell people I go to church. I'm finished with that part of using their terms. Unless obviously if I'm in ear range of a fellow jw. Since I'm still in I have to go along with some of their games.
I ran away from home ten years ago and ive decided to fly home for my grandmother's funeral and to show my non jw family that I love them even if I barely got to know them. Ill be seeing my parents who are super PIMI and were incredibly controlling. Im actively having a panic attack about this.
My mother is rambling about the December broadcast, something about it being mind blowing and we live in “exciting times”. Anybody know what’s got them riled up without me having to torture myself with watching it?
I'd be curious to see how the Governing Body would react if Jesus asked the same thing today. Apparently this man in the Bible had many properties..thus blinding him on what was really good.
So we are to believe that now that Jesus is King in heaven he chose an organization that has become a real estate company? That doesn't give back to the poor?
Does anyone know of any JWs who are preparing for a Last of US scenario. Literally preparing ammunition and weaponry?
Even though I am not baptized and never will be, reading experiences of ex-Jehovah's Witnesses who were shunned after leaving the cult, helped me to soldify my claim that baptism is a trap. Once you're dipped in, there is no way out. If you leave or begin to openly express your doubts, there are social repercussions. I am glad I never took that step because one I have been PIMO my whole life and second, I know that once I get baptized, I will lose my social circle if I decide I don't want to be a JW anymore.
I feel extremely bad for people who get baptized, especially 9 years olds, because if they change their mind and no longer want to be a member of the Watchtower cultporation, they will lose everything. It is what no one tells them before they get baptized.
On a side note, the Watchtower society states that people should not date unless they are ready to get married because marriage is a big decision but then they allow children, especially 8 year olds, get make a big decision without weighing the consequences of their choice. After all, aren't minors not allowed to sign contracts?
I took the Christian denomination quiz after reading Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John without study aids and I've become a Chinese communist protestant or an Amish that can drive...
Here’s a link to the story if you want to read it! It’s the first thing I’ve ever written so please be kind 😅
It’s very symbolic, but I’m interested to see how you interpret it! The idea came to me in a hotel room, late one night. I had just left, my world was upside down. The theme is something very meaningful to me.
Hope you enjoy it!
This is a hybrid ask/tales post. It seems I can’t use my iPhone to tag more than one flair. I apologize, I don’t usually use this app. Maybe it’s only one flair per post.
My fake name is Gallant. Not revealing my real name even if it’s probably here somewhere else. (Mostly to hide) I left around late ‘23/early ‘24.
So have my bio and step-parents. Grandma is the only one left. She fears (iirc) that I am either leaning towards becoming an apostate or aggressively consuming exJW material to do said previous act. She’s only mostly wrong.
I reached out to Lloyd Evans recently, and he has responded, pretty helpfully imo. I will link only in a comment if rules allow but it’s #203.
I was born a JW, almost the entire family had been since ‘74 till around last year or so, but now there’s tension upon my leaving. She feels I have not left but I was firm in my decision from day one of thinking about it. She wants the whole family to reconvert, but don’t worry she has no intention of pursuing this by force.
But she can take 95% of my irl friend circle away from me. They’re almost all witnesses. Always have been. And they are not uncomfortable, but my grandma is, and I fear she may tell, even though she says she won’t.
I admit as said in the voicemail I do suffer from some delusions. In my experience delusions are a part of life, and sad as that is I have to live with it.
She’s only got ~~15 more years at most. I don’t want to lose her early with almost all my lifelong JW friends, just because they could think that I am harming them and all witnesses by having left.
I want to be happy. I want her to be happy. I want this drama out of my life, JW or otherwise.
Though I feel Lloyd and most of his comment section gives a good response, what do you feel?
Saw this on the internet. They said it was from a WT tract but not specific. I’d like to look it up if someone can help. Thank you 😊
Hell is made up. If you don’t have an afterlife you just rest in peace.
Religion is a snare. You’re better off without it.
Anyone have anything I forgot?
I bet some JWs will go and watch this, I know I would have wanted to watch it even if I was JW, since the film involves mormons and not JW's, i guess some will feel its acceptable to watch.
Looks like its been out a while, but here in New Zealand it was only released on the 28th of november, im hoping to go and watch it this week.
I can't believe the irrational things I am being told by long time PIMIs.
We don't need Bible knowledge as much as we need obedience to the GB.
The Governing Body never taught a strong shunning, that was up to each JWs conscience! CO told me that!
Blood transfusions were always a Christian personal matter, not the elders.
I tried debunking the three lies above and the gaslighting was strong. I was asked if I was using apostate literature while showing them right out of the Watchtower publications.
Is anyone aware of a letter sent to the elders informing that the announcement of disfellowshipping can no longer take place? There are no more announcements of disfellowshipping in Kingdom Halls. Is anyone aware of this?
What would you all say is the best question to stump a JW to watch them be hypocritical?
3….2….1….. Go!