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  • /r/MuslimsWithHSV - For Muslims diagnosed with HSV (herpes simplex virus). A place to connect and find support from other Muslims who are faced with the same situation.


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if my teacher forgot about homework, is it haram if we dont remind them?

im honestly concerned because she said we lied to her but no one actually said that there is no homework

my classmates and i decided not to remind her unless if she remembers and she remembered at the end of the session

she said "أليس منكم رجل رشيد" and said "you grouped up to lie to me?"

we didnt lie to her we only didnt remind her of the homework so what do we do?

1 Comment
11:02 UTC


How can I be a good Muslim ?

I feel like a horrible person I’m Muslim but I sin a lot everyday a lot .

I’m very sick I don’t know what I have . How can I be better ?

1 Comment
11:01 UTC


Surah Al Muminoon – verse 14 Does it contradicts embryology or no?

Assalamualaikum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuh. Brothers and sisters in Allah, Is there a reliable tafsir about the verse? I'm an arab (from Iraq to be clear) but not that good in Arabic (I'm still at 17), I found atheists accuse the Quran of being false because of this verse; my question is: is there anyone who refuted this accusation? Also, the atheist's comment went by this: «He (Prophet Muhammad) didn’t make any contribution to science. The only scientific statement he made in Quran, which is said to be revealed by God Himself via Gabriel, was in Surah 23:14 “We made the sperm into a clot of congealed blood, then of that clot we made a lump; then We made out of that lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh, then We brought it into being as a new creation. So Blessed is Allah, the Best of Creators.” But science says that organs and soft tissues are actually the first that form from cellular division and formation. Later, as the baby grows, bone structures begin to develop, from the cartilage ‘models’, along with organs and flesh. And guess what, the Greeks back then, even before Muhammad, believed that bones formed before flesh. In ‘On the Generation of Animals’ (350BC - 322Bc) book 2, Chapter 6, page 743, left column, lines 23 to 27, Aristotle writes“The first parts to be formed in animals must necessarily be the most solid ones, such as bones, sinews, and blood vessels; for it is impossible for the fleshy parts and the coverings to exist before these.” So you tell me, how can the Quran be the Word of God, but also wrong about reproduction, which God Himself created? Either all the scientists saw it wrong with their very own eyes, or your God (Allah) conveyed it wrong, or Muhammad made it up. Pick your poison.»

06:49 UTC


Want to connect with sister/s

Salaam alaikum everybody I am wanting to revert to Islam and I have been reading Quran and learning to pray on my own but I was wondering if there are any sisters who I could talk to and just discuss some things I have been thinking, connect and also get help on what to do next please if possible

10:22 UTC



Faith concept

idu the concept of faith in Islam. I know there are 2

  1. faith that we can change
  2. faith cannot change

so for me after thinking about it. i trust there is only one which is faith cant change that mean what we do, choose in this world alr it is decided that we as slaves just live everything even our sustenance, marriage, our daily choices. everything has been determined. i know someone said Allah only knows but does not plan for that thing to happen. but still if you think in any way, when God knows the means this thing is already in his control. idk how to explain again so you understand what i mean

so my ques is what I think is right @ wrong? if it's wrong for me explain this. I don't know as much as you do about Islam, but I am more clear because this is related to the life we ​​live

1 Comment
06:19 UTC


Muslim living in UK with Gluten Allergy

Salam, everyone.

I am a Muslim man living in UK, I have gluten allergy and finding the combo for gluten free + halal is almost impossible.

All thanks to Allah I have not eaten haram food by choice ever, but when travelling it becomes really difficult for me as having any sort of sandwich is impossible, and if the food is halal it is usually in chicken shops and anything else that is not halal are the fries.

What are my options during travelling.
Please if any one has any definite answers like chicken from a Christian Country is allowed.

10:17 UTC


Unaware about Ghusl for wet dreams

I was unaware till now that you have to do ghusl for wet dreams, so are all my prayers till now invalid?

10:11 UTC


I have an addiction is there any way to get out of it

I have an addiction it started from an early age but I try to quit it then go back again and again and again I told allah that I will stop this but I keep going back to it..

Honestly I feel remorse and I feel bad and I'm scared I just wanna stop it I don't know how

09:59 UTC


Is it giybah ?

I know that giybah is one of the worst sins. I was talking about a situation with my cousin the other day and I was kinda trying to limit what i was telling out of fear it could be giybah. For example, i was asking her if she thought that i was stupid for accepting something from someone (lets call him X) and asking her if X was sincere and she said yes. We never talked badly about X we were just trying to see what could have been going on in his mind but never in a bad way or meanly, neither by making fun of him.

Is it still giybah to talk this way about someone without judging the person or talking negatively about him ? I fear i may have committed giybah purposefully and thus fallen into haram or kufr…or went too far and slandered the person.

I never know about the limits of giybah and slandering.

08:19 UTC


Need help marrying the person I love.

Assalamu Alaikum everyone,

During my time at law school, I met a man who was everything I had ever hoped for in a husband. We were in all the same classes and quickly became best friends over the course of three years. He is kind, respectful, and shares my values, and we both deeply want to make our relationship halal through marriage.

However, despite our repeated efforts, his parents have refused to give their blessing, believing that I am not ‘good enough’ for him. This has been incredibly painful for both of us, especially because we truly need their support to move forward. We live in an extremely expensive city, and without their help, we cannot afford a wedding. He is also not working yet, but his intention is sincere—he just wants to do the right thing and have a proper nikkah.

I know many people might advise me to walk away, but my heart tells me that this is worth fighting for. If anyone has any advice, duas, or Islamic practices that can help soften their hearts and change this situation, I would be so grateful. I have heard that reciting Surah Al-Baqarah for 40 days can bring blessings, and I know about Salat al-Layl, but I’m searching for the strongest prayers and actions I can take.

This situation has been weighing so heavily on me, and I feel truly disheartened. Please keep us in your duas, and if you have any wisdom or experience in similar situations, I would deeply appreciate your guidance.

Please make dua for me, I love him dearly.

Jazakum Allahu Khairan.

07:59 UTC


If something halal is made illegal in a country by its laws, is it ultimately haram for us to do it/take part in it while living in said country?

07:53 UTC


THE TRUE SCALE OF WHAT ISRAEL HAS DONE One year ago, 11,500 complete children’s outfits were laid out on Bournemouth beach, each one representing a child killed. Today, that line would NOW represent at least 18,130 children, spanning almost 8km, and taking 95 minutes to walk.

1 Comment
07:49 UTC


Wudu and Dua Queation

Salam Alykum everyone. I’m a new revert and I have two questions.

  1. ⁠When I go showering with the intention to make wudu or want to pray. Do I just shower with soap and everything and obviously clean my mouth and nose. Or do it have to do wudu in the shower also because for me it does not make sense to do wudu in the shower when u are washing your whole body properly.
  2. ⁠How do I make dua. Because I see people at my mosque, they lift their hands and then swipe them over the face but some of them not what is right. And when can I make dua and how.

Thank you :)

07:22 UTC



Salam Alaykum I have a question. Do sins count if you’re a child when you committed it? Like before hitting puberty? 9-12 ish years ? And if the sin involves someone else are you accountable ? Or because you’re a child it doesn’t count ?

07:00 UTC


23 places, areas and times when Du'a is accepted

Dua (supplication) is a powerful act of worship, and there are specific times, places, and circumstances where Du'as are more likely to be accepted. Here are 23 moments when your prayers have a higher chance of being answered:

  1. Dua of a just ruler is accepted. (Tirmidhi-2526)
  2. The dua after the call to prayer is accepted. (Tirmidhi-210)
  3. The dua made during the rain is accepted. (Abu Dawud-2540)
  4. Dua of a traveler is accepted. (While traveling). (Tirmidhi-3448)
  5. The dua made during the Qital is accepted. (Abu Dawud-2540)
  6. The supplication made while prostrating is accepted. (Nasa'i 1045)
  7. Dua on the night of Laylatul Qadr is accepted. (Bukhari and Muslim)
  8. Dua of a fasting person is accepted. (While fasting). (Ibn Majah-1752)
  9. The supplication of a parent for his child is accepted. (Tirmidhi -3448)
  10. The dua of the pilgrim is accepted while performing Hajj. (Ibn Majah-2893)
  11. Dua between the Adhan and Iqamah is accepted. (Ahmad-14689, Muslim-668)
  12. The dua made at the end of the night, during Tahajjud, is accepted. (Bukhari-1145)
  13. If you make Du'a on the plain of Arafat, your du'a will be accepted. (Tirmidhi-3585)
  14. The supplication of an oppressed person against an oppressor is accepted. (Tirmidhi -3448)
  15. The dua of the person performing Umrah is accepted while performing Umrah. (Nasai-2625)
  16. Dua is accepted on Friday, there is a command to search at the end of the Asr prayer. (Nasa'i-1389)
  17. The supplication of a righteous child is accepted. (For parents after their death). (Abu Dawud -2880)
  18. If a Muslim supplicates for another Muslim in his absence, his supplication is accepted. (Muslim -6822)
  19. The supplication of a helpless person in distress is quickly accepted. (Surah An-Naml 62,57 and Surah Isra verse 67)
  20. The supplication made at the places of Hajj is quickly accepted. For example: Arafah, Muzdalifah, Mina... (Ibn Majah-2892)
  21. After reciting Surah Fatiha, if one recites the last two verses of Surah Baqarah and makes dua, then the dua will be accepted. (Muslim)
  22. Dua is accepted when made at the end of the obligatory prayer. (Before returning the salaam). (Riyadus Salihin 1508, Tirmidhi-3499)
  23. If you recite the Dua Yunus and make a dua, your dua will be accepted. (Tirmidhi-3505) Dua Yunus: La ilaha illa-anta Subhanaka inni kuntu minaz joalimin.

May Allah accept all our duas at these blessed moments!

07:43 UTC


Clarification needed

Aoa all, I had a quick question that I can use some help for.

I've completed the booking so I'm locked in and would like some clarity.

I am landing in Jeddah and then have booked a hotel in Medina first. Then our intent was to go from Medina to Makkah to preform umrah.

However, I recently was told that we would need to be in the state of ihram all the way from Jeddah? I can change my bookings so I'm a bit concerned.

My understanding was that we could enter Ihram from Medina by going to the miqat there, and then travelling to Makkah and performing umrah. Is that correct?


07:43 UTC


Unintended benefits of reverting to Islam (From my experience)

-Met people that I could go to the gym with on a regular basis
-Met people who I agree with politically
-Met people whom I can act like myself around
-Met people that introduced me to cultures that I didn't have experience with prior (Broadened my perspective on the world)
-Met people who are business-oriented and whom I can collaborate with (Networking opportunities)
-Met people who I can talk to about my problems and give me constructive feedback and not just make fun of me
-Met people that would who I could call up at any time if I were ever in a physical altercation (Brotherhood)
-Met people that would let me live at their house if needed
-Met people where after knowing them for 1 day, it felt like I knew them for months (Very easy to connect to people on a personal level)

I reverted to Islam purely for the sake of Allah and I didn't expect too much to come from it. But alhamdulillah, becoming Muslim has benefited me in many other aspects of my life.

06:55 UTC


How do I know if my shoes are made of pig leather?

Trying to avoid pig skin leather how do I know if my Nike Air Force 1s ‘07s are made of pig leather. Is there something to watch out for?

  • hoping to get serious answers here.
06:30 UTC


Ask an imam

Slms everyone, I'd like to know if there are any imams here I can PM for some advice. Or alternatively, any good sites to ask an imam advice?


06:29 UTC


How to rinse nose in wudu?

The way I see online they say sniff the water up

This burns my nose a lot and it just hurts

There’s no way that wudu is supposed to hurt

What’s the options?

05:56 UTC


Qasr Jamah rules ?

Searching online you’d get different answers . What is the distance to qualify for qasr jamah.

Also last time I travelled I did qasr jamah but I couldn’t pray one of the prayers on time and it was time for the next prayer. Now I didn’t know what to do then. Can I go through with qasr jamah or I must pray the qadha first (normally) then the next prayer . I think it was Maghreb prayer that I missed.

I hope it makes sense thank you 🙏

05:47 UTC


Is there any kind of islamic meditation ?

For example when you’re anxious you should meditate. I was just wondering what techniques to cope with stress do yall use ?

05:20 UTC


Remember this when your memorizing the Quran

Once you memorize a surah PLS PLS PLS review like ik your parents or teachers have said this a billion times at least but as someone who has a lot of rememorizing to do pls review it's much easier and takes way less time than rememorizing lol ;) also if you don't speak Arabic I recommend using Quran.com since they have translation for surahs and it's important to understand what you read not just memorize it have a nice day!

05:14 UTC


Is hearing someone backbite you haram/fall under spying? Is this a major sin

Salam walaikum wramatullahi wa barakatu

We all no backbiting(eating the flesh of a brother) is a major and so is gossip and spying but what about hearing backbiting about yourself?

Is it still considered backbiting if you hear it or are you sinful for listening eavesdropping?

05:01 UTC


How I can wake up early for tahajjud?

I sleep early still I can't wake up before Fajar to pray for tahajjud. Please give me suggestion. I can't give too loud alarm because my family members will wake up

04:29 UTC


Sometimes, we just need a moment of peace. Listening to the Quran can help calm your mind and make you feel better. Take a few minutes to listen, and you’ll feel more at ease. The words can bring comfort and help you find calm in a busy world.

04:04 UTC


Understanding day trading stocks

Why day trading is haram? If I don't go into future/margin/option trading and just use good old classic strategy of buy low and sell high, is it still haram?

Let's say I buy stock at 10 which I actually own and sell it for 11 three days later, how is it haram?

1 Comment
03:19 UTC


What is the point of making Dua?

I was born a Muslim and I married a revert. My partner would always have questions and I would try my best to answer them but I have been unable to find a clear answer to this question anywhere online, and I was wondering if someone could provide guidance or link to a video or a page where this is discussed.

What is the point of making Dua?

  1. We have always believed that whatever happens is predestined. For example, if a loved one is sick in the hospital and we made dua to Allah sincerely but they pass away, we say it was his time, this is the life god had written for him. Then why make dua of it will change nothing?

  2. Muslims believe that there is good and bad in this world because of free will. Everything bad that happens is the result of our actions. So then why would god accept our duas if we have free will? Does god actually intervene in this world?

  3. Why does Allah accept some duas and not others? How does he decide where to intervene? I heard all my life that if you make dua and it happens, it means god accepted it. And if it doesn’t, that means god has something better planned. I’m not sure I can buy this. It’s confirmation bias to attribute anything good to god.

  4. Lastly, what if we didn’t make a dua? What if I made a dua for me to get into uni and I do. This implies god accepted my dua. But what if I never made this dua? Would I still have got in or nah?

02:52 UTC


He SWITCHED UP Real Quick‼️

03:32 UTC

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