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Muslims who do hookah are stupid and lame

They are just a bunch of insecure little muzzies who missed out on bar culture so they do hookah. They think they are so cool but they look so dumb and it shows how they’re following their religion out of brute force instead of actually believing in it. If you’re so fulfilled from Islam why do you feel the need to open sisha bars and PRETEND to get high and drunk? Unless if that hookah is laced with substances it does absolutely nothing for you except give you the feeling of “looking cool” oh and it damages your lungs without even giving you a high. Muslims judge so much if a person experiments with psychedelics or enjoys a weed gummy every now and then for legit reasons such as anxiety or pain but they can do their stupid hookah which is there to only satisfy their over inflated egos. They say marijuana is haram which has actual benefits and helps people but they can have their stupid hookah bars

1 Comment
20:18 UTC


And I thought I seen it all! If you are wondering, these are the commi university "protester" morons performing namaz. What's left to see!

1 Comment
20:16 UTC


I am sure Allah is the devil

I know that he exist. But he is the devil who sadly rules over the world .

1 Comment
20:16 UTC


Why do Muslims always block you?

Why is it that Muslims can't take criticism and whenever their arguments are debunked they always block you? First they will insult you despite you constantly pointing out their faulty logic and then a few replies later, you get blocked. I've been blocked by eight or nine Muslims in just as many days and I didn't even call them retards let alone other more severe insults. Why do they say their religion is the most intellectually rich and then act like this?

20:07 UTC


Dating an ex-Muslim

I’ve been seeing this girl who’s a closeted ex-Muslim for a couple of months now. I’m almost certainly falling in love with her, but there’s a problem, her family. She’s too scared to tell her family about me which sucks. From reading about Muslim culture and such I don’t expect this to change. I want to believe she’s going to stand up to them and tell them, but in my heart I know she’s probably just gonna keep me a secret from them for as long as possible. It’s too painful for me to fall in love with someone who I know deep down I don’t have a future with, because of this. Do you guys think I should just move on or stick it out for like 3 more months and see if things change

1 Comment
20:05 UTC


Does Islam allow the rape of concubines?

Can a concubine reject sex? Is her consent required according to islam? I'm a little confused bcuz I didn't find anything that suggested this

19:55 UTC


Egyptology II: Al-Aziz (right) vs Potiphar (anachronistic)

The bible calls a character in the story of Joseph "Potiphar." Joseph 39:1 "

Now Joseph had been taken down to Egypt. Potiphar, an Egyptian who was one of Pharaoh’s officials, the captain of the guard, bought him from the Ishmaelites who had taken him there."


The Quran however calls him Al-Aziz. Q12:88 doesn't mention Potiphar at all. It instead mentions Aziz

When they entered Joseph’s presence, they pleaded, “O Chief Minister! We and our family have been touched with hardship, and we have brought only a few worthless coins, but ˹please˺ give us our supplies in full and be charitable to us. Indeed, Allah rewards the charitable.”


Potiphar is not a name, but a title, and that is what the Quran implies there. Potiphar is meant to be anachronistic.

1 Comment
19:50 UTC


Why do you think people invented islam?

what could be the reason?

power or political reasons maybe?

I want to hear your opinion

19:29 UTC


Sharing the story of how adhd saved me from islam

19:24 UTC


It sadly sums it up

I wish the west stay safe and peaceful place 🙏🏻

19:23 UTC


Top imam and sharia vigilante from British town Dewsbury displays the Islamic method of systematic indoctrination to brainwash and control their youth and leftists

19:20 UTC


What is your opinion on this review article about Quran effect on health.

I found this review of multiple studies about the effect of quran reading, recitation and listening on the physical and mental health.

Here is the link of the review :


And here's the summary of the study:

Objectives: Listening to or memorizing the Quran has been suggested to affect the psychosocial health and well-being of Muslims. Muslims who memorized Quran have a higher quality of life (QoL) and lower anxiety and stress. Hence, this systematic review was conducted to evaluate the studies that assessed the effect of listening to, reciting, or memorizing the Quran on physical and mental health.

Methods: This review was performed on articles published from the inception and April 2021. Databases including ProQuest, PubMed and Web of Science were searched on 19 April 2021. Keywords such as “Quran”, “al- Quran,” “al- Kareem,” “Holy Quran,” “memori,” “Tahfiz,” “Huffaz,” “listening” and “reciting” were used for databases searching. The risk of bias was assessed using Cochrane risk of bias tool and Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI). Only 20 articles were included in data synthesis out of a total of 230.

Results: The findings revealed that listening to, reciting or memorizing the Quran had a favorable effect on depression, anxiety, physiologic parameters, quality of life, quality of sleep and intelligence quotient.

Conclusion: The current evidence suggests that, listening to, reciting or memorizing the Quran may be useful as an intervention to improve physical and mental health.

19:13 UTC


i was waiting to post this for half a week

18:36 UTC


Can Muslims get it through their skull that Islam is NOT a race!? Turkish Cenk Uygur calls black man a "racist" for calling out Muslim violence in the world

18:16 UTC


Would You Like To Share Your Most Undeniable Proofs Against The Quran

You can share the mistakes, things that doesn’t feel right or false miracles. For me its 4:34. Just forget about the wife beating part for a second I know thats the main thing, but “good women” having to obey their husbands is just crazy to me.

18:16 UTC


Bible knew about Mecca and Kaaba this whole time

17:56 UTC


ignoring the rest of the comment, it pisses me off when people think all brown people are muslim

if i said all white people are christian or all Indian (the subcontinent ad a whole) are hindu or all east asians are confucianist

people will be pissed but brown people snd muslims? oh well

17:51 UTC


Salaat: a story of inconvenience and torture

So we've all been there. We've all been made to pray 5 times a day. Some of us went from loving it to hating it but one thing can't be denied... Namaz is extremely inconvenient in our private as well as social lives. Even tho mullas keep saying how prayers take only 5 minutes of your time; here are some of the instances where yours and someone else's prayers becomes torturesome:

Waking up for fajar prayer

Imagine being a night shift worker or a student who has been studying late or is insomniac. And as soon as you fall asleep the loudspeakers come alive with the sounds of ALLAHUAKBAR and "salaat is better than sleep"... And you have to drag yourself up again, make wudu, to attend to a diety that muhammad told you to do. Your sleep has been interrupted. You got no REM sleep and you'll have dark circles for days. All thanks to prayers.

The conditions for wudu post coitus

Imagine living in a cold area...being married and having to wake up wayyy before others before dawn along with your spouse to take a bath because having coitus made you too impure for fajar prayers. Now you are lucky if you have a geezer and hot bath systems but if you're anything like most of the middle to lower class asian muslim population, you'll have to start a fire... Heat up the water for the bath. And then secretly take a bath so your in-laws don't find out what you did the night prior. And god says "i keep your secrets veiled". Imagine being physical as muslim couples. It's so damn sad that you almost always have to pray. So there's little to no chance to do it during the day or to stay in bed after... Islamic relationships have no concept of love anyway.

Wudu conditions post a night fall

I'm not a guy but to think. If you have a night fall or you happen to masturbate...you'd have to wake up filled with shame and guilt and you'd also have to shower before fajar. You'll be eyed in the mosque and at home because everyone will know you did something so very shameful.

Inconvenience in travel/businesses

If you live in the middle east then you know what i mean. Everytime you're in a public transport vehicle and it's time for prayers, especially fridays, the driver won't even bother to ask the passengers and stop at a rest area and everyone will jump out to go pray. If you choose to stay behind then you'll be stared at and some goody two shoes muslim might also ask you to come along. Disregarding anyone's urgency, disregarding other people's beliefs because they're in majority. Not caring that people have to get places. You have a mother in ICU?? Well you better wait until Abdul and Ahmed are done praying.

Needless to say, the doctors themselves might be on a namaz break. So you just wait there and anxiously see the minutes trickle by.

Women praying every which way

This one annoys me as a girl so damn much. You go to a funeral home and someone of your party will definitely leave to go to a room and pray. You are at a wedding and someone's taking their nailpaint off in that one corner to go make wudu. The music gets turned off. There's water splashed all over in the wash basins.

Someone's a guest at your home, they use the washrooms and leave the slippers wet because...wudu. ALWAYS the wet slippers. Hell there'll even be some loonies praying while you're on a hill station on a picnic.

You make tea, call your mom and she's praying until the tea goes cold... Every damn day. How are these women ALWAYS praying? They honestly have nothing else to do with their lives so they revolve around that one thing they're in control of.

Everything you do, someone's always praying. Ruining your time as well. Pestering you to pray too. All for what? All for a god who couldn't care less about them. All because a selfish pedophilac epileptic told them there's someone up there who needs you to do everything thrice because god apparently has OCD.

Do share the ways prayers inconvenience you too.

17:32 UTC


Why are you an exmuslim !؟

Last time I made a post here was 2 years ago the comment section reached 200 so I came in peace ✌️

17:26 UTC


Sheikh takes money from my poor mother for an exorcism

My mother who struggles to pay her rent every month spend my younger brothers money on an exorcism for my older brother. Why does Islam make people so dumb like why not save up for something instead of paying an money hungry sheikh for something that doesn’t even work. 😭😭

17:19 UTC


If you live in a Muslim country, you are not allowed to complain about the volume of speakers used by Mosques during prayers. No joke, you will get killed or arrested, no matter how polite you were. Happened in both Malaysia and Indonesia.

It has happened before. In both Malaysia and Indonesia, non-Muslims very very politely asked the mosques to lower the volume of the speakers. They asked very politely and nicely. They did NOT ask them to stop praying or even to stop using loudspeakers. They just asked to slightly lower the volume.

But the Muslim community went on a rampage and burned down churches and temples. The rioters were arrested and given a tiny slap on the wrist. The non-Muslim who asked very politely was also arrested but given years long sentence for the ‘crime’ of insulting Islam. All they did was ask for the volume to be lowered. They did not insult Islam or Muslims. They did not go on a riot and burn down any buildings. But they received longer sentences than the rioters who were physically violent.

You don’t have to take my word for it. You can Google it.


A user on the Malaysia subreddit made a post complaining about the loudspeaker sounds. This is the reply I wrote to him word-for-word before I deleted it:

“There’s nothing you can do about it. If you complain, the Muslims will accuse you of being anti-Islam, so the only thing you can do is just accept it or leave.”

Then, a Muslim user made the reply above, telling me to fuck off out of the country if I did not like living in a Muslim country.

But why should I? This is my home, I was born here. Why should I fuck off? Does that mean Muslims who have something to complain about of living in non-Muslim countries should fuck off too? No, cos respect is always a one way street with these people. We have to respect them but they don’t have to respect us because their god is the one true god and their religion is the one true religion.

And these are the same people who complain about Malaysians being unpatriotic cos Malaysia is suffering a brain drain due to young talented Malaysians all immigrating overseas. You are the ones telling people to fuck off, so don’t whine when they do precisely that.

But I deleted my comment cos I got genuinely scared they he might report me to the police in this country and I would get arrested for insulting Islam.

So I deleted my comment cos I have to live in fear in my own country. But I retyped the comment above so people would know what his comment was replying to and it was completely uncalled for.

God, I hate it here. I really wish I could leave.

17:00 UTC


My journey out of Islam as a former convert.

Hey everyone,

I wanted to share a bit about my spiritual journey, particularly how it led me away from Islam and towards Eastern philosophy. It's been quite a ride, and I thought it might resonate with some of you.

So, it all started with a pretty unexpected catalyst: magic mushrooms. During that experience, I was forced to confront and question everything, especially the beliefs I had absorbed as a Muslim convert.

For nearly five years, I threw myself into practicing Islam, even going through a Salafi period at one point. But as I delved deeper, I began to feel like I was being played. One of the biggest conflicts was with music. I loved making music—it was more than just a hobby, it was my passion and even a source of income. But according to Islam, it was haram. That clash between what I loved and what I was told to believe really took its toll, not just on me, but on my relationships too, especially with my family.

But it wasn't just music. I started noticing inconsistencies and manipulations within Islam itself. Some teachings felt sugarcoated, like the whole deal about not being able to pray for your parents after they die if they're "kuffar", the attitudes towards non-believers, or even the fact that a member of ISIS who believes in tawheed will eventually be taken out of hell, but the best of non-believers will be tormented for eternity. Plus, the stifling of creativity and individuality? Not for me.

Then there's the proselytizing. It felt like some Muslims were covering up the more, let's say, inconvenient aspects of the religion, hoping non-believers wouldn't dig too deep into some the ridiculous rules and contradictions. And don't even get me started on the different schools of thought. Talk about confusing!

For the record, I'm not saying all Muslims are bad, or that everything about Islam is bad. I just don't believe that Islam—or any Abrahamic religion, for that matter—have a monopoly on the truth. So, I started exploring Eastern spirituality and philosophy, and man, did it resonate with me.

So yeah, that's where I'm at now. Still figuring things out, but feeling more aligned with Eastern teachings than ever before, and I definitely want to get back into making music and being as creative as possible.

Has anyone else gone through something similar? Would love to hear your thoughts and experiences.

Edit: grammar & clarity

16:46 UTC


So an old pedophile started a cult that now led to wars, mental health issues, cutting off contact with loved ones, abuse, arguments, and strict laws?

wow. just imagine how the lives of the young ex-muslims living in muslims families could've been better without it, stupid old man should've kept his mouth shut

16:18 UTC


Should there be a ban put on alcohol? Your thoughts?

It has such a high potential to abuse and literal poison for the body on an individual level. More so to society as the after effects are citizens dnd causing accidents, domestic violence and unsafe environments.

Putting a ban might make people get it through illegal means without it being regulated and hence even more dangerous.

On a personal level, I'd feel bummed that I can't have alcohol because others can't have it in moderation. It opens a pandoras box of where the limit is to controlling peoples lives.

16:13 UTC


I joined various religious groups and participated in debates, particularly those focused on Islam, Muslims worldwide, and Black Muslims. I posed several questions, which I drafted in about five minutes. So far, I haven't received any responses, except from one troll who didn't address my questions


My questions are directed to Muslims, especially black Muslims. I aim to engage in a factual discussion. I hope you can provide answers based on facts, as opinions, while valuable, may not offer the clarity historical facts can provide. Here are the questions I'd like to discuss:

1- Did any of Muhammad's followers or Muhammad himself own black slaves?

2- Why did Muhammad engaged in Pedophilia? He married Aisha at 6 and consummated marriage (rape) at 9?

2- What is your knowledge on the history of slavery involving black Africans before European colonizers ?

3- Why In Islam, we should kill unbelievers and condemn/punish by death anyone who opposes Islam.

4- Why Muhammad ordered women to become sex captives and be sold in سوق النخاسه ?

5- If Muhammad is exempt from any wrongdoings, Why did he "mistakenly" pray to three satanic deities ?

6- Why did Muhammad kill people directly and indirectly for opposing him, even with poetry?

7- Why did Muhammad have eleven wives, when Muslims can have only four?

8- Why did Muhammad take the wife of his stepson, borrow her, and then give her back to his stepson ?

9- In Islam, why is Jannah described as having 72 virgins with big lusted breasts waiting for men and rivers of infinite wine to drink and enjoy? What will women get on the other hand ? Even in the brothels, you won't find all that.

10- Why anyone who leaves Islam is punished by death ? No freedom of belief/choice ?

11- Why is lying to non-muslims permissable in Islam الطقيه ? God permit Lies ?

12- Is Music Haram or not ?

13- Owning dogs to keep them inside your household and pet them is permissible ? If Yes, why Most muslims listen to Music, own dogs and commit شرك ?

14- Why In Sharia law, اهل الكتاب have to pay the Jizya and can't have a top position in Gouvernement ? What kind of Governance is that ? Where is equality?

15- Why should women be accompanied by a male relative whenever she wants to go out ? Why when there is a situation or crime, a testimony of two women is equivalent to that of one ? Isn't that misogyny, degrading, devaluing women and anti-feminism in itself ?

Lastly, if Muhammad is exempt from any wrongdoings? All of what I mentioned are wrongdoings or not ? Justify each point.


15:21 UTC


Is “jizyah” still a thing in Islamic countries that uses sharia law?

Or that something they used 100/1000+ years ago?

14:46 UTC


Casual Muslims are worse than practicing ones.

This is just my opinion, I know a lot of people might disagree, but those people who claim to be Muslims but don't practice it just piss me off so much. Obviously, those who are practicing this seriously are the major problem. But something about the hypocrisy of these self-claimed "Muslims" is just absolutely disgusting.

Again I understand some people don't have a choice, they have to pretend for fear of being ostracized. But people who drink and fornicate and do every forbidden thing, and then go back to praying and fasting is just such a cowardly thing to do. Not only are you lying to others, you're lying to yourself. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Either follow it properly or don't claim to be religious at all.

And then there are the LGBT "Muslims" lol. Supporting a religion that is absolutely against your life choices. If the people around you knew they would literally murder you. And yet you still chose to follow it?! I just don't get it.

14:35 UTC

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