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There’s a running gag on the show about Jerry secretly being an amazing virtuoso artist and no one caring. Few examples:
I know there are many more. What am I missing?
I have two. The first one is when Leslie roast of the Pawnee sun gets stolen by Kim turlando and she’s scrambling for jokes so she puts Ann on the spot to make a joke and then when Ann isn’t helping Leslie says “it’s okay Ann you’re too pretty to be funny. The rest of you ugly nerds give me something stat” and when she says that Chris looks to the camera like is she including me in this “ugly”. The other one is Chris and Ann telling Leslie she’s pregnant when she gets back from London and Leslie says she took something to make her drowsy but then decided to take something to keep her awake and says that Ann looks like a crab, saying “just kidding I know it’s Ann” but then gives her an up and down look like she has to really make sure it is really Ann and not a giant crab
Was going thru my CDs and had the same music Ben had in the show. Just missing Benji’s Cool Time Summer Jamz Mix.
Who else would definitely try some snake [juice] venom?
Leslie: 🌳🖋️🧇
Ann: 🧑🏻⚕️☺️💉
April: 🩸🧛🏼♀️😐
Chris: 😃🏃🏻♂️🍇
Donna: 💅🏼💎💋
Jerry: 😊🧳🍔
Did they never finish it?
Im watching the engagement party ep and we only meet Ben’s parents once, but i wish we had gotten to see Ben be a big brother to a baby. I think it would have been a fun silly non work related plot
I know its a workplace shoe but i love our glimpses into their personal lives
In the episode Time Capsule, Jerry proposes to put his mother's diaries in. April reads an excerpt and it states Gerald as his name from childhood. Is this definitive proof of his real name?
And “Romaine Calm” and “You Won’t Bayleaf How Nice Olive Our Vendors Are”
Would Liz and Leslie have been good friends???