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The Good Place airs forever in…
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Yall know when everyone in the show gives up on going to the good and accept their fate to the bad place, and they give Micheal that little human gift box. He says something like “the only emotions you need are anger and confusion” and I have thought about at least once a week for YEARS now because that is genuinely where every emotion I feel stems from. I hate that that is so true but at the same time I can see why that is true
Holy fork this show was amazing. Casting, WRITING!!!, set production, costumes-ugh I loved this show so much. So sad it’s over but man what a journey; beautiful, thought-provoking, funny. It’s perfect!
I just finished watching the show and it broke me. This show made me happy, more self aware and for four seasons, I was seen, I had friends, I had a comfort place to go to. This show connected with me on so many levels and I'm glad that I can share my love for it with you amazing people 😊
I always had it on my Netflix recommended but never watched it until one day I was at my girls apartment while she was working and I decided to give it a watch. Instantly I loved Elenor’s character. Because i found her relatable and I like shows with characters i relate to. Ive always been selfish and self centered like her. And I knew this about myself but I always embraced it. I felt like it made life easier .
But after getting into the later seasons it started making me think about the type of person I am. And sometimes when I know something I’m about to do is selfish or wrong I think about the show and change my behavior.
I also started having more conversations with strangers instead of being in my own bubble. I talk to homeless people and try to help . I stop for people who are stranded on the side of the road and help them out . I hold the door open for people and help older people carry bags to their car at grocery stores ext.
And the craziest part is, IT FEELS GOOD. Im still not perfect by any means. I still do a-lot of the things I was doing before. But now I see the benefit in trying to be better instead of embracing being selfish.
I know this is long but I just wanted to put it out there .
Okay so please don't come at me, there are a lot of good things about this show. I can see the vision and I totally acknowledge that creating a sitcom with themes that explore existential dread and morality is very ambitious. Had it been a lesser show the things I didn't enjoy wouldn't have been that big of an issue for me.
Truthfully I didn't even mind the fact that most of the main cast... permanently desintegrated into nothing I guess? I just didn't feel the big emotional crescendo was earned, at least not for me.
The main 4 humans never felt enough 3 dimensional and I don't think I managed to fully see them past their core gimmicks. Which is great for a sitcom! But imo not so great if you want to throw a last minute heartbreak scene and a lot of existential dread. Jason and Chidi especially felt very one-note. I wish Jason was more than comedic relief and Chidi's thing wasn't mainly ethics and indecisiveness. Elenor definitely felt the most human and least trope-y out of the human cast, which makes sense since she is the main character but I think 4 seasons is enough to flesh everyone out. Again if this was just a comedy it wouldn't have mattered as much but since the show is more of an existential dramedy, it did bother me more than usual. I didn't ever feel like Elenor and Chidi had any chemistry together, despite the show constantly hammering it down to me. I feel like the show was trying to convince me of certain character dynamics rather than showing me. I find it annoying how characters proclaim "I love you" out of nowhere but the show never shows me how they fall in love and what they even like about eachother on a romantic level. All it could say is "opposites attract", which simply isn't true, according to modern psychology. The fact that the show has time to research ethics and philosophy but pays so little attention when it comes to fleshing out the characters in a believeable way, especially when it is a CRUCIAL emotional gut puch in the end is why this show was frustrating at times for me.
Chidi and Elenor have nothing in common aside from the fact that they get passionate about ethics, which, I am sorry, is not enough to make a relationship believable. Same with Jason and Janet, although Janet is the only character where that scenario makes sense because she isn't a human. It's also probably the reason I enjoyed all the non-human characters significantly more because they didn't need to be developed in a way that makes sense for us and the deadpan humor and nonchalant behavior suited them really well. Also I adored Michael every time he was on screen and I feel like he got the most satisfying ending.
I feel like if the human cast was more fleshed out and a bit less one-note it would have made the ending so much more impactful. And again I only saying this because the show aimed so high and has a lot to offer, had it been a lesser show It wouldn't have irked me as much.
I know that Ted and Kristen were the only actors to know about the twist, but, I wonder if Ted knew from day one, because I'm on my millionth rewatch and the way he says to Eleanor that she's i. the good place, he sneaks in a sly smile that indicates he is starting to toy with her and enjoys it >!as the fire squid he is!< .
I just finished the show and the amount of existential dread I feel is crazy. Especially once I got to the last episode and everyone started leaving. You literally cease to exist and that’s a really scary thought. The show did an amazing job of providing what an afterlife could look like but the thought about it scares me now. Like it’s eternal. Time doesn’t stop whether they chose to walk through that door or not. Idk, I just had to say something and I hope someone understands me.
Which character would you be okay that their storyline be removed?
Which character from other sitcoms would you add (not to replace the character you removed) to the show?
It doesn't make sense at all. I've been thinking - what's exactly good about this place? For the three characters, Eleanor, the Buddhist guy and Tahani, are they not getting the exact opposite of what they want?
Hear me out.
The Buddhist and Eleanor shouldn't be here, so literally every day for then is pure anxiety.
Tahani loves to talk and gets someone who can't as a soul mate (the whole thing with getting your absolute opposite applying to chidi too in my opinion)
For at least these 3, they are not enjoying heaven as much? How exactly is it supposed to be the good place?
I was rewatching The Good Place for like the 8th time, I’ve lost track and I noticed that Micheal said Janice instead of Janet. It was at 2:05 S2 E6. This isn’t the only mistake I’ve seen, but did I hear this right?
The caption.
While I was rewatching I suddenly wondered what’s Michael and Janet’s resources in order to survive on Earth. Especially when Michael’s able to fly anywhere when he’s trying to get the Brainy Bunch to be together. Well I thought that maybe after they got together with the group that Tahani would chip in or buy their plane tickets, but how about when they weren’t together yet? Did they have some sort of pocket money for when they go down here? Or do they do the same thing as they did when Eleanor “accidentally” found a lottery ticket?
I love her style so much
When Michael goes to Earth, what job do you think he got? What did he put on his resume? Janet gave him starter money but he had a nice apartment so probably had a job.