Hey everyone. I have a question. Is it possible to watch MWC without the laughing. I always hated lughtracks and live studio audiences and i really want to watch the show again in english because i want the original version.
“Meet the Neighbors”? “Not the Cosbys” (the working title of the show)?
Sleeping with Marcy. Jefferson owes me BIG TIME.
What was the brand name for Al’s new toilet when he was building his bathroom downstairs?
According to a book of funny MWC quotes called "Bundyisms: The Wit and Wisdom of America's Last Family," Peg once sang what the book refers to as the Wanker County Lullaby. But I don't remember it in any episode. I remember an episode in which she sang a lullaby to Seven, but it wasn't this one. And it's not the same as the one she started tearfully singing to Bud that time when Kelly was leaving (or something like that). Anyway, can anybody tell me which episode it comes from? Here it is:
Hush little baby
Don't you cry,
Momma's gonna make you
An owl pie.
And if that owl pie
Don't bake,
Momma's gonna make you
A weasel cake.
And if that weasel cake
Still moves,
Momma's gonna feed you
Some horses' hooves.
And if those horses' hooves
Don't chew,
We'll all go dig up
Your Uncle Lou . . .
This made me laugh so hard! 🤣
When Jefferson was first introduced into the series, I know that he had some sort of scam with some sort of lake front that was literally a toxic waste stump. One question that I did want to ask is that in later episodes they had him double cross Al to win some sort of Contest were won money, but then all of a sudden these feds arrested him and confiscated the money as well as for no reason stealing Marcy‘s bracelet but did it ever explain that he was paying the money to the victims back or was it just the FBI and television show fashion stealing the money to recover what he did? Nothing really big but it just made me wonder why they all of a sudden rated that TV spot where they won the contest and all of a sudden stole Marcy‘s bracelet to boot