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#232 Writing 'The Deluge': Dark nights, Apocalypse & Hope with author Stephen Markley

17:15 UTC


Harder to make friends = collapse.

As I get older it is harder to make friends. I believe it is because everyone gets their information online no a days. People used to get more info word of mouth and papers and other local means. With the rise of the internet, people have little need to talk to one another in person. Less shared experiences means its harder to connect to others past school days. I mean most people don't even talk to their neighbors anymore.

14:42 UTC


UV light increasing? Trying to find data...

I live in N. Florida, and there have been a few instances where me or my friends have gone outside wearing sunscreen but still gotten burned - just for context, I've lived here for 40 years, I generally have a good idea of what sunscreen to use and how long I can be in the sun w/out damage (I'm super white, so it's always been a limited amount of time! LOL!). I've also noticed a few comments here on this sub claiming UV light is increasing.

The only thing I've found that suggests this is happening is this paper. Looks solid, but I'd love any other resources talking about this if anyone has them.

Related to collapse because if simply being outside is more dangerous, resulting in skin damage and (long term) susceptibility to cancer, it will affect a lot of things downstream: outside workers, gardening, mental health.

12:33 UTC


Will Ireland indeed be a safe haven?

As many of you know, Ireland and England are considered two possible nodes of persistent complexity, making them theoretically less miserable to live in as Climate Change intensifies.

Still, something puzzles me: how could Ireland, being part of the EU, have been chosen, despite its open borders to millions of EU citizens? As Climate Change worsens, people will gradually migrate there, bringing turmoil to the island itself.

To be honest, xenofobia is on the rise in Ireland due to the sudden arrival of economic migrants and refugees from Ukraine and elsewhere. What to say when a big chunk of Europe decide to move north?

00:32 UTC


What is a "last chance" tourism opportunity you don't want to miss?

Understanding, of course, that human travel impacts the places we go, so it's either unattainable or needs to be done incredibly carefully. Reading about the glaciers melting in the alps, or herds dwindling on the great migration in Africa, what would you want to see the most before it's gone or changed forever?

20:11 UTC


Global Crop Failure Data

This is a thread loaded with reliable data on crop yields from around the world and the impact of climate crisis (higher temps) on food production. Although there appears to be no comprehensive global survey of crop yields (not one that I could locate...) the emerging trends are undeniable: double digit reductions in yields across the three main bread baskets, a trend likely to rapidly accelerate. Watch for yield reductions averaging over 25% within the next decade, massive price increases, and mass starvation. It will be the combination of major cities running out of water combined with crop failure and regional instances of mass starvation that will lead to local epidemics, regional wars, and mass migration by tens and then hundreds of millions.

16:32 UTC


The End of the World Is Just the Beginning

16:02 UTC


Weekly Observations: What signs of collapse do you see in your region? [in-depth]

All comments in this thread MUST be greater than 150 characters.

You MUST include Location: Region when sharing observations.

Example - Location: New Zealand

This ONLY applies to top-level comments, not replies to comments. You're welcome to make regionless or general observations, but you still must include 'Location: Region' for your comment to be approved. This thread is also [in-depth], meaning all top-level comments must be at least 150-characters.

Users are asked to refrain from making more than one top-level comment a week. Additional top-level comments are subject to removal.

All previous observations threads and other stickies are viewable here.

10:00 UTC


Having cameras everywhere (security cameras, phone cameras…etc) is a major cause of our modern anxieties and depression that no one ever talks about

When you think about it, how do you feel when you know you’re being filmed? Do you feel like you need to put on a performance? Or like you can’t be 100% yourself? Do you feel uncomfortable or under attack? Do you feel like the centre of attention? Do you suppress your true emotions and expressions as to appear a certain way? Do you feel like a zoo animal?

I feel like a big cause of the high levels of anxiety and fear most people deal with today is caused by the knowledge of being constantly surveilled. It’s a subconscious feeling too most of the time. Like you’re not always actively thinking about it, but your brain and body are always subconsciously aware of it.

It’s like we’re all staring in our own Truman show while simultaneously being aware of it’s existence and how depressing and harmful it is to us and our souls. Security cameras are one thing, I understand that of course, but I think cell phones cause the most harm. I call the cell phone camera the modern day “big brother,” because isn’t it in a way? Everyone is subconsiously worried they might get upset or do something embarrassing in public and someone will record it and it will possibly be shared to the world. You could accidently piss your pants in public and the next day millions of people have seen your most embarrassing moment. And the best part? It’s out there FOREVER. Who wouldn’t be anxious being out in public if that’s our reality now?

The worst part is how many people just act like it’s normal to exist in public where your every move or action is potentially being observed, judged and kept on record. It might sound irrational to some people, but one of my biggest fears is ending up in some viral video. People have had their lives forever ruined because some asshole decided to record them during their worst moments. We’re starting to treat other people like extras in a movie rather than real, complex human beings with emotions and breaking points. I mean, people will even record someone dying on the side of the road just to get attention online instead of giving them a sense of humanity and basic empathy. It’s sick. It makes me not want to go outside sometimes. I hate this constant feeling of someone looking over my shoulder 24/7.

I feel like I’m being quietly oppressed, all under the guise of “safety.” I miss being able to act like a weirdo sometimes and not have to worry about some stranger filming me. I used to dance around in public and be silly, now I don’t, and it genuinely affects my sense of carefreeness and adventure, which I believe is essential for human development. Especially for developing children and young adults

Anyone else feel the same?

01:56 UTC

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