
Photograph via //r/BottleNeck

This sub is for discussing the collapse of civilization but with the assumption that there will not be outright Human Extinction, that some humans will survive and continue the cycle of empire and collapse for many more millennia. This sub is not concerned with the ultimate human extinction, only the collapse, post-collapse and rebuilding.

This sub is for discussing the collapse of civilization and what comes afterwards. Some humans may survive and continue the cycle of empire and collapse for many more millennia. This sub is not concerned with the ultimate human extinction, only the collapse, post-collapse and rebuilding.


2,366 Subscribers


bubble barrier stops trash from entering the ocean

07:13 UTC



Will a 3060ti and a Ryzen 7 5700G bottleneck

01:16 UTC


GPU Bottleneck ...kann mir jemand helfen wiso ?

15:15 UTC


Gpu Bottleneck

Kann mir jemand helfen ,wiso bei mir die meisten Spiele so schlecht laufen trotz hoher FPS , also teilweise leichte ruckler bis kurze Standbilder und frame lags ...völlig egal wie ich die Qualität runter drehe, löst das Problem auch nicht ...zu meiner Hardware sind folgende Komponenten verbaut,

Rtx strix 4080 oc I7 12700k /360 Aio LC II Strix 4x8 DDR 4 3600 Trindent Royal CL 16, XMP 1 Z690 A D4 Wifi Strix BIOS 3101 Win 11 23h2 GeForce Treiber aktuell

15:12 UTC


Higher Fps with higher resolution?

My cpu is currently limiting my gpu from reaching 100%. Cpu about 90-100%(12400f) Gpu about 50-65%(rx 7800xt) I Play on 1080p I want a 1440p Monitor because this gpu is not for 1080p. Logical is that the Gpu would just take a bit more % and the frames stay about the same.

BUT is it possible that a 1440p could get me more FPS? Thanks for any answers 😊

23:27 UTC


Low frames with low gpu/cpu usage

Specs: Rx 7800xt 12400f Asrock b660 pro es 4x8GB Corsair Vengeance Rgb Pro 3600mhz ddr4 Corsair 850 watt psu

Hi I have some problem with my cpu/gpu usage. For example: Microsoft Flight Simulator 1080p High Settings(at Airport) Gpu: 50% usage CPU: 60% usage =50 +/- fps

Is there are Problem that is not directly in relation with this 1080 p bottleneck or would a CPU Upgrade fix it? I know it’s an 1440p card but I wanna play on 1080p. Thanks for any answer.

17:45 UTC



Will a 3060ti and a Ryzen 7 5600G bottleneck

1 Comment
16:57 UTC


Why is my neck hurting? Side note - cardio fam history.

1 Comment
23:10 UTC


what do change

1 Comment
23:02 UTC


will a 5 5600x paired with a 4060 OC 8G have much bottlenecking?

21:39 UTC


Rtx 4070 Super with AMD Ryzen 5 4500 6-core processor

I’m looking at getting an rtx 4070 super for Minecraft Shaders and I just wanted to know if my Ryzen 5 4500 would bottleneck the gpu.

00:50 UTC


Volcanic Vineyards of the Canary Islands

23:18 UTC


Could seawater rice determine the future of food security?

23:36 UTC


i3-7100 with a 2060 super

I used to have a 1050 and now upgraded my gpu to a 2060 super. I feel that my pc is bottlenecking because i get lower frames now then ever, and my internet is also effected by it. idk if its bc of bottlenecking since i also moved house. I have around 350$ to buy a new cpu and motherboard and want to ask what kind of cpu would not limit my pc at all.

I do intent to be able to record videos and/or stream. I just want to know what cpu to buy without buying one that will make thing worse.

01:59 UTC


I9-9900k 4070ti

So I recently upgraded to the 4070 ti and when I was researching about the product I had looked into bottlenecking which I knew about before but was not sure about how much it could actually affect you performance and before buying I plugged it into one of the calculators and it said around 30% which at the time I wasn't sure if that would be a big bottleneck.

So I get the graphics card and while im waiting I watch videos on different games that I play were they are getting crazy fps and then I finally get the card install it but am not seeing the same results so is the 30% bottleneck holding me back that much?

I also have a 1080p monitor which ive read is not good for CPU bottlenecks

I would love some opinions on this thank you.

01:26 UTC


Need a cpu suggestion

I'm currently a t3 fortnite professional close to a t2. Which basically means I would want my fps to be maining 240 fps ingame. (Yes I have a 240hz monitor) My current gpu is a rtx 3090 from zotac, and since fortnite is a cpu game. I need some suggestions as my i9 10850k has a huge bottleneck. Also goes up to 50% while playing ranked games. Haven't checked in tournaments, but its most likely 50 - 60%. Could anyone suggest a good intel cpu? Motherboard = ASRock Z490 Extreme4. Obviously the cpu usage is with discord running and spotify or youtube.

21:45 UTC


Bottleneck on cod waronze

Good afternoon, I have a PC with the following specs: i5 11400 f

rtx 3060

16GB RAM (single stick)


Rise Mode water cooler

This same PC is struggling a bit to run COD Warzone. I imagine this config should get at least 120 FPS on low settings, but it's experiencing a bottleneck in the processor, reaching 70-80% usage while the GPU remains at 40-50%. I've optimized Windows, but it seems nothing's helping. Any suggestions?"

19:38 UTC


Ecocivilisation. New subreddit directly related to this one.

Ecocivilisation (reddit.com)

The first thread describes the purpose of the sub.

According to Wikipedia, Ecological civilization is the hypothetical concept that describes the alleged final goal of social and environmental reform within a given society. It implies that the changes required in response to global climate disruption and social injustices are so extensive as to require another form of human civilization, one based on ecological principles.

My own definition would be more like: "any form of human civilisation which has achieved long-term balance with the ecological system in which it is embedded, and is therefore indefinitely sustainable."

The concept has been popularised in China since 2007, when it was adopted as an official goal of the Chinese Communist Party. As yet it has not taken off in the west, and I think this needs to change. The concept therefore needs to be westernised. This probably, but not necessarily, means it needs to be democratised. This is partly because the majority of western society needs to be on board, and partly because insisting on democracy nullifies the inevitable accusations of "ecofascism". Fascism cannot be democratic, because it is unthinkable without the suppression of political opposition. However, some people may also argue that democracy and ecocivilisation are also incompatible, and of course China, which is leading the way on this, is not democratic.

It will help to distinguish from other concepts/subreddits.

/r/degrowth is similar because it is aiming for something similar, but explicitly defines itself in terms of the process going forwards from here, rather than any destination. Specifically, it defines that process as being managed and fair.

This is in direct opposition to /r/collapse, which defines itself in terms of the process going forwards from here being chaotic, unmanaged and inevitably unfair. Collapse does not define any end point either, apart from maybe assuming it is going to be bad. /r/collapse has very little content about what happens after civilisation collapses.

/r/sustainability ought to be almost the same, but that concept and subreddit has major problems. It has been co-opted by believers in infinite economic growth, and is associated with systemic reality-denial. I was banned from that subreddit for repeatedly talking about human overpopulation because, I was told, this “leads to ecofascism”. Sustainability has become synonymous with greenwashing -- it is about maintaining the myth that is possible to keep civilisation as we know it going somehow.

r/DarkFuturology is a free speech zone where people can actually talk about things like overpopulation without being shut down, but it explicitly bans discussion of the sort of positive long-term outcomes that r/collapse organically suppresses.

/r/overpopulation is directly relevant but only covers one aspect of the problem, and /r/bottleneck is even more directly related, since by definition it is about what happens after a collapse in human population numbers.

For now I have only added a minimum of rules. I wish to encourage discussion of everything about the way this sub is set up, apart from the rule that it must be a free speech zone. We must not repeat the cycle of the political left adopting a concept first, rigging all of the definitions and assumptions so they are only acceptable to the left and then suppressing anybody who challenges them. All of our definitions and assumptions must be defensible in open debate. They cannot be based on fantasies that can only maintained by restrictions on free speech. From my perspective, the idea that the Earth is not overpopulated is preposterous, and the idea that we can talk about "sustainability" without talking about restricting fundamentally unsustainable human behaviour is fundamentally wrong-headed. It is a perfect example of how we got into this mess in the first place.

Basically the purpose of this sub is to explore the hypothetical concept of ecocivilisation. We have two primary questions:

(1) What should or could an ecocivilisation look like? How would it be different from civilisation as we know it?

(2) How is it possible to get from here to there.

Both questions must be answered. An answer to (1) which leaves (2) unanswerable is no use to us.

1 Comment
11:44 UTC



01:05 UTC


The new billion dollar battery disruptor!

22:32 UTC


Emissions free cooling. Can we do it?

22:19 UTC


Energy Free Cooling through Physics

04:58 UTC


Which human cultural adaptations are irreversible?

Let's imagine that by 2123 the global population has collapsed back down to below 1 billion. That's a pretty drastic reduction, and it is safe to say that civilisation as we know it cannot possibly survive. By "civilisation as we know it" I mean what Francis Fukuyama declared to be "the end of history" -- western liberal democracy, by which he meant "neoliberal consumerist capitalism". Growth-based economics in general is one example of what cannot survive (obviously, given that die-off is the opposite of growth).

However, we cannot go back to the stone age either. We cannot unlearn agriculture or the phonetic alphabet and we can't destroy all the books or forget how to print them. Books mass-produced in the 20th and 21st centuries may well survive for millenia, and the more important people believe them to be then the more likely it is that they will be retained and copied. That means that all of the most important scientific and philosophical texts will survive.

This way of thinking about this sets up three categories of cultural advances:

(1) Things that can't survive (eg growth based economics and consumerism).

(2) Things that certainly will survive (eg agriculture, writing, books, science).

(3) Things that may or may not survive. By default this is everything else, but it includes some things we consider extremely important, such as democracy, satellites (working ones, anyway) and the internet.

We would each populate these list differently, I suspect. I'd be interested in knowing people's thoughts on this. What technological/cultural phenomena do you think can't survive, what will certainly survive, and what are the most important things that may or may not survive? All three categories are very important in shaping our individual expectations about the future. If growth-based economics can't survive then it will be replaced with something else, and right now not many people have a clear idea of what it will be. The survival or non-survival of the internet has massive implications. Etc...

10:48 UTC

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