All music is welcome - any genre from anywhere, any time - as long as it is collapse-related.
The perfect soundtrack for your personal apocalypse. All genres welcome.
All songs must list artist(s) and title. Reddit follows copyright law pretty closely, and so does this sub.
All songs must have a short description. This can be an essay or a single sentence about where you found it, who they are, how it affects you, etc. But it should be a reason as to why you find it interesting.
All posters must be civil. Arguing about music and musical choices is fine, but let's be adults. Obvious bigotry, trolling, etc. will be removed.
Rules may be added as deemed necessary. Otherwise, have a listen.
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A reminder that it's not going to stop until everyone wises up.
This is a personal fave from my all time favourite band, Oingo Boingo. This is a fan-made video. Thought you collapsniks might approve :-)
Everyone says we've come such a long, long way
We're civilized; isn't that nice?
We've gotten so smart
We know how to blow the whole world apart
But when it comes to the simple things
Like living together...?
When winter comes again, the snow will tell everything.