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We have noticed a few subscribers posting strictly Energy article links.

r/globalcollapse is NOT an Energy website or a "Peak Oil" website, it is a COLLAPSE website with a broad overview of many collapse related topics, including Economics, Finance, Geopolitics, Medicine & Health, Climate, Environment among many others besides Energy.

When posting links, strive for a BALANCE between topics, don't stick to just one area. No more than 25% of your links should be on a given topic area.

Also, if your link is generally contrary to collapse, such as "EIA estimates a Billion Barrels of Oil under the Nevada Desert", it should be tagged as [contrarian].

Posters who do not follow the protocols will be subject to having their links deleted.


2,576 Subscribers


Where are all the butterflies this summer? Their absence is telling us something important | Tony Juniper

22:53 UTC

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