
Photograph via snooOG

We are growing relentlessly, carrying out deforestation and eradication of other species, exhausting fish stocks, using up our resources to the limit and competing over what remains. Instead of converting a diversified biomass into more and more humans who will intensify the process, let's aim for a lower, stable, more mature population. We have the means, we need the will.

Planetary impact ≈ Consumption × Population

The growth of our human population will eventually end somehow, whether we want it or not. But how will it happen? We can stop growing deliberately, of our own accord. Or we can let circumstances beyond our control stop us under conditions much more distasteful than anything we could decide on our own. Overpopulation concerns are about the welfare of humanity and the health of the planet, our only support system.

The only sustainable population is one where the birth rate is a close match for the death rate where humanity's combined impact on the planet can be supported by the planet's biosphere and ecology, a situation that must be stable and balanced. Clearly this is not what we have now. For the sake of ourselves and our planet, recognition of the overpopulation problem, and identifying the best solutions to it, should be one of humanity's top priorities.


  1. No racism. This isn't your personal platform to espouse racist views—either directly or tacitly—via overpopulation. This actually hurts the goal of encouraging planetary sustainability—all of humanity is accountable.

  2. Encouraging murder, eugenics, or forced sterilisation is banned. The solutions to overpopulation involve ways to decrease birth rates and encourage behavioural changes and awareness of our impact on the planet—in a way that is compatible with a free and democratic society. Concepts like mass-murder, eugenics, or sterilisation do not accomplish these goals, and only result in the proprogation of extremist ideologies.

  3. Be excellent to each other. No personal attacks, harassment, or vitriolic commentary. Presenting a kind, rational approach to the problem of overpopulation makes it likelier to convince others of the problem that is human overpopulation.

  4. Don't be stupid. Most conspiracy-related material is not on-topic for a discussion around overpopulation.

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04:43 UTC



Every new mouth needs more biodiverse lands converted to monoculture.

15:09 UTC


Liberals and leftists need to realize that when they refuse to acknowledge overpopulation they are only empowering corporations, billionaires, and religious fundamentalists. If you are too scared to point out the real problem, then you are also guilty of promoting exploitation of the poor.

Sometimes the bitter truth is the only solution in the long run. To all the liberals and leftists who claim they value equality and human rights, you need to wake up and see how big corporations want poor countries to stay overpopulated and poor. How are you going to promote worker's rights when the workforce overwhelms job availability? Even if you are the nicest CEO or business owner, you can't hire every qualified candidates. Most qualified candidate will have to get the short end of the stick. You can have whatever government system installed and scream "revolution" all you want, it will not change the fact most people in the upcoming generation will be jobless no matter how many college degrees they get. When there are too many people in the world, individual rights and equal opportunities will no longer matter. When too many people have been competing too long, they lose their sense of empathy. Even if you can get rid of every billionaire and wealth person, you will still get the same result. When you let the population grow beyond the sensible number, nothing will ever be fair for anyone again.

Currently, most middle class millennials and Gen Zs will probably have to rent or live with their parents for the rest of their lives. If we already have all these problem with 8 billion people, what is going to happen when we reach 10 billion? If your solution for the housing and hunger crisis is to destroy more natural habitat, then what separates you from a god fearing alt-right Republican who denies climate change and hates women's right to their body? Don't even start with the "we need more people to solve our problems" argument. Most of our current problems are due to too many people on this planet in the first place.

14:38 UTC


INDIA NEEDS a one-child policy, and it needs it NOW.

I would like to express myself as directly as possible.

India is the most populated country in the world at the moment.

India needs a one-child policy RIGHT NOW.

It is time for us to REALLY put our familial needs aside for the time being.

Even if the issues that arise out of this do not affect you directly, please, please, think about them.

18:31 UTC


People be like “have as many kids as you want, the more the merrier!” but they also be like “we need to shut down immigration, because there are too many people here!”

You be hearing the same people saying things like “yeah we can fit everyone on earth in Texas, therefore there is no such thing as overpopulation!” They completely ignore the fact that everyone has to consume resource and produce waste. Too many people on this planet, regardless of citizenship status, will put a huge strain on the environment. You need to destroy more natural habitat to build more houses and make room for farms. The destruction of biodiversity will be irreversible. Consequently, this will screw up earth’s natural recycling processes. No amount of imaginary monoply money can fix that. At that point, all we gonna get in the end is over 10 billion people living in absolute misery. The truth is there is still time to prevent all that if population growth remain stable. The so called “population collapse” is more like popultjon stabilization. Some people are just mad about “population collapse” because they cant treat women like baby incubators like the “good old days”. The people who want every family to have 5 or more kids dont see women or children as people.

15:38 UTC


It is scary to think that our population still managed to reach 8 billion despite inflation, young people going childfree, and lack of resource.

If population growth can explode in some of the poorest regions on earth, then human population will overshoot well beyond 11 or 12 billion if the government encourage more reproduction. It looks like both sides of the political spectrum are using "population collapse" to scare people into supporting their agenda. The right wingers aim to take away reproductive rights so they can finally achieve their theocratic wet-dream. The left tries to use "population collapse" to promote more government spending on child-bearing and childcare. Both political camp want the population to explode while ignoring the devastating consequences.

00:18 UTC


Food Production and Population Growth - Daniel Quinn

16:07 UTC


People who insist that countries "must" maintain or increase their human populations...

... Or "face disaster" are alarmists with zero substance. Every time they are confronted, you could go point by (vague, overblown) point and refute every single one of them with a viable, workable solution. They don't care. They are impervious to logic or reason. They insist population must continue increasing not because they really believe in what they say, because if they thought about it for a nano-second, they'd realize the only reason why we have such large "aging" populations now is because people in the past used the same "logic": "just keep growing and let the future generations deal with it. Not our problem."

These growthists insist on this lie most likely because they want to have a boatload of kids and want to feel morally justified in doing so -- like they're "maintaining the [health of the] economy" by doing what they already wanted to do anyway... These are the "sleeper agents" the always-grow-no-matter-what propaganda works best on. These people don't even know they're "sleeper agents", which is the saddest part. They also insist they're "thinking for themselves" even though it's uncanny how identical the words they use are to all the mainstream articles about this topic. They repeat the same (hollow, substance-less) talking points word-for-word. Not only do they not think for themselves, they have someone else think for them about a topic they already decided they don't want to think too closely about because it might turn out that their desire to have six (or more) kids isn't compatible with creating a healthy world for them and their descendants to live in.

21:38 UTC


We need a third chart for population growth since 1900 as well.

Population growth has increased 5x since 1900

I repeat: 5x population growth in only a century and 24 years. This is not healthy and not sustainable long term for our own environment.

18:30 UTC


Paul Ehrlich Quote

“Saying “it’s only consumption, it’s not the number of people that counts” is like saying “the area of a rectangle is determined only by its width, not by its length”. Certainly, consumption is a big problem. So is population size. The two multiply together to give you your impact on your life support systems.”


14:13 UTC


How many Canadians are on here?

Two or three years ago, most Canadians would've scoff at the idea of "overpopulation". In 2024, most Canadians would agree with the things that are said on this sub. National Bank of Canada literally stated that Canada is in a "population trap" which occurs when overpopulation impede economic growth. If the rest of the world doesn't learn from Canada, then there is no hope for a better future.

18:09 UTC


So what about Africa?

Its population went from just 220 Million in 1950 to 1460 Million today and is expected to reach some 4 Billion by 2100. So many people - so quickly - are a destabilizing force for the continent as well as other continents.

Many people here whine about overconsumption - while not caring about this elephant in the room. But the amount of new people being born there is far more concerning than anything else.

There is no humane way to solve this crisis. When climate change famines really start to be felt, much of the continent will sink into chaos and hundreds of Millions will try to get to other continents. If these dont defend themselves they will be swept away by the flood.

Population growth in Africa could quickly become the most pressing and dangerous event in the 21st century.

07:00 UTC


Aren't humans and nature just gonna naturally evolve to better deal with climate change and overpopulation so all we have to do is just thug it out until we do?

Nature been evolving for billions if years. And when a creatures environment has been changed. It will naturally evolve to be better suited towards it. So all we have to do is just wait until we evolve to better deal with the changing climate. Am I missing something?

23:14 UTC


Population Media Center - Population 8 Billion

19:11 UTC


Europe’s boomtowns warn that far-right anti-immigration policies will stunt growth

The reason why the most wasteful, resource-hungry regions of the world still has a growing population, despite below-replacement fertility.

We have become a cancerous growth. Cursed to forever grow, lest we perish.


12:37 UTC


Best book about overpopulation?

18:25 UTC


Bill Burr Tackles The Population Problem | Netflix Is A Joke

18:03 UTC


Update: India

My worst nightmares have come true. Traffic congestion is getting serious in villages, towns, and small cities. Many cities are facing Serious water shortages. Places get more crowded.

Everything is getting expensive. Employment is getting harder ( Upcoming AI will make it worse) .

There is no room for error. And no future for the average and under performers. No fresh air to breathe. Everything is polluted.No land left for houses.

But no human addresses the problem and hence the population is yet increasing.

19:34 UTC


How do you talk to normies about overpopulation?

I have an environmental background and can’t help but occasionally bring up overpopulation. Generally when someone starts talking about the rate we are using natural resources or how low population growth in certain developed nations is hurting the economy.

The problem is either:

A) I make people depressed as fuck and kill the mood.

B) If someone has kids or wants kids they sometimes take it as a personal attack. I have a kid and that fact appears to wind some people up even more.

Over the last six months I pretty much stopped bringing it up and when pushed on the matter I just say my views are pretty bleak and don’t want to share.

10:25 UTC


I’ve got a winner right here

And the overall intelligence of our world continues to decrease as dolts such as this are allowed to reproduce.

16:08 UTC


I have children - can I talk about overpopulation?

As a father of 3, I am reluctant to discuss overpopulation. I don’t regret my children, I’ve just come to realize this issue in the last few years. I know ecological overshoot is the overarching predicament but I don’t think I have a say somehow since I have children.

12:45 UTC


Practical ways we can all contribute to depopulation

What are some practical ways we can all contribute to depopulation? We can vote for policies that discourage reproduction, such as providing financial incentives for sterilisation or implementing population control measures.

Individually when we speak to others in real life or online we can promote antinatalist philosophies and encouraging people to choose not to have children.

12:13 UTC


Has any of the users of this sub had any experience in South Korea?

Have you felt overpopulation in South Korea as well?

I am a South Korea nationality, and I feel that South Koreans are generally overpopulation deniers and have a lot of ethnic natalists.

09:20 UTC


Hate to say it. This reality dystopia tops the dystopia in The Handmaid's Tale and The Walking Dead

We have a billionaire, who is probably the most influential person in the world, telling people to have kids, which somehow (without any explanation) equates to "saving the world". 😂 He probably thinks he's Tony Stark or Bruce Wayne. I think he's more like Lex Luthor and Alpha from the Walking Dead, a total sociopath.

Question: How many liberals or leftists still have respect for him? Nowadays the only people who likes him are rightists and white supremacists.

11:22 UTC


Human Perspectives on Population Size (In other sub, the perspective is different from here)

05:51 UTC

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