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Toxic work culture and snitching

Please bear with the long post, there are multiple layers to what I’m dealing with. Venting but also looking for advice.

I have ADHD and sometimes have trouble filtering out what I say at my job and accidentally say inappropriate things. It’s not so bad where I say things in front of customers or anything and it’s rare. It’s usually only around people I know well, but it’s typically sexual innuendos (I know) not directed towards anyone. It happens about once a year where someone overhears and goes to report it to my manager or HR. This time during my lunch break I made a sexual innuendo about being vegetarian but only eating salami after midnight.

I’ve been trying to stop these things from coming out but when I’m around friends at work I’ve blurted out sexual jokes that weren’t directed at anyone. The other thing is, in the country I come from we are a lot more open/tolerant about these things.

The culture at my job is vindictive and there are people who try to make a name for themselves by reporting things. It happened again this week and I overheard the people who reported it gloating. The man that reported me said “yea b**ch, you better watch what you say since you don’t know how to talk appropriately at work”.

I feel targeted and kind of want to report it to HR. It shows the hypocritical nature of what goes on in our work culture... Is this a good idea or is there a better way to handle it? HR hasn’t gotten involved yet but I’m leery of sparking blowback on me if I report the comments made about me. What’s the best approach.

16:45 UTC


Swiggy's (Indian food delivery app) weekly ranking system links the delivery workers" health benefits to their performance scores, which means that their access to insurance depends on how well they meet weekly target

16:32 UTC


How to avoid burnout

Ive spoken to a few coworkers about this.

Some say i need to stop caring so much. Ive stopped on some levels, like im not going to fix my coworkers bs even if it presents as a safety hazard. It still bothers me due to safety reasons but whenever i bring it up to the managers, nothing ever changes. So now im not fixing it and so far nothing has happened. We were told we could get write ups for this hazard but so far no one seems to care

Others told me to take “me time.” Example: the coworker in question no longer works saturdays and she does what she wants then. I dont have a problem with my schedule tho and i dont have kids to worry about on my days off so i already technically have “me time,” though maybe im not doing it right?

Others tell me theyre looking for another job. This place is like a revolving door. The work is easy enough (mind numbing really) but theres so much of it its overwhelming and corporate keeps raising quotas. Im looking at other jobs but not having any luck.

Im falling hard and fast

16:21 UTC


Question about, well, work management in American companies.

In this sub-reddit, on others and I don't know how many videos on TikTok I hear a multitude of stories of people who were not granted time off work because a DISASTER would have happened if that particular person had been missing that day. Some very important deadline or similar would have been missed, which in a sort of avalanche effect would have led the company to disaster.

I think it's just an excuse to not allow time off work, but it's repeated so many times that I wondered: is it possible that American companies are so dysfunctional that a simple absence is disastrous? Or are they like crazed hamsters on a wheel who have to produce produce produce, and a simple snag would send the hamster flying out the window? I was reading the productivity comparison between Germany and the USA. In the former, employees are paid better and have more free time, yet productivity is comparable to that of the latter. That is, in the USA they work harder but badly?

16:15 UTC


Only 30% of eligible GenZ voted last election. If 100% of GenZ and Millennials voted, Rep/Cons CAN NOT WIN. GenX is 50/50 on which candidate, GenZ and Millennials are majority Democrat. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!

16:12 UTC


Job wont pay me my sick time

At my job we accrue paid sick hours over time, and I used 10 of mine in February after catching a cold. This was early February and im still waiting on that money to show up in my paycheck, even though they told me that my request to use that time has already been approved, do I have any recourse or do I have to just wait until they give it to me? My ukg account shows that those hours have been deducted from my total, but I still havent been paid for them.

1 Comment
16:11 UTC


“Quitting without notice because she didn’t get her way isn’t exactly professional”

16:06 UTC


Explain like I'm five why students and immigrants get preferential hiring in fast food, retail and service work

All right folks hear me out on this, I swear this isn't a racist tirade. On the occasion that I still get takeout, and whenever I'm at the shops, I notice that the staff is disproportionately students and immigrants. Which is fine, you know, everybody needs a job these days even if it's crap job. You know I'd love to see these jobs pay a living wage but that's not really part of this discussion.

But what I'm trying to get at is that there have been several times when I'm between jobs and I apply for a position with a fast food, service or retail place that's hiring and I never get a call back.

I mean all these companies are always complaining that "nobody wants to work anymore" and "sorry, we can't stay open full hours because nobody showed up to work," etc., meanwhile here I am a college-educated white guy who is just looking for some part-time work and I can't get a call back.

I promise you this isn't a grievance post, this is just me being slightly confounded and curious how it's possible that employers can simultaneously complain that they can't find anybody who wants to work for them meanwhile their preferred hiring pool seems to be composed of the least experienced workers with the quest schedule availability and the least commitment to staying for an extended period of time.

What am I missing here? Wouldn't these companies be happy if they had a full-time staff of people that knew how to do the job versus a revolving door of students and other newcomers to the country? In the long-term, isn't it more expensive to be constantly training wave after wave of new workers?

I just don't quite understand the strategy or the logic in the mind of these employers. Do they prefer to be constantly recruiting hiring and training because they like having a workforce that doesn't know it's rights and can be easily pushed around?

And yes I understand that I am only a sample size of one so clearly I don't have all the information but the perception is definitely that there are a number of businesses that seem to prefer a constant stream of inexperienced workers versus an established team of workers.

I'm really not here to complain about missed work opportunities. I'm fine. Just trying to understand if my perception is off or, if I'm correctly seeing what's in front of me, why it happens this way?

15:57 UTC


Illegal? Probably. Scummy as hell? Very yes.

15:55 UTC


I have reason to believe my company is stealing incentive pay from employees. What do I do?

15:54 UTC


Reminder of Inflation over your life

Do you remember growing up with the idea that a 6 figure income is really where the American dream was achieved? Yeah, that's 250k now... There is no "good economy" for the majority of people because wages have not kept up.

I am so sick of the good economy narrative. The workers don't benefit from a good economy that doesn't reflect that in their wages.

15:54 UTC


What to do if they ask for a doctor’s excuse?

I’ve been sick this morning, throwing up and on the toilet and called the place I work at to tell them I can’t come today. They told me that I need a doctor’s excuse. What do I do? I don’t think going all the way to the doctor’s for that is necessary, but I also don’t want to get fired or anything..I rarely even call out.

15:29 UTC


They can take it all away from you

If you think you're safe, you're probably not.

Even with 'secure' employment, the rug can get pulled from underneath you very quickly, by your employer or, in this case, by a random move from a regulatory body.

It's a sad reality which means we all have to stay on our toes if we want to do work which compensates us enough to have a good life outside the office.

Further thoughts here:


15:21 UTC


Why are so many job posts cringe

Multilayer interview process and asking yourself if you’re up for the challenge (they also joked they never sleep, probably not a joke). For FIVE DOLLARS AN HOUR LMAO.

Another job posting didn’t even hide the fact you’d be working your ass off, “have high accountability for a large volume of work.” 🙄

Why do so many jobs already suck just from reading the ad description. Def doesn’t make me want to apply.

15:16 UTC


Just a quick rant

I left my job of three years because I kept getting my chain pulled about raises, increased benefits, bonuses, etc. I was always told that they are a growing company and putting in all the processes in place to make sure everything is done accordingly and to mature the business.

After my third year review I got the same story once again and was pissed. Especially since there was no bonus and no communications as to why there was nothing.

After that heartbreak, I decided to talk to the recruiters that message me on LinkedIn all the time and took a much better position for my career, and then put in a four week notice.

My old job just didn’t care that I was leaving, no counter offer, no exit interview, no one really reached out and tried anything. That is what made me feel worse than anything. The only people who were sad at my departure were the clients that I worked with during my time who added me on LinkedIn to stay in touch.

After I left, the old company reached out to tell me about my NDA NDC and other things I signed because they are scared I may take employees and clients away from them. Which I don’t care to do or deal with. But it shows their negative thoughts and resentments.

Recently I saw that their employees are constantly looking at my LinkedIn to see where I left them to, but jokes on them I won’t update it for months to mess with them.

Sorry for the rant, but man do I hate these childish companies who only brag about how well their business is doing, but bulk at compensating the employees that make all of that happen.

15:10 UTC


Life expectancy falls off steeply in the poorest pockets of America

15:03 UTC


Minimum wage wouldn’t be that bad if you weren’t treated like garbage

I realize people need a certain amount of money to live, but what I hear people complain about the most and what seems to make them the most miserable in their jobs is not pay but how they’re treated.

The management I’ve heard of at countless minimum wage jobs is beyond unbelievable. I’m talking hiring family members (that won’t do their job) against company policy, trying to make college or even high school students work during class hours, using their employees to fight with the other managers, etc. It’s absurd.

This is all paired with no benefits, no promotions or raises for the long-term employees, almost no control over your schedule, and generally being told you’re replaceable. Of course no one wants to work a job like that.

What do you think? Would you be more willing to work minimum wage if you felt genuinely valued by your company and were rewarded for doing good work?

13:54 UTC


Dose anyone else hate these test questions?

I’m currently on a job hunt, dose anyone else hate these dystopian fucking questions they give you on the optional test thing? Like:

“You are unloading materials but it’s cold outside and your gloves are making it difficult to handle the materials. What do you do?

a) take off the gloves in order to better complete your duty.

b) put you’re own comfort before the completion of your duty.

c) bother your supervisor

d) build a fire

13:51 UTC


Job forcing us to work 2 hours more everyday

This is more of a venting post. I am returning back to work after being on maternity leave for a couple months (unpaid, because they don’t offer paid leave at all). A coworker of mine was nice enough to give me a heads up about changes that she heard from a manager. The company is now forcing certain locations to either stay open 2 hours later, or to come in 2 hours earlier. The hours at this place are already horrendous to say that it’s a bank. This bank stays open until 6pm m-w, until 7pm th-f, and until 6pm on a Saturday. They have hired this new manager that does not do what he’s supposed to all. He has been trained and doesn’t want to retain any of the information, bc he feels like we are there to do the work, and he’s there to make sure “we don’t get out of line.” He puts his work load on all of us, and leaves early frequently throughout the week. Apparently our location is on the list for the hour changes, because the goals set for us have not been met (bc the manager does not work, he will literally come into work and sit at his desk on the phone with his wife for most of the day.)

I honestly hate this job so much but feel so stuck here. It’s hard to find childcare, because most places close at 5 or 6 and I get off at that time. My finance also gets off at 6, but works an hour away. Before the change, I probably could’ve managed to finish up my work early and get out of there 15 minutes early to pick up my child. It just sucks because there’s no places around there paying anything close to what I would need to maintain my household and remote jobs are very hard to come by.

I just hate how our schedule depends upon the work ethic of management. They give our location one goal, and even if your personal goal is met, if everyone doesn’t meet their goal, you suffer. Everyone is eligible to get written up, even if you do what you’re supposed to. I think what really pissed me off is that before he arrived, we hit our goals. He came and said he didn’t want us doing things the way we did them. He wanted us to do it his way. So now he’s here and his way is literally just sitting on his ass bragging about how much he makes. We have reported this several times as to why goal isn’t being met, but nothing has been done. We just get told that we need to work longer and make up for it. Really wish I were in a better position to find another job.

Whew that was a lot. Just needed to say (type) it out loud as I don’t have many people to vent to about it.

13:25 UTC


Got fired for the first time. Just need to vent

I’ve been working in my industry for 11+ years. Been a manager for 5+, and was at my current company for 2 years.

Always been considered a good performer. Never really had any employment concerns or issues.

Then last Wednesday we had a team meeting to discuss an upcoming client presentation. This was to be a 50 slide deck with lots of info. The call was scheduled for an hour.

After about 10 mins, the person who was leading the call was looking to wrap it up and we can check in next week. There were really no next steps and people were messaging me asking if I could speak up, so I did… I wasn’t rude but I just started asking questions and tried getting others to engage. We ended up using the entire hour and people pinged me afterwards thanking me for getting people to talk.

About an hour after that my manager, who wasn’t on the call, calls me and says she heard feedback that I was rude and disrespectful to the person who led the call. I explained that I could understand someone being “annoyed” but all I did was use the time we had scheduled to ask questions, brainstorm, etc. She said ok and that we’d all connect the next day.

Not feeling too great about the vibe. I asked some people if they would send their opinions on the call. 3 people reached out to my manager in support of the call…

Even though I felt I wasn’t rude to anyone, I still sent a message to the person who organized the call apologizing if I made her feel uncomfortable. No response.

Next day. It’s oddly silent. My manager hasn’t gotten back to me or anyone else. Then a 15 min meeting suddenly appears on my calendar. After some snooping, I could tell she was meeting with HR.

I figured it would be a hand slap, but instead I just got on and they said “based on the feedback we received yesterday, we will be terminating your employment as of today due to attitude concerns.”

My manager, who I’ve worked with for two years, would not let me explain my side or go over the notes sent from half the call. Basically I was just told the decision is final so don’t bother trying to make a case.

After the call, I was disconnected from everything. I heard from friends that they had a call immediately afterwards to tell the team. I heard that my direct reports started to cry, people were in shock, and no one understood why.

Since then I’ve had clients and colleagues reach out with positive words and offers to be referrals. Really kind stuff.

The thing that really sticks out for me was the coldness of my manager. I get that if you decide to terminate someone you have to be very formal, but I had worked with her for two years. We had been on trips together for work. We discussed each others family’s and were mostly friendly. The fact that one side of the story was enough for me to get fired in less than 24 hours is mind blowing to me.

I’ve heard rumors since that senior leadership has been looking to cut costs without doing formal “layoffs” so it sounds like they are just looking for a reason to fire people.

Obviously nervous about the job market but what really hurts right now is just the complete lack of decency and respect. I regularly worked 50 hour weeks. Was very flexible on taking on extra work but in the end I was just a number they could check off.

I always thought if I got fired I would see the writing on the wall. Very clear that things were going downhill. I literally didn’t think this was a possibility until maybe the morning I got fired.

Just really bummed that I’ll never get to work with so many of my colleagues again. I guess it also reinforces that HR solely serves the company and not the individual….

Oh well.. hopefully it’s all for the best in the long run

13:17 UTC


TL;DR Working at a dealership with a shitty finance department and with zero cars sales training. Am I a bad sales person or is it the dealership?

To start, I recently got a job at a Kia store in the state that I live in. I am not going to disclose where for privacy reasons.

I will just start by saying that I got hired on with no experience in carsales, so this whole thing is a new language to me. I am a female and the guy who hired me (my sales manager) said that I would be replacing a top-producer, who is also a female, as she is moving to another state. She averages about 22 car sales a month and it is expected that I take on that level of production when she leaves, which is less than 1 month from now. Mind you, she had 1 and a half years of experience in car sales prior to working at our kia store when she was hired 2 years ago, and she was also trained at her previous store (apparently she couldn't sell a car for her first month at the last store as she had to shadow someone during that time-I was literally thrown on the floor at this store and expected to produce immediately after finishing some training modules that taught me nothing). There is also another guy who works there and he is a top-producer too, but also couldn't sell a car for his first month when he firs started too as he also had to shadow someone-he started 4 years ago, but it was under different management at that time. Both of these employees have sales certificates as well and I am not nor was there ever any direction on how to do so.

The other issue I am running into is that financing takes so long. We can't desk our own deals at this place so we are at the mercy of the finance department, which is Just our two sales managers running the show and no one else. Financing takes HOURS and I have lost customers because of this (like literally 3 hours minimum. Meanwhile the senior sales people somehow seem to get their customers in and out faster-are the managers possibly prioritizing their deals over the newbies?).

Not only that, but when someone comes to our lot and "is just looking", and wants to see what their monthly payments will be, instead of handling the objectionn and turning those people into customers, the sales manager won't even bother getting that information. I literally had a customer today who had already completed her credit application and was interested in a few cars but wanted to see figures first before moving on to something else, and as soon as she told my sales manager that she was "just looking", he went back to his desk and we waited for literally 30 minutes. I went over to him and asked him if he had the numbers, and he said "no she's just looking"- I told him that we are going to sell her a car-she wants to buy. Finally he got the numbers and we closed the deal.Their main fear in that above situation is that the customer is going to go to a different store and try to get a better price for the same car. It's assinign and absolutely losing us so much money every month.

Another major issue is that I often hear my sales Manger complaining from the tower that he has all these sales people that don't know what the fuck they're doing, but yet has provided zero training, given vague advice, and switched his story around so many times on what to say and what not to say. We also aren't allowed to talk price with custumers and instead have to rebuttal with some bullshit response like "Mr. Custumer, the hardest part of my job is finding the best car that works for you. After that, the numbers just seem to work themselves out" if the customer asks what his total payments will be and how much the car is, which is retarded, because if I were the custumer and my price question wasn't answered, I'd fucking walk.

All in all, I have been there for 6 weeks now. I have sold 5 cars so far, but feel I could be doing SO much better if I had proper training and wasn't being run by a shitty management team who seem to put more stock in the top-producing employees that were trained before working under that management, instead of also focusing on the newer employees. I have a lot of potential and have learned a lot on my own. But I feel I am missing out on major income by working at this store instead of another dealership that will actually train me, but it's also hard to find car sales jobs without prior experience. So I am stuck between feeling like if I stick it out, I will gain enough experience to move on to a better store but if I stay, I'm doing myself a disfavor.

I guess I am mainly writing this to get advice from other sales people who have had similar experiences, what you did, and what you suggest I do. I am limited on what I can do as a sales person due to management. Any suggestion would be helpful.

1 Comment
12:36 UTC


Is this retaliation? (OSHA)

My significant other filed a complaint to osha on my behalf. My coworkers immediately were interested in the identity of the complainant and were texting each other about it/contacting previous employees to ask them. I am being socially ostracized and isolated. No one is talking to me and I am not included in conversations pertaining to upcoming osha inspections. Everyone else seems to know my supervisor’s plans.

My supervisor held a meeting where they stated the complainant is obviously someone in here. (They aren’t) At the end of the meeting, they said “I thought we were a team but I guess not,” fostering negative behavior. Two employees, including my boss have unfriended me on Facebook and Instagram when we were previously “friends”. However, my boss remains “friends” with the rest of my coworkers.

I have also overheard a coworker talking with my boss where the coworker said they know who the complainant was and was looking for a way to have them fired. The coworker was telling my boss to talk to HR. I’m pretty sure my boss has talked to corporate and knows they are unable to fire anyone. My coworkers are being stupid. I have been documenting every interaction like this. I am in the process of contacting a lawyer, but I feel that since these actions are so small, I won’t have much of a case.

I dread going to work because no one is talking to me. I’m seeking therapy and am having sleep disturbances because of the high stress. I know that none of this would have happened had a complaint not been filed.

11:48 UTC


Just got hired and struggling to acclimate

Hey guys! Don’t know if this is an appropriate space to write this but I am looking for feedback (ie what would you do in this situation). Keep in mind, I don’t have the privilege to up and leave without something lined up for me. But here it goes…

I just started working for a community health clinic and the person that hired me dropped out of the face of the earth on my first day. Now I am left with a regional director who has a lot on her plate, a community team lead who is overwhelmed and does not have the time to train (they keep harping on their personal life which I try to empathize to an extent but at the end of the day, how can I help them if I have no information on the proper channels and directives), and then another colleague who I replaced basically left with what was supposed to be my key to access the building. This predecessor makes the backhanded comment that because they have grown as an organization, they are able to hire me but if they were a start up, I would not be hired.

So yeah, that’s where my dilemma is. I struggle with asking too much for help because I don’t want to be seen as “somebody with learned helplessness,” but I also want to make sure that I have some working knowledge for immediate tasks. Right now, I am just finishing up those training modules that are 10 years outdated and I am basically networking in the office to figure out who are the people I can trust.

I really like this job because of the creativity and education piece of it (former teacher here), but I am not sure if I am getting the support that I need to succeed. I am starting my second week next week.

1 Comment
12:06 UTC


The reason i keep a separate phone from work

These people love sending work messages related on weekends, not specifically to me but the damn phone keep buzzing this was all sunday, i wish i could tell them to fucking remove me from that fucking group, made the mistake on bringing that phone home, will sure leave it there over the weekend

11:03 UTC


I accidentally sent an email intended for a potential employer to my work group.

I was going to send an email applying for an open position in a different company. I wrote the email on my WhatsApp, copied it and was going to paste it on my account, but accidentally posted it on my team group chat, I immediately deleted it but the notification still remains. I called my boss immediately and told him honestly what I was upto and how I feel. He said we can talk about it tomorrow and no worries. I feel extremely stupid, idk what to do, I’m scared I’m might get fired now. I feel psyched and embarrassed and idk what to do now.

10:54 UTC


What are we doing?

All this talk and blame and frustration with the economy and these giant corporations...

And what are we doing? NOTHING.

I don't even blame government anymore I blame the people. The public is way too complacent brain dead and brainwashed.

Oh I don't have time to go and protest and fight issues... I have this job and all these bills..SO WHAT! It won't just magically change by continuing to go through the motions.

If we want true change we need to leave our jobs our bills unite and fight!

We the people have the power to stop the world in a flick of a wrist. But, just gotta make this end's meet(fake) just gotta.

We are getting exactly what we deserve.

So learn to get comfortable in your bed because it's the one we made.

09:57 UTC


Seen at a Holiday Inn ( UK )

Why have a 10 point scale then?

14:15 UTC

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