California, the Golden State. 40 million strong.
California, the Golden State. 40 million strong.
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California’s population is finally increasing — thanks to this demographic
The metro areas of LA and San Francisco combined have 3 times the population of the country of New Zealand, but have built only as much new housing as NZ. What can we learn from New Zealand?https://www.theatlantic.com/podcasts/archive/2024/12/housing-crisis-new-zealand/680940/
I am new to doing business in California, I am wondering if most businesses would accept Resale Certificate from purchasers?
As a small new gamer I am not going to purchase directly from the sources like factory or the brand for now, so I am wondering when I purchase from stores if I can use a Resale Certificate to avoid paying any sales or use tax as I am not the end consumer? Will some of the businesses not accept it for some reason?
Thank you very much!
I skip Napa Valley and head to Paso Robles instead. It's California's best-kept secret for wine lovers. https://www.businessinsider.com/paso-robles-wine-california-hidden-gem-2024-10
Walters: California homeowners gain large wealth while others are priced out https://www.mercurynews.com/2024/10/26/walters-california-homeowners-gain-large-wealth-while-others-are-priced-out/
Thousands of new homes promised for this high desert corner of California https://www.sfgate.com/california-news/article/thousands-new-homes-promised-high-desert-calif-19874546.php
She fights for affordable housing in the Inland Empire. Now she's fighting to keep a roof over her head https://calmatters.org/housing/2024/10/affordable-housing-inland-empire/
A century ago, Southern California wasn’t all that beachy https://ktla.com/news/local-news/a-century-ago-socal-wasnt-all-that-beachy/
All year is fire season, now, after so many drought years.
Sea lions are driving La Jolla into a frenzy. Your beach town might be next https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-10-17/la-me-sea-lions-la-jolla