For fans of the rock band Weezer. Current members: Rivers Cuomo, Brian Bell, Scott Shriner, Patrick Wilson
For fans of the rock band Weezer. Current members: Rivers Cuomo, Brian Bell, Scott Shriner, and Patrick Wilson.
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Events for r/Weezer (Now updated to link to Old Reddit)
Weezer Community Playlist
The Weezer Community Playlist is a playlist to which members of r/weezer has contributed to. We are now closed for submissions, thank you for contributing. Still consider giving it a listen as recommendations from fellow Weezer fans!
I like to think that Tragic Girl is in a way either a What If Scenario where Pinkerton has the chance to talk to Cho Cho San(and where she didn't die) one last time or Pinkerton projecting a dream scenario on his mind, while grieving for her death and what he wished he could say to her if he ever could see and met her again.
Butterfly is in a way the last moments of such toxic and destructive love breaking apart one last time and Tragic Girl is the aftermath of such destruction but now by Pinkerton perspective entirely and how he has to live lonely, how the ideolized life he wished he could have with Cho Cho was the reality we live in, even though it's harsh and unperfect, it's worth living and is beautiful if you work your way on making such relationship and happiness being alive.
Pork and beans am I right
I’ve seen them on tour but I’m curious how they compare at festivals. They’re playing one near me next week and I’m considering going but I’ve never been crazy about the festival clips or setlists I’ve seen. I figured maybe it’s different in person
I used to think of Weezer just as the funny Buddy Holly band but after actually listening to the entire of The Blue Album I listened to some of Pinkerton and The Green Album and I think I love them.
Still need to know each of the members by name and instrument like I did with blink-182 (self-made tradition)
but if you have any suggestions on what i should do as a new weezer fan, please do tell me.
i was just searching random people on this and then i saw this. go onto famousbirthdays.com, type rivers cuomo, and click boost
One of my favorite albums
I rearranged and rerecorded Beverly Hills to match the style of songs like Undone and El Scorcho. The vocals are from both the original Make Believe track and the early BH demo. Let me know what you think!
It's a slow and sad Weezer song (narrows it down, I know) with the repeated lyric of "When I get home". I think one of the lines is "When I get home I'll take off my wet clothes" or maybe "all my clothes" not sure. I've been searching for it and trying to google lyrics with no success.
It's possible it's not a Weezer song, but the vocalist sounds just like Rivers at least in my head. Please help D:
EDIT: I found it! It's "When I get home" By Billy Cobb, AKA Cobbtimus Prime
like, I'm not even kidding. my spotify only shows the japanese version while all my friends from other countries get the normal version. what has changed about it?
Because im a girl, most people assume i like taylor swift. I do but shes not my favorite.. WEEZER IS! =w=. Funnily enough, weezer is my no.1 artist and taylor is my 3rd on spotify.
It's my personal favorite Weezer song, it just makes me feel really happy idk why 😭
i dont know if there’s like drawings rivers had made of them or something like that but i’m curious on what you guys think..
I’m a new Weezer fan, and I’ve been starting to actually go through all there discography while driving. I wasn’t expecting much from Hurley, since not a lot of people talk about it, but I absolutely love brave new world. The melody and lyrics are just so amazing to me.
Like dude, why mention it but not include it?