Jimmy Eat World: A reddit community
A reddit for all things Jimmy Eat World related.
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Jimmy Eat World is an alternative rock band from Mesa, Arizona formed in 1993 featuring the members Jim Adkins, Zach Lind, Tom Linton and Rick Burch.
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My husband was tasked with getting my tickets for Dublin because I was in work... he forgot and now sold out!! I'm waiting soooo long to see Jimmy Eat world again, devistated
Is Pol Roger simply epic or is it just me?
The drums!
The long build!
The single picked guitar notes!
The quiet parts!
The soaring guitar parts!
Then the song hits 4:15 mark and goes ballistic!
The long outro!
Just wow. 🤩
Okay this has probably been put in the sub before and I’m high and I’m listening to the song and yeah….
It’s the perfect way to close clarity, it catches many of the vibes caught in the other songs in the album. It’s just such a perfect song and I can’t fathom how it’s even possible for a song this beautiful can even exist.
There’s the crunchy guitars and bass for the first few minutes of the song which features some of Jim’s best vocals and then when it gets into the instrumentation the transition is flawless. It starts slow and it slowly gets more and more intense but the add the extra layers very subtly until it’s exploding and then it’s just skipping into your ears as it closes out and it’s such a moving experience and it might be my favourite fucking song ever.
This probably has been posted before but it’s too good to be buried. https://youtu.be/jtPvuMDYJz4?si=Ix31es8VPhtdNjip
We all know that Jimmy Eat World is the best band of all time, but I wanna hear y'all's top 3 rock/alt/emo songs and how they compare to your top 3 Jimmy Eat World songs. For me, this would be:
From J.E.W:
From other bands:
I will first preface this with the confession that I don't listen to the self-titled album or Static Prevails enough to have a well-informed opinion on those two, so my thoughts only reflect Clarity forward.
For me:
Favorite song on least favorite album: Damage
Least favorite song on favorite album: Night Drive
That verse is bringing pain And that chorus is brooding hope
it is well documented at this point that both jim and tom have been rocking quite heavy strings for years now, but does anyone know when they started this? was clarity recorded with heavy strings? did tom have 13's on the rickenbacker before it left the stable? perhaps a silly question but i was wondering if anyone had insight on this
I’ve been obsessed with this album lately and it feels like most people either forget about it or actively dislike it. In my eyes its their third best album (4th if we’re counting Stay On My Side Tonight which despite only being 3 original songs is probably my favorite thing they’ve done) behind Clarity and Futures and it’s nearly on par with them. It feels like a more mature continuation of those beloved albums as well so it’s just bizarre to me how overlooked it is. Every song is great but Heart Is Hard To Find, Cut and Invented are some of the best overall JEW songs in my opinion. Anybody else just absolutely love this album?
Fun exercise here- if you could have an entire album (11) of existing Jimmy Eat World songs but with Tom on vocals instead of Jim, what would it look like?
Mine would be:
Pretty random assortment of tracks but these are a few that come to mind that I think would work with Tom vocals
I saw JEW live once as an opener all the way back in 2005 and would love to see them again.
I see right now this year they will be playing in Florida and California. Do you think they might come to New York or the tri state area this year or in 2026??
I would love love love to see them live once again! 👀
Roller Queen is probably my favorite Jimmy song and I can't find it on Spotify anywhere. Have any of you had any luck?
I fiddling around with guitar earlier and started playing the riff to Action Needs an Audience and forgotten how solid of a riff it is.
Maybe a less obscure one is Nothing Wrong. For a band that most people maybe only remember for The Middle, Nothing Wrong is quite heavy.
At some point in the early 2000s I had a mp3 or possibly cd with a recording of No Sensitivity where Jim sang “So Fucking obvious to me” a couple times. I believe it was something officially or at least semi officially released and not something someone recorded at a show.
Anyone know what I’m talking about or where I could find it?
As someone who has grown up in Arizona, specifically the Mesa area, Clarity has always felt so nostalgic for me. Although I was not born in the 90s, as soon as I picked it up on vinyl about a year ago, I haven't been able to put it back down. I wanted to ask this subreddit if ya'll have any places, visuals, stories, (smells??), that take you back to the time you discovered it, because I'm wanting to do something along the lines of mood board, but capture the beauty and nostalgia of this album accurately!! (For me what this album screams is burning incense and late night drives.)
I watched the Futures 20th anniversary show from 10/17. I fell in love with 23 the first time I heard it way back when. Studio or live, this song is quite extraordinary to me. Lyrically, it just hits as timeless and it has aged well. The only thing better than hearing the song is to watch them play it. Very few songs really hit me the way 23 does because it is so personal. I know I am not alone because this song pops up here all the time under favorite song posts.
Anyone know what Jim’s preferred vocal chain is? I’m asking because I’m going into the studio pretty soon, and while I will try out a bunch of mic’s and let the producer choose what’s best for my voice, I think it’d be fun to try out his mic and preamp combination, if the studio has them available.
I did try to look this up on Equipboard and see if I could find any studio images of him singing in a booth, but I didn’t find anything.