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“I am happily childless”

The best answer to “do you have kids?” It helps to nip all of the follow up questions in the bud.

22:09 UTC


The CDC is removing all guidelines for prescribing contraception. If you havent already it’s time to delete your period tracking aps!

I feel like the writing has been on the wall for the past few years but we were all hoping it wouldnt get this bad.

I don’t think its alarmist to say that very soon a persons menstrual cycle data will be used against them. Be that through subpoenas or just at state/country border crossing checks.

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) already has authority to check your phone without a warrant. This includes texts, photos, browsing history, social media, and financial info. They can download and save anything they want. This is not limited to airports, its any border crossing.

22:01 UTC


A man exposed himself to me on the nyc subway today. I’m shaking.

Today I noticed a man standing way too close to me on the subway when he didn’t need to be. It was such a crowded train. I kept moving further from him but he always moved closer to me.

About 1 min before the stop, I realized he had his penis out. I immediately moved away, bumping into another woman, but she didn’t speak English and didn’t understand what I was trying to tell her. I started panicking, and when we reached the next station, I got off and screamed, “This man has his penis out!” People just stared, but I managed to stop the conductor and NYPD. Unfortunately, they couldn’t catch him, but I got some photos.

I am so sick of shit like this happening. This is a situation that you really can’t win in, they want a big reaction and I gave him one and tried to get help, but it was so terrifying. I’m sad that I was even in this position, I wish I moved away faster, but the train was barely moving and it was so crowded.

21:38 UTC


The Medical System Failed Me

TW: Fatphobia, ED, SA, medical incompetence

In 2010 I (15) was sent home from the hospital because it was "just a cyst" and I needed to lose weight. I was also SA'd and developed a binge eating disorder.

In 2013 I lost 80lbs in 6 months and was told it was a "good start" (I was 18 and my weight had gone down to180lbs at that point) . I exercised until I passed out and ate less than 800 calories a day.

In 2014 I spent 12 hours in a hospital waiting room vomiting and losing consciousness and went home to go to another hospital that morning. I was rushed to surgery where the surgeon argued with my covering doctor that it wasn't necessary because it was "just a cyst". I could hear them from my bed. My doctor (bless him) threatened to come after his license. They operated, I had multiple ovarian cysts and two had burst, the fluid somehow causing my appendix to rupture. If I had been sent home I would have died in hours.

In 2014-2015 I gained 100lbs to my current weight of 280lbs. I asked my doctor to help me see if I had PCOS. I had the dark skin, facial hair, you name it. He told me "well if you aren't trying to have kids, we won't worry about it for now. Just eat healthy and lose weight"

I tried. For ten years. My weight hasn't budged. I currently work out for four hours a week, I'm eating the Mediterranean diet and I'm working on trying to balance food habits with food relationships. I gave up on my doctor and only saw walk ins for five years.

Recently I got a new doctor and today he took a look through my blood work history. At no point did my panels review my A1C or any other insulin related factors. They barely reviewed anything except B12 and iron, despite me asking multiple times throughout the last ten years. It was always "lose weight"

Today I got diagnosed with diabetes. My fatigue that I thought was from covid, the hair loss I've experienced over the last few months, and the constant state of stress I've been in was diabetes. And my doctor said I've probably had it since I was teen.

I don't care how manageable this may be. I'm destroyed. I have an abundance of new insecurities and a great unknown when it comes to my health because he thinks there's permanent damage. This could have been avoided if my doctor listened. Should I have said yes to wanting to get pregnant? Why was that my worth, as a vessel?

I'm not looking for advice unless your story is similar to mine. I just need to put this out there.

1 Comment
21:54 UTC


Where can I buy the abortion pill, and other questions.

I'm looking to stock up on abortion pills, just in case. Where can I buy a supply? Any websites or businesses would be great. I'm not pregnant so take that into account. It's just for in case. Also I know they have a shelf life, but will they still be good after they are expired? Do they get less effective? Any help is greatly appreciated.

21:02 UTC


I associate being a woman with pain. I hate my body. Does anyone else hate having a female body but not want to have the body of the opposite sex?

I feel like I should preface this post by saying that if reading about body image issues or issues related to sexuality makes me uncomfortable or upset, please don’t read this post.

At one point I wanted to have same-sex friends, but I wasn’t socially accepted by other girls. I don’t have a group of girlfriends. I can honestly say I don’t understand other women, and I don’t think that they can understand me and my experiences.

I’m in my twenties. I’ve felt this way for years. I think it started in my teens but has gotten worse over time.

I hate being a woman. I hate having the body that I have. I don’t mean that I want to have the body of the opposite sex. I mean that I just can’t accept my body.

I have an overweight, unattractive body, but my size isn’t the worst issue. The worst thing about my body are the parts that make me a woman. It makes me cry thinking about how other women manage to have sex without pain and don’t mind being objectified while I’m trapped in the body I’m in.

I hate the emotional and psychological pain and suffering that comes with being a woman who has defective body parts. I hate my body so much I struggle to shower.

I don’t want to live to be 40 in this body. Sometimes I really feel like dying is better than being a woman with the body I have. I feel like I’m trapped in this body, and like it’s fighting against me.

Nothing between my legs works. My vagina is broken and worthless; sometimes I wish it was just gone. I wish I could change it. It’s broken and it feels like an irreparable loss; I mourn the fact that I’m less than other women and my body is less feminine and lacks what all other women have everyday. It’s like I’m mourning.

My clitoris is broken. I don’t know what is wrong with it. I’ve never had any injuries to this part of my body. There’s no reason that it should be broken. When I’ve touched this area of my body, I don’t feel what I’m supposed to feel. I’ve heard other women say that it feels like something is building or increasing leading up to an orgasm. I have never felt this.

I feel like my body being how it is is confirmation of how I felt before this started: worthless and broken.

I don’t understand why my body is sexually defective. I feel ashamed of it. Even if I want to have a relationship in the future, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to.

I feel like a woman’s ability to have PIV seems to be what makes men love us. Men love women who can let them do PIV. My body is worthless and broken, and I don’t know why. Sometimes I wish my body was smaller than what it was so there was less of me to see. I’m so depressed by my body.

Other women don’t understand. I think that women who have PIV can’t understand because their bodies are considered good enough. No one could ever consider my body to be good enough and not lacking.

I feel like I never had a sexuality or I did at one point and it’s died. I feel ashamed and sad typing this, but I think I had more sexual desire as a very young teen than I have in the last 4 to 5 years of my life. I have no desire, and I think the reason why is because I’m not experiencing the pleasure other people talk about.

I can get aroused but my body doesn’t seem to go any farther. I don’t feel sexual pleasure from clitoral stimulation or vaginal penetration (using a dilator). It’s like everything is turned off and non functional between my legs.

I feel like I’m grieving something. I am used to not having a group of girlfriends as friends, but my body being this way has probably made it so that I won’t be able to have a relationship. I don’t know how much closeness or contact I would be able to tolerate with a male partner because since I know that everything seems to revolve around sex with men and to men sex = penetration, I know that I will be reluctant to be close to a partner. My body has failed and has ruined so much for me.

I’m in my early twenties, and I feel like I’ve lost at least the last 4 or 5 years of my life. I can’t accept my body, and I feel like this is something I can’t get away from or escape.

I feel like I’m not experiencing being a woman. I feel like I’m supposed to be a woman but I’m failing at being one. I don’t feel like I’m trans but I do feel like something is deeply wrong with me. I feel a deep sense of lacking, grief, and sadness around sexuality. I can’t tell if I never developed a sexuality or if it died because my body is defective. I feel like I’m not really a woman because of my body and I hate it. I feel trapped in my body

20:59 UTC


On Hinge and I scroll onto a guy’s profile to find him pulling the white-power hand gesture

No, I’m not mistaken. My heart dropped when I saw it. I reported it (even though racist gestures aren’t a report option, wtf hinge??) and I hope his profile is taken down.

I’m so done with men.

19:59 UTC


Digital Footprint

What should I be doing to minimize the data I give to (waves wildly) everyone? I have an android phone, so I'm kinda fucked there. What news source can I get information from that isn't sane-washed? How do we keep ourselves safe? What questions am I not asking because I haven't even thought of them yet?

19:34 UTC


The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) page on the Department of Housing and Urban Development's website has been removed

19:09 UTC


OF creators shitting on fellow women to drive up engagement.

Have you noticed this trend?

I used to sell photos/videos, so this is not to criticize them for selling digital content, but just the WAY they do it makes me so fucking angry.

This is especially noticeable in instagram reels, I’ll find a video of a conventionally attractive girl saying something like “women belong in the kitchen”, then the comments are a bunch of dudes applauding her, and then you click on her profile and bam, Onlyfans.

Every. Single. Time.

It’s either a trad wife influencer or a sex worker. Not to mention they promote explicit content in social media that is full of impressionable kids??? What happened to promoting yourself in adult spaces?

They will try to use misogynistic content to promote themselves, and harming other women in the process (while also validating the men who will happily applaud them for it)

It’s really frustrating.

This is not to criticize women who engage in sex work at all, but there are better places to do it, and ways to do it that don’t directly result in shitting on your entire gender.

18:57 UTC


Important PSA to all Indiana women (abortion)

In a discussion post on the medical subreddit, I read that Indiana has apparently plans/is actively working to remove HIPAA on any medical records from performed abortions.

I'm not even in the US and this is fucking terrifying. Please stay safe, protect yourselves however you can, and for any women this might concern, stay vigilant. I'm not sure what to do since I don't know enough about the system overseas, but if you ever needed a nudge to fight back, this should be one.

Please be safe out there.

( source but if you Google Indiana abortion HIPAA you'll find tons of hits)

18:12 UTC


I had to apologize to my niece

I'm advising her to get longer term birth control since she's only a teen. I started crying. This is not the world I voted for, and I voted for her

I'm so angry and sad and I wanna punch people.

17:17 UTC


A Fun Alternative to Choking

Porn has done a horrible job normalizing choking.

I used to think there was a safe way to engage in choking during sex, and I would try and correct men who were pressing on my wind pipe, then I learned there is really no safe way to engage in choking.

So I came up with a fun alternative to oxygen depravation that is more intimate and helps calm you both down.

You gently touch your lips together, one person inhales through their mouth while the other exhales into their mouth. Then reverse order.

This will slightly decrease oxygen levels while also increasing carbon dioxide levels which has a calming effect.

16:10 UTC


I don't think I've ever had a man take rejection well

I’m not exaggerating when I say never. If I don’t want to hang out or don’t want sex, men either try to force themselves on me, verbally abuse me, or even stalk me. It feels like bad men are drawn to me, but I want nothing to do with them. And when you set boundaries with people who don’t think no applies to them, they try to take what they want without permission.

I’ve been sexually assaulted multiple times, and it sucks. I don’t know how I ended up here. I’m not saying every reaction from men has been outright horrible—maybe one or two weren’t—but even then, they weren’t good. Some were defensive at first but eventually backed off. I mean, I’ll take that over the alternative, but it’s still not great.

Anyway. I hate this planet.

10:34 UTC


Disagreeing on Democracy

I (23 F) recently started talking to someone (21F) and we've really hit it off. However, our conversation took a turn when I mentioned the potential power outage in Michigan due to Trump's tariffs. She had no idea what I was talking about, and when I asked if she voted, she said it didn't matter to her and had no effect on her life.

I felt disgusted and irritated. As someone who's become more interested in politics over time, I believe every vote counts and that it's crucial to be informed and engaged.

This isn't the first time I've encountered someone who doesn't believe in voting, and I'm struggling to reconcile my feelings. Part of me thinks I'm being harsh, considering I didn't always prioritize politics myself.

I'm still processing my emotions and thoughts on this experience. I can’t figure out if it’s just my fear of the state of the world or it’s something that truly bothers me.

10:43 UTC


Doctor Disgusted Me

I was having some trouble sleeping and my doctor suggested that I do a sleep study. It was an at-home test where you wear a silicone ring and then 'meet' virtually with the sleep doctor to go over your results.

This guy (a P.A. - not a doctor) disgusted me. I asked him about Melatonin supplements for help falling asleep, and he explained that the best way to kick-start Melatonin production naturally was to 'do a heart-pumping activity in the light, first thing in the morning.'

My first two natural thoughts were taking a walk outside or hopping on an elliptical under my gyms fluorescent lights.

Do you know what he said, though? 'Wake up, turn on all the lights and have sex with your husband! He'll love it!' and then started laughing.

I was disgusted, and wondered if he'd say the same thing to a man.

11:00 UTC


Friends not putting in the same effort and it’s affecting my mental health.

Background- So I (24F) am the ultimate people pleaser. I absolutely hate confrontation and I believe it’s a reason why people walk all over me sometimes. I personally don’t like feeling uncomfortable so I think I don’t confront situations and then I end up sacrificing my sanity.

Anyways, last night I hosted a galentines party with my friends. I sent the invitation on January 1st for the party being on January 31st. Everyone’s always so busy and it’s hard to get people together so we all concluded this was the best date and time. We changed the date prob 4/5x to accommodate everyone. Everyone was super exited at first. Then people started making excuses this week saying they’re going out of town, their friend is in town, they made other plans, etc. I expected a few people to drop out. But going from 15 people coming to only 7 showing up was really hurtful

What hurt my feelings the most was me having to reach out to people and say.. hey you haven’t been responsive in the group chat, are you still coming tonight?? And then them responding minutes later saying no they have plans. No… sorry or any apology. And I baked cookies, chocolate covered strawberries.. I went all out with decorations.

Why I’m upset- One of my best friends, we’ll call her Sam. We’ve been friends since we were 2. We grew up across the street and she’s a travel nurse so I rarely get to see her. She’s home for 2 weeks and she said she’d come. This is what gets annoying… Sam and I were hanging out Wednesday and she asked me what I’m up to this weekend. I told her not much besides my party and she says she may go out of town to visit her other friends bc Fridays the only day she can. I told her but my party is Friday and she said I know but that’s the only day they can hang. She didn’t say anything else. Then on Thursday she tells me she doesn’t know when she’s going out of town/what the plan is. Friday comes and she doesn’t update me or text me or show up. I check her location and she’s 2 hours away from home. Then an hour ago she texts and asks how my party was…

I’m just super frustrated because she’s been flaky for awhile now. She goes on trips and goes to concerts with her other friends and never invites me. She never asks me to visit her when she’s traveling and I feel like she falls back on me to be her bff when it’s convenient for her. Her sister got married last fall and she didn’t even invite me, she took her other friend she met in college who… they do everything together. And even Sam’s family asked why I wasn’t coming to the wedding. I simply said I wasn’t invited.

Anyways, I just don’t know what to say or do anymore. Im tired of putting in so much love and effort into my relationships and never getting that reciprocity.

15:16 UTC


Protecting energy v/s giving

I've been reflecting a lot on the idea of protecting your energy, especially as a woman, by not oversharing or being too available. To some extent, I agree with this because there was a time when I gave a lot of my time and energy to my friends, especially when they needed emotional support. Even though it left me feeling drained on certain days, I genuinely enjoyed being there for them and offering something meaningful. But now, after learning to set more boundaries and not give so freely, I’ve noticed a shift. People seem to be holding back emotionally from me, and I can't help but wonder if it's because I’ve started to guard my energy too much. I miss feeling needed by my friends and the sense of fulfillment I got from being there for others. I’m stuck trying to figure out whether this is just a normal part of growing, if I’m surrounding myself with people who only want to take, or if I’ve become too closed off.

How do you find the balance between giving and protecting your energy?

1 Comment
13:00 UTC


Anyone else find it creepy how many Men and Women on TikTok have normalized recording other people in secret ?

Pretty much the title, I see so many videos every single day where people will go to random restaurants and just film conventionally attractive people and thirst over them with frankly creepy comments. What is even worse than many women do this and that in turn seems to encourage men to do more and more of these types of content. I have been filmed by people without my consent and its one of the most violating feelings ever when its put online , does not matter if the comment / video is positive or negative.

14:08 UTC


Plastic smell of pads

I have a pretty good sensitive smell, so maybe I'm the only one to to notice this. Does any else hate the plastic smell of pads? I smell it after I take it ff the pad and it's on my skin and clothes. I want to switch to reusable ones, but they're not practical for my lifestyle and I need to make sure I don't bleed trough (which is why I need disposable pads). I might have to try cups again. I hate my uterus.

Are there any disposable pads that don't have that plastic smell or on that's not strong?

13:44 UTC


Hate the way women are told to “pick better” but “give men a chance” at the same time

Really sick of seeing men complain about the audacity of women to have standards and blame women for their “loneliness” (which is really just code for not getting dates/sex as much as they’d like) but if women end up in awful situations due to their male partner’s treatment/behavior, they are blamed for not “choosing better”. We are also judged for things like “body count” but then men get upset when a woman doesn’t want to sleep with them after one or two dates. I’m just so tired of all the complaining with zero introspection and zero empathy for women’s experience. Maybe if men thought about what it felt like to be on the other side of interacting with them, they’d stop the constant beratement. It’s just so frustrating being constantly projected onto and made into a caricature as justification for a self-centered narrative. They don’t see it because they don’t want to! It’s easier to blame women than give up the entitlement.

05:19 UTC


CDC Deleting Reproductive Health Docs—Here's Where to Find Them

It looks like the CDC has been deleting documents related to reproductive rights, sexual health, and intimate partner violence—likely due to pressure from the Trump administration.

Jessica Valenti has been working to archive these documents before they disappear completely. She’s hosting them at CDCGuidelines.com and is continuing to add more.

If you have any of the missing documents or want to support the effort, you can reach out to her via Abortion Every Day.

Just wanted to share in case anyone here finds this useful or wants to help keep vital health info accessible.

03:34 UTC


Hey everyone, I am in need of advice on my current relationship.

Needing outside perspective on my relationship, should I (27F)stay or should I go?

Hey everyone, I’ve been with my boyfriend for 6.8 years and it will be 7 in July. I want to get married one day of course and I would entertain the possibility of children maybe, but with the right man of course, but he doesn’t have a timeline for that and he really doesn’t want to get married. I’m 27 btw so I feel like I have a time limit on these things.

Anyways my bf is An amazing human, but I haven’t felt as close and I haven’t wanted to have sex or anything like that for a while. I’ve also felt emotionally distant from him like a pull to breakup. I broke up with him a couple of weeks ago, but we’ve been still entertaining the idea.

To the root of the problem, is it normal to bring an issue and I explain what bothered me that he did and he get defensive? This seemed to make me feel distant because it was happening a lot. Also I went through a period of very bad anxiety in January 2024 from a PTSD situation that I won’t get into, but it was from jujitsu in a guard position. I was in bed and couldn’t leave my house for a couple of weeks and he almost left me and he wasn’t there for me and more so got annoyed at me.

I’ve struggled with anxiety in the past and he seemed to always get annoyed unfortunately which makes my anxiety worse. On top of that there was a situation where it was my birthday dinner and it was at shogun and I was extremely anxious and overstimulated and had a panic attack and instead of comforting me he got annoyed and he didn’t eat and I wanted to leave because I felt awful. He didn’t help at all.

Anyways I do love him of course and we were together for so long, but like I dont know what to do. I’m asking for those of you women out there that are in great relationships, is it normal for a boyfriend or husband to be supportive when you feel anxious? Or when you bring up an issue on something they get defensive? And should a man want to marry you? Is 6.8 years too long? Do I stay or do I move on and heal. I just need some words of wisdom as I am struggling right now.

Oh and one more thing, he wanted to move in together, but I dont believe in living with a man unless engaged or married. I wouldn’t mind at least engagement but he wants to live with me for a couple of years or for a while until he is ready. He also doesn’t see the point in marriage and he says that marriage is only for children. But I see marriage as something you do if you are in love! He doesn’t agree with me on that. He also thinks marriage means you settle down, but I see it as you are just beginning! And you are traveling and doing all the things in life, but together!

What does a good relationship look like? How should an actual husband or good boyfriend be? (My bf is 30M btw)

Also thank you for reading this post if you did!

02:56 UTC


Why do certain men my age consistently look at me angrily?

Hi, I have made a weird observation and it keeps happening. I'm a 21 year old woman. I'm quite extroverted, however I can sometimes misinterpret people's behaviors or certain subtle social cues. I’ve had situations where I didn’t realize someone didn’t like me, but nothing this consistent. I'm not sure if I'm going crazy. Here’s the problem;

In most of the places I go, some men (especially young men) will look at me slightly angrily. Like they're annoyed at the mere fact that they're looking at me? It's happened in the street, but I can understand that is probably not linked to me, as people have their own lives. However, at my uni (it's a small uni) multiple men I've seen around many times look at me like this. I haven't been in any drama or anything, and I usually politely smile at people if our eyes cross in hallways and whatnot. I truly have no ennemies there --that I know of-- and I get along with everyone I've had more than a conversation with. And yet, men that know nothing about me look at me with their brows furrowed, as if crossing eyes with me is an inconvenience or an offense to them. And now, I'm doing an internship, and the same thing is happening with this young guy who also works there! We've only talked to say hello passing each other in the corridor (and he said hello first) and since then if we accidentally look at each other, he looks pissed at me???

I don't look weird, I'm honestly a conventional girl, I've even been told by people that I'm quite pretty. I wear some eyeliner but nothing crazy or offensive (I can wear it in an office environment no problem), I don't dress extravagantly, I don't have a standout feature apart from slightly dyed red hair (nothing flashy), I don't talk loud, I'm polite to everyone around me and I usually can tell most people enjoy my company. I also don't stare at anyone -- if anything I actively avoid looking in the same direction for very long anyway. Also these men are usually nice to my friends or coworkers if they know them.

This only happens with people who haven't actually talked to me. I really don't understand this, why does this keep happening? Do I just keep encountering men who hate my vibe? Do I visually come off as a bitch only to men my age and no other demographic whatsoever? I wouldn't mind if these people had something against me, it's fine not to like everyone, but the problem is that I can't understand what is causing this? Is there a chance something in my attitude is alienating these men I’ve never really talked to? Any sort of insight or advice would help, thank you

EDIT: Thanks for the feedback! Just a few precisions:

  • Some of these men do not start off w that expression on their face (for example my coworker) but will have it consistently afterwards
  • Some of them (if not all of them) have female friends, or are not the “incel type” (girlfriends, socially comfortable, not outcasts). It doesn’t seem to be a female centered frustration. I’ve seen a few of them interact with women fine. But on one to one occasions in hallways, boom scowl and glare
00:45 UTC


Where are you on trans women just trying to use the restroom and not make a fuss? Could use your perspective, because it feels like everything's changed.

Hopefully, I'm OK to post this as an in-process trans woman.

The speed at which the Trump administration and tech bros are moving to change public opinion around trans people is terrifying.

I picked the wrong year to finally understand that my brain has been telling me I'm trans for 40 years — I can't tell whether support is shifting, or whether the assholes just have larger mics.

I've been on HRT for 6 months — this early in my journey, I don't really pass. I make every effort to blend in and not make waves. I maybe don't look terrible, and HRT has started to do crazy things — but my goal is to just not make people uncomfortable.

I've gone to concerts, malls, errands, hikes, all in "new me" mode and not a soul has said anything unkind. In fact, have gotten more sweet compliments in the past 6 months than I did over a decade in my old life.

But I've drawn the line at restrooms. I've just adapted to avoiding a lot of liquid while I'm out or not straying too far from home.

It's obviously not a permanent way to live.

I'm terrified of two things: Making women feel uncomfortable or unsafe, like I'm somehow getting off on being in the last place I'd prefer to be... or that I'll encounter that one person who wants to make a scene and confronts me with a camera.

So, my question to women out there: How are you feeling about people like me? Are the efforts to turn women's support against trans women starting to stick? Do you sense a change in how other women see us? Are there still good people out there who have our back? How do you feel about trans women in restrooms (those of us just wanting to get in and out)?

I'm terrified that it feels like MAGA's full court press is having an impact. I'm at the point where it'd be tough to go back to dude mode, even if I wanted to. So the only way is forward. As much as I yearn to be "my authentic self," it'd be a nice bonus if I could be "my hydrated authentic self." Thoughts appreciated.

Edit: Y'all — can't express enough thanks for your thoughts. Thank you for the reassurance, the commiserating, the reminder that so many people are getting the bad end of the stick right now. Will do all I can to pay it forward!

It burns me that so many of you with less 'traditional' body shapes, hairstyles or clothing choices are feeling even less safe in a space that belongs to you! It's an awful thing to hope, but maybe if enough conservative cis women start getting transvestigated (insert Spider-man pointing meme), there'll be pushback against this lunacy and people can just mind their own business and pee like people have for so many years before this!

21:10 UTC


What is the best way to leave social media, particularly Meta (FB and IG)?

I have been on Facebook for 20 years (!!). But I feel very strongly that I do not want to support these tech tyrants any more.

But I'd like advice - is it better to delete forever, including with that some friendships? I have lived all over the world for decades and FB is how we connect. I will lose these connections.

I'd really like some input --> how have you managed your own relationship with Meta these days?

02:03 UTC


Thinking about switching Gynos

For context, i am 18, never done it before and likely have pcos, Keep that in mind.

I went to the Gyno because i wanted to switch to an IUD officially, mainly because of the threat about birth control being taken away and because I heavily rely it on my painful periods, I want to get an IUD.

I went there today and we discussed it, I was originally on the patch but because when I take off the patches at the end of the week, i get these hyperpigmentation marks that don't go away. So I wanted to switch to the IUD. the gyno was skeptical about me having the IUD, because she stated before in the previous appointment, that IUDs don't help with periods. She listed down my "symptoms" of pcos, (this isn't all of the symptoms that I listed) stated that heavy flows and painful cramps aren't a sign of PCOS and if I wanted to make sure I have PCOS, I have to get off the control for 3 months and then take the blood drawn in order to see if I have it. She also commented that I don't have the body type that isn't associated with PCOS. (i am skinny) my old gyno said I likely have it because all of my symptoms line up (and the fact that i have cysts on my ovaries) but they ask if I wanted to take the blood test just to be sure. I opted out of it because there isn't a point to do that IF I have cysts on my ovaries.

At the end of it, i switched back to the pill and she said she couldn't put the IUD in me, because i am young and didn't had sex yet. and because of that, it's going to be difficult for her to put it in because my uterus would be too small. I was annoyed by the end of it because i wasted my time. I can't get an IUD for those 2 reasons and I'll rather get a hysterectomy than to deal with those painful periods again, especially for 3 months. im over here thinking if im struggle hard to get an IUD, imagine at my age getting a stupid fucking hysterectomy.

I'm just here to yell into the void and see if anyone dealt with smth similar bc this im always hearing about things like this but with a hysterectomy. this is an abridge version of events and this post is going to get deleted soon for obvious reasons.

01:58 UTC


Period suddenly regular???

So I’ve had my period since I was like 13/14 but they’ve always been irregular and the cycle would be more than a month, like every 2 or 2 and a half months maybe even 3 at times. But I recently turned 20 and now my periods are coming a month after the last one started?? Why the sudden change? Are my hormones now balanced out? I read periods can be irregular for the first few years but it has been a while leading up to this now. I’ve never experienced any period pain or stomach pain or anything. V confused.

00:53 UTC

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