
Photograph via snooOG

Welcome to the feminism community! This is a space for discussing and promoting awareness of issues related to equality for women.

Feminism is the pursuit of equality in regards to women's rights. It has manifested across centuries and continents through various movements, currents and ideologies.

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- all posts and discussions must be relevant to women's issues

- all posts must come from an educated perspective

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- respect the "assume good faith" principle

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Criticism of feminist concepts/organizations/persons is welcomed if it meets the following criteria:

- it is topical/directly relevant to the topic at hand;

- it is verifiably sourced (i.e. it doesn’t rely on mere dismissiveness/speculation, non-feminist preferences or anecdotal evidence. In particular, pure anti-feminist propaganda is not allowed, since personal non-/anti-feminist preferences are deemed as not informative or relevant); furthermore, presentation of relevant data must not be biased against the feminist position (i.e. there should be a best effort to include the evidence/arguments supportive of the feminist position);

- it is properly qualified: i.e. it correctly identifies the problem at the appropriate level, instead of unwarrantably generalizing it, especially if it does so for the whole collection of movements that constitute feminism;

- all ideological considerations must contribute to understanding the feminist perspective, and be consistent with an attitude of encouragement towards further learning.


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Something I noticed

18:40 UTC


a video i made about passport bros and the history of sex tourism and race fetishism (especially involving asian and black women)

1 Comment
18:25 UTC


I hate my period

I absolutely fucking hate my period. I know we talk about periods a lot, but I feel like we don’t talk about it enough. Genuinely, periods are the actual worst. I’m 15, going on 16, and I got my period when I was 10 years old. I dread it EVERY SINGLE MONTH. To me it’s so unbearably unfair that girls have to suffer through this 12 times a year while boys are just fine. The pain, the blood, the stomach issues, the nausea, the headaches, the lost goes on and on. I’m in so much pain and painkillers don’t help. I’m not on birth control because they interfere with the medication I already take. I’m just so tired of it. Why do I have to suffer so much so that ONE DAY, in at least a decade, I might decide to have a baby. It seems so incredibly counterproductive. Why does our own biology fail us so hard? And why are we expected to just pretend like nothing is wrong? Yeah, sorry, i can feel my insides twisting and turning but I’ll stay quiet for your convenience. God I’m so FUCKING TIRED.

14:39 UTC


what are the way you broke free from the patriarchy and male domination and abuse?

of course this is a constant struggle and it never ends. But what are some ways that you managed to free yourself from a certain abusive or misogynistic situation from any man, whether it be your boss, your father, a random man...etc.

I am currently having so much trouble with my father. I'm an ex-muslim who is violently forced to wear the hijab by my father in a backwards nort African muslim country. Yesterday he got really mad at me and he slapped me and is now taking away everything from me. I hope he doesn't take my phone as well. I don't know how to get myself out of this situation without making it so much worse. I am not financially independent because he doesn't allow me to work.

11:21 UTC


Is there any correlation between misogyny and the belief that beauty is objective?

I'm asking this because pretty much all of the people I know (they're all men) who think that way turned out to have some really terrible views towards women

Personally I don't think beauty is objective at all and the idea that it is confuses me

1 Comment
09:55 UTC


Heterosexual marriage

05:56 UTC


On Respect.

Off late I have been noticing how men and women's idea of demanding basic respect differs. This might not be true for everyone, just a personal observation I made looking at people around me.

Recently there was a fight between my father and mother and during the fight he kept repeating "I am a man, I deserve some respect at least. You treat me as if I am not a man!" Which made me reflect that this is a recurring pattern I have noticed in men around me. On the contrary, whenever me or my mom demand respect, we say "I am also a human and I deserve basic respect that should be accorded to any human."

This is something I have noticed in all sorts of relationships around me, where men feel entitled to get respect because they are men while women make a case for recieving bare minimum respect a human should be entitled to. Why do men think they are entitled to get respect just because of their sex and gender?

21:56 UTC


I need some help trying to decode my sister who I can only describe as being “pick me” cuz idk what else to describe it as

My sister is 20 , same age as me. I am a die hard feminist…. Everything I do is to support women support victims and build up any woman around me!!! My sister used to be supportive of this, but never really took matters into her own hands due to lack of interest. I know not everyone will be ass passionate about women’s issues as me which is fine.

The issue is my sister is being very “pick me” if you have a less rude term I can use then I would love to say it but that’s all I can describe it as. She just got into a situationship with a boy whom said some VERY disrespectful things on SA (idk if I can say it due to rules if I can I will put it in comments with a warning).

It was so disgusting everyone around me agreed with me even people who don’t classify as a feminist. She is so infatuated with this man that isn’t even willing to date her…. His views are so gross and my sister is AGREEING!!! With him. I have tried to explain every way I can how harmful it is to associate with someone like that and she just can’t take the rose colored glasses off… I even told her “any man will still want to have sex with you even if you disagree….” And she still is saying she agrees but when I ask her to break it down she says “idk”….

We have not been speaking for about three months bc my morals come before any single person in this life… I have accepted she may never change and if they end up breaking it off, she will just go back to her ways if a man tells her to (of course there’s always hope). I’m having a hard time understanding her POV of why she is doing this? I’ve been through a phase before when I was a teenager like this, but it still was not this extreme… does anyone have anything that can help decoding her view on why she is submitting to a man’s views that directly negatively impact her??? We are both victims of SA and I don’t understand like with my whole being how someone can do this….

21:43 UTC


Can’t look at my male coworkers the same after hearing about what they talked about during a happy hour

I’m a 25F working at a corporate job. I’m pretty friendly to my coworkers who are around the same age as me. One day, my female coworker friend and I were talking to our one male coworker (let’s call him Boy1), who I would say I’m pretty good friends with outside of work. Boy1 informed us that he attended a happy hour with three other male coworkers, all in their 20s (we’ll call them Boy2, Boy3, and Boy4). I’m friendly with Boy2 and help him a lot with work tasks while I don’t really talk to Boy3 and Boy4. Boy1 told me and my female coworker friend about how all the guys at this happy hour talked about women, specifically women in the office. Apparently they discussed who was attractive and ranked who they thought were the most attractive. Boy1 didn’t want to go into the details since this conversation was meant to be more private, which makes me wonder what kind of things were said. Boy1 informed us that Boy3 thinks I’m a btch and Boy2 proceeded to chime in and say there’s something wrong with my personality. This made me pretty upset because Ive only ever been nice to Boy2 and it doesn’t seem like Boy1 attempted to defend my character or anything. Boy3 claimed I’m a btch for not saying “good morning” back to him one day. Why? Because Boy3 had a thing for me and would ask Boy1 and Boy2 about me, clearly showing that he was interested in me romantically. I did not like this at all because I do not date and would definitely not date a coworker (plus he’s just not cute). I didnt like that he was objectifying me to my male coworkers and was making the work environment uncomfortable for me, which is why I was a bit cold to him.

I just didn’t like knowing that these 4 coworkers got together and talked about us like this, especially because I don’t look at anyone in a romantic way. I have never spoken about my male coworkers in this fashion nor do I really talk about guys like this to any of my friends. We have more important/better things to talk about. It just confirms the type of “locker room” talk guys engage in with one another and how they view all women as potential romantic interests. I have zero attraction to my male friends because they’re just my friends but it’s clear that they don’t see it that way.

EDIT: thanks for all the responses! :) I just wanted to say that I try to keep my distance with the four guys. I am trying to change jobs and don’t think I will talk to boy1 and boy2 once I leave. I used to help boy2 with work but now I do the bare minimum when answering his questions and try to avoid him. Only person I would consider a friend is my one female coworker who started working the same time as me. Her and I have always been close and she’s the sweetest person ever. I talked to her about this situation and she agrees with me on how ridiculous it is and how we’re just going to keep to ourselves from now on. Whenever I see the four boys in office, I can’t help but look at them the way Cillian Murphy looked at Prince Harry loll

20:13 UTC


I didn't realize how prevalent outright sexism was until I started to dj

I started mixing techno/house music as a hobby about a year ago and then was invited to play live at a club by a collective group of women who play/book shows together about 6 months ago. I've continued to play out at local bars/clubs once or twice a month as a side gig. I have always been a feminist, so I liked the idea of being part of a women's collective, as the dj scene is largely male-dominated, but once I started playing live I understood how important/necessary it actually was.

Holy shit y'all, I have experienced more disgusting outright sexist behavior and comments in the last 6 months my entire life because of this. 2 weeks ago, I got pushed off from my set 15 minutes early at an events by a male DJ in front of a packed crowd because "he had a track that would mix so well with what I was playing." Mind you this was at an event our collective organized, which was billed as a women's night to celebrate women's month. It was extremely embarrassing and he did not understand why I was upset afterwards, and made it seem like I was overreacting.

This week at a different show I was playing, 3 different men said "you're a DJ?" to me in one night and another said "you're the first girl I've ever seen dj, you're actually good." A few months ago another male DJ tried to tell me what tracks I should play in my set because 'he likes to curate his events'. Not to mention random creepy guys standing too close to me in the booth, saying gross shit, and touching me while I'm playing. One even came to the booth just to make fun of me for standing on a stool at a show because the table was a little too tall for me! All of this is happening despite my male partner also being a dj in the scene who does his best to watch out/defend me.

Anyway, just wanted to vent to people who would understand/empathize. I really did not realize men still thought it was OK to behave this way in 2024. Of course alcohol and drug use play a very large role in it all, but that is not a valid excuse.

To all women trying to make it in male-dominated fields, HANG IN THERE. What we're doing is important.

19:52 UTC


How little girls are fetishized

I saw a video recently of a waitress talking about how she gets more tips from men when she's wearing pigtails. The comments were filled with either waitresses attesting to that or other women talking about how their husbands/boyfriends really like when they wear pigtails and how they get more compliments when wearing them. This intrigued me, seeing as pigtails are usually associated with little girls, so I looked around and wanna talk about some things.

Since school uniforms are sexualised, a ton of women talk about how they got hit on more not only when they were minors, but when wearing school uniform. Why does the term "sexy SCHOOLGIRL outfit" exist? I myself had my adult neighbour hit on me and insist I give him my number even though I was in my school uniform.

I found that A LOT of porn has titles that involve terms like "barely legal", "student", "teen", "teenager", "after school", and "high school". Some times it would be genuinely difficult to tell whether or not the woman involved in the video was older than 18(she probably is, but they purposely use her youthful looks to get people off), yet those videos got hundreds of thousands to millions of views.

Labiaplasties are one of the fastest growing cosmetic surgeries. Labia are supposed to sag with age, as are most parts of the body, but men expect women to have the vagina of a 9 Yr old. They expect it to be pink and for the folds to be small when that's only possible via cosmetic procedures for most adult women, hence the popularity of labiaplasties.

A lot of men genuinely believe women shouldn't have hair on their bodies apart from on their heads. Even though the only people who don't have hair on their bodies are ppl with medical issues and CHILDREN. I've talked to a man who genuinely said to me that women weren't meant to have hair on their bodies and that it was a result of women becoming more "testosterone-filled"

Being attracted to things associated with children, mostly young girls, is a bit too normalised for my liking.

14:58 UTC


Crosspost r/DesignPorn: "Visible Men"

10:47 UTC


"Selbstbestimmungsgesetz" Self Determination law in Germany

Hello everyone, please excuse me if I'm not allowed to post or if this doesn't belong in this sub, I will delete immediately.

Yesterday the Selbstbestimmungsgesetz was passed in German legislature which makes the process of changing ones documented gender a lot easier and less degrading. No need to answer unrelated questions like preferred dress or favorite colour. No need for a testament from a doctor. Simply walk into the concerning department and let it be changed.

I read comments complaining about the news only showing the celebrating Trans community in front of the Bundestag but not the big feminist crowd rallying against the law. However I felt those comments came from right wing men. I know the typical talking points of men using this to enter vulnerable places like women's locker rooms and showers.

Is this law a topic in the movement or for you personally? Is it going too far? May be are you concerned by Trans women?

06:40 UTC


First time for everything, I guess…

So I’m posting this here because I don’t exactly know where else to post this. Also, this just happened, like 20 minutes ago.

So I ordered Uber eats because I’m hungry and the only things I have in my dorm are probably spoiled fruit in my fridge and some apples. The food gets here and everything with the hand off goes fine.

I live on the second floor and the stairs are on the outside so I begin my lovely little jaunt up two flights of stairs. Suddenly, the delivery driver calls to me from his car. My initial thought was that he had multiple orders and gave me the wrong one, so I climb back down the half a flight that I’d managed in the little bit of time in between me getting the food and him calling out to me.

When he gets there, he asks me if the name on the order is my real name. Again, thinking he’s possibly gotten orders mixed up, I say that it is my real name. He then mentions his apartment (there are several apartment complexes next to my dorm building) and asks if I’m in a relationship. I tell him no and can’t hide the confusion and “what the fuck is going on here?” energy from my face or voice. He says that he’s trying to have a conversation with me and get to know me. Keep in mind, I’m 18, almost 19, and this dude is at least mid twenties (going from his appearance). I’m super duper uncomfortable with this and make no secret of it, at least from my tone of voice and face. He asks if he can keep my number so we can stay in touch, and I tell him no. I tell him that I have a lab report due so I need to work on that, which isn’t a total lie, but I go up to my dorm and that’s it.

I started using Uber eats since partway through the fall semester and this is my first weird interaction so far.

Update: I was able to report this incident to Uber and we’ll see where this goes.

Update 2: Got a refund for the order.

02:30 UTC


Mikey-boy is such a wanker

01:47 UTC


I beg your pardon?

23:02 UTC


TW: domestic violence

My flatmate (30 f)told me yesterday that her stepdad made very inappriate sexual comments to her in the church without anyone else hearing it. She is afraid of telling her mom because she thinks he might do sth to her or mom wouldnt believe it at all. I expressed my concerns but i'm unsure what to do. Its her family of course but i thought maybe someone here had a similar situation they'd share. Thanks.

20:25 UTC


What were feminists and women's general sentiment about the OJ trial?

Since OJ died yesterday I've been learning a lot about the trial (I was not alive at the time so didn't know that much). I've seen a lot about the race aspects and how it was such a divide there. But I'm curious about how women and feminists/the 'feminist community' if you could call something that felt at the time. It was a case of a man domestically abusing a woman and eventually killing her and getting away with it after all. I feel like I don't see that angle of the trial discussed a lot bc ofc the race elements were the big thing. Anyone who was around at the time Id like to hear your thoughts :) I think it's another element of the trial that I don't see as much info about

17:49 UTC


Women’s rights don’t matter in “intellectual” discourse

This is a realization I had the other day when I noticed a post on r/interestingasf*ck, or maybe r/mildlyinteresting, can’t remember. Someone had posted a photo of an Iranian woman in the 1970s celebrating her birthday in a mini dress with her hair flowing freely - something that could be a death sentence for her today.

One of the commenters wrote a long response about the political climate that gave rise to the Islamic Revolution in Iran, and how material conditions did improve for most Iranians, especially the poor, following the rise of the IR.

Some of the responses criticized the commenter, and pointed out that material conditions could not have improved that much, if they left out an entire gender in the process, but most people were PRAISING this “intellectually honest” and “level-headed” response. It even got an award.

I’ve encountered similar examples of this so-called nuance in discussions about Taliban rule in Afghanistan following the withdrawal of American forces. Some of my more edgy, dissident friends roll their eyes and outright mock commentators/politicians/bureaucrats who worried about how women’s conditions would deteriorate in the country in the aftermath of the withdrawal. Some have even celebrated this as a win!

Basically, I’ve noticed that the topic of women’s rights is the first to get thrown out of “intellectual, nuanced” discourse about global events, and people who try to bring the topic back in are accused of being biased and un-nuanced at best, and selfish and interventionist at worst. At this point, I’m not surprised by this major blind spot, but it’s really disappointing.

Has anyone else encountered this?

13:53 UTC

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