
Photograph via snooOG

Welcome to the feminism community! This is a space for discussing and promoting awareness of issues related to equality for women.

Feminism is the pursuit of equality in regards to women's rights. It has manifested across centuries and continents through various movements, currents and ideologies.

Welcome to the feminism community! This is a space for discussing and promoting awareness of issues related to equality for women.

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- all posts and discussions must be relevant to women's issues

- all posts must come from an educated perspective

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Rules regarding debating:

Criticism of feminist concepts/organizations/persons is welcomed if it meets the following criteria:

- it is topical/directly relevant to the topic at hand;

- it is verifiably sourced (i.e. it doesn’t rely on mere dismissiveness/speculation, non-feminist preferences or anecdotal evidence. In particular, pure anti-feminist propaganda is not allowed, since personal non-/anti-feminist preferences are deemed as not informative or relevant); furthermore, presentation of relevant data must not be biased against the feminist position (i.e. there should be a best effort to include the evidence/arguments supportive of the feminist position);

- it is properly qualified: i.e. it correctly identifies the problem at the appropriate level, instead of unwarrantably generalizing it, especially if it does so for the whole collection of movements that constitute feminism;

- all ideological considerations must contribute to understanding the feminist perspective, and be consistent with an attitude of encouragement towards further learning.


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Totally dumb question about when dudes insult women's looks

Hey all.

For context to my terribly stupid question, I try to be a better guy every day. I was once an asshole but over the last 20 years have become much better. I'm hetero male, but all my best friends are women because I really can't stand hanging out with dudes.

So, whenever I hear men say disparaging things about women's looks, I KNOW the reaponse is to be like, "idiot, her looks have nothing to do wuth anything".

However, I also WANT to say something like, "are you bonkers? Older women / stretch marks / mama bellies / etc are HOT!"

Like, I know that I need to help put forth the idea that women should be able to.l exist without having their looks discussed in ANY way...

But I also hate that so many men don't find normal women completely sexy and... is that all important? Do I respond at all to try to shake the scales from their eyes?

Does this question make sense at all?

04:31 UTC


Opportunity to participate in reproductive justice research for a doctoral study

Have you had or sought out female sterilization for birth control in the last 10 years?

Are you a Latin or Hispanic person with a female reproductive system?

Are you at least 18 years old?

Are you a resident of the U.S.?

Do you speak English?

If you said yes to all of these questions and would like to participate in research investigating the experiences of female sterilization in the U.S., please click here:


Participation is voluntary. Your responses will be anonymized for confidentiality. Agreement to be contacted for more information on how to participate does not oblige you to participate in the study. Thank you for considering this research opportunity.

Please share this post!!

03:17 UTC


Thoughts on House Bill 7 (America)

I've been getting videos on TikTok that discuss house bill 7, something being proposed for your law makers to vote on soon.

One of the immediate and major red flags in this document: "Whereas health care for women should also address the needs of men, families, and their communities as they relate to women's health care,"

Another concerning factor is the establishment of Pro Women Healthcare Centers across the nation, which carry an anti abortion sentiment, that would likely employ only pro life staff based on their aforementioned philosophy.

It also states that the health care needs of a woman should address her mental, physical, and spiritual needs.

It seems this bill has evaded any mention in the news cycle. What do you all make of it? To me, it seems like an ominous sign and perhaps the groundwork for a national abortion. It's language also seems to enable religion and men to dictate what healthcare would look like for women.



20:19 UTC


Misogynists who make absurd claims about sexual violence

In Japan, misogynists often argue that the idea of being okay with being touched by someone you like, but not by someone you don’t, is discriminatory and merely a matter of personal feelings.

They don't understand the importance of consent in relation to sexual offences and often equate sexual violence with sex itself. As a result, they mistakenly believe that the reason these women are angry about sexual violence is simply because they dislike sexual activity. So, when they learn that someone who has reported sexual assault has been sexually active with others, they respond with comments like, "This will be controversial," or "Liar!"

They often make absurd claims such as, "In a society where preserving virginity was important, sexual violence was unacceptable because it took that away. But now, since we no longer have a culture that values virginity, it’s strange to make a fuss about sexual violence." They also argue, "These women are angry about sexual violence because they believe their worth is tied solely to their genitals," or "They're only making a fuss because it affects their ability to engage in sex work."

Are there people in other countries who make similar claims?

15:38 UTC


Women clothes

There is something in my mind which is why women are expected to show more skin more than men for example in galas or parties men wear tuxedos which cover their whole bodies while women are expected to wear revealing clothes don’t you feel that we women are objectified or sexualized ? Which is something I find really disgusting, also , they make sport women wear bikini ( beach volleyball) to attract men while the guys wear top and shorts ? Other thing , in my country we are covered to the extreme to avoid tempting men as if we women are a sex objects not human beings. I think that covering us to the extreme and exposing skin more than men are both objectifying to us , it is like we are just our bodies 🤢

15:36 UTC


May Setayesh Sharifinia (forever 16 years old) soul be in peace

Setayesh Sharifinia was 16-years old when she arrested in Iran during the nation wide Women Life Freedom Protests, against the Islamic Republic Regime. She died after two days in a hospital in the city of Gorgan.

August 22, 2006 - January 13, 2023

14:55 UTC


How do you leave behind a life of women = subservient?

Hello, I have wondered this since I was a child and still now as a 19 year old girl. I want to know how to be free, the economy is in shambles, can barely get a minimum wage job, even then it can’t pay for life.

I really want to live a life where I can wear what I want and do what I want, but I can’t. I have my whole religious family and community that basically keep me on an invisible leash.

Just the other day my dad told me im meant to be a wife, college is not that important because my ultimate calling in life is to be a wife and a mother. He tells me soon he’ll find a “good brown mslim man for me to marry”

Is this all there is to life? All the women in my community drop their jobs when they arrange marry, pop out some kids, and that’s life now.

There has to be more to life than this. But at the same time, I can’t see a way out. I’ve tried to get a job but I’m big as hell with no job experience so no one wants me. Also $11 an hour is not enough to live alone.

What is there to do? How do I get out of this? Away from them. Forever? (Sry if this isn’t allowed here, I just don’t know who to ask.)

14:43 UTC


Feeling completely hopeless

Sorry if this isn't the right place to post this, I'm not sure where the best place would be. I just need to vent.

I've cried multiple times this week. I just finished crying at work. January 20th feels like an upcoming execution date. I just started school again and I can barely get anything done because I'm so upset. It feels like the world is ending and everything I'm doing is for nothing. I don't want to live like this. I live in a red state, my family is all conservative and I'm just afraid.

What am I even supposed to do? Is it even worth keeping on if I'm just going to struggle the whole way through afraid for my safety? I feel like no one else around me sees the boat sinking and I'm just going to drown no matter what. I can't do this. The women before me already did so I wouldn't have to and here we are again. I'm angry we have this one life and mine is just going down the drain and I likely will always be just barely above the water. I can't live like this.

Thanks for reading

11:33 UTC


Safe place to discuss the Baldoni/Lively allegations

Hey, not sure if anyone else has been following the allegations against Justin Baldoni, but if so, you probably agree that it’s been a sh*tshow lol. My friend and I created the subreddit r/baldonifiles to discuss the allegations in a more victim-centred and misogyny-educated way. We’re hoping to create a safer place for dialogue, especially as this situation progresses through the courts. It’s been hell to watch this go down as a feminist who has read the lawsuits so I’d encourage anyone who feels the same to join and participate if you’d like 💁🏼‍♀️

10:04 UTC


My father's misogyny, hatred for my mother and projecting it all onto me, have gotten much worse in recent years. Should I just move out?

Sorry in advance if this turns out kinda long. It's 4am and I cant sleep, so its possible this'll become an emotional rant. tldr, my dad has started ranting about "the woke mob" and accused my mom of being "angry feminists", and I no longer believe he cares about her or me on any level. I'm debating if I should just move out nd renting instead of saving to buy a place like I originally planned.

Growing up, my parents' relationship was always rocky, to say the least. The biggest things were, they never agreed on how to manage finances, and they never agreed on how to raise me or my 2 brothers, especially my autistic brother. This led to us kids kinda liking my dad more, and that seems to have kinda stuck with my brothers. But once I got older, I began to realize how manipulative he is. Buying us whatever we wanted, even shit we didnt ask for; constantly complaining to us about his issues with my mom; asking me for advice on how to "deal" with my mom, because at age 10 I had much better sympathy and emotional intelligence than he does to this day at age 65; his siblings and their families mistreated my mom, and im sure thats because he complained about his issues with her to them; telling me im "just like my mom" if i ever did something he didnt like; threatening to divorce her and letting us kids know, several times, he was considering it instead of talking to his damn wife, or any adult, about it. I could go on, but I think you get the idea.

Again, it wasn't until my teens when I realized how hurtful he was to my mom. I really started to notice how much she sacrificed to give us kids safe, healthy lives. Not that he didn't, but he barely acknowledged her efforts and just wanted us to like how nice he was to us. The cool dad vs the bitch mom. That shit.

Eventually I started telling him to stop complaining to me about his marriage, or asking me to talk to my mom on his behalf, or texting her from his phone pretending to be him. He admitted all that was wrong once, but he reverted to his old ways quickly. I still refused to give him advice or actively help in any way, but he clearly wouldn't try to shut up. I just started to ignore him and daydream or something when he started his rants.

But lately it's gotten a lot worse. He actively assumes every little detail of what she does that he doesn't like is her purposefully trying to get his goat. A couple of times, she or I will bring up feminist topics, like how society clearly favors traditionally pretty women and treats them better, or how people generally look down on "chick flicks" and assume they're less well-made than other movies. One time, he asked me if I would also be annoying or shitty to my husband when I'm married. Thanks for giving me another thing to talk to my therapist about.

Tonight may have been the last straw. My brother (who doesn't have autism) is a bit clingy and constantly showers me with compliments, including ones about my appearance. Earlier, he said "stay pretty", which i know he didn't mean in a bad way, he's just kinda thoughtless. My mom and I agreed it was a bit weird and reminded us of how much emphasis society places on women's appearance. My brother quickly understood and apologized. But my dad got angry, accused us of being "an angry feminist household", and went on a rant about "the woke mob" and "extremists".

I think that sealed it for me. Once someone goes off like that, i don't think I can believe they care about me or my feelings, let alone my mother he clearly hates, or any women at this point. I just wonder, how much further am I willing to let this go? Where is the line going to be drawn? I just feel sick every time he gets into his misogynistic tirades. I don't know if I'd cut him out of my life entirely, especially given how difficult that would be in getting other family members to understand and respect it. But that doesn't mean i need to live here anymore.

The main reason im still home is because i wanted to save money to buy a condo or townhouse or something. I'm 24 with a well-paying job at a financially stable company, so its not like I don't have the means to rent a place. Just not nearly enough to buy anything. I'd be here for at least another year, likely two, if i stuck to that plan. I just don't know if I can.

09:23 UTC


It’s not all men but it’s always a man

04:51 UTC


Rant about men. Adding me on snapchat, feeling unsafe, objectification and some positive notes

I just want to talk about my thoughts here because this is the only safe space I can think of on the internet.

For the last couple of days I have uploaded my stories officially for all people to see in hopes of meeting new friends who share my sense of comedy. My username on snapchat is literally ”big nut 😎” and my stories consists of shitposting. Tons of shitposting. So when a bunch of people started adding me I was excited, I expected to see people and meet likeminded people!


The interaction was men asking WORD FOR WORD



sending me shirtless snaps and photos of their dick (with and without clothes) Disgusting.

I was obv trolling with them so they ask

Him: age? (Shirtless pic)

Me: 60+ (old man filter)

Him: (sends a disappointed shirtless selfie idk)

Me: literally what did you expect? My name is big nut? Why did you even add me?

Him: idk i add everyone. (Shirtless pic)

Me: stop showing me your boobs

Him: why ;P

Me: what

Him blocking me after that which I thought was funny. But this is just an instance of many situations. Also they think I’m weird for using funny filters when THEY added me (big nut username btw)


I WANT MEN TO TALK TO ME THE WAY THEY TALK TO MEN!!! Because why do I always have to be an object of sexual conquest???

I have a male friend whom I flirted jokingly with ONCE a year ago when I was single (I have an amazing boyfriend now) and my flirtatious line was, ”bro we could get married” nothing more. Nothing weird happened after that, it seemed he thought of it as a joke. I was single so I was very flirtatious overall but not making any form of advances really.

After 2 months of dating my bf he asks if we’re still together and I answer yas. After half a year he asks if we’re still together and I answered yes. It didn’t seem weird until.. like today. We were sending memes on snapchat (we send shitposts to eachother sometimes) and he would answer pretty quickly. I would send him a snap of me in an old bald man filter and he would send me a regular selfie when u pose and look pretty. But today I sent a selfie with me and my bf silly tomfoolery filter as usual. He sends a pic of his wall ( he usually sends selfies) and then dont reply for the rest of the day. He KNOWS I AM IN A RELATIONSHIP AND I LIVE WITH MY BF! EVERYONE KNOWS!

And it clicked.

All my friendships with guys are like this. It feels like they are WAITING for me to be single so they can have a shot. Idk how to explain it really but it feels like they don’t think of me as an actual person. If I would ask one of my male friends to sleep with me he probably would but I wouldn’t. These thoughts make me feel unsafe and I have always felt this way but figured it would go away or I was just overconfident thinking my male friends are attracted to me.

But now I know I’m not delusional and i feel unsafe knowing that. I have been subjected to unwanted advances before and the thought of it happening again makes me sick to my stomach.

Also videos like these:


They make me feel so sad. I am always an object of sexual desire, WOMEN ARE ALWAYS OBJECTS OF SEXUAL DESIRE AND I HATE IT!!! I want men to treat me like another man AKA a regular person.

I am so glad to have friends, family and my fantastic boyfriend who stand up against sexism.

Like how men say ”women aren’t funny”

My dad (the most amazing quote):

”A man who thinks women are unfunny have never talked to women before”

Ik this is a long and stupid post but I wanted to get this off my chest. <3

03:39 UTC


Male loneliness epidemic is self inflicted pain

02:12 UTC


Witches 2024

Just been knocked sideways by Elizabeth Sankey’s documentary WITCHES, which explores the connections between postpartum depression/psychosis and the portrayal of witches in society. Highly recommended, especially if you’ve ever experienced mental health issues - and who hasn’t?

01:38 UTC


Why backlash against feminism and social justice is growing — and how we can redirect the conversation

Hey everyone,

I’ve been reflecting on why so many social justice movements, including feminism, seem to be facing more backlash these days. As a leftist who cares deeply about progress and equity, it’s extremely frustrating to see counter-movements and reactionary rhetoric gain traction when the original goals of these causes are so important. But after thinking about it and learning some new concepts, I believe a lot of the backlash isn’t because the movements themselves are wrong — it’s because bad actors, corporate opportunists, and even some harmful rhetoric from within have distorted public perception.

Let me explain.

When companies or individuals use progressive values as marketing tools rather than as genuine commitments to change, it creates frustration and misdirected anger. For example, in gaming, there’s a growing anti-DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) sentiment where gamers blame inclusivity for poor storytelling or predatory microtransactions. But what’s really at fault? Corporate greed and lazy design — not diversity. Companies weaponize inclusivity to cover for their bad practices, and the result is resentment toward the concept of diversity rather than the greed that cheapened the product.

Feminism, too, suffers from this kind of distortion. I believe it’s vital for us as feminists to seriously and thoughtfully examine how bad actors — some claiming the feminist label — may spread harmful rhetoric, including misandry disguised as feminism. I know this is a sensitive topic, but I think it’s worth discussing in good faith. Misandry is not feminism, and equating the two only serves to fuel backlash. But when people encounter hostility toward men under the guise of feminism, it leads to unfair generalizations about the movement as a whole.

There are real terms that describe these harmful dynamics:

Co-opting: When people or corporations hijack a movement for personal gain, distorting its true purpose.

Astroturfing: When fake grassroots support is created to make it look like there’s real backing for an idea.

Virtue signaling: Performing progressive values publicly without any actual commitment to change.

Moral licensing: Using good deeds (like promoting inclusivity) to excuse harmful behavior.

Concern trolling: Pretending to care about a cause while undermining it from within.

These behaviors dilute and harm real movements. Instead of rejecting feminism or inclusivity, people should be calling out the exploitation of these values by opportunists and bad actors. Unfortunately, it’s often easier to blame feminism itself than to examine the systems or people who misuse it.

What I’d love to hear from this community:

How can we better hold bad actors accountable without harming the broader movement?

How do you navigate conversations with people who have become cynical about feminism because of their experiences with misandry?

What strategies have helped you differentiate the true goals of feminism from the way it’s sometimes misrepresented or co-opted?

I believe we can have a more nuanced and powerful conversation if we name these issues for what they are. Feminism is about equity — and equity requires honest reflection about both internal and external challenges.

I’m really interested in your thoughts. How do we move forward in a way that builds solidarity without ignoring these issue?

01:07 UTC


Modern porn is a big part of the reason guys become "your body, my choice"

A rant about porn leading to discourse, hear me out:

A lot about current-day porn is fetishized in categories that are abusive ("ebony"? "bbw"? Really?) and highly objectifying. Acts like triple penetration, extreme sex (anal fisting, degradation), all of it is a mouse click away. Always polished, always available on your smartphone, like you have a right.

Porn stars? Objectified to the point of being disposable toys for men. There’s no female pleasure, no genuine femininity on the screen. Just performance. And OnlyFans as an “alternative”? It’s just self-employed porn stars at this point. worst hallmark? a girl having an orgy with 100 men.

What about amateur porn? That used to show at least a little more diversity. more “sex for fun” scenarios. Even if it copied porn, it felt less like a soulless, objectifying performance. Now? It’s basically nonexistent. It’s been swallowed whole by the industry. The only alternative I’ve seen is a subreddit like r/healthyporn, and even that is like finding an oasis in the desert—one against hundreds of shitty subreddits like r/womenarethings

-->The Big Problem

This kind of porn gives such a twisted idea about sexuality. It says sex is about power. About being bigger, harder, more abusive. It feeds toxic masculinity. And femininity? That's treated as "gay."

Not just in men, but in the women they "perform" with. Because guess what? The patriarchy is terrified of men acknowledging their feminine side- or even their love for other men. So what’s the answer? Women are "sluts" to be "used." Porn becomes a socially accepted way for men to express power dynamics they’re too scared to explore elsewhere.

Here's the kicker: this awkward, repressed relationship with sex? It didn’t exist 2,500 years ago and still doesn’t exist for much of the world.

But for us? Add the loneliness epidemic hitting a chunk of Zoomers into the mix. You’ve got isolated, young boys fapping to abusive, twisted content. Instead of connecting with their peers—young loving bros on the streets, taking care of each other and their communities—they’re stuck in this screen-fed cycle of detachment.

-->Recipe for Disaster

Abusive content. Dopamine deregulation. Screens instead of real-life connection.

I’m honestly not surprised men are turning into these "your body, my choice" kind of people. It’s exactly what Pornhub tells them to be. Over and over.

Pornhub (and RedTube and YouPorn, but let’s be real, Pornhub is king here) is directly responsible for two of these toxic ingredients, and others agree with me, see the links:

  1. The normalization of abusive, power-based sex.
  2. Exploiting dopamine systems like some manipulative casino slot machine.

So Fuck Pornhub

  • Fuck Pornhub for helping the patriarchy.
  • Fuck Pornhub for creating a generation of men who think abusive sex is normal.
  • Fuck Pornhub for exploiting dopamine systems like a predator.

Meanwhile, where are the real displays of sex? real sex. Not porn.

We need more real sex in public spaces and on the internet. Awkward, imperfect sex of imperfect people having fun, feeling excitement, and connecting. Imagine flooding the world with that message: this is what sex looks like. This is what sex is.

Wonder what y'all think about this!!

edit - 2 hours later: changed text for readability

p.s. what you can do:
- stop watching porn and ask your boyfriend to do the same,. intriguingly less dopamine addiction means better sex! its about getting horny again from normal stimuli -- normal food instead of the candy store for dinner. https://www.zachary-phillips.com/blog/i-dont-watch-it-any-more#gsc.tab=0

- focus more on the sensual (What you directly experience) than the cerebral (what you think). it is the quickest way out of a porn mindset.

- subscribe to sites like omgyes.com (for female pleasure), abbywinters.com (for ethical, normal people haveing normal sex) and bellesa.com (for more stylized but still female friendly porn) . also subscribe to r/healthyporn ( or rather, dont.... they seem to be still pretty rough in some posts as u/delusionalcushion pointed out in the comments)







edit2 -15 hours later. thanks for all the great replies people. somehow either reddit or r/feminism does not let me reply.(i have tried two different accounts without luck.). I want to reply to a few comments in this way. and for all the other comments that just thanked me or agreed: THANKS, YAY! NOW, LETS SMASH THE PATRIARCHY 🌞🌱:

Setykesykaa 7h ago

Another perspective: the most transphobic red state consumes the most trans porns. Porns are spreading toxic values and stereotypes.


i think that what is repressed by "family values", finds its ways in the anonymous moments on the internet.

chungkinqexpress 8h ago

There is no "healthy" porn. It is simply oxymoronic. Pornography and sex work were created to subdue women and reinforce patriarchy.


ok thanks.

I wholeheartedly agree. Especially for the onlyfans (modern day sex workers) and commercial porn part. lots of mental health disorders also in those sectors and not for nothing.

However,i wonder if smut is ok in your book?
or just normal people having normal sex like abby-winters-kinda-feminist porn?

i wonder if there is a gray area?

(this is to say: its good to have some discourse in our feminist movement. adding more nuance makes us stronger as a whole, and we will need exactly that in the new Trump term.)

georgejo314159 9h agopostremoval

The people saying "your body, my choice" are assholes who oppose abortion because of the Christian religion that claim to adhere to.

It's not because of porn per se.

Many of these people certainly have double standards 


thanks. i think it is both. its always and/and containing like 5+ reasons. often there is an external reason for things and an internal . those kind of things tend to reinforce eachohter.

1.skewed christian values drive insane worldview, (not wanting to be gay, ownership over women). this has been the case the whole history ofchristianity. its called the patriarchy.
2. porn reproduces insane worldview, ( not wanting to be gay, ownership over women. )
3. an echochamber is created! your fucked up worldviews are reproduced inside you (values) and in your external world (porn watching) and you spiral more and more deep,

sadly, this porn also radicalizes less christian values based people. it is a cesspool at this point.

so you are defintely not wrong, all i say its both. it is that those things reinforce eachother and there is always internal and external reasons for things happening.

ok that was it!

again, thanks all for commenting and enjoying! i am going to find out how to be able to comment in the next posts i make! also, i am finding out of i can get this published. now remember: ENJOY YOURSELF and SMASH THE PATRIARCHY 🌞🌱

00:51 UTC


What sorts of curricula should young students be given to curb the development of gender roles?

Gender roles are ingrained into everyone at an early age. Corporations explicitly market specific classes of toys to specific genders. Media continue to portray women with stereotypically “feminine” and men with stereotypically “masculine” traits. School children fear-monger over the imaginary disease “cooties” as an excuse to self-segregate along gendered lines.

I think the creation of curricula meant to suppress the formation of gendered stereotypes could help. By the time most people learn about gender roles in a formal context (often in a high-school or undergraduate sociology or psychology course), it is typically too late to undo the damage caused by a gendered childhood. (This can be seen when considering gender breakdowns by major; in a just world, all majors would have a roughly equal split of men and women.) This needs to start as early as possible.

My question revolves around what sorts of curricula we should be giving elementary-school children to combat the impact of gender roles. Should we teach elementary-school children feminist theory? Should we emphasize the negative impacts of gender roles to elementary-school children? Should we reprimand children for fear-mongering over “cooties”? What are your thoughts?

23:26 UTC


This is just sad.

22:43 UTC


Are there places in the world where misogyny doesn't exist?

Are there places in the world where sexism isn't a thing? I was born in Poland and grew up, and now still live, in the UK. A lot of things about the patriarchy I know based on what is probably best described as a "Western" view of a straight white woman. I realise I know very little of what experiences other women all over the world throughout history have experienced. Has anyone got any insights, ideas etc.. that could point me in the direction of more knowledge? Thank you.

22:37 UTC


Is absurd humor ok if it implies misoginy?

Bear with me please because it's a weird example. I just saw a video of an Instagram page (@beefylegz8) which I immediately found funny, but then I started to question it and now I can't really tell if it's acceptable or not. The line is " When the eb*ny(1) muscle mommy(2) from LA fitness(3) I rizzed up(4) is suffocating me with her squat cheecks like I'm George Floyd(5) and I catch a glimpse of the life(6) I would have had if I didn't fumble the Peruvian(1) baddie" and then there's a video of someone looking at a woman and child, I think that's the gladiator

What I noted was 1= racism? Like, why do you have to specify the ethnicity? 2= Objectification? Is it tho? 3= Weirdly specific, made me laugh 4= brainrot,made me laugh 5= weird comparison, made me laugh 6= weirdly specific "cinematic moment", made me laugh

I can't really find anything that "excuses" point 1, but what about point 2? If I flipped the joke talking about, idk a man sitting on a woman's face it doesn't really change the funny part of point 2.

Can y'all help me see through this?

Also, I know that me laughing at point 5 is probably a lack of empathy, but I think it is more of a general humor-theory matter and I do not want to violate the subs rule/ go OT

Also, I do understand that there's a part of me that does not want to acknowledge the (eventual) misoginy of that post because it's always a pain to deconstruct yourself, but I also can't if I don't have a specific reason to accept the fact something is misogynistic.

Thank you for your attention

22:36 UTC


Conspiracies about feminism

So I just came across a video of a woman criticising dr Umar for being misogynistic and one of the main points was that he calls feminism a "lie created by the CIA".

Now I know this is nothing new. Society (usually men) have ALWAYS opposed women's rights, and have historically tried to villianise women who stood up for their rights especially when they did it in unconventional ways.

They called feminists man-hating witches, even the first wave feminists who fought for BASIC rights for women such as voting and property rights, and made all kinds of conspiracies and speculations against women's movements to demonise them and label them as a threat. They used to make posters depicting women getting the right to vote as this horrible, horrendous thing that would get men abused by their wives (ironically portraying the husband doing the woman's role/job which proves that they see it as a shameful, humiliating thing). They've been calling us evil since the dawn of time.

But what's funny to me is how men's rights and movements about men are NEVER seen as "evil" inventions created by the devil or government to disrupt society, they're NEVER questioned or up for debate, no one ever talks about whether it's in the "godly order" for men to have rights, meanwhile women's rights and their humanity are always up for debate. It's ridiculous how hypocritical and sad this is. When was the last time you saw a debate on whether men deserve to have rights or not? When was the last time you ever saw someone saying that if men didn't have rights that'd be okay because it doesn't have anything to do with value it's just "different roles" and "traditional" so they're still equal? When was the last time someone tried to say that men not having rights is just "family values"? When was the last time you saw men's rights being used as a political topic, a political pawn or simply as propaganda? Do men even understand how humiliating it is to have your humanity be questioned and used as a political debate? They don't. Cause their rights have never been taken away from them. Their humanity hasn't been questioned since day one.

So when women are sick and tired of this and try fight for their liberation men try to fight back and keep themselves in power by fear mongering, manipulation, gaslighting and villainising us.

However, I was thinking about how we could respond to these arguments. A lot of people truly believe these ideas and love to spread them around, especially in conservative spaces. And pick me women support them which gives them more reasons to fight against feminism bc they say shit like "see even women disagree with it". When I was reading the comments on this vid a lot of ppl were agreeing with the fact that feminism is just an evil lie created by the government and some women were following along and it was so annoying to see how people can be so obtuse and ignorant to their own stupidity and hatred.

If it was just one person saying this bs I wouldn't be surprised and would probably just ignore it bc of how stupid it is, but the problem is that it's not just one person, it's tons of people who spread these beliefs around especially in this era of misogyny becoming worse with manosphere and trump supporters. So it's important that we know how to address these claims with proper facts and arguments. Not that they'll understand and admit that they're wrong bc most of them are deeply deluded, but we need to do it for the sake of protecting our own movement against propaganda and conspiracies. People make a lot of accusations against feminists (the "crazy feminazi" stereotype) and it has unironically gotten a LOT of people in the world including women to oppose feminism bc they think it's evil, so clearly they're affecting feminism as a movement. We can't just turn a blind eye and pretend that these beliefs don't affect how people think.

So how would yall address this argument or similar arguments? How do you respond to people when they say things like these? Is there any specific approach you take? How do you break these arguments down with logic?

22:15 UTC


Feminist movies/shows/anime?

Hello! I'm looking for recommendations of feminist movies/tv shows/anime with good diversity. Frankly I hate watching shows where the women are portrayed as brainless and reduced to "XYZ's love interest". It doesn't need to be about feminism itself but I need shows where the female characters have depth and are well-written!

Very appreciated <3

21:38 UTC

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