We are often bombarded with the "ideal body." We all have a lack of perfection and we all deserve to feel good about ourselves and comfortable in our skin, without the demands that we need to change it.
A place to find acceptance of the body you are living in today.
We are often bombarded with the "ideal body." We all have a lack of perfection and we all deserve to feel good about ourselves and comfortable in our skin.
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Bi-Weekly Body Dissatisfaction Post: Mondays & Thursdays
Feel Good Friday: Fridays
Inspiration Sunday: Sundays
7 Cups offer a confidential listening ear to anyone who has issues with body acceptance, or any other issue. This notice of their services is here specifically at their request, so don't be shy. You can also find them at their subreddit, /r/7CupsofTea.
Welcome to the r/BodyAcceptance Bi-weekly Body Dissatisfaction Post for talking about your negative feelings about your body. This post will be created on Mondays and Thursdays.
As this is a support sub, people may offer advice. If you would prefer to rant without getting advice, please start your comment with [RANT ONLY]. Others are asked to respect that the commenter does not want advice.
Important: Please read if you're feeling suicidal or that you may harm yourself.
All comments must follow the rules of this sub.
I(F) won't state anything specific about myself except this, I am 5'5 1/2, and I am underweight for my age/height due to a genetic mutation that my whole family (mums side) show signs of.
We all have long arms, lean builds and are tall, my uncle is 6'5 my cousins are 6'3 and 5'10, my grandfather was 6'3 at his peak height.
Ok, so my whole life I have had grown ass adults walk up to me or my mother and point out things about my body, "oh your so skinny!" "I wish I had a metabolism like yours" "how do you manage that?" from primary school all the way up till high school I had grown women projecting their insecurities on me because I was skinny.
I have a memory from middle school (I was about 13) where my home room teacher walked up to me and asked in front of the whole class "name your so skinny! Did you eat breakfast this morning? Your just soooo skinny I could NEVER do that" and she continued to point out my boney hands while I tried to brush her off by saying it was genetic, later that night she called my mother to ask if I had an eating disorder. First of all! That's none of her business if I do or don't (I don't) and second of all I told her several times it was genetic and she would just not leave me alone.
Another time my "friend" told me that I was lucky because I could eat as much as I want without getting fat. this didn't mix well with me because I had just found out that my paediatrician was threatening to cut my ADHD medication unless I gained two kilos in weight in the next 2 months, which is extremely difficult for me because I don't gain weight easily and I loose weight at the smallest inconvenience (if I catch a cold or skip a meal accidentally).
Every time I see the comments under a skinny girls posts on instagram it's full of "ok, let's trade" and "I wish I had your problems" and it hurts knowing that everyone is body positive until a skinny girl opens up about her insecurities.
Here are some of the things I've been called/described as by adults as a child. Bag of bones Skinny miss Boney Garbage gutts (referring to me eating a healthy amount for a growing child/teen while being skinny)
I'm sick of people pointing out things about my body and expecting me to be fine with it, because yk what? I KNOW IM SKINNY, IVE KNOWN MY WHOLE LIFE I WAKE UP EVERY MORNING AND AM FULLY AWEAR THAT IM UNDER WEIGHT.
I hate it when people say "omg have you ever eaten a burger?" Or "did you eat last night?"
I hate it when people treat me like I'm a weak little girl or when they convince themselves that I'm malnourished no matter how much I explain my genetic history,
I'm sick of people convincing themselves that they're a saint who is going to help me "take care of myself" and "overcome my ed" by telling me I have an ed, I DON'T! IM JUST SLIM!
Hi folks, I always struggled with accepting my body so I always found obsessive exercise as a mechanism to feel in control. I thought I had in under control but while solo traveling abroad it became the only safe behavior that made me feel home.
So I decided to write this text below. If you happen to be like me, know that you are not alone and that things can get better!
Loneliness never knocks on the front door. It sneaks in through the backyard, into your living room, and sits on your favorite chair.
I’ve been traveling solo in Vietnam for only two weeks, and time feels warped when you’re far from home.
I’ve tried the food, visited the temples, kept myself busy with writing, reading, and the gym. Always moving from one thing to the next. But when the distractions run out, you start to hear it: the pressing sound of silence.
I thought I knew how to be alone. But have you ever been stripped of everything you use to fill your time? No job. No routines. No chores. No friends to call. No identity to hide behind.
I’m discovering a new kind of loneliness.
When the silence became unbearable, I fell back on the one thing I knew: exercise. CrossFit, the gym, 10,000 steps. I push myself so hard that I’m too tired to think. Too tired to feel.
Funny how running is my least favorite exercise, except when it’s about running away from myself.
The man who always pushes me for an extra rep.
The man who forces me to exercise every day.
The man who measures worth through effort.
He looks back at me with that familiar stare, the one that whispers: You’ll never be fit enough. Never lean enough. Never enough.
My way of accepting my body has always been to perfect it. To push it, shape it, control it. I’ve told myself that if I could just get there—wherever “there” is—I’d finally be okay with who I am. I’d finally feel like enough.
But that moment never comes. The man in the mirror is never satisfied. I dream of Tyler Durden’s abs in Fight Club, but I’m not Brad Pitt, and this isn’t a fucking movie.
I don’t want to keep running. But I don’t want to go back to what I know either.
Have you ever seen those people who live in tornado areas? Every few years, a tornado comes and blows their house away. They rebuild. Another tornado. The same cycle. Over and over.
Why don’t they move? Because it’s home. Because even though it’s not safe, it feels safe.
Well, that’s what my relationship with my body is. Familiar but destructive. Comfortable but painful.
But I’m fed up. I’m packing up my emotions and moving away from home.
I’m tired of thinking about my body every second of every day. I’m tired of seeing him in every reflection. I’m tired of being myself.
Maybe, like an alcoholic, this is something I’ll carry with me forever, but today, I’m getting sober.
I see now why the man in the mirror was there. He made me feel in control when the world wasn’t.
I don’t want to live a life measured in calories. I want to ask myself what I want to eat, not what I should. To walk for the view, not for the steps. To enjoy food without guilt.
When people ask me if I like Vietnam, I don’t know what to say. But I’m starting to like myself.
And maybe that’s why I came here. Not to disappear. Not to reinvent myself. Not to be alone, but to make a new friend.
To get to know him.
The man in the mirror.
This is our weekly Feel Good Friday post.
Tell us about what's made you feel good this week. What's put a smile on your face? What's boosted your confidence?
As always, comments must follow the rules of this sub. Comments that break the rules will be removed.
Welcome to the r/BodyAcceptance Bi-weekly Body Dissatisfaction Post for talking about your negative feelings about your body. This post will be created on Mondays and Thursdays.
As this is a support sub, people may offer advice. If you would prefer to rant without getting advice, please start your comment with [RANT ONLY]. Others are asked to respect that the commenter does not want advice.
Important: Please read if you're feeling suicidal or that you may harm yourself.
All comments must follow the rules of this sub.
Welcome to the r/BodyAcceptance Bi-weekly Body Dissatisfaction Post for talking about your negative feelings about your body. This post will be created on Mondays and Thursdays.
As this is a support sub, people may offer advice. If you would prefer to rant without getting advice, please start your comment with [RANT ONLY]. Others are asked to respect that the commenter does not want advice.
Important: Please read if you're feeling suicidal or that you may harm yourself.
All comments must follow the rules of this sub.
Hello everyone,
Next week I have some important work events, on Tuesday I have to go to the office and later for dinner and on Thursday I am going to the company Christmas party in other city for 2 days and I am really struggling how I feel about my body.
I've gained some weight in the past 6 months and that's the reason I haven't been to the office since June, I work from home so it's mandatory to go. I know it's wrong and harmful but in my head was like this: "I need to lose weight first, then I will go to the office". Well, I didn't lose weight and now I have these events that I have to attend.
I know this is something I need to work on internally, self-acceptance and separating my worth from my appearance but it's so difficult right now with all of these thoughts. And I've been working for over two years now on that and I made a lot of progress, for example, now I am able to look at myself at the mirror (I avoided doing that for 10-15 years), I started dressing up and using makeup which I didn't do before (again, "I will do that when I lose weight" thing). But I am not nearly where I want to be.
Have any of you felt this way before big events? How do you manage body image struggles in social situations? I’d appreciate any advice or strategies that have helped you.
Thank you in advance for your kindness and support.
I keep worrying about not being enough sexually when I get into a relationship eventually and it's eating at me slowly and driving me insane I worry about not being able to satisfy my partner even though when it does come to the bedroom her needs are my top priority and making sure she gets off so I'll definitely be using my hands a mouth a lot I prioritize her pleasure over my own as long as she gets off by me I'm happy
This is our weekly Feel Good Friday post.
Tell us about what's made you feel good this week. What's put a smile on your face? What's boosted your confidence?
As always, comments must follow the rules of this sub. Comments that break the rules will be removed.
Welcome to the r/BodyAcceptance Bi-weekly Body Dissatisfaction Post for talking about your negative feelings about your body. This post will be created on Mondays and Thursdays.
As this is a support sub, people may offer advice. If you would prefer to rant without getting advice, please start your comment with [RANT ONLY]. Others are asked to respect that the commenter does not want advice.
Important: Please read if you're feeling suicidal or that you may harm yourself.
All comments must follow the rules of this sub.
I know i shouldnt take it to heart but its difficult when your own family says how you i have a stomach or when my sister says i dont have an ass and things. Its like i never feel good enough. My sisters more curvy than me and my family loves to make it known. My sister used to say things like my lips were shaped weird and stuff and my mum at every moment whether im wearing a dress or something else its oh wear a good pair of shorts under to suck your tummy in. But then when i eat its oh you eat such small portions like nothing and then when i eat more its oh you're putting on the pounds.
Even among friends i feel like everyone has normalised body shaming. These days everyone wants a big butt but god forbid if you have cellulite and your tummys not flat. Even with guys they expect these things and i feel like i may never meet that standard.
How do you learn to not care about these things?
Welcome to the r/BodyAcceptance Bi-weekly Body Dissatisfaction Post for talking about your negative feelings about your body. This post will be created on Mondays and Thursdays.
As this is a support sub, people may offer advice. If you would prefer to rant without getting advice, please start your comment with [RANT ONLY]. Others are asked to respect that the commenter does not want advice.
Important: Please read if you're feeling suicidal or that you may harm yourself.
All comments must follow the rules of this sub.
This is our weekly Feel Good Friday post.
Tell us about what's made you feel good this week. What's put a smile on your face? What's boosted your confidence?
As always, comments must follow the rules of this sub. Comments that break the rules will be removed.
Welcome to the r/BodyAcceptance Bi-weekly Body Dissatisfaction Post for talking about your negative feelings about your body. This post will be created on Mondays and Thursdays.
As this is a support sub, people may offer advice. If you would prefer to rant without getting advice, please start your comment with [RANT ONLY]. Others are asked to respect that the commenter does not want advice.
Important: Please read if you're feeling suicidal or that you may harm yourself.
All comments must follow the rules of this sub.
to those who have outies, how long are urs😭measuring in the groove between the minora and majora to the tip of the minora in its longest place. i was finally getting a little bit more confident in having an outie alone but i just looked up average lengths and think mine is abnormal. im freaking out
Welcome to the r/BodyAcceptance Bi-weekly Body Dissatisfaction Post for talking about your negative feelings about your body. This post will be created on Mondays and Thursdays.
As this is a support sub, people may offer advice. If you would prefer to rant without getting advice, please start your comment with [RANT ONLY]. Others are asked to respect that the commenter does not want advice.
Important: Please read if you're feeling suicidal or that you may harm yourself.
All comments must follow the rules of this sub.
What has inspired you recently?
Is it a person, some art, some social media, a tv show, or something else? Share it with us!
You are welcome to post images, but note that they will automatically be held for moderator review and will be handled as quickly as possible.
As always, comments must follow the rules of this sub, including the rule of no selfies or body pictures. Comments that break the rules will be removed.
I have always wanted to go on a hiking trip in Europe and I’m thinking about joining a gym. I feel like the type of workout they do at CrossFit would be really helpful, but the one that is closest to me is super focused on weight loss. Has anyone been in an environment like that and managed to stay weight neutral and not get mindfucked by the weight loss rhetoric? It looks like there are actually a range of body types that work out there, but the common goal definitely seems to be weight loss.
I know I could find a different gym but I really love the proximity and their prices are great, so just wondering about y’all‘s experiences in those kinds of environments.
This is our weekly Feel Good Friday post.
Tell us about what's made you feel good this week. What's put a smile on your face? What's boosted your confidence?
As always, comments must follow the rules of this sub. Comments that break the rules will be removed.
Wanted to share a new fat fairy art piece. I started out creating pieces with stylistically rounded bodies, but I’m now making figurines that have rolls and fat folds, to show how beautiful we can be when we aren’t perfectly and unrealistically smooth.
Welcome to the r/BodyAcceptance Bi-weekly Body Dissatisfaction Post for talking about your negative feelings about your body. This post will be created on Mondays and Thursdays.
As this is a support sub, people may offer advice. If you would prefer to rant without getting advice, please start your comment with [RANT ONLY]. Others are asked to respect that the commenter does not want advice.
Important: Please read if you're feeling suicidal or that you may harm yourself.
All comments must follow the rules of this sub.
Welcome to the r/BodyAcceptance Bi-weekly Body Dissatisfaction Post for talking about your negative feelings about your body. This post will be created on Mondays and Thursdays.
As this is a support sub, people may offer advice. If you would prefer to rant without getting advice, please start your comment with [RANT ONLY]. Others are asked to respect that the commenter does not want advice.
Important: Please read if you're feeling suicidal or that you may harm yourself.
All comments must follow the rules of this sub.
What has inspired you recently?
Is it a person, some art, some social media, a tv show, or something else? Share it with us!
You are welcome to post images, but note that they will automatically be held for moderator review and will be handled as quickly as possible.
As always, comments must follow the rules of this sub, including the rule of no selfies or body pictures. Comments that break the rules will be removed.
This is our weekly Feel Good Friday post.
Tell us about what's made you feel good this week. What's put a smile on your face? What's boosted your confidence?
As always, comments must follow the rules of this sub. Comments that break the rules will be removed.
Welcome to the r/BodyAcceptance Bi-weekly Body Dissatisfaction Post for talking about your negative feelings about your body. This post will be created on Mondays and Thursdays.
As this is a support sub, people may offer advice. If you would prefer to rant without getting advice, please start your comment with [RANT ONLY]. Others are asked to respect that the commenter does not want advice.
Important: Please read if you're feeling suicidal or that you may harm yourself.
All comments must follow the rules of this sub.
I’m in my late teens and struggle with poor self image, not because I particularly dislike the way i look, more just because i’m not a very traditional looking guy and my area is known for being pretty shallow and judgmental when it comes to like, what a person’s appearance actually indicates about them (which in itself i take issue with, y’know, don’t judge a book by the cover and all that).
For context I’m relatively average height for a guy my age, around 6”0 but i have very long dark brown hair that goes down to about the halfway point of my torso and covers a decent bit of my face. I always try and work on my facial hygiene because most of my friends seem to have such good skin, but i rarely have time to uphold a good routine with college and stuff. My face is rarely spotty, but my skin especially around my forehead, eyebrows and nose is very flakey and annoying to deal with. Moisturiser doesn’t really make a noticeable improvement.
Not many people see it besides me, but my body in terms of my torso and arms and legs are sort of where i’m the most conscious to a degree, since going to the gym is sort of viewed as like an essential thing here, something i don’t do. It’s not a matter of laziness i don’t think, i just don’t like the atmosphere of the gym. I try to get my exercise by going on journeys and doing routines at home when i can. But as the bar for what is considered the “average male body” only seems to rise i see my body as less socially acceptable.
It’s not even that i’m a large guy, my silhouette is relatively thin for what it’s worth and when i stretch i look quite skinny really, but my torso has no real definition? If that’s the right wording, like there’s no real like, outlines of anything idk. It sounds dumb because it’s really not all that serious, and for what it’s worth i’ve never liked overly muscular bodies, something about them is very unhuman looking to me. It’s just that i don’t think i’d feel so bad about my body if the culture didn’t view it as such a sin? Because I’m perfectly content with looking how i do, but i still prefer to keep it to myself.
It’s also been a major reason why i’ve stayed off dating for a little while, worried i might not be seen as masculine enough ig. That being said, if i need to look a certain way before i’m even allowed to give the person an idea of who i am i don’t know if they’re the kind of person i’d want to love anyway.
Sorry for all the writing, and don’t feel pressured to respond unless you want to, i just felt like i needed to write it down somewhere to get my feelings out of my head.
Welcome to the r/BodyAcceptance Bi-weekly Body Dissatisfaction Post for talking about your negative feelings about your body. This post will be created on Mondays and Thursdays.
As this is a support sub, people may offer advice. If you would prefer to rant without getting advice, please start your comment with [RANT ONLY]. Others are asked to respect that the commenter does not want advice.
Important: Please read if you're feeling suicidal or that you may harm yourself.
All comments must follow the rules of this sub.
What has inspired you recently?
Is it a person, some art, some social media, a tv show, or something else? Share it with us!
You are welcome to post images, but note that they will automatically be held for moderator review and will be handled as quickly as possible.
As always, comments must follow the rules of this sub, including the rule of no selfies or body pictures. Comments that break the rules will be removed.
This is our weekly Feel Good Friday post.
Tell us about what's made you feel good this week. What's put a smile on your face? What's boosted your confidence?
As always, comments must follow the rules of this sub. Comments that break the rules will be removed.