
Photograph via snooOG

You know those nitty gritty details you can only talk about with your best friend? Well, here is TwoXSex: a place for women to bare all about their experiences, concerns, questions, anything you may want to talk about when it comes to doing the deed (or anything leading up to it). This might include technique, initiation tactics, grooming, "is this normal?," and everything in between.

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Positions, Lingere, First timers, Masturbation, Toys, Orgies, Lesbian sex, Orgasms, Grooming, ProTips, Techniques, Anatomy.. and anything else sex!

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How do you talk dirty to someone?

My almost boyfriend is SO GOOD at talking dirty and saying things that get me flustered or hot, but I’m terrible at it. I get shy about it and usually just end up cracking jokes, but it’s fun because when I do manage to say something dirty he gets all riled up LOL how do I get better at it? Do I talk about how he makes me feel, or what I would do to him? Any tips?

02:13 UTC


I can’t believe that I peed myself

This is embarrassing. I am in treatment for an uti and I can’t feel anything. I was outside going for a walk and then I got this sudden urge to pee. I wanted to sit down else I’ll pee myself and then my body just let it flow bc I can’t feel it anymore. I’m 22 years old and this is the third or fourth time in the past year that this has happened to me. I’m not talking shit the uti bc that’s my first one.

Last year I went out to buy Christmas gifts for my family and I needed to pee so hard. I couldn’t hold it anymore. The same happened one time when I did my hair at a saloon and another time when I tried to rush to pee. My bladder is fucked from constantly holding my pee bc at my job I had to wait so long until I was able to go to pee and I’m deeply embarrassed. I’m telling my doctor about it today. It’s humiliating

13:52 UTC


Ladies, I need to confess. I watch wrestling for the hot dudes.

02:45 UTC


Need help with backshots

Hey everyone, me and my bf have a very healthy and active sex life but have been trying to do backshots (or "doggystyle") for a while now and haven't had much success. We got it to work one time a few months ago but haven't been able to since. Everytime since then we try to recreate the same positioning I was in and everything from the first time we got it to work and it just won’t happen. Usually the problem is he can't get his dick to go in properly before he's soft again and we have to try again. We've tried using pillows and arching my back and doing it on the edge of the bed but no luck. Any helpful advice would be appreciated, thank you

02:32 UTC


I don’t know how to touch him

So just for context, I’m a 22 year old girl but I’ve never had any sexual experiences before. Recently about a week ago, I started making out with this guy that I’ve been speaking to for a year.

He’s 2 years younger than me and I’m his first too, so we’re learning along the way but I wanna do and try things out on my own as well.

During make outs I don’t know what to do with my hands really. I touch his hair and neck and I’ve grabbed his ass too. But I really don’t know what to do when it comes to the dick.

At this point we are taking it slow and it’s mostly hand stuff and more over the clothes than under (over the underwear).

When I think about stroking it, I feel like it’s probably gonna be uncomfortable since it’s dry, no?

I asked him to teach me, tell me how and he tried but I think I kinda held it with more pressure than needed cause he reacted a little uncomfortable saying “it’s still semi, go slower”.

I know what I like when it comes to pleasuring myself but I don’t know anything about what to do with a dick really. I feel clueless with it in my hands even when it’s over the underwear.

He said he’s semi hard with the underwear on and if he takes it off he’ll get fully hard adding that he can’t get fully hard with it on. So are there like stages to a boner and what do you do when it comes to how much pressure you use?

I know not every guy is the same but I would wanna know what men like when it comes to touching them in general.

01:42 UTC


Blood in my pee

I think I got my first uti. I was severely dehydrated the last days and yesterday I needed to pee really bad but I pushed it back to the point it hurt. I’ve held my wow for longer periods before without any issue but this hurt. When I peed this morning it burned so much to the point I had to breathe mindfully. I also noticed a little bit of blood coming but I know that it’s not my period even tho it’s also late. I just moved to a village and there’s no hospital here but they have doctors. I’m scared. It still hurts even when I’m not peeing. It’s a very sharp pain. I’m currently not sexually active with anyone btw

18:39 UTC


Is this normal?

I’m 14f and pretty routinely I get really hungry, horny, and depressed late at night 😭 idk if my hormones are out of wack but also my period hasn’t come for nearly a year (my last period was in November)

I just feel like some kinda wild animal because first I get really hungry then horny and then depressed… then in the morning I’m fine

18:00 UTC


Has any gotten an STI while using condoms?

They are not claimed to be perfect protection, but wonder if it is common to happen in the real world

23:30 UTC


How to ride my bf

Before my bf and I were having sex I would sit on hip lap and I would grind against him, which felt really good. But now that we're having sex, positions where I'm on top just don't feel as good. My thighs also get really tired quickly regardless of how I try to position myself, so we pretty much just end up just kissing with him inside me until he wants to change postions. I really want to make it work but I just can't seem to figure it out.

21:17 UTC


Low sensitivity in clitoris

I (21F) have never had a sensitive clitoris. I didn’t “learn” to masturbate til I was 17 and even then it was with a vibrator (the fact that I had to learn says enough). I also was not able to manually masturbate until the past year. Just rubbing my clit with my hand does nothing so I never understood when girls “hump a pillow” or whatever. I have to use one finger and it has to be very wet/lubed up for me to get turned on. As far as I know though I’m able to get wet a normal amount, with a guy etc. But it always takes me a while to orgasm on my own without a vibrator, unless I haven’t masturbated in a while.

I don’t really know what’s wrong with me. I’m feeling pretty bad about it. I feel sexless (and I am—I barely have sex because every guy I have sex with rejects me almost immediately). All in all I just feel numb because I can’t relate when my friends say it’s easy for them to masturbate manually.

14:27 UTC


Would you say you experiences with sex were better when single or married?

And is it because the respective guys are better physically? Or is it moreso the impact of the relationship?

12:04 UTC


Im in a LDR 19(F) and 21(M)

We both have a lot of sexual tension between us but the problem is i m unable to cum he wants me to cum so bad. We have had phone sex multiple times now i do get very wet and he gets hard too but its me who doesn’t cum please help me.

07:29 UTC


Found a penis that feels better than all others, how to recreate?

For whatever reason, this one guy’s penis makes me feel like fireworks of pleasure are going off inside me every time he hits a certain spot when he thrusts. I’ve never felt that before, has anyone had this experience? His penis doesn’t curve upward towards the g spot, it’s probably 5-6 inches nothing crazy, but it has quite a large tip that is angled down somehow (honestly pretty unusual looking but damn). Both doggy and missionary (if me laying on a table counts) feel equally amazing though so it must not be the direction of the bend! I’m so confused and kind of lost because he’s recently moved out of my state. How can I get that feeling again?? What am I even feeling?

09:09 UTC


My partner is amazing

My (22 F) partner (23 M) is the only person I’ve ever had sex with. (We’ve been together 2 years) every single time we have sex they get better and better at it. Finding new ways to pleasure me, recently they figured out how to make me cum during sex (usually they would use my help to make me cum) and now they can do it all by themselves. I always heard that women never cum when they fuck men and that men don’t care about making them cum, but my partner consistently strives to make me feel as great as possible. They are fantastic and I just wanted to share and say don’t settle for less. I’m gonna marry this guy one day.

07:09 UTC


Grinding pads?

F here. My girlfriend loves grinding against my thigh, and sometimes it can be hard to get the position -just- right.

I’m looking for a pad she can rub on that can be strapped to my thigh. Something soft and flexible. I’ve seen a few of them online, but most of them have tentacles, different shapes, etc. I’m not into that, and I just want a pad that’s soft and silicone with the ability to strap to my leg. Not looking for anything attached to a dildo — though I have some underwear equipped for a strap on, so I wouldn’t be opposed to a grinding pad that can go into the underwear. TIA!

03:17 UTC


Saw an AMA post about only having sex with one person

There is literally nothing wrong with never having sex with anyone else besides your partner that you lost your virginity too, but the whole post had a weird vibe. In a comment the OP posted about how they don't understand hookups and implied sex without a connection isn't valid.

Virginity is not purity and losing your virginity is only as big of a deal as you make it. Having casual sex doesn't make you worse than anyone else. And for the 100th time, just because you can't understand why someone would do something, doesn't immediately make it invalid. People do different things and just because you don't want casual sex doesn't make everyone else who does it crazy or something.

Idk what my point is, it just gets on my nerves all of this casual shaming around sex. I know it is way too much to expect from Reddit, but it still bothers me every time I see it.

00:12 UTC


I am so horny i could cry

As the title says, I am so horny I could fucking cry. It's been 6+ months since I've had any kind of connection with people beyond platonic and I was ok with it but it's really starting to get to me now. I can't do hookups(no judgement to anyone who does) bc i feel that i need to have a connection with the person before we get to that lvl or i feel really uncomfortable. I have essentially no to very little privacy bc i live with ppl so someone is usually always here and the walls are thin so using my toy makes me self-conscious that others hear it. I am so horny for physical affection that i am having dreams that i can't tell whether im asleep and thinking about this or im actually awake and just day dreaming of it. and worst they're involving ppl i should not and don't want to be thinking about this way im just so horny. i can't focus on workat allll bc all im thinking about is previous sexual encounters and how much my whole being craves it. i go to bed thinking of sex and wake up thinking about it. im so close to crying at almost anything and everything bc im so frustrated.

There is no current solution to this because the only answer for me would be a serious relationship but I do not see that happening anytime soon. I think this is my start towards celibacy which I've no problem trying but goddamn this is hard. Sorry if this sounds so whiny just venting.

19:31 UTC



What’s your favorite toy for your clit!?

13:35 UTC


I think I have sexsomnia

Which is apparently a thing, thanks google. All of a sudden I have started having sex in my sleep.

I've always had a lot of sex dreams, orgasms in my sleep, would wake from sleep feeling out of control horny... But three times now in the last few months I have had full on sex with my husband in the middle of the night and I do not remember it. Or like, I remember a flicker of it, and it kinda feels like it was a dream. Like if my husband said it didn't happen I'd believe him and think it was a dream.

Idk whats happening. I don't feel violated or anything, since I'm 100% sure I initiated it while asleep. But I feel weirdly upset that I didn't get to like, participate? I love sex and to know that it happened and I wasn't "there" for it makes me almost jealous.

Anyways, I told my husband he's not allowed to have sex with me in the middle of the night anymore, since apparently I'm actually asleep.

It's weird, and I don't really know what to do about it.

02:22 UTC


How old were you when you got your first sex toy?

I was in college I remember just amazed at the different shapes sizes and what they did. I didn't have a good relationship with my mother so I wanted to be that with my daughter. She is 13 going on 30 and she tells me everything and I value that so much but last night she told me that all her friends have toys and she really wants one to see if it's better. I don't think she's lying to me but I know I didn't talk about topics like masturbating with my friend. I'm battling my inner voice one telling me that that's a line I don't want to cross but another worried that she'll pull away from opening up to me.

No one told me being a mother I would be having this conversation

12:12 UTC


how to get over puritanical shame/madonna-whore/slut-shaming?

I had such a lovely evening yesterday. I went dancing and the lad I was paired up with was handsome, gentle and lovely. I was thinking to myself, nervously, that I really wanted to be able to flirt, gosh do I wish I knew how, it seems so easy for other people, why is this so awkward, why can't I figure this out...and then I think I managed. I was good with holding his gaze and I was able to crack jokes, ask about him, the sorts. We alternated who lead and who followed. I was grinning and having so much fun! And then I caught the eye of one of our dance teachers, and it's like in that moment, I shuttered my joy out and it was all replaced by shame from being perceived. Like "oh no, now they know how easy I am" "what was I thinking flirting with him", "what if he isn't enjoying this"

TLDR: I guess what I am asking is how to accept being perceived sexually and perceiving others sexually, that that perception doesn't mean degrading them or me being degraded. Book recommendations? Podcasts? Life advice? Also..is there an acceptable way to flirt with a person if your goal is neither a relationship nor fucking that same night? Is that a thing? Because most times, I'd much rather a heavy makeout sessions....anywho, that's my rambling for today. Thanks for reading me.

23:13 UTC


Why does rough sex feel good?

So I'm pretty inexperienced and my bf is usually pretty gentle with me, but last night he wanted to try being a bit rougher with me and I loved it! He threw me on his bed, bit me, pulled my hair and his thrusts were really rough, like it hurt, but in a good way.

Watching rougher porn usually turns me off, but for some reason I really liked get manhandled by him. It feels way less intimate, which is what I thought I liked about sex. Do any of you feel the same way?

17:24 UTC


Is it normal to take a long time to orgasm?

I’m 20, I have been with men and women but I just seem to take longer to reach it, sex does feel good and I don’t mind not reaching it if my partner does but I feel that sometimes the other part gets disappointed because I don’t get to that point easily. I’m not even totally sure if I had one, but to get me any close to that point it takes me a looooong time and tbh by that time I’m tired LOL

14:36 UTC


I found my g spot, now how do I cum from stimulating it?

I just had an AMAZING, super informative, and confusing orgasm. I was fooling around and I found my g spot! Recently I’ve been preferring some type of internal stimulation mixed with clit stuff to cum and that’s just what I did - though it felt like while touching my g spot it was building up to a separate orgasm as well as the clitoral one but I couldn’t reach it because it felt so new? If I touched both at the same time I would kind of loose one and it wouldn’t feel as good internally. I felt like I was gonna cum but it’s like I didn’t know how.

This is completely different from what my norm which is both at the same time and It feels like good ole clit gasm times 10. No this was wayyy different. When I was about to come I actually had to use both hands to stimulate each spot going back and forth but ultimately it was my clit that pushed me over the edge. During the orgasm all I did was finger and I temporarily blacked out while I was cumming but I couldn’t get there from JUST fingering you know?

For my orgasmic g spot gals is there a way for get past that not knowing “how” to cum this way? Usually if it was my clit and I wasn’t gonna cum I could speed up or go harder but it felt more abstract then that on the inside like there’s no real rhythm to match.

06:23 UTC


how to practice riding?

basically what the title says! I am awful at riding my partner without moving my entire body and I want to practice squatting and being able to move my hips separately. I had the idea of putting my strap on on a plushie / pillow thing, but I struggled to move much as the pillow was too soft and would just move around also. I'd like to try more riding with the strap but no idea how.

any ideas would be good, please 🥺

23:28 UTC


Complex blend of trauma, biology, experience or education?

I (38F) have recently diagnosed myself with sexual trauma, not from any physical assault in my past but from complicated religious teachings and upbringing issues.

I didn't have sex for the first time until age 31 with my LTR, after a few years of thinking I was asexual. I've been in therapy since then. I've only had 5 partners total. I use toys on myself, and enjoy them. But sex is problematic for me, and I've only just realized within the last week that it's sexual trauma.

I want to enjoy sensations of oral sex, but it feels like almost nothing to me. I can't enjoy it because of that as well as the mental issues to be expected from trauma.

The problem is I can't determine if it's fixable, and if so how, and if so from what it stems and what do I even need to address?

How do you go about separating all the various things that come from non-physical trauma, lack of experience, lack of knowledge about my own body (is my clit too small? Hood too big? Toy acclimated?)

Will my first appointment with a sex therapist address it?

I'm so lost and frustrated.

21:03 UTC


Get yourself a grind pad.

Ladies, if you are a fan of humping and grinding, you 100% need a grind pad.

I just tried mine for the first time & immediately made me a believer. Lol

No words, just… 💦🥵💦

There’s all sorts of them in diff shapes & sizes. This is the vibe pad I tried 🥵

04:15 UTC


I’ve NEVER had much feeling in my clit. And I’m getting desperate 😭

I’m 42. I’ve been married 22 years. My husband is amazing in bed. But I can only O with SUPER intense stimulation like from a very strong toy, and even then only sometimes. I want to be able to O when I get oral or whatever else from him or our female third. He has tried for our entire marriage. He has learned different techniques. It’s not him. He can get her off easily. But I’ve always been this way my entire life. My clit is very small so I don’t know if that has anything to do with it. For the longest time I just accepted it. But now that we have her too, it has rekindled my desire to be able to do this. She’s so amazing and I love her so much and I want to cum for her and for him. And for me. I want to enjoy what we have as much as they do. They try so hard for me. They are so wonderful. I want to fix whatever is broken in me. I asked an OB once and he just gave me a cream that didn’t work. (I’ve tried a bajillion creams and supplements) They’re cool about incorporating toys into our play so that I can cum at least sometimes, but I want to be able to cum with them, not just from a toy that may or may not even work.

01:36 UTC


My boyfriend d*ck is too big

How do I navigate riding my boyfriend. His penis is too big (thick) and it hurts when I get on top. He says he likes women on top. Does anyone have tips that will make it less painful.

10:39 UTC

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