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    [Unknown > English][Possible sanskrit, indonesian, malay] Steve Vai - Voodoo Acid - Ultra Zone album


    I've linked the time at which the 'queen bee' speaks in what may be an actual language. it's just one sentence repeated

    the first song of the album according to genius lyrics website features sanskrit, and indonesian or malay.


    (also the last song of the album features some lyrics in japanese)

    1 Comment
    07:44 UTC


    [unknown African language > English]

    My geography teacher decided to be difficult and sign only my shirt in his mother tongue so I wouldn’t be able to translate it.

    (He signed everyone else’s in either English or Swahili which they were able to translate using google translate 😭)

    1 Comment
    06:33 UTC


    [Arabic (Bahraini/Khaliji) > English]: Can you please help with the translation of a word in a song?

    The song is Gerga'on (Bahraini version): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJJFVCerdAU&ab_channel=ostathe - At around 00:55, the word الْمُكَدَّة - what does it mean?

    06:20 UTC


    [Japanese > English] An author's letter

    06:08 UTC


    [farsi>english] can anyone translate ? Thanks

    05:59 UTC


    [filipino > english] translation of filipino pick up line

    "Are you math? Sayo kasi ako bumubagsak"

    I feel like theres a play on words or something that I'm missing

    05:29 UTC


    [Japanese > English] Photographer's "遺書" on instagram. Possible trigger warning: Death

    A photographer (with a decent sized following) I follow on Instagram posted a suicide note yesterday. They usually post artsy, stylised videos where they are playing a character, but based on the comments I saw, I'm not so sure whether they are in character or not anymore and am worried. A week ago they posted this video. Could someone please translate what they are saying and why they have to "die"? I am honestly quite shocked and confused.


    1 Comment
    05:22 UTC


    [Chinese > English] Translate Chinese "Smack Talk"?

    Hello, I have a member of a stream community who is insisting the Chinese spoken here was not intended to be rude.

    He said this:

    Just to clarify I'm learning Chinese, and what I said translates to, "That was a fun fight, thank you for being part of it" [...] My Chinese is also very broken, which is why it may have sounded like trash-talking.

    However, given the context, the tone, and the suspicious nature of the events, I'm leaning toward this guy being full of bologna.


    1 Comment
    05:20 UTC


    [Japanese > English] address translation

    Just got an order on Etsy and I’m not sure how to create a mailing label for this address. Can anyone help?

    05:19 UTC


    Arabic to english

    Can someone please translate this comments

    مهما حرصت إذا دخلت المعاملات المادية بين اثنين ، فسدت


    إلا ما رحم ربي.


    ياعم اهدا

    يبقي أنا أكرهك

    ده حقيقة المال والنسوان انت بس اللي محرج

    04:46 UTC


    [Unknown > English] An audio snippet from a rather disturbing video

    On TikTok, there's a rather disturbing video showing what looks like a child with deformities being found by urban explorers. Maybe that's it, but maybe it's just a filter, makeup or puppetry. I'm trying to find the source, and getting a transcription, translation and language ID of the original 10-second audio would be a great way to start. Could anyone help me?

    The audio is at https://vocaroo.com/18A4P2csV8sw. Nothing graphic is shown. There's just audio.

    1 Comment
    04:30 UTC


    [Japanese->English] need help translating a song title

    hi! how would one translate "Where's the Revolution?" (title of a song by Depeche Mode) in the song's context? the deepl translator gives me **革命はどこに?**however i'm unsure if this grammatical pattern/structure is correct to use here, since the question in english doesn't refer to a physical object at a certain location. i'm wondering if rephrasing the question as "when's the revolution?" would yield a better machine translation but either way i'd greatly appreciate the help here. thanks in advance!

    04:00 UTC


    Unknown > English

    Tests as silver, picked up at a thrift store, no markings on back

    1 Comment
    03:50 UTC


    [Unknown > English] What are the odds?

    03:31 UTC


    [English > French] Program Notes for a Composition

    Hello! I am a University student in music composition. I am writing a piece based off of a story by the French philosopher Albert Camus. Because of this, I would like to add program notes in both English and French (so it may be performed for French audiences). I have attempted a translation myself but I am not fluent so I would really appreciate if someone could look over it to make sure it's intelligable.


    « Tableaux de ‹ Jonas ou l'Artiste au travail › » est une pièce programmatique en six mouvements qui cherche à accompagner et à projeter l'œuvre attribuée à Albert Camus - un philosophe français largement reconnu dans le domaine de l'existentialisme. Chaque mouvement suit l'histoire de Jonas, un jeune artiste dédié à sa passion - une ‹étoile brillante› comme décrite dans le roman. Le titre de chaque mouvement est extrait d'une partie de l'histoire, à l'exception du cinquième mouvement.

    I. « Solitaire » - L'histoire commence dans l'esprit de Jonas, seul et dévoué à son métier. Il a quitté l'étreinte de sa famille aisée pour vivre une vie modeste en faisant ce qu'il aime. Il épouse une jeune femme et a un enfant, mais l'importance ultime est ses peintures. La simplicité de la ligne de piano accompagnée du registre lamentant et élevé du basson dépeint la solitude reposante de l'artiste au travail.

    II. « L’Appartement se trouvaint au premier étage » - Hors de l'esprit de Jonas se trouve le Paris actif et animé, entourant son petit appartement au premier étage. L'œuvre de Jonas est d'abord inaperçue, puis rarement mentionnée, puis admirée, avant qu'il ne devienne l'artiste le plus largement reconnu de Paris. Des rythmes imprévisibles et des mélodies stridentes accompagnent le bourdonnement des étudiants en art, des professeurs et des passionnés d'art qui semblent toujours entrer et sortir de l'appartement se trouvaint au premier étage.

    III. « C’Est un effet de l’étoile » - À mesure que Jonas devient plus populaire, il est de plus en plus absorbé dans son travail. Paradoxalement, il peint moins et pense plus à la peinture. Les mélodies tristes des vents dépeignent la scène du déclin, mais sont bientôt emportées dans une rêverie idéalisée par l'effet de l'étoile. Sa popularité diminue alors qu'il réfléchit seul, envoûté par l'effet de l'étoile brillante.

    IV. « Il but le jour entier » - La douloureuse vérité de son déclin commence à se manifester pour Jonas. Il a perdu de vue l'étoile. Dans le désespoir, Jonas quitte la maison qu'il a inconsciemment construite autour de lui et cherche du réconfort dans le goût de l'alcool des tavernes locales - Il but le jour entier, à la recherche de son étoile.

    V. « L'Artist muet » - Il devient rapidement évident que Jonas doit rentrer chez lui car il n'y a certainement pas d'étoile ici. Il revient comme un étranger dans le quartier qui autrefois l'adorait et se réconcilie avec sa femme. Il s'isole, construisant un balcon dans son petit appartement pour peindre sans interruption, mais il passe ses journées à méditer - représenté par un fleuve continu de son du pianiste. C'est le seul titre non extrait de la pièce, bien que l'artist muet est muet soit l'artiste au travail.

    VI. « Solidaire » - Jonas, profondément en méditation, entend un son ; un son qui semble inconnu. Il entend le rire de sa femme alors qu'elle divertit des invités dans la pièce ci-dessous. Il entend les pleurs de son jeune enfant. Il entend le son de la ville et il réalise que son étoile n'avait jamais vraiment disparu. Nous sommes accueillis ici avec un air familier des vents et du piano ; peu de choses ont changé et pourtant la perspective de Jonas a révélé ce qu'il ne pouvait pas voir. Submergé par sa découverte, il s'évanouit et tombe de sa prison sur le toit. Un médecin se précipite sur les lieux pour assurer que Jonas n'a pas été blessé. Puis, comme le récit le dit,

    « ... Dans l'autre pièce, la toile [était] entièrement blanche, au centre de laquelle Jonas avait seulement écrit, en très petits caractères, un mot qu'on pouvait déchiffrer, mais dont on ne savait s'il fallait y lire solitaire ou solidaire »


    “Pictures of ‘Jonas, or the Artist at Work’” is a programmatic piece in six movements which seeks to accompany and project the work attributed to Albert Camus—a widely renowned French philosopher in the field of existentialism. Each movement follows the story of Jonas, a young artist dedicated to his passion—a “shining star” as depicted in the novel. The title of each movement is excerpted from a part the story, aside from the fifth movement.

    I. “Solitary” — The story begins in the mind of Jonas, alone, and devoted to his craft. He’s left the grasp of his wealthy family to live a modest life doing what he loves. He marries a young woman and has a kid, but the utmost importance is his paintings. The simplicity of the piano line along with the lamenting, high register of the bassoon depict the restful solitude of the artist at work.

    II. “The apartment was on the Second Floor” — Outside of the mind of Jonas is the active and lively Paris, surrounding his small apartment on the second floor. Jonas’ artwork is first unnoticed, then rarely mentioned, then admired, before he becomes the most widely renowned artist in Paris. Unpredictable rhythms and screeching melodies accompany the buzz of art students, professors, and art enthusiasts who always seem to revolve in and out of the apartment on the second floor.

    III. “It was an Effect of the Star” — As Jonas becomes more popular he becomes ever more absorbed into his work. Paradoxically, he paints less and thinks about painting more. The sorrowful melodies of the winds depict the scene of the decline, but are soon swept into idealized ponderance by the effect of the star. He wanes in popularity as he ponders onward in solitude—entranced by the effect of the shining star.

    IV. “He Spent the Entire Day Drinking” — The painful truth of his decline has begun to rear its head to Jonas. He has lost track of the star. In desperation, Jonas leaves the home he unintentionally built around himself and seeked solace in the local taverns’ taste in liquor—he spent the entire day drinking, looking for his star.

    V. “The Mute Artist” — It quickly becomes apparent that Jonas must return home as there certainly is no star here. He walks back a stranger to the neighborhood which once adorned him and reconciles with his wife. He isolates himself, building a balcony in his small apartment to paint without interruption but he spends his days meditating—represented by one continuous river of sound from the pianist. This is the only title not excerpted from the piece, although the artist that’s mute is the artist at work.

    VI. “Solidary” — Jonas, deep in meditation hears a sound; one that seems unfamiliar. He hears is wife laughter as she entertains guests in the room below. He hears the cries of his young child. He hears the sound of the city and he realizes that his star had never truly vanished. We greeted here with a familiar tune from the winds and piano; little has changed and yet Jonas’ perspective has revealed what he could not see. Overwhelmed at his discovery, he faints and falls from his roofbound prison. A doctor rushes to the scene to assure Jonas has not been harmed. Then, as the story goes,

    “In the other room… the canvas [was] completely blank, in the center of which Jonas had merely written in very small letters a word that could be made out, but without any certainty as to whether it should be read solitary or solidary”.

    1 Comment
    03:12 UTC


    Chinese/Japanese >English

    Chinese (or Japanese? sorry) > English plz

    02:58 UTC


    [Unknown > English] Lyrics (possibly Yoruba?) from Nei Lopes' song "Samba de Eleguá" (otherwise in Portuguese)

    Axé Balogum Meta

    Ode Inlê Abata!

    Oba Xangô Airá!

    Ologun Edé Babá!

    Iá Mi Oxum Iê Pandá!

    Iá Messã Oiá!

    Axé Iabá Iemanjá!

    Atotô Ajé Xalugá!

    Ibêji Mi Mojubá!

    Odudua! Obatalá!

    Mojubá Babá Ifá!

    Iboru Boye, Alafiá!

    1 Comment
    02:55 UTC


    [English > (Latin) Spanish] Looking for translator for my ongoing fanfic

    Hello, I am currently writing a fanfic for the fandom Villainous, and I am looking for a Latin Spanish translator who is willing to translate my fic. I am looking for these things:

    • Nuance. Somebody who has a good grasp on Mexican (or Latin American) slangs and cultural references and can also translate the original context of the sentences without losing the meaning/context.

    • The fanfic contains a lot of dark elements, and I have plans of making the fic a Dead Dove fic as well (Dead Dove basically means a fanfic that has a lot of mature elements and a tragic story), so the translator must be at least 17 or 18.

    • Someone who can commit their time to a long term translation job.

    • Knowledge on the Canon material. Well, this one is optional and the fic itself will be a crossover fanfic in the future (although a character of Villainous being tbe protagonist and Villainous being the main focus) but even reading the wiki of the Canon material(s) would be enough :)

    • If you have an AO3 account, please specify for me to credit you. If not, please specify any socials of you to credit you for your translation work.

    I won't put the AO3 link of the fic, because I am thinking of republishing it in a more refined way. English is not my first language either so I will probably have some beta readers review the fic before giving it for the translation. I wish everyone a great day, and if you are interested in the translation job, my DMs are open!

    02:44 UTC


    Japanese > English

    I came across this knife in an old trunk. I'm not sure if it's Japanese or Chinese but I think it's Japanese if somebody could please translate this for me I would really appreciate it thanks

    1 Comment
    02:01 UTC


    [Japanese > english] Fushi.i Inari Taisha fortune translation help

    Hi all, would like some help to translate the image to English. Thank you!

    01:56 UTC


    [Latin > English] For a tattoo

    Hi! So, wanting to be quick and not delay much, I'm a transgirl and I always said that I preferred being hated as a woman than being loved as a man, so I wanted to tattoo that, so I got through many online translators/chatgpt asking for a correct phrase in latin.

    I got three results that were said to mean basically the same, but I wanted human opinions on this because well, I prefer to rely on humans to do stuff, I just don't have money and completely forgot that reddit existed.

    Could y'all take a look and see if any of them are correct? If so, which is the best one, in terms of grammar? Here are the phrases:
    Malim odiosa femina quam amatus vir esse.
    Vellem potius esse odiosa mulier quam virum amatum.
    Malo odiosa esse mulier quam vir dilectus.

    Thank you in advance and I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

    1 Comment
    01:51 UTC


    [English > Japanese] For a tattoo)

    Hello all!

    I'm getting a tattoo in memory of my grandparents, who both loved the hanafuda card game and bad humour. Thus, I am getting a kanji tattoo with the card elements.

    I would like the tattoo to read 'Japanese' in kanji.

    Are these the proper characters?


    The "Japanese' could be in reference to the art style of the tattoo, or my own heritage. For what is essentially a bad dad joke, does context matter? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! Thank you in advance!

    01:49 UTC

    1 Comment
    01:41 UTC


    [Russian > English] Ok this is a tricky one, hope someone can crack this

    Found on streetview google maps:

    Sfera, Smotrovaya Ploshchadka, Ulitsa Patrokl, Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Russia, 690017

    3WPP+7V Vladivostok, Russia

    01:31 UTC


    [Italian -> English] This Genealogical Record from Priolo Gargallo

    01:31 UTC

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