
Photograph via snooOG

Free proofreading! No soliciting, no cheating on homework. Include a due date tag.


  1. Include a due date tag at the beginning of your title. The format is [Due yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm am/pm time zone]. If there's no due date, use [No due date]. AutoModerator enforces this! Details here.

  2. Please host your writing on Google Docs, and make it shared and commentable. You can do this by clicking the blue Share icon in the top right, then click Get shareable link, and change the pulldown menu from "Anyone with the link can view" to "Anyone with the link can comment".

  3. Get instructor permission for proofreading on classwork. Your teacher/professor may or may not consider the use of a community like /r/Proofreading to be contrary to academic integrity. It's your responsibility to verify with the instructor that it's acceptable to do so.

  4. No soliciting. It's great if you get paid for editing or proofreading, but do not advertise your services here. Along the same lines, if you'd like to pay someone, don't offer here.

  5. No proofreading requests for foreign language classes. Read this for more information.

Posts which break any of these rules will be removed.

Want to get one of those fancy "Verified Proofreader" tags next to your name? Check out this thread for information and application instructions.

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14,822 Subscribers


[due 2024-05-30 3:00pmCST] help with scholarship essay

hey everyone! i’m currently in pharmacy school and i’m applying for a scholarship for students who have inflammatory diseases. i have crohn’s disease, which is a type of inflammatory bowel disease. i have two prompts (each on separate pages of my doc), but the second one is optional and apparently doesn’t impact my score (not sure how that works). each prompt is limited to 2000 characters and i pretty much have it maxed out. once upon a time i was a fairly strong writer, but years of pharmacy school have left me with little practice. it’s worth noting that the application has very detailed information about me and my academic/professional experiences, so i don’t really need to give much of an introduction on myself.

thanks in advance!


18:52 UTC


[No due date] Archaic English phrases for a video game

Hello everyone!

I'm a game developer and part of my current project is a little horse racing game. I wanted to throw in some archaic (Elizabethan?) English phrases to emphasize the humorous nature of the game and I wanted to ask native English speakers to give me some feedback for what I came up with, since English is not my native language.

The language doesn't need to be historically correct, the focus is on the humoristic style, which can be exaggerated. I just don't want to embarrass myself ;)

Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vZZ6Qb7MRZx3HuSQbOXILH9ZjQ_z8bxIhMZJ1j28VR4/edit?usp=drivesdk

Thank you!

11:21 UTC


[Due 2024-30-04 12:00 pm BST] review criminal law essay

DM to review, this essay is on the topic of consent and is worth 50% of my grade.

21:32 UTC


[Due 2024-04-26 5:00 pm EST] “Term Paper” for Poverty and Inequality Class

Writing a college term paper for a poverty and inequality class. I would appreciate if anyone could help.

Discord: shivxayne

I would like to stay in contact to talk about my paper and the feedback. I will also send my paper through discord. Once again, thank you.

00:18 UTC


[No due date] Help to proofread a biography


The summary is as follows:

Mohammed Yasin was one of the many British Indian citizens who was swept up in the Independence Movement. At 16, the Indian subcontinent was split into two, and his family found them on the wrong side of the border. He was given the responsibility of taking his family across the border from India to Pakistan on foot. Along the way, he narrowly escaped a massacre and malnutrition. Reaching the other side, he had almost no material possessions to his name, but he used his wits and his own two hands to not only make a life for himself but, with what little influence he had, tried to make his country the promised land it was envisioned to be. His story is about an ordinary but sincere and fearless individual who pushed as hard as he could to fulfil his dream of Pakistan. 

06:42 UTC


[No due date] Vietnamese language proofreading

Need someone to help me proofread an entire book, must know Vietnamese and maybe French.

05:43 UTC


[No Due Date] Chapter 7 of my Book

I'd love for someone to proofread this chapter so i can see if my main proofreader missed anything


02:09 UTC


[No Due Date] Is anyone interested in proofreading something I've been working on? English isn't my native tongue, but I want to create something anyone could read. Here's the prologue.

The sun rose behind a trail of mountains, basking the earth with its light into a world of color. The call of birds can be heard in treetops, singing their morning calls.

It was a crisp morning when Callum stirred awake, embraced in his partner's arms. His eyes slowly focused on the tent's ceiling, drifting towards the person hugging him closely.

He stared into his girlfriend's face, beautiful and tranquil in her sleep. Her breath slowly came in and out, tickling his nose.

He still can't believe how such a woman came to be a part of his life. Not once did he think about having a stunning beauty beside him.

They've been together for 8 years, meeting inside a library-turned-coffee shop in California. It was one of those days when the rain of early February came crashing down the city, with only the shop's light illuminating the streets.

The two were soaked when the abrupt turn of weather came, seeking warmth inside the small shop.

They hit it off with only the two of them inside and his penchant for starting small talk with strangers. It would be magical if he had to say anything about the encounter. And the moments after that could only be described as unbelievable.

His job made it impossible to stay in one place, working in different states when the need arose. From being a cook, an electrician, or a family counselor, his work took him to many places.

Keeping a full-on relationship seemed out of reach, his only choices being hook-ups and one-night stands. However, Cathrine’s job as a photographer and video editor made it manageable to travel with him on the fly, which was made possible by the internet.

One particular job saw him as a substitute P.E. and History teacher in a small town in Minnesota. His friend and roommate back in University asked him for the position after they found out that both the P.E. and History teachers were detained for unsavory behavior inside the institute.

Of course, he wouldn’t be taking a job like this if it weren’t for his degree in Anthropology, which he deemed pointless now that he thinks about it, and his habit of physical activity. He always has to keep himself in shape to preserve his lifestyle of hopping from place to place. A sick day is the most detrimental blow to their finances after all, which the couple have gone through in their days together.

Still, he wouldn’t have taken the job altogether if his partner didn’t want to. Even if both of their work gave them the freedom to move around the country, it wouldn’t do his conscience any good if he unilaterally decided to take on the job.

But when he asked, it surprised him that Catherine was all in with moving into Minnesota for a year. He would have thought that they would need a long serious conversation for this, but his worries dissipated when he saw her partner smile at the prospect of moving to a small town away from the city.

Her excuse was that it had a lot of scenic views good for her photographic career, but he knew that she just wanted to have time off from the busy city life that they had grown accustomed to.

Moving into that apartment was an ordeal all on its own, full of strict documents that would have been impossible to get if not for his connections. But it made the whole thing worth it after meeting the neighborhood—specifically, their next-door neighbor Jake.

If he had to describe Jake, he would be that one cool older brother that you never knew was part of the family. He was tall and stocky, standing 6’4, an inch taller than Callum. A grin always crosses his clean-shaven face. He is outgoing and friendly, making it easier for Callum to know the guy.

Catherine also seemed to already know him, offering stories when they were young. They never did say where they came from, but it wasn’t his place to pry.

The months flew by, with multiple birthdays and anniversaries celebrated with some friends they’d made in their travels. Some even invited the both of them to their weddings and baby shower parties, their friends hinting for them to take the next step in their relationship. But their jobs were so erratic, making it impossible without a good foundation to work on.

Even if he had the job of a teacher, he still found himself working around the small town, lasting for a few more years after discovering the quiet town enjoyable. He met new people coming in and out of the cities, seeking to escape the bustle of life in tall buildings and scrapers.

With these jobs in his pocket, their finances grew more stable in the years that past them by.

When the month drew close to February, Callum thought about taking a breather. Even if he was keeping himself healthy, time was still something he couldn’t stop.

At the age of 34, the things he used to do easily seem harder. His body can’t keep itself functional without giving it its overdue vacation. Hence why they are here now.

It was still a wonder how he decided now was the time to tie the knot when they'd been living under the same roof for the past few years, but he couldn't complain when it made hopping between places easier for him and his partner.

While reminiscing about the past, he heard a murmur beside him, drawing his drifting mind back to the world.
He looked at his partner's face as her eyes drifted open. Their gazes were locked for a moment with smiles hanging on their faces.

"Good morning." said the singsong voice.

She sounded sweet in Callum's ears, melodic in a way that calms his body.

"Good morning," Callum said, drawing a giggle from the person before him.

"I can never get enough of your morning voice."

"Then, I guess I'd have to speak closer." He said, moving his head near hers.

"That works for me," Catherine said, closing the distance and stealing a peck on his lips.

He felt like they could've stayed like that for all eternity, letting the warmth permeate the atmosphere as they held one another.

But his stomach made itself known by growling loudly, bringing both of them back to reality.

"Looks like someone's hungry." His partner said with a chuckle.

"A shame" he replied, retaliating by stealing a kiss of his own.

“But breakfast could wait.”

Making the rounds in the morning has been a daily routine for both of them. The constant moving around made them prepared for quick morning preparations.

Callum can't even remember the last day they had time to relax, but all the work made this vacation worth it.

Before heading out to get a start on breakfast, he got to his travel bag and dove his hand into one of its pockets. Some of his savings have been put into their vacation trip in one of Oregon's many forests, but most of it was spent on what he's trying to find.

After a few minutes of blindly fumbling his hand inside his backpack, he finally pulled his hand out and looked at what he was holding.

In his hand is a small black box, containing a silver ring holding a diamond at its center.

Callum thought himself stingy for all his life, having a pragmatic mindset when it comes to his wellbeing. However, this one purchase is something that he considered he needed to splurge on. It wouldn't do his morals any good when the one thing that would change the course of his entire life is bought cheaply. At least, he thought it would.

Nodding to himself, he closed the precious box and stored it in his pockets, looking around to see if his partner had seen what he was holding.

Proposals are supposed to be a surprise after all.

Heading out of the tent, he found his partner readying their portable stove on a foldable table. She was humming one of her favorite cartoon songs as she got out some of their foodstuffs.

Callum walked over, looking around to find the other person that came with them on the trip.

“Where’s Jake?”

“He left to take the loo,” she said, back turned to him as she scrambled some eggs in a bowl. “He can’t keep it in anymore after drinking the last of our beer.”

Callum wrapped his arms around her waist, halting her mixing of eggs in a bowl.

“Well, I wouldn’t say no for a little bit of privacy,” he grumbled, irritated at Jake’s sudden decision to invite himself to their vacation.

Cathrine put her hands on his, squeezing them a bit. “Forgive him. He’s a bit overprotective when it comes to me. And it’s a good way to thank him for all the things he’s done for us.” Which is true.

Jake helped them settle in Minnesota, and his friends helped them move in some furniture. Also, he did most of the repairs in their dingy apartment free of charge.

“You’re a woman worthy to be protected, after all, Queen Catherine,” He said, hugging her closer to him.

“Why thank you, King Callum” she replied.

The both of them laughed, happy to be left alone for a while under the sunlit canopies above.

Cooking fell on Callum that morning, making egg and bacon sandwiches for all of them. He had the experience of cooking when his Uncle introduced him to work at one of his friend’s grill houses. An experience he’s not going to forget after he botched his first roast.

“Isn’t he coming back? Must be one hell of a hungover if he’s out for hours” Callum asked while eating, a bit worried that Jake hadn’t come back from the trip in the woods

“He’s fine. He’s one tough bugger after all.” Cathrine said, waving her hand as if to waft away their worries.

“Hope he’s not violating Mother Nature by relieving himself in the woods.” He replied, shivering at the memory of him walking in on Jake buck naked when he visited his apartment.

“It would be a waste not to eat this too,” Callum said while pointing at the untouched sandwich he made for Jake.

“Let’s just leave a note or something. I found this nice clearing yesterday anyway, so why not explore while we wait for Jake to come back?” His partner replied, finishing her last bite of the sandwich and drinking her orange juice.

Callum nodded, not seeing any reason to worry more about Jake. He could survive a fall from a second-story building after all, which Callum contributed to the guy’s tough body. If anything, he’s more worried about what Jake was doing inside the woods.

After finishing their breakfast, they fell into a routine of cleaning up their makeshift campsite and exploring their surroundings. Leaving a note to notify Jake of where they were going.

The hike to the clearing was challenging, to say the least. Full of slopes and small rivers that they’ve got to cross, killing Callum’s back in the process.

It was creeping up to noon when Callum and Catherine finally found the clearing to rest in. It would also do great for his whole purpose of planning this trip after seeing it with his own eyes.

Flowers decorated the clearing, with willow-like trees that surrounded it. The sound of flowing water could be heard as they had to cross a small creek to get inside. Sunlight illuminated the single tree in the middle of the clearing, small flowers adorning it, showering the ground with yellow petals that drift like snow.
Callum was spellbound, with Catherine grinning at him from the side. It was a safe haven, a sanctuary for anyone to come upon the place. And it was perfect for a wedding proposal.

He walked in the middle of the clearing, breathing deeply to calm his racing heart as he neared the large tree in the middle. This moment will determine the course of his life, and it wouldn't be ideal if he stuttered now.
Steeling his nerves, he looked back towards his partner, standing there in all her beauty as petals slowly fell from the sky.

“What’s going on? You just started meditating or something” She said with laughter.

With a wry smile, Callum beckoned Catherine to come closer to him, his right hand tucked inside his pocket holding the small box.

She complied, moving closer, inches away from his towering frame.

His mind was a jumbled mess for a second, as her proximity made him see closer to her stunning face. But he stilled himself, now clutching the small box inside his pocket with his right hand.

“Catherine, it has been 8 years since we’ve been together. And I know that we’ve had some challenges during those years. But I wouldn’t be the man I am today if I hadn’t met you in that small shop in California.”

Catherine chuckled, her hands holding his remaining hand, squeezing it for him to continue.

“I may not be your ideal man, but I’ll try to be. And I wouldn’t want anything else in the world than for you to be with me.” He finally finished.

Stepping back a few paces, Callum retrieved a small black box and opened it. Then, dropping to one knee, he finally posed his question.

“Will you marry—”

Just as he was about to finish his sentence, a sharp pain surged in his back.

Cold steel met flesh. Pain rushed into his system, making him jerk wildly to look behind him. The engagement ring fell to the wayside as he lurched from the pain of quickly looking behind. Staggering from a knife in the back, he now sees his killer, eyebrows raised high from surprise as he realizes who it is.

"Jake?" Callum said in a gasp.

His lungs burned, punctured by metal, making his breath short and agonizing. His best friend for 5 years stared at him with determined eyes.

Callum’s mind couldn't believe it. He tried to understand what was going on, for a short moment, but he was brought back to reality as the knife was suddenly pulled out.

Coughing up blood, he slowly glanced back to see his partner, tears in her eyes, her mouth trembling and pressed thin.

Before he could say a word, Catherine swiftly swiped her hand, and suddenly, everything went dark.

20:35 UTC


[No due date] Proof read my essay

was wondering if anyone could read my essay on how love and happiness connect in romeo and juliet. i really need help in making sure i do good on this essay and im only in grade 10 so the essay is only around 1000 words. the essay is supposed to be an analytical essay in prose form.

01:34 UTC


[Due 2024-04-16 12:00 am MST] Practice Essay

Hey, folks! It's my first time here.

I love proofreading, and I love having my work proofread! Below is an essay I wrote for class, but I'm not super worried about it. Look it over if you'd like, and let me know if there's anything I should work on! I was just curious about my writing style because I don't tend to seek outside opinions.

Also, if anyone needs me to look over something, my messages should be open ^^

I hope you're having a lovely day!


03:03 UTC


[no due date] Proofread this email I am going to send to ask my teacher to write me a rec letter for college

Dear [————], Hello! I wanted to ask you if you would consider writing me a letter of recommendation for my college applications. I have truly enjoyed being in your English class for the past two years, and I feel like you have been a major factor in my growth as a student and as a writer in the past six months. Additionally, being in your class has given me to opportunity to rediscover my love for reading, a skill I know I will carry with me throughout my life. Overall, I see you as one of my favorite teachers, and I would appreciate it if you were to consider my request. Please let me know if you need any additional information or have any questions. Hope you’re having a great day!

Your student, —————

1 Comment
22:40 UTC


[No due date] Need native speaker

I’ve been working on translating this sci-fi short story from Chinese to English so I can share it with my English speaking friends. Anyone interested in proofreading and fixing it a bit? It’s hands down the one of the best short stories I’ve ever read. I’m hoping for someone who read a lot and writes well but honestly as long as you’re native. Thank you!

08:05 UTC


[no due date] proofreading practice

[no due date] I am in the middle of learning how to proofread. My primary goal is to proofread for creative writers and authors. If you have a short story or section from a book (under 3000 words) I would love to proofread it for free, to get some practice and get some feedback from you. Feel free to direct message me so I can provide you with my email to further communicate!

1 Comment
22:52 UTC


[NO DUE DATE] Looking for a proofreader for romantic visual novels

Hi everyone! We are developing romantic stories (18+) and are planning to localize them, but we realize that our knowledge of American English will not be enough for this project.

We are looking for people who would be ready to help us for a fee.

We will be glad to hear from you!

11:01 UTC


[No Due Date] Need help deciding between two versions of a translation, material is from a WWI concentration camp survivor


Thanks for taking the time. Recently translated a short book (50 pages single-spaced A4) of non-fiction. Generally, non-fiction is a breeze to translate, but in this case the author was also a poet and used fairly expressive language. Closest thing that comes to mind is "Heart of Darkness" by Joseph Conrad, due to the long sentence and paragraph structure.

Anybody willing to give opinions on the two versions of the translation? One is "raw", the other "polished" (grammar and spelling already checked, but sentences chopped up a bit for an English-reading audience). Interested in which you find more impactful/comprehensible.

Raw: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EEpFq11zSrBci-pQxunM3STgcu03jyJhhw6EUf4htq4/edit?usp=sharing
Polished: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13V98C0ro7o0IV6NEOm3BndmeLzAD6YxEfaSx5QF9UK4/edit?usp=sharing

05:58 UTC


[No Due Date] just need someone to proofread this 1st chapter of a Fantasy novel

05:16 UTC


[No due date] Need help proofreading a Skyrim in-game book

I'm working on a Skyrim mod that is basically done and I wanted to add a book (or actually maybe two or three, the Google Doc itself is one and a half page long) explaining it in the context of the game's lore.

My english isn't the best, I tried my best correcting myself, but a fresh pair of english-speaking eyes would help me going over the mistakes I can't see myself. The style itself doesn't deserve a Pulitzer but it doesn't have to anyway, I'm principally worried about grammar, I know this is a weak point of me.


For a little more context, my mod is a player house with new followers in it. The book is about the first Akaviri invasion of the year 1E2703. Every characters, places, items and main event talked about really happened in the lore, I just tweaked it a bit to insert the existence of my own mod.

Comments are up, but you can also hit me up here if you need.

Spoiler tag because, while inconsequential to any game directly, this may talks about some general lore points you'd prefer going over while playing the game itself.

16:26 UTC


[No due date] Proofreading an open-source software documentation/guide

Hello. French speaker here. I wrote an open source software (still a work in progress). I made a website and I wrote some documentation. Would appreciate if a native english speaker could read it and provide comments.

I corrected what I could with my knowledge and a corrector software.
When I post the URL, my posts gets deleted, so I guess PM me.

It's an open source software, so it's voluntary work that I do in my free time. I am not against paying someone, but keep in mind that the budget might be lower than you expect if you do that for a living. I make no money out of that.

The ideal would be if changes could be committed to GIT, but I can manage copy/pasting to a google doc if that is preferred.


1 Comment
14:49 UTC


[No due date] can we proofread this quote that I created?

"Success is depends on your way From Frederic Chopin to Moira De La Torre It's intelligence could be yours depending how you behave"

11:30 UTC


[no due date] proofreading games or tests online to perfect skill?

I have a new job that requires it, and apparently my skill has dulled significantly since high school. Could anyone reccomend a game or an online test that might help me practice a bit more?

Preferably something more high school level at least. Ive tried Paper’s Please, but i dont think its quite what im looking for.

16:22 UTC


[No due date] looking for an english proof-reader / linguistic / tutor for my article.

English is a foreign language for me, although I learned the language just for my novel writing. So, I am currently writing short stories to develop my skills. Please read and leave your remarks on my English level.

Here is the Google Docs link. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kIAlTw8jhkmISl-y15PJTdpQO7iMmNqKjYYUB155PBU/edit?usp=drivesdk

06:38 UTC


[No due date] Need Help with College App Essays – Stuck in ADHD Paralysis!

Hey everyone,
So, I’m kinda in a pickle here. I’ve got ADHD, and it’s really throwing a wrench in my plans to tackle my college application essays. Like, seriously, I’m stuck in this ADHD paralysis loop, and I can’t seem to break free.
I know these essays are super important, but every time I try to start, my brain just goes, “Nope, not today!” It’s frustrating as heck, let me tell you.
I’m reaching out to see if anyone here can lend a hand. Whether it’s editing, reviewing, or just offering some words of encouragement, I could really use the support right now. Maybe you’ve been in a similar situation or know someone who has – any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I’m determined to push through this and give it my best shot, but I could definitely use a little help from my fellow Redditors. So, if you’ve got a spare moment and a kind heart, please consider lending a hand.
Thanks a million for taking the time to read this. You’re all awesome!

1 Comment
16:38 UTC


[No due date] Proofreading of a german Script for a Video about "Swiss Meat"

Hello everyone,

i'm working on a videoscript about the meat industry in switzerland and wanted to ask for some help. If there is anyone, that can help me: i would be open for paid work. For questions just text me.


1 Comment
10:25 UTC


[No Due Date] Portfolio Building

Hi, all!

I’ve seen similar posts here, so I’m giving it a shot. I recently took a proofreading certification course and am looking to build my portfolio. As a lifelong perfectionist and lover of the English language, I promise to deliver the highest quality work so you can feel confident submitting or posting error-free writing. I would be happy to read and provide corrections for your website content, emails, social media captions, business documents, and anything else you might need. In return, I would simply ask permission to use samples of the revised content as part of my freelancing portfolio.

Thank you!

17:15 UTC


[Due 2024-04-19 11:59 pm EST] Flight Training Scholarship Essay

Looking for content, grammar, formatting corrections. Thanks!


19:09 UTC


[No Due Date] Free Proofreading and Editing to Build Portfolio and Reviews

Hello everyone! I am just getting started as a freelance proofreader and editor. To build my portfolio, I am currently offering free editing services in British or American English for any document that is 3000 words or less. My services include proofreading, copy editing, line editing, and developmental editing.

In exchange for proofreading or editing your work, I am hoping for two things: A review, and your permission to include your writing on my website (with a screenshot of my track changes/comments). I can include your name, initials, or “Anonymous” as you prefer.

About Me: I started as a biologist (I have a Master's degree in biology), fell in love with science communication, and then found myself doing more and more proofreading/editing. I recently completed two courses through Knowadays to ensure that my skills meet current professional standards. I look forward to working with you!

22:28 UTC


[NO DUE DATE] Proofreading Services

Recently, I completed a comprehensive proofreading and copyediting course and am now actively seeking to broaden my portfolio. With a particular interest in fiction, I am eager to enhance my experience in this genre. To this end, I am offering complimentary proofreading services for a portion of your writing. The submitted material should range from 500 to 2,500 words in length. I will return the revised text with corrections and queries using Microsoft Word's track changes feature. In return, I kindly request permission to include your name and the title of your work in my expanding portfolio, accompanied by a review from you. Rest assured, I uphold strict confidentiality and will neither plagiarize nor share your work with any third parties. Thank you for considering this offer, and I look forward to collaborating with you. Please note, I plan to fulfill 10 pieces of work under this arrangement, after which this free service will be discontinued. Current progress: 4/10!

03:53 UTC


[Due 2024-03-10 12:00 am est].

Dear all :

I would appreciate if someone can read my motivation letter and check for mistakes (Spelling- grammar- cohesion - if things make sense ) .

I deeply appreciate your help.

Kindest regards.


17:16 UTC


[Due 2024-03-04 8:59 pm EET] Erasmus Motivation Letter

Hello, I'm writing motivation letter for Erasmus, would appreciate if you could check grammar/spelling and are there sentences that makes no sense . It has to approximately 300words. Thanks again ;).


Btw, English is not my first language;/.

16:51 UTC

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